86-598 , +� /���j . . , �� _�_ __ �_ -- - - - - _ _ _ _ _ - -- — - -- --- —_ —-- -- — I � WHITE - GI7V CLERK � o NK - F N�N�E G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Coun il CANARV - OEPARTMENT BLUE - M-AVOR I F11C NO• Return copy to: • ' � Valuations'�.- Room 2118 �DU c�l Re lution ;�--� (RM) (Jackso�Str) • � _ � ; Presented By d �Referred T QU��/L W ��YS — �s Committee: Dat Out of Commit ee By Dat WHER�A The Council of the City of Saint Paul by Council Resolution C.F. 86-274 approved March 12, 1986 did va ate ce�tain public lanld in he City of Saint Paul, described as f llows: Thatjpart of ackson Street as opened over part f Lots 7 and 8 , Bloc 27, City of St. Paul (St. Paul roper)i lyingj within t following described lines: Be inning' � at the most Wes rly corner of Lot 2, Block 4, apitol'� Centrle No. l; the ce S 53 degrees 24 minutes 20 econds W (assumed bearin along the Southwesterly extensionl of tY�e Northwester line of said Lot 2 a dist nce of� 5.25 feet; thence S 6 degrees 55 minutes 20 se onds E 253.4j2 feet; thence N 3 degrees 13 minutes 40 secondsl� E 11.25 feet to an ang e point on said Lot 2; t ence 81 d�grees 52 minutes 8.50 feet to an angle oint o�n said 'Lot 2; thence N 36 d grees 55 minutes 20 se onds � 247.4'0 feet along the Sout westerly line of sai Lot to tlie point of beginning; lso � Thatlpart of Sibley Street and that part of ot 13 Bloc� 27, City of St. Paul (St. Paul Proper lyin with n the following described ines: Beginnin at th mostI Northerly corner of Lot 1, Block 4, Capita Centr No. 1 ; thence S 31 degrees 4 minutes E ( ssume bear�ing) along the Northeasterl line of said Lot 1 distance of 235.52 feet to an ang e point in t e lin of s�id Lot 1; thence S 8 degrees 1 minutes 40 second W 25.05 feet along the lot line o said Lot to t e Nort westerly line of Kellogg Blvd; hence N 53 degree 13 � inutes 40 seconds E 19 . 0 feet alo g th Nort}�easterly extension of said North esterly 1 ne to poinit hereinafter referred to as point "A"; th nce N degr es 13 minutes 40 seconds E 28.74 f et; the ce N 3 deg �ees 00 minutes W 232.0 feet to the p int o r ar of Lot 13 COUNC[LMEN Requested by De rtment f: Yeas Drew Na}�s Nicosia ln Favor Finance & Man ement Service Rettman 1 ` Scheibel �` Sonnen i _ Against BY � Director Tedeseo Wilson Form App oved by City At rney Adopted by Council: Date B � � � Certified Yassed by Cou�cil Secretary Y B}� Approved by Mavor: D�te _ Appr v d by Mayor for Sub i io o uncil � BY -� - — I � WHITE - C�TV GLERK ' PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Cou cil CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO BIUE - MAVOR � Return copy to: ' . • Valuations - Room 218 CQUn R eso �ZOn �,-`✓� (RM) (JacksonStr) � � • � Presented By Referred To I Committee: Dat Out of Committee y Dat Blocl� 27, ity of St. Paul (St. Paul Proper) wh 'ch lies within the following deacribed lines; begin ing at above descr ' bed point "A", thence N 53 deg ees 13 minutes 40 s conds E 20.41 feet; thence N 37 d grees, 00 m nutes W .32 feet, thence S 8 degrees 13 minutes 40 s�conds W 28. 74 feet to the point of beginni g. WHERIEAS, based pon utility easement certificates of Intended i�on-Use filed v luntarily on behalf of Nort western Bell Telephone Company, North rn States Power Company, t e Department of Publiq Works, the Wa er Utility, Continental ablevision, District �Ieating Developmen Company and Western Uni n and made a part hereQf by this referen e and filed in the offi e of the City Clerk� of Saint Paul, the Cit for itself and on beh lf of these corporations and departrae ts waives the right to utility easements! in the vacated areas as described in the C rtificat� of Intended Non-Use. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOL D, pursuant to Se tion 130.06 of the Sa�nt Paul Legislative Co e and on behalf o the City of Saint Paul and those persons fo whom the City as reserved easement�, the Council of the Ci y of Saint Paul does hereby waive and release the retained uti ity easements i the vacated public pr�Operty as specified in the Certificates of Intended Non- Use; and � BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that upo passage of th s Resolution the City �lerk is hereby authorized a d directed to ile a copy of this resolution for recording in the office of th Register of Deeds oflRamsey County, and shall maintain a opy of all Certificates of Intended Non-Use refer nced in this esolution, on file in t�e Office of the City Clerk. 9: � :; COUNCILMEN I Requested by Department f: Yeas Drew Nays Nicosia �_ [n Favor Finance & Ma.na eme t Services Rettman d Scheibel Q Sonnen __ Against BY � Director �sdeseo W ilson Form App ed by ity At orney Adopted by Council: Date Certified a.s y Co ncil S tary BY � � By� . Approved by Mavor. Date _ Appr by Mayor for Su sio to uncil BY - - — \ � � / y � ' \ . , 2 � i � � O � � 2�4 � ^� T� ,J � .,n ` `''�\ ��� � � �� ' � 4' i � / -► ;� — O , , � ` `.. \ � " ,' ` �� � � �' � ��� '� � 2 ,. O • � C1� � �p � T '��' ,. � o� � � �� . ' � � �'o�', � � �' , �, , rt-� � y�i � � � � � . Q � � � � f� � ' . W � � � r i — i �'�. � �' � � .,f� � / • ' i ��� �� w� i u � �� i� � o �� �� 2�+' •��s •1' ' n ir o � — � "c�`9 0 c , — . , •�'2 �O' ���• , .To � d'\ � �, - - �y ; �W�� � N ,' .. �,� � '� —�O �� .. �u �R � 9� � � ^ , � M �� �� �� • �, C � � l� � �i 1 V� ', i � , �`i �� � '% � J � � . I�� �b� 5� �c, � � rt• � �• _ r-, ` ��!�� �,4 �9 �b si 6 v� ^ ^, ,' 0.,� ,e s . � � J� ���' � � � �� � �' �� t9 -i— �d • . � � � �.� � � � ` N �, �_,��, �. . � , , ,o� N � � o ♦ 6 � .�+ � � A � �' , (AJ •�' � � � �_ J . o � � /� � � a � J' ,� /.' v � -,� Z' � �. ��. .�' r D•, o �, ��, '� i T:'��� O v ,�' } �k- N� ., (}� c�S ' O \'♦ , '/ N� �J • � � + N pj \ 2. °� � �C��' 6' I � � i, � � � ` � , 6+ \ — .�i � �. � ` i � �-O� . � � o � �A . �� � � , � (� �. D \ i - � . �� ' � �r, � N �g � i� � - :.e , � � `� /� rn D . � ` ',��, � � �..- ' � 2 / F +, �� '^ . � � O / 0�8�'��o R v �// � ^ - �N \ / � �� � � n . � ` , /� .,C� C� . � � /' `� � ,G�c�),� S, �o' ���. 1�� � iS >> c' � � ((� �� ^ ��o �� � �s,`F'. �P � ' � - I � (P , _ �. �. •I , �• ♦� s) — � �� � i ...• � � D � .� ' � � � � � � ` C�R 74` Z. �/ !''� � �O � -� -� D �� , S O �j� �,- �' . i �� s o� � o c�_ m D � �� � - \ �%'�o �� 'L`�,� o , 2� �. `� � \ � � � , ' - / �� �� �, w �, � . , �,,� ,. rn �'��1 ..W H IT l+ 1 f � �� , �C \ � ' . \\ ' ` , � � e�) --T N � � � � � � � � \ � C,.�,6 � � ) ' � �l ^ � \. � � � � �,�, . �, � W �a �3 � � ' oy � . ` \ O �o � . . � � � ?r., .. � , � W .. - ---.._.� .. ,_..._: ' �..��......_ .......:.....-+.�...:��....,.:,+,r ' '" ei �e�nm • � ,^.�.-m....w....,..,....�.., .,- . , ,.� .,.....�. ... . . . . .,....... r^...�..,•i;T�',^_+niR'.' .. . . ... . wF11TE - GTV CtERYh�... _,� .. . � . �. . i • COII CII PINK - FINANCE � � I�Y O�F SAINT PAU. � � �(� -� �'{ CANARY - OEPARTMENT � BLUE -MAVOR �� . �' F�iC NO• � .'�� � ou � cil Reso tion��� . ���� C��--�s�� j - , Presented_By � Valuatio s&Rssessments Di lon Referred To ' Committee: Dep� � �° Out of Committee By Dat �'PSD, that � t�te getftf.oa of the Hc�tsf�g d ReBav�ei- �t .]w►thority of t�rer Citg c�f 8aint Pattl. per P'i2e . 23-1983, thaL Part i�' Sibley a�d d�cltsos� Sts�ets bet�eea �Cell Hc�ulevard an�d. 4th St=set 2�rai�t�c �cribed be a� th� ia h�reby , ��� a�d di�n�aned as a �iic �treet: i'b.at �art +�f J�a �ttreet as o� over patt Lots ?' assd 8, ��oeak �?; cit� af St� Pa�l t�t. Pan.i 3 ' . lyi�g�, vithia tne toilv�inq �cribad liae�: Heq irg at tb�e a�t t1�asGsr�y �c of Lrat 2, � 4 f � Ceatsae l�ia. 1� �ee�ae � �3 � 243 at3�t�a 2� �s �f ��taso�ed D�sa��g3 a,Z+oo9 t3te So�st�a�tez�.y on ,R,� !.� �o�thw�t�erlp I.i�e of araf,�E Lot 2 a d�.s c�f 3.3� fea�t� ttwa�ce S 35 .55� �inates 20 � 253:�Z fa�ets t�e ���s 13 aiast.� �4 � i; �t 11.��5 f+�t �o mrt angla �� a� sa3.c� Lo� �� � _ : $� deqs�eae�c � �a�ae�, �[ 6.� �� to a�e �ia at an : �a#.d.T#�t 2�. � �i 3� �sg�es 35 �t�s 2fl 1t .Zt?.+�� f�et a�rm� �e S�terlg 2i� of said Lot 2 to : tAe poiat t,� ��i�g� �3�0 �Sl�tt patt o� 3ib2� S�t�oat �t tl�st ps�t t�f L� 3� . �o�; a�r� �.� �r st. � t�. �a� ��y z , .eith.ia tbe fo?►a.+c��issq �arib�ea �.iar�s: seq3.nai�g at t�s �st lbst3�+sr11 courer �' Lc>� 2, Blc�c� +�s �i C�rats� ]�► 3; �� � �� :3agrees #' � � - : �a�a�� �sst�?�g,� � t�s 8crzt�a�aterly lin� o aai� - � i�crt l'I a dii��aa�oe +o-!'` 225�SZ l�siet t� an ae�g'ia �a'ia iA t� . �`� . � �#�. _ � aa�3' �.g i t.� 8 � � 13 �.�s�e 4�# � w 2'�.45 ls�t a3ex� t3�e lot Y.i.a�e o! said l . to :avrt�s�lg �.i�, � �ell�vgy 8�.�is 3� 53 � ._. ,,�cees, I�3 � #q s�soo�ds 1! 29«� feet aac�g' . . t�c1�► �ic�s of aa,�d �oirth�st�er�y � tc� �a Y a.���K�L�ets s�aelazrad toG as pofat 'A"� ce , COUNC[LMEN Yeas p�� Nays I Requested by Department oE: Nicosia ' In FaVO[ - Rettman ' " ��%��� SChNb�t ' � S,n,,.,, A gai nst BY Tedesco ' G.,:�_ Wilson � ` Form Approved City Attor ey ' � Ado ted b Council: II Date • P Y •� r � �,� � Z� � Certified Passed by Counc.i!1 Secretary BY I By� , Approved by Yfavor. Date' Approved by Mayoc-.�or S bmi s�on to Council � \� '.�;;. ���'�� ,j;,: �';. _ By. — . . �.y�, ;.;� ` c .�1, : i . . - � _ . � . ' � r --�°-1 � � �,c-� � N 8 degrees 13 minutes 40 seconds E 28. 74 feet; thence N 37 degrees 00 minutes W 232 . 0 feet to the po' nt of beginning; Together with a triangular part of Lot 13 , Blo k 27 , City of St. Paul (St. Paul Proper) which lies ithin the following described lines ; beginning at ab ve � described point "A" ; thence N 53 degrees 13 mi utes . 40 seconds E 20 . 41 feet; thence N 37 degrees, 0 minutes W 20 .32 feet; thence S 8 degrees 13 mi utes 40 seconds W 28 . 74 feet to tYie point of beginn' ng. subject expressly to the following conditions and r servations: 1 . That the vacation be subject to all t e terms and conditions of Chapter 130, codified March l, 981, of the St. Paul Legislative Code, as amended. 2 . That a sidewalk width of not less than 8 f et be nain- tained between the existing curb at the corn r of Sibley Street and Kellogg Boulevard and a proposed olumn to be constructed at said described corner. __._- _._._. � 3 . That a sidewalk width of not less tha 10 feet be � maintained between the existing curb and the esterly line of •the vacated areaalong Jackson Street. " 4 . That the petitior�r and its contracto s shall pay for all costs and expenses for the constructio of any new sidewalks and other improvements which may be required as . a result of this vacation, subject to the app oval of the Department of Public Works . 5. That the petitioner shall pay to the City $500.. 00 as administrative costs for this vacation which is due and payable within 60 days of the publication date of t is resolution. 6. That the petitioner shall dedicate a side lk easement, • in recordable form, over land located at the nor hwest corner � �of Kellogg Boulevard and Sibley Street, the exac description � of wnich is to be determined by survey upon ompletion of building construction. 