86-589 WMITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Counci p�� _�� BIcUERr-TAAVOR7MENT a File N 0. . ' ` �� �n�nce Ordina ce N 0. �•�'✓r� � . � Presented By f/ Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date AN �tD11�E GRANT1116 PERI'11SSIfl!!TO SPACE CENTER, INC., 444 L AYETTE ROdD, SAIMT PALN., MtNNESOTA, AND/tbt ITS SUCCESSORS IN INTERE ,TO CONSTRI�T, �ERATE AND MAINTAIM TW�TEN tI�H DIAM�TER WAT Pt�S AWD A TWO i'I�H DIAMETER CONDENSATE RETL�i PIPE IN�ER Ai�? S EAST EIGHTI# STREET RIGHT � WAY, AT APPROxtMATEIