86-591 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Cou cil CANqRY - DEPARTMENT Fll NO.- O�-�// BLUE - MAVOR � ouncil Resolution Presented By �` r �eferred To � N�'��—� Commi ttee: Dat �^�s � Out of Committee By Dat WI�REAS, The Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the City Charter, oes certify that there a.re available for appropriation revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1986 budget; and , WI�REAS, Council File 277510 adopted October l, 1g81, did establish c rtain Special Fund Policies; and WHEREAS, The Civic Center Authority, through their r�esolution CCA No. 2484, dated March 5, -� 1g86, did approve the following changes to the 1g86 Civic Center Oper ting Fund budget; and WHII�F',AS, The Ma.yor recorr�nends the following changes to the 1986 budge : Current Amended Budget C es Budget FINANCING PLAN Fund 900 - Civic Center Operating: 20101-0200 Use of Retained Earnings $ 279,679 $5 ,828 $ 332,507 All Other Financing 3,320,975 - 3,320,075 Total Financing Pl:an $3,599,75� : �5 828 $3,652,582 SPENDING PLAN � Fund g00 - Civic Center Operating: 20101-261 Insurance Premiums $ 17,400 $1 ,720 $ 33,120 20151-261 Insurance Premiums 5,100 ,608 g,708 20121-271 Building Repairs 110,000 3 ,500 142,500 All Other Spending 3,467,254 - 3,�167,254 Total Spending Plan $3,599,754 $5 828 $3,652,582 RESOLUED, That the City Council adopts these changes to the 1986 Budg t. '�� �-Z7-�S�G COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of Yeas � Nays Drew �_ [n Favor CIVIC CENTER AUT ORITY --Mwe�+� /2�T1M� Nicosia scneibe� __ Against BY ��' � "J Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date MAY 8 - 1986 Form Appro d by ity Atto ey Certified a5-ed Council •ret BY sy� . Appro y 1llavor: Date �,�_ Appro y ayor for Submi C�unc' BY - BY PUBIISHED Y 1 '7 19$6 p�8�q��� �Y?1771�� Ciuie Center . DE PARTMENT � �59� N� 2 82 8 Tan Meyer . ' CONTACT 74g4 ext. 225 ', PHONE � March 7, 1986 ' DATE �e� �� ASSIGN NUMBER FOR R UTING ORQER (Cli All Locations for Si nature : 1 Department Dire tor - Marlene Anderson � Director of Management/Mayor � Finance and Manaigement Services Director � City Clerk 2- - - o r � City Attorney i � WHAT WILL BE ACHIEV�D BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purp se/ Rati nale) : The 1986 Civic �enter Operating Fund bud�et will be amended to incl de increases for fi.r� and ex�ended covera,�e insurance premiums and repairs to sp inkler system. The Civic Cente�, Authority has approved this budget amendment thro their � resolution CCA o. 248�4. RECEIVED COST/BENEFIT BUDGEI!ARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: M� � � ��� . ' CITY ATTORNEY ��.;�-.- .�.. See above. ��w��„i�C.� � -����:� �� , ��A�tv:�"S OFF�CE � � FINANCING SOURCE AN BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor s signa- ture ot re- Total Amount of ransaction: quire if ur�der $10,0 0) Funding Source: • Activity Number: l ATTACHMENTS List a d Number Al1 Attachments : 1. Council Resolution - Budget Revision 2. Copy of Civ�c Center Authority Resolution CCA No. 2484 DEPARTMENT REVIEW I CITY ATTORNEY R VIEW Yes No Counc 1 Resolution Required? Resolution Requ red? Yes No Yes No Insur nce Required? Insurance Suffi ient? Yes No Yes No Insur�nce Attached: , (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 . � _ �,r-��-Sy'r � CZVIC CENTER AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL AUTHORTTY RESOLUTION CA NO. 2484 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ i WHEREAS, through the City Purchasing Office, the Civic Cen er received a proposal for fire and extended insurance coverage on the Civic Center Com lex for the period beginning January l, 1986; and WHFREAS, the proposal included� an annual premium of $42,82 which represents an � increase of $2G,"s28 over the budyeted insurnnct Cxper,sE foi iSo�; and WHEREAS, in order to provide future savings in .insurance p emium rates, it is ' necessary to make certain repairs to the Civic Center Complex,sp inkler system; and � WHEREAS, the Managing Director certifies that there is ava'lable for appropriation `� total financing in excess of that estimated iri the 1986 Budget; ` � NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that ths following amendme t to the 1986 Civic ; Center Operating Fund Budget is approved: ;' � . _ � E; ' Current Amended _ FINANCING PLAN � Budget Chan e Budget ; 20101-0200 Use of Retained Earnings $ 279,679 $ 52, 28 � $ 332,507 All Other Financing • 3,320,075 - 3,320,075 ; t Total Financing Plan $3,599,754 $ 52, 28 $3,652,582 SPENDING Pi�AN 20101-261 Civic Center - Insurance Premi.ums $ 17,400 $ 15, 0 $ 33,120 20151-261 Parking Ramp - Insuran�e Premiums 5,100 4, 8 9,708 • 20121-271 Building Repairs 110,000 32, 0 142,500 � Al1 Other Spending 3,467,254 3,467,254 Total Spending Plan $3,599,754 $ 52, 8 � $3,652,582 FURTHER 1�SOLVED, that the Managing� Director is authorized d directed to submit this budget amendment to the City Budget Director to be s mitted to the � City Council for consideration and approval. Authority Yeas t Nays FORM APPROVE BY (p ��Lantry, Chairman 0 CITY'"ATTO�NE J Lund :'� ; 1 Delaney B � � ,-c-�.: Sonrlen � � �Lambert APPROVED BY CA � �Kost D e ��- �. /98� Noreen � 1Scheibel BY �Swanberg / Chairm . CCA � . - . . . . ... .. - � .. . �� � . ' . - � . . . . � � �.� :' ... . .. ' . �^��������, . � CITY OF SA.INT PAUL `�� - - -_ F�•, • • . _ �:s�' OB'FICE OF THE CITY COUDTCIL -- - - .:��I t:i:ttl _ . — - - - - . - - :_:�:: _ • - - - - --�=:�.: ' �OIYlI711tt�� ���}Or�► � . : .: :. �._ . -:_�_.��, . _. �inan�� �da�a eme�t � & Personnel Camm ttee. ._ .. _ �- .-..�:�. r�ay i, i9s6 l. Approval of minutes from meecing held Aprii 24. 1986. • � �� ��d�,ng th� 1:4�i � by #�itq �5�r 828 to the F i na i�g th� -- - � P� �.� , Pt�art �rrr G:Iwtc G�e►�d�ti�. (F.aj-Q er . fro�:�`:*�;�Me�et� Rp��3iT�d . ' � �. Resoiutfon amendin; the 1986 budget by adding �8.403 to *_he Financ ng Plan ana to the Spentling Plan for Library Special Revenue. pproved 7 � Resolution amending the 1986 budget by adding 519,321.92 to the Fi ancing , Plan and to the Spending Plan for Perrie Jones Library Fund. pproved � Resolutfon amending the 1986 budget by adding 5666,909.00 to the � , Financing Pian and to the Spending Plan for Combined Sewer Separa ion- Administration. pproved w/o recommend. �. Resolution amending the 1986 budget by adding $839,217.74 to the inanc- � ing Ptan and to the Spending Pian for the Sewer Service Fund. pproved, WlthOUt rec�mmendation - •� 7.---Resolution approvinq submission to arbitration. the-issue of wage . , ' insurance and retroactivity between the City of St. Pau"�end the — - Ope�ating Engineers. �ocais to and 967. Approved, re ommended to pass 8. Administrative Orders: ' 0-7979 - Authorization of payment to Don � Grace Knofp for puilin the "elack Maria" in the�er Carnival. Appro ed j _� D-7981 - Authorization for payment to Wooisey Associates for fea i- bittty study on PED income tax data project. done in Council 5-I-86 D-7984 - Approvai of contract for services with the Emergency Ca e funa of the United Way of the St. Paul Area. app r ov d i 0-7985 - �Authorizatton for use of Citizen Participation funds fo � attendants at Neighhorhood U.S.A. Conference. dOri2 ri COUriClI 5-1-86 0-7986 - Authorization to Sako S Associates. Inc.. for consultin :,� services on skyway Security. Approved �,; 0-7987 - Authorizacion for payment to Herman Alvarado and Debora Taran � for participation in Affirmative Action Oirector selec ion . � process. Laid OV r , 0-7988 - Aut�orizacion for payment to Gladstone Catering for Co unity • Health Services Advisory Cortmittee Retreat. App r o 2 d � 0-7989 - Authorizacion for payment to Catht Lyman-Onkka for cat ring � services for Public tSeaith Strategic Planning Retreat. App r ov e d 9. Patrick Lee Reagan. The Lead Coa)ition,Dri4sCU S2C� pe ri0 1 tlOri testing in the City of St. Paul. ' � � _...,. ...._ _ 10. Minnesota ACORN requested to speak about lead poisoning In the ity of � - - -- '�--- - .._.._. . . of St. Paul. �' discussed, no action ____...___ ____._,._.._. C� �� ._.___�.._.___.___._.____-.- SEVENTH FLOOR �--�--�_�_.��_.... ' SA T PAUL,:VIINNESOTA SS10Z �.ea _ ,,-w...a.,�,.,._.,. . ,...,,....,.�,�,.M.,�. ._._,.� ......_�,;,....r.._._._..._.__._...._�,...---,. _____, a.__... -..., -. �_, , ..,. ...„,,_ _.. __ _.. :., ....... W,_ ,�.,-��.�.�a^ . -