2 . . �� �1 .�.�._.,�. _ ���..��.�„�..� ir1NA ..�:` ". .,f,�,�i:.. � ..�=� �,:. x� , 3 �£":,a,t.. z . . ;.. . nICH • .a.. ���`i��e , + �' - ..CO Clt• ..'. .�. ,.... 'OEPA'RTMENT ' ��` - ' �/ �.MAYOR.. . e ` � TT��� OF� S.A�`YNT "PALT:� .Fil ��NO. � ��G ' c.� 77`���'. >� � '„� �� : � ,��"� < � ��::�. � t_ � �, � � . . _ . w , � � � ��� . � � � ; ,�-��� � � � o cil ���es ��lut�o .n,= �� -� � � . , �- . , �� ��' resented By ' ..:. ., _ - - ,�;;. ��; ,. , .-: Referred To".-� Commi ttee: Dat _ r. Out of`Committee By � - Dat . . .: � .. . . - }'"`, , , . : . '�.. . i . . . s. : : � �� �t' t�llt':�f�r ;:��``� � � "f ,� �q�,�, ,*�j, � - • - - . .. � : . � ""�'��+e af ttut #� '� �di t;foss �of �bis s � � . ta �a�a�eflF+l,� d�i�d, amd �at�+e ,1�tt�iljsss � t''#,tt Saint Fa�,3,,� " f ts� �3� a� �s�a�F::�a�re; �3. aa�,s, aQti e� +�tai�s � s't' �''.��rac'te�':� #��d3:� :�t swt 13a�Lt�d te� � ais �� - : � <arf . ;a�r �a��rias e�:4 �sgws x�f� ca� ta��ird � �� � i�is �tt#aoa,;..by►' :a�ny p�ra�s.aar' P�s t � � �av�e ,� ; of',ap�.�t ar �a�ti�ueg�ect as.siso�wd�ct of sa�i. �t�� +q�c' �� �'' . _ �t � ;�f2i� f.�g � � � �'` �cfs <, { �e� �' ��etf,�t +va�`' a�t� -ia�r �c > r+e�etiv� �e aa�r�p�ae � : . �+rit��:.. tDs , � �w� �lt�r �r �#.#�� �ac � � ' f+t� ag�� ;t. ��s ' . �. OZ'`�'�lfl�!Ils.► . - . , ..�..,; . . ,. � ,�r '1�t t� pA�C3.t�G�'�. �Lt� �@ �� +c� �p�b�""` . �',�.3:� �i+a�L"`'`':th� �aip��a���v�t =��r �rit� tl�e �ti►� � a�,- , . �: �e�. :,�5 �lt,.�ier� �#:,t�►_ +v�.Lf�ms c� "t�fs ' ���,�, � :; ' � �.t.�i� �t�r `��#+oi� : _�.i�i�sd �r3tl�iu t� �ra� �o�8ft�es � . �of ':�f.d� i�t r�plt ia a� z�e�a�s +arit� � a� +�c�nuQi . � ;:: . _�� -' . �w: � � - a�;�u .i � �� �;:�. � r . � � �. , . . . . . .. , . , ;- :.�� - :�. . �, , . �� , . . n . . . :.. . - . . _�. � ' .. ' . . , . � . . '�'4 .. - . . � . � . . . � � :'hRt - ' . .. . - . . . . . . , ��• . . .. . � � . . . � . .. . . . , . . , . . . . .. � . � - � . ' . .. � � � . . _ � ' . . . . . � . . .. - . . . . . . . . � . � " . ' .. '.., .. � . . . . . . . . . . , . . ' . _.. . . .. - ��'4 . . . . . . .. ... , . .. . . . .. '� ' .. � . .. . . . . � . . . - . . . � . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .: . . .. . . . � ��� _� , , . . : .. . . . . .. � - . . �, . .- .. . .. . '�. .. . .. � . .. .. � . . � � ' � . . � . . . ' � � . ' _. � ... .�« ... . � .. � ':t COUNCILMEN ' � , ' : Yeas . prew ;Nays i - Requested by Department of: . - � � Nicosia .. . . . , ` "• - . '.: r a.tt�� �:; [n Favor . . seN°�""1; ' " , � ��/ . , � � , . CT so�►,e� Against BY T _ . , . od�iCO� i Wilson . .. , �� � � _Form A rov x , �w M 1� c�c ncc AR � orn . . _ PP Ado ted b � _ p y Council: Rate ; . - .��! ��"�"�/'# r � � Certified as• d by Counci I ret : By � , By . Approv.ed by Mavorc Date I �"1H1� � L ��6 ' ;Approved by Ma "for�Submiss on to Council { . . i ,. �, .....y�•��'R�+w'eT{^^r^^� �I E . T �� �' .� ' . :Y.: . . . . �....... . . ..... ... ... . .' � � . . � . . . . . . . . . . . . ` . . . ... . .. � ' - �. . .. . , . . . . . r._i... _ ....:.. ��.�...->.•^�v.—�lL"Tin: . .�.� �.._.__. '� \ � � �. / ' �j• . ` ' ' � � \ Z �0 � .q � � t�. J r• � � . ;�� . ,�n � 2x . � � ' v `•.a � �jy O � J' ,i � �'� ;� — O ' � . � .� '\ � . 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C\`i�V , � ` � � `. 0 (�O�-�� _ � � � � / � 6? 1� �d°� /� � � � � °f' `'� Z r'[� 'R , � �..� �� � � . � � � . - � � � a � � A� ;.� , N� N g '�� � �o� D , o �. o � � '•�J u � ` �� � V � -g �' e �� ON /��'��c� ,�` / v � �j w /` ��^\ ` � � / ��, < � � .�� G��l. � �s i . . �` C �, S , G �, I � � �S � c' rw f I � :� 'p `` •� �(��, i r � � S � � . � .� � ,•�� s� -- �� � c� / .... � � � � � _ D =� '�' .c , z � � � �o N lD � RS G.?• �� �'u � 0 � � ` O �� . � � � S� �o (p W m �\'� � � ' � m D i � , � �:'�c � ���,� � • \ n � � \• , � - w �,,� p� � ���.��`��'"'1 . T �' � o , ' p�_ ' �'`.� V�J H 1 vz _ `. ` ' U' s �° _ � ° N m s � 0 � , � � \ ' • �,.�s � ) � - J �•. ; � . ►�` ' c� � , " �' � .... , ' 0D W �o . � ` � . 05 ' , \ \ , ,,. O ' \ � ' i ar,. S (fl ' �.� . . . . � � - � � � � � � ��-��� CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE Date_ Februar 6 1986 _ _M THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAI,NT PAUL The undersigned hereby certify that they do not intend to � exercise tt�eir utility zights in the following descri ed realty: (Per attachec3 Exhibit "A") NORTHWESTERN BELL Department or Company ���� zts Engineer- 'stributio � Sig ature r STATE OF MINNESOTA ) � WASHINGTON ) ss . COUNTY OF �t�X ) The fpregoing instrument was acknowledged bef re me this 6th day of February _ � � lg 86 by George P. �!Carlson , the Engineer-Distribution of Northwestern Bell _ ._..�_._. — -- -- ---- ' a CorpOration under the laws of th State of ------ I—�-------------- ' Minnesota. AIAAAAAA�AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA�AX �� `i�'/ �.,�i'w,. JUDITH M.CARR � , �%���`��' NOTARY PUBUC• MIIVNESOTA >' �`,�� �'JASHINGTOfUCOUNTY � NOt r P b11CiWds�iing�on ounty, Minnesota �+�fp 4 My Commission Expires Feb. 7, 1986 � ?c'w�'�'wri►�r� �,rrer�►v�►x My commission expires _Feb`7 1986 ,___ I 1 , : � I , , . . � , � ��,�� w • • EXHIBIT "A" That part of Jackson Street as opened over part f Lots 7 and 8 , Block 27 , City of St. Paul (St. Paul P oper) lying within the following described lines: Beginning at the' most Westerly corner of Lot 2, Block 4, C pitol Centre No. 1; thence S 53 degrees 24 minutes 20 s conds W (assumed bearing) along the Southwesterly ext nsion of the Northwesterly line of said Lot 2 a dista ce of 5.25 feet; thence S 36 degrees 55 minutes 20 sec nds E 253.42 feet; thence N 53 degrees 13 minutes 40 s conds E 1I.25 feet to an angle point on said Lot 2; th nce N 81 deg�ees 52 minutes W 8.50 feet to an angle po ' nt on said Lot 2; thence N 36 degrees 55 minutes 20 sec nds W 247.40 feet along the Southwesterly line of said Lot 2 to the point of beginning; also That part of Sibley Street and that part of L t 13 , Block 27 , City of St. Paul (St. Paul Proper) lying within ' the following described lines: Beginning t the most Northerly corner of Lot 1, Block 4, Capital entre No. 1 ; thence S 31 degrees 44 minutes E ( as umed bearing) along the Northeasterly line of said L t 1 a distance of 235.52 feet to an angle point in th line of said Lot 1; thence S 8 degrees 13 minutes 40 s conds W 25. 0� feet along the lot line of said Lot 1 to the Northw sterly line of Kellogg Blvd; thence N 53 d grees 13 mihutes 40 seconds E 19 . 0 feet alon the Northeasterly extension of said Northwesterly lin to a point nereinafter referred to as point "A" ; then e N 8 degrees 13 minutes 40 seconds E 28.74 feet; thenc N 37 degree,s 00 minutes W 232 . 0 feet to the poi t of beginn ng ; Together with a triangular part of L t 13 , Block 2�7, City of St. Paul (St. Paul Proper) whic lies within ! the following described lines ; beginni g at above described point "A" , thence N 53 degre s 13 minutes 40 seconds E 20.41 feet; thence N 37 degrees , 00 minutes W 20.32 feet, thence S 8 degrees 13 m ' nutes 40 seconds W 28 . 74 feet to the point of beginning i � • . . .. � ' I , � ' .. . . . �V ' -`_`� • . �%� CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE Date__��-. �� ���� THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAIT�IT PAUL The undersigned hereby certify that they do not intend to exercise th�ir utility zights in the following describ d realty: (Per aCtached Eshfbit "A") NOrthern States Power C�n �_�__ _._ Department or Company its GenPxal Manaqer, St. Pa Division -/��/F� .�2. ,� �� Signature , STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss . COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) The fojregoing instrument was acknowledged bef re me this ,/� // _1j " day of���,� -<�-� , 19 � by �.�. '� "" _�_ - --' t h e ���1���.°,� � - '� �/" j .�t_s:�� . � �/ ,�ti�� � _ ._._.�.� °f _��l_�.�_�_:_ __ � a ����� under the laws of the State of ---- - -�---------------- Minnesota. °/�/1/�:'��1/�'�r A/\h/?fiAJb1/�O.y�/�ha N',P�ln/y�.�k � , aT�r�` �3 � , ' ��.? �, � � � 'f i-i 3 r.� di L �„ SS ' '� / ` � ` `� � �.4P�SFY L�-irTY � ? '��c' .t.i�t'�..�:-G�.���b�t.�_..� _.�__ �" Lr���'� E^�����`•':.21, ��s1 � Notary Public, Ramsc County, innesota tr W4WVdW'Jw'yvWVVWyyV�L v`rvvvW�u My commission expires �.� �- . __ i�� _ 1 � � (i�� �" 'r , • • EXHIBIT "A" That part of Jackson Street as opened over part o Lots 7 and $ , Block 27 , City of St. Paul (St. Paul P oper) lying within the following described lines: Beg nning at the most Westerly corner of Lot 2, Block 4, C pitol Centre No. l; thence S 53 degrees 24 minutes 20 s conds W (assumed bearing) along the Southwesterly ext nsion of the 'Northwesterly line of said Lot 2 a dista ce of 5.25 feet; thence S 36 degrees 55 minutes 20 sec nds E 253.42 feet; thence N 53 degrees 13 minutes 40 s conds E 11.25 feet to an angle point on said Lot 2 ; th nce N 81 degrees 52 minutes W 8.50 feet to an angle po nt on said Lat 2; thence N 36 degrees 55 minutes 20 sec nds W 247.40 feet along the Southwesterly line of said Lot 2 to the ,point of beginning; also That part of Sibley Street and that part of L t 13 , Block 27 , City of St. Paul (St. Paul Proper) lying within the following described lines: Beginning t the most Nc�rtherly corner of Lot 1, Block 4, Capital entre No. l ; thence S 31 degrees 44 minutes E ( a � umed bearing) along the Northeasterly line of said L t 1 a distan�e of 235.52 feet to an angle point in th line of said Lo� 1; thence S 8 degrees 13 minutes 40 s conds W 25.0$ feet along the lot line of said Lot 1 to the Northwesterly line of Rellogg Blvd; thence N 53 d grees 13 minutes 40 seconds E 19 . 0 feet alon the Northeajsterly extension of said Northwesterly lin to a point nereinafter referred to as point "A" ; then e N 8 degrees, 13 minutes 40 seconds E 28.74 feet; thenc N 37 degrees 00 minutes W 232 . 0 feet to the poi t of beginning; Together with a triangular part of L t 13 , Block 2I7, City of St. Paul (St. Paul Proper) whic lies within the following described lines ; beginning at above �escribed point "A" , thence N 53 degre s 13 minute 40 seconds E 20.41 feet; thence N 37 de rees , 00 minutes W 20.32 feet, thence S 8 degrees 13 m nutes 40 seco�lnds W 28 . 74 feet to the point of beginning I I I � y , - ,' � � � ' . . . • t' � � � ���-s�r�' CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE D a t e Febru 1 , 1986 THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL The undersigned hereby certify that they do not intend to exercise their utility rights in the following describ d realty: (Per attached Exhibit "A") Nart.hern Staf.es Power 'Compari � Department or Company ~� Its Director, Gas Engineer' & Construction h J hn B. Peterson Signature STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss . COUNTY OF RF�MSEY ) The fo�egoing instrument was acknowledged befo e me this ��''t�\� day of ��y , 19 G by �� � , �� � /� �,�. �'�'.,�_:�• ''���cz�_ .