86-592 : �o�unity Ser�qic2s - Library DEPARTMENT ��-.�12N0 116 � 'Gerald W. Ste�nberg CONTACT 292-6211 � PHONE 3/24/86 DATE 1 e�� Q, e ASSIGN NUMBER FOR R�UTING ORDER (Clip All Locations for Siqnature) : 1 Department Dire�tor � Director of Management/Mayor � Finance and Man�gement Services Director � City Clerk � 1 cou►. City Attorney I � cit Counci. WHAT WILL BE ACHIEV�D BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purp se/ Rati nale) : Will allpw the S_�in� P�ul Pub],ic Library t.Q ��.y fqr mate�3,��s and �e : ices contxacted for in 1985 lzut z��t xece�.yed until 7,Q$6. RECEl��Ep � � �ECEiVt �I 2 �'i��;j COST/BENEFIT, BUDGET RY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: aP� r� C1TY ATTORNFII r�aY��{�s o�Fic RECEIVED Materials and se�i,ces wi1,l be paid for �,n a tituely �ashi,o�t. APR 3 � II CtTY ATTORN�Y FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor' signa- ture n t re- Total Amount of T�ansaction: $],9,321.92 quired if under � $10,00 ) Funding Source: �exxie JQnes Libra,ry Fund Activity Number: I 351-33421 R ATTACHMENTS List an Number All Attachments : FC��VF� oF ApR Council Resolut�.c�n �lcp,q FOF � 19 � �vo� TtijF Th,� 86 A Nr ��4 � q�£M�NT S�`,q���4 c,,��.. I �`�S DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY RE IEW �Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Requi d? Yes No Yes ✓No Insuran e Required? Insurance Suffici nt? Yes No Yes �/I�o Insuran e Attached: I (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 I F_ . . . . � �� � . � � � �R : � _ \ . :1. ' .� � ��„ ': � CIT�' OF SAINT PATJL . �: �_ : - :�i��' OFFZC� OF THE CITY COIIi�TCIL . _ -__--_ __ _ . _ _. _ - _�:. �OII'lIl'll�te� �� Qr� . . -� - ��. � . �: : � . . _- F:i�a�,e Mana ement � � Persannel Ca tt�e. . :_. .. _ �:. .-.�_:�. May 1, 1986 ; 1. Approval of minutes from meecing heid April 24. 1986. � � Resolution amending the 1986 budget by adding g52.828 to the Finan ing Plan and to the Spenaing Ptan for Ctvic Center operating. (Laid o er from Apri 1 24 mee*_ing.) Approved � . ' a �. Resoiution amendin; the 1986 budge*_ by atldtng g8,403 to *_he Financ ng Plan anC to the Spending Plan for Library Special Revenue. pproved 7 � IRl�a0luCfc�t a�lndtng the 1986 budget by addirig �19.3Z1,�2 tA t�e'F �� Plan ane to the`5perrcling Plan for Perrte Jonr�'ltbrary�f[mct. PProved � Resolutton amending the 1986 budget by adding 5666.909.00 to the , Financing Plan and to the Spending Plan for Combined Sewer Separa ton- pdministration. pproved w/o recommend. �. Resolution amending the 1986 budget by adding 5839.217.74 to the inanc- � ing Ptan and ta the Spending Plan for the Sewer Service Fund. pproved, Wl�hOUt recpmmendation � - ---. -;-.---Resolution approving sukunission to arbitration.°the-issue of wage . , � insura�ce and retroactivity between the City of St. Pau`�antl the -- - Operating Engineers. Locals 70 and 967. Approved, re Ommend2d t0 dSS 8. Administrative Orders: D-7979 - Authorization of payment to Don 8 Grace Knofp for pullin the "BlacK Maria" in theAf�fer Carnival. Appro C�d -t � D-7981 - Authorization for payment to Woolsey Associate� for fea i- : bility study on PED income tax data proleCt. done lri COUI1C11 5-1-86 D-7984 - Approvai of contract for services with the Emecr1gen�OV d funa of the United Way of the St. Paui Area. PP , D-7985 - 'Authorization for use of Citizen Participation funds fo ' attendancs at Neighborhood U.S.A. Conference. done ri COUriCll 5-1-86 0-7986 - Authorization to Sako 8 Associates. inc.. for consultin � services on skyway security. Approved � 0-7987 - Authorization for payment to Herman Alvarado and Debora Taran i for participation tn Affirmative Action Director selec ion . process. Laid OV r' , 0-7988 - Authorizacion for payment to Gladstone Catering for C unity • Health Services Advisory Cortmittee Retreat. A p r o e d � D-7989 - Authorization for payment to Cathi lyman-Onkka for cat ring ' services for Public Health Strategic Planning Retreat. App r ov e d 9. Patrick Lee Reagan. The Lead Coai ition.D1QSCUS 0d pe ri0 bd 'tlOri testing in the City of St. Paul. • .. ._ ._. ....._.. _ 10. Mtnnesota ACORN requested to speak about lead poisaning in the ity of , - -- �- - . of St. Paul. discussed, no action ` � _. ,_� .____ .__, j ._____________..___...._._.___.....w_.._ ,. ,.___------ -- _ . .._ C�y �,I,I, SEVENTH FLOOR S PAUL,MINNESOTA SSIOZ ��,.a �,.Y..,,„.,.._,.,_...r._... ....... ........_�____... .�, ._. ... ,_�,.,,,....,,...,..,,,..,,, .. .._. _ ...._�..-,. ..s�: .;:�._».,�_,.._.,-. ..�,..-,�,...• .�.:�....�..,,��-..-�-.-..-....�..�...--- WMITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Co ncil Cf1NqRV -t1EPARTMENT F1I NO. �� `��� BLUE - MAVOR � Council Resolution r����� ; ���: Presente By �� � Referred To f ����� Commi ttee: Da �/a �, �� Out of Committee By Da WHEREAS,The Mayor p�uar�ta Section 10.07.1 of tl� Ctrarter of the C of Sair� Raut,does cer�fy that tr�ere are awaitable for appropriation tatal revenues i excess af thvse estirr�ated in t1�1982 budget;and WWEREAS, Council File �i?510,adopted Qckc�ber 1, 1981,did es�abiish c in Sp�eciai Fund Policies;and WHEREkS,The Mayor recarrrner�s that the Pollowir�g add�ions be made t� 1986 bt�dget FtNANCI NG CURRENT ENDED FUND N0. �CTIVITY NANIES&I�S. BUDfiET CHANGES UD�ET 270 Corr�ined Sew�er Separation- dc�ninistration 12161 - 7399 -Q- 666,909.00 6,909.00 Net Chatnge -Q- 666,909.00 6,909.00 SPENDIhIG RL�N 270 Corr�ir�d Sew�er Separation- Ackninistr�aaon 12161 - 0111 -0- 136,909.00 36,909.00 0114 -0- 5,000.00 5,000.00 0116 -0- 6160.00 6,160.00 SUB TOTAL -0- 148,069.OQ 4 ,069.OQ COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department o : Yeas �N� Nays �'1°�'°r PUBLfC WORKS JFS: 't 3-11-86 Drew [n Favor ,�: R�t � Nicosia , Scheibel __ Against BY 7edesco DONALD E. NYGAA D D f R Wilson � Form Approved by City Att rney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by lVlavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Sub 'ssion to Council By _ By ' � • � ��--- j�/„. ��l� U�F' ���s� - az�s -o- �aroao.aa �o,00a.00 0221 -0- 2,000.04 �' 2,000.00 0222 -Q- 1,2Q0.00 ' 1,�aa.00 0241 -Q- 2,OOa.00 '� 2,000.00 G245 -0- Z,aao.aa 2,aoa.aa oz�s -o- �,oao.oa �,oa�.oa a��4 -o- �,aoo.00 �,aoa.ao a�ss -a- �,00a.aa �,aoo.ao SUB TOTAL 12,204.00 12,ZUO.Oa 12161 - 036Z -0- 500.00 sao.aa 0363 -0- 500.OG 500.OQ 0369 -0- 5Q0.00 saa.aa 0389 -0- 5,000.00 5,000.00 �UB TOTAL -0- 6,500.00 6,500.00 12161 - 0439 -0- 38,497.OQ 38,497.00 0848 -0- 25,000.00 25,000.00 TOTAL 12161 -0- 230,ass.oa �,oss.aa i 12162- 0111 -0- 295,544.00 295,544.OQ 0114 -0- 30,000.�0 30,a00.00 0116 -Q- 14,s�s.oa 14,649.00 SUB TOTAL 34a,193.00 340,193.00 2