__� t h e _���.t.y_�S..L<..�,� `'�r�. . o f / ' �,��T , c.� , _ ._._.-�— _ _.���-:- a _____����_---------under the laws of the State of Minnesota . 4n�.nn�.r:n�� a��1,nr,.1�s�� , nr���vv�� /� � �( j . � 4` ' �,�� i'1 l '_ ��� � I ��.L��•'L'j,. L�.��.� �/. � � �t' ��� ` � r�F `�� � r �' j''T`' � Notary Public, Ramsey County, innesota � 'i~ � �i.. -�.�r.'Sr f , _'_ _,,, i.E � �;, �c3r �. . xww�r.�w'Yvvv��v�v��w��v� �W,1;LY�a My commission expires ;�l �;�/_ __�_ 1 + + ~ , • • �_�� � � EXHIBIT "A" That part of Jackson Street as opened over part o Lots 7 and 8 , Block 27 , City of St. Paul (St. Paul P oper) lying within the following described lines: Beg nning at the most Westerly corner of Lot 2, Block 4, C pitol Centre No. 1; thence S 53 degrees 24 minutes 20 s conds W (assumed bearing) along the Southwesterly ext nsion of the Northwesterly line of said Lot 2 a dista ce of 5.25 feet; thence S 36 degrees 55 minutes 20 sec nds E 253.42 feet; thence N 53 degrees 13 minutes 40 s conds E 11.25 feet to an angle point on said Lot 2 ; th nce N 81 degrees 52 minutes W 8.50 feet to an angle po nt on said Lot 2; thence N 36 degrees 55 minutes 20 sec nds W 247.40 feet along the Southwesterly line of said Lot 2 to the point of beginning; also That part of Sibley Street and that part of L t 13 , Block 27 , City of St. Paul (St. Paul Proper) lying within the following described lines: Beginning t the most Northerly corner of Lot l, Block 4, Capital entre No. 1 ; thence S 31 degrees 44 minutes E ( a$ umed bearing) along the Northeasterly line of said L t 1 a distance of 235.52 feet to an angle point in the line of said Lot 1; thence S 8 degrees 13 minutes 40 s conds W 25. 05 feet along the lot line of said Lot 1 o the Northwesterly line of Kellogg $lvd; thence N 53 d grees 13 minutes 40 seconds E 19 . 0 feet along the Northeasterly extension of said Northwesterly lin to a point nereinafter referred to as point "A" ; then e N 8 degrees 13 minutes 40 seconds E 28.74 feet; thenc N 37 degrees 00 minutes W 232. 0 feet to the poi t of beginning ; Together with a triangular part of L t 13 , Block 27, City of St. Paul (St. Paul Proper) which lies within the following described lines ; beginni g at above described point "A", thence N 53 degre s 13 minutes 40 seconds E 20.41 feet; thence N 37 deg ees , 00 minutes W 20.32 feet, thence S 8 degrees 13 minutes 40 seconds W 28 . 74 feet to the point of beginning . + , �.`�Y.a.. � � . � - . � . . " . . C��-s��` CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE D a t e /�l� ��_.�,_L!�� THE HONORA$LE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUI�CIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL The under � igned hereby certify that they do no intend � to exercise tMeir utility rights in the following descri ed realty: (Per attached ExhibiG "A") � �.�L.S..���J`1 f.�._ _ I Department or Company Its � I Signature ^ �^ � STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) SS . COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged bef re me this ��� day of _ , 19 by " �2_, the _� _ � _ °f � . � � _ a under the laws of th State of Minnesota. '' k MMMM�MM�n�nn��M�A�nMMM/�/V�_ �•�=—��>y., JOYCE A. B!UEi_ C,_,L _� <�„_-„�;,,; �;�'�.���.�i: NOTAI2YPUELIC—PF1PJPdESOTA Nota Ptl Z1C� Ramsey County, innesota ��' rt�� RC.MSEY COUNTY � �..• . My Comm.Ezptres OcY.14,1990 —��� �—[_LL r vwwvwvvvwwvwvvviivvvvvvvvvvvvv. M y c o m m i s s i o n e x p i r e s 1 � . . . . . . �,��_� ��� � � . ; ' EXHIBIT "A" •� � That part o� Jacicsori 5tr�e�, as opened ove.r p r� of Lots ' 7 and F3, Dlock 27, City of St. Paul (St. Pau Proper) lying within the fo�Iowing c?escribed lines_ IIeginning . a't the most Westerly cornex- of I.ot 2, IIlack , Capitol . �entre i�o. 1; thence S 53 degrees 243 minu�e 20 seconds y4 (assumed b�aring) nlong the Southwestezly x�ension o� the� Northwesterly line of gaid I,ot 2 a di tance of 5.25 feet; thence S 36 degrees 55� mintztes 20 seconds � 253.�l2 �ePt; thence tt 53 �egrees I3 uiinu�e 40 seconcls L 1]..25 feet bo z�n angle point on said Lo� 2 tnence N 81. degrees 52 m�nutes ta 8.SO feet to an angl point on ' � s�ic�,Lot Z; thence IQ 3 6 degrees� 5 S minutes 2 seconds W 247.40 �eet along the Southwesterly line of aid Lot 2 to . ttte paint of beginning; also T�a4 part of Sibley S�reet �nd that parf. o£^ t 13, Dl�o�'k 27r Ci.ty of St: Paul (St. Paul Proper) ying � w:L�hin the follvwing descr�.bed lines: b�ginn'nq at � thQ ��st tdortherly corner of Lot 1, Blocic 4, Ga�pitai Centre I��. 3j thence S 3I degreeA 4�. 'nu�es � � . (assumed beaz-ing) along �e t�ortheaste�iy lin of said La� 1 a distance of 235.52 feet -to an anqle p int i.n the ].ine of said Lot I; thence S 8 degr�es I.3 nin tes 90 , se�onds �1 25_OS £eet along the lot line of sa d Lot 1 ta the Northwesterly line of Kellogg g1vd; th nce :1 53 der�rees I3 minutes 40 seconds F 19.0 feet ata g'the :.rloactheasterly extension o� said Noxthuresr�rly line to �a point,;hereinzftex referred to as point "F', thence N �8 degrees 13 minutes 90 seconds E 28 . 74 fe t; thence N 37 degrees 00 rninutes W 232 . 0 feet to tf�e oint of beginning; . Together with a� triangular part of Lot 13 , T3 ock 27 , � City of St. Paul (St . Paul Proper) which lie within the following described lines ; beginninq at bove � described point "n" ; thence N 53 degrees 13 inutes 90 seconds E 20 . 91 feet ; thence N 37 degrees, 00 minutes W 20 . 32 feet; thence S 8 degrees 13 ninutes 90 seconds. W 28 . 74. feet to the point of begi ning . i : • � •�, . .. . . , , . �� ��; • ! CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE nate February 8, 1986 THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUN'CIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL The undersigned hereby certify that they do not intend to exe�rcise their utility rights in the following described realty: (Per attached Exhzbit "A") Continental Cablevision � Department or Company � I ts Director of Engineering (�-. ' ignature STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss . COUNTY OF Dakota ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged bef re me this 18th day of February , 19 86 b Y John C. Heck ____ M, the Director of_E�ineering . __„ _ _ o f Co��.7.�11L�.L � a Corporat�.on under the laws of th State of Minnesota. _� � _ ' NQtary Public,akota County, innesota . � SUS N E. �;"vA�r,�� ; � My commission expires Notar�p��'s p��ti�>�_Ce��._�'�y, 1���1 ;My commissio e::pires F�b. 27,i>'�'1 `y , i 1 . . . . . � � � - � �-�?�` . . � v � �=�` , , • • EXHIBIT "A" That pa,rt of Jackson Street as opened over part o Lots 7 and 8 , Block 27 , City of St. Paul (St. Paul Proper) lying w'ithin the following described lines: Beg ' nning at the ,most Westerly corner of Lot 2, Block 4, C pitol Centre No. 1; thence S 53 degrees 24 minutes 20 s conds W (assdmed bearing) along the Southwesterly ext nsion of the ,Northwesterly line of said Lot 2 a dista ce of 5.25 feet; thence S 36 degrees 55 minutes 20 sec nds E 253.42 feet; thence N 53 degrees 13 minutes 40 s conds E 11.25 feet to an angle point on said Lot 2 ; th nce N 81 degrees 52 minutes W 8.50 feet to an angle po nt on said Lot 2; thence N 36 degrees 55 minutes 20 sec nds W 247.40 feet along the Southwesterly line of said Lot 2 to the point of beginning; also That part of Sibley Street and that part of L t 13 , Block 27 , City of St. Paul (St. Paul Proper) lying within the following described lines: Beginning t the most Northerly corner of Lot 1, Block 4, Capital entre No. l ; , thence S 31 degrees 44 minutes E ( a$ umed bearing) along the Northeasterly line of said L t 1 a distance of 235.52 feet to an angle point in th line of said Lot 1; thence S 8 degrees 13 minutes 40 s conds W 25. 05 feet along the lot line of said Lot 1 to the Northwesterly line of Rellogg Blvd; thence N 53 d grees 13 mimutes 40 seconds E 19 . 0 feet alon the Northeasterly extension of said Northwesterly lin to a point nereinafter referred to as point "A" ; then e N 8 degrees I3 minutes 40 seconds E 28.74 feet; thenc N 37 degrees 00 minutes W 232 . 0 feet to the poi t of beginning; Together with a triangular part of L t 13 , Block 27, City of St. Paul (St. Paul Proper) whic lies within the following described lines ; beginning at above described point "A" , thence N 53 degre s 13 minute 's 40 seconds E 20.41 feet; thence N 37 de rees , 00 minutes W 20.32 feet, thence S 8 degrees 13 m nutes 40 seconds W 28 . 74 feet to the point of beginning i I � . . • _ , v `5�� . . ,:., � . �-� , � -. • • CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE Date February 6, 1986 THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUPJCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL The undersigned 'nereby certify that they do not intend to exercise th'eir utility rights in the following describ d realty: (Per aCtached E:chibit "A") District Heating Developmen Company Department or Company � � zts President Signature Han 0. Nym n ��~ STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss . COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this sixth day oS February , 19 G by Hans 0. �man ____ _,, the _ President__ ____ _ � _ of _District Heating Develo me t Company, a �riv_ate, non_profit com�pan,y____under the laws of the state of Minnesota. ■N�MMMI�.Mn n���'�.P�,n� �.,1n;,...^�;�..�.^.%J:^.^:lM� ,� � / L ��I'.(�l L JGF i� v"! � /� �-° ,,� ,, ',:ES07A � <'--°���i.��� �-��- ���tlY��' N�ii,'=�s/ Y:iti_r f� �u _.. � .�..�. �"�-�-' RA�rI�EY COUiVTY � Notary Public, R�y County, innesota � My Commission Expires Feb.27, 1986 � � x "�`^'�W" M y c o m m i s s i o n e x p i�� �- _��.���' � �����,� 1 . . � . . : , . ��_��,� . � • • EXHIBIT "A" That part of Jackson Street as opened over part o Lots 7 and 8 , Block 27 , City of St. Paul (St. Paul P oper) lying y�ithin the following described lines: Beg ' nning at the most Westerly corner of Lot 2, Block 4, C pitol Centre No. 1; thence S 53 degrees 24 minutes 20 s conds W (assumed bearing) along the Southwesterly ext nsion of the Northwesterly line of said Lot 2 a dista ce of 5.25 feet; thence S 36 degrees 55 minutes 20 sec nds E 253.42 feet; thence N 53 degrees 13 minutes 40 s conds E 11.25 feet to an angle point on said Lot 2; th nce N 81 degrees 52 minutes W 8.50 feet to an angle po ' nt on said Lcat 2; thence N 36 degrees 55 minutes 20 sec nds W 247.40 feet along the Southwesterly line of said Lot 2 to the point of beginning; also That part of Sibley Street and that part of L t 13 , Block 27 , City of St. Paul (St. Paul Proper) lying withinithe following described lines: Beginning t the most Northerly corner of Lot 1, Block 4, Capital entre No. 1 ; , thence S 31 degrees 44 minutes E (a$ sumed bearin�) along the Northeasterly line of said L t 1 a distance of 235.52 feet to an angle point in th line of said Lot 1; thence S 8 degrees 13 minutes 40 s conds W 25.0� feet along the lot line of said Lot 1 to the Northwesterly line of Rellogg Blvd; thence N 53 d grees 13 minutes 40 seconds E 19 . 0 feet alon the Northe�sterly extension of said Northwesterly lin to a point nereinafter referred to as point "A" ; thence N 8 degree 13 minutes 40 seconds E 28.74 feet; thenc N 37 degre�s 00 minutes W 232 . 0 feet to the point of beginning; Together with a triangular part of L t 13 , Block �7, City of St. Paul (St. Paul Proper) whic lies within the following described lines ; beginn ' ng at above described point "A" , thence N 53 degrees 13 minutes 40 seconds E 20.41 feet; thence N 37 de rees , 00 minutes W 20.32 feet, thence S 8 degrees 13 m ' nutes 40 seconds W 28 . 74 feet to the point of beginning i I i ,, r � . Y � - , � L� ' v _ � • l� �..� � CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE ' FEBFUE+RY 1 � �86 D a t e_____ _�_ THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS �F THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAII�T PAUL The undersigned hereby certify that they do not intend to exercise their utility rights in the fnllowing describ d realty: (Per attached Eshibit "A") WE;;TERN UN I OPJ 7ELEGR�,PH C0 . Department or Company ~� Its ��HINTENANCE CHIEF i \ C�-4;/�,r,,'�,!_�� !-'C�/`��1:4=-n Signa�� re � STATE OF MINNESOTA ) , HEN�uEPII� ) ss . C O U N T Y O F Xi�A�FDS�C ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged befo e me this TEN7f, ' day of FE:BRUtiRY , 19 8 by �OHN F . EBMER _____ __, the _ f��,A I NTENANCE CH � EF ` __� af VVESTERN UN I ON TELEGRi=,P C0. � — --i-- — -- -- -- a COPJIPANYI under the laws of the State of ----____,....-------------- Minnesota. �nnvvvvvwvw�• � :��'�.. )ACQL'ELYN tii BERARD '��NOTARY PUoLiC MINNESOTA -- �----- --•--� `�,��.` HEN�vEPINCOUNTY ota u c, ��� County, innesota My Commission Expires Mar 31, 1990 H E N N E P I N � x My commission expires �IC1�e;on 3�L99a 1 ♦ - . � ' -a.'. � '"`�- . ' ���� . w ' , � . - . r , � � • EXHIBIT "A" That part of Jackson Street as opened over part of Lots 7 and 8 , Block 27 , City of St. Paul (St. Paul P oper) lying within the following described lines: Beginning at the most Westerly corner of Lot 2, Block 4, C pitol Centre No. 1; thence S 53 degrees 24 minutes 20 s conds W (assumed bearing) along the Southwesterly ext nsion of the Northwesterly line of said Lot 2 a dista ce of 5.25 feet; thence S 36 degrees 55 minutes 20 sec nds E 253.42 feet; thence N 53 degrees 13 minutes 40 s conds E 11.25 feet to an angle point on said Lot 2; th nce N 81 degrees 52 minutes W 8.50 feet to an angle po ' nt on said Lat 2; thence N 36 degrees 55 minutes 20 sec nds W 247.40 feet along the Southwesterly line of said Lot 2 to the point of beginning; also That part of Sibley Street and that part of L t 13 , Block 27 , City of St. Paul (St. Paul Proper) lying within the following described lines: Beginning t the most Northerly corner of Lot 1, Block 4, Capital entre No. 1 ; thence S 31 degrees 44 minutes E ( a $ umed bearing) along the Northeasterly line of said L t 1 a distance of 235.52 feet to an angle point in th line of said Lot 1; thence S 8 degrees 13 minutes 40 s conds W 25.0$ feet along the lot line of said Lot 1 to the Northwesterly line of Rellogg Blvd; thence N 53 d grees 13 minutes 40 seconds E 19 . 0 feet alon the Northeasterly extension of said Northwesterly lin to a point nereinafter referred to as point "A" ; then e N 8 degrees 13 minutes 40 seconds E 28.74 feet; thenc N 37 degrees 00 minutes W 232 . 0 feet to the poi t of beginni�ng; Together with a triangular part of L t 13 , Block 27, City of St. Paul (St. Paul Proper) whic lies within the following described lines ; beginni g at above described point "A" , thence N 53 degre s 13 minutes 40 seconds E 20.41 feet; thence N 37 degrees , 00 minutes W 20.32 feet, thence S 8 degrees 13 m ' nutes 40 seconds W 28 . 74 feet to the point of beginning . . . . � , � „ . .� � � � , , ��� "5�,� : - CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE Date � ���/o TIiE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS � OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL The undersigned hereby certify that they do not intend to exercise their utility rights in the following describe realty: (Per attached Exhibit "A") Waier Utility Department or Company z ts Ueneral Manager � Signature STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) Ss . COUNTY OF RAiMSEY ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged befo e me this 14th � day of February , 19 < <' by Thomas D. *TOg.�ren , the General ?-Tana�er - t�'ater t?ti itv, of the Board of G�?ater Commissioners - Ci� of Saint Paul , - -- . a munici�al corporation u n d e r t h e 1 a w s o f t h e S t a t e o f --------�-�--------------- Minnesota. ! - � � .�........_..�....-.,..,.�.�..�...=- �' . � �_ __, A ,,�,._ �_ , : ,��,_ � . , , �-.� � �.: i � ,.�., �,,;' -_� �< ;�;c�,. Notary Publ. ' c, Ramse�unty, innesota ��, �. �„�: �.� ��.������ � t��flr/1i5 ^. E; � . r,�J��� �3. ����.� �� / / ,�-- ' - --- -�-- - My commission expires ���� 9 ° _,���_ 1 + \' ' y ` � v ` + Y .. �, . • ��`� • EXHIBIT "A" That part of Jackson Street as opened over part f Lots 7 and 8 , Block 27 , City of St. Paul (St. Paul Proper) lying within the following described lines: Be inning at the' most Westerly corner of Lot 2, Block 4, apitol Centre No. 1; thence S 53 degrees 24 minutes 20 econds W (assumed bearing) along the Southwesterly ex ension of the Northwesterly line of said Lot 2 a dista ce of 5.25 feet; thence S 36 degrees 55 minutes 20 sec nds E 253.42 feet; thence N 53 degrees 13 minutes 40 seconds E 11.25 feet to an angle point on said Lot 2 ; th nce N 81 degrees 52 minutes W 8.50 feet to an angle point on said Lot 2; thence N 36 degrees 55 minutes 20 sec nds W 247.40 feet along the Southwesterly line of said Lot 2 to the point of beginning; also That part of Sibley Street and that part of L t 13 , Block 27 , City of St. Paul (St. Paul Proper) lying within the following described lines: Beginning t the most Ndrtherly corner of Lot 1, Block 4, Capital entre No. 1 ; thence S 31 degrees 44 minutes E (a$ umed bearing) along the Northeasterly line of said L t 1 a distan�e of 235.52 feet to an angle point in th line of said Lot 1; thence S S degrees 13 minutes 40 s conds W 25.05 feet along the lot line of said Lot 1 o the Northwesterly line of Kellogg Blvd; thence N 53 d grees 13 minutes 40 seconds E 19 . 0 feet along the Northeasterly extension of said Northwesterly lin to a point nereinafter referred to as point "A" ; then e N 8 degrees 13 minutes 40 seconds E 28.74 feet; thence N 37 degrees 00 rninutes W 232 . 0 feet to the poi t of beginning ; Together with a triangular part of L t 13 , Block 2�1, City of St. Paul (St. Paul Proper) which lies within ' the following described lines ; beginni g at above d'escribed point "A" , thence N 53 degre s 13 minutes� 40 seconds E 20.41 feet; thence N 37 deg ees , 00 minutes W 20.32 feet, tnence S 8 degrees 13 mi utes 40 seconds W 28 . 74 feet to the point of beginning . WMITE - CITV CIERK I � PINK - FINANCE � CO IICII � CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL Fll NO. �� ���� BLUE - MAVOR Co ' es lution � � __. Presented By �- �G Referred To. ' Committee: Da Out of Commi,ttee By Da I e 59 Section 15, � WHEREAS, Laws of Minnesota 1986, Chapt r , requires each municipality to appoint at least two embers to the board of trustees of a local police or fire relief ssociation; and IPolice Relief Asso iation and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Saint Pa�ul Fire Department Relief Association are b th local relief associations as defined in Minnesota Statutes, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Gary orstrem, City Treasure!r and Al Olson, City Clerk are hereby appoi ted to serve as members of the Board of Trustees of the Saint Paul olice Relief Associatlion and the Saint Paul Firefighters Relief ssociation. I i , COUNCILMEN Requested by Department o : Yeas Drew Nay� M°'ae'z /e�-��O''f �_ in Favor Nic�sia Scheibel Sonnen a _ A gainst BY Tedesco Wilson I MAY 8 - 1986 Form Approved by City Att ney Adopted by Council: Date Certified P s ounci cr BY sy t�ppro y Mavor: Date � MAY 1 3 Appr e by Mayor for S i to Gouncil By B I �UBUSHED M AY 17 1986 � � - ��� ,_�, __ R�,��T��.� CITY OF SAINT PAUL � , o � � OF�ICE OF THE MAYOR � '' liii i inn � ,,, : \ � � `^�.� ;' � � ° vs �r 347 CITY HALL ' ' �� ���� SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 �� . APR 2 9 9986�' �1 GEORGE LATIMER (612) 298-4323 MAYOR ��UhCILMAN ` April 28, 1986 ,� �':�T�'? l. TEDESGC '�' � '�,� w � r���� N t Council President Victor Tedesco and Members of the City Council Seventh Floor - City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Council President Tedesco and Members of the Counci : Attached is a resolution appointing Gary Norstrem, City reasurer, and Al Olson, City Clerk as voting members of the Board of Trus ees of the Saint Paul Police Relief Association and the Saint Paul Fire D partment Relief Association. This appoi,ntment resolution is necessary to comply with e provisions of new legisL�ation, Laws of Minnesota 1986, Chapter 359. S ction 15 of this new law (�opy attached) provides that a municipality sha 1 appoint at least two member's to the board of trustees of a local relief a sociation. This appointment requirement applies to all municipalities an was part of a larger piece of state legislation addressing several pol'ce and fire pension concerns arising from recent activities involvin the City of Winona Police Relief Association. I am recommending the appointment of Gary Norstrem becau e he currently serves as an ex officio member of the Board of Trustees nd Treasurer of the Police Relief Association and is f amiliar with its o rations. Additionally, in Gary's position as City Treasurer, he h s monitored the activities of both the Police and Fire Relief Associatio s for several years. I am recommending the appointment of A1 Olson, City Cler , because the new law requires that the financial statement of local polic and fire relief associations be countersigned by the city clerk of the m nicipality before official filing of the documents. Membership on the boa d of trustees of the relief associations will enable Al to monitor the ac ivities of the associatio�ns before he is required to sign off on financ'al statements. I believe both Gary and A1 will make excellent members o the Board of Trustees and will well represent the interests of the Ci of Saint Paul. I request your approval of the attached resolution. Very truly yours, or Latimer May GL/drm Attachment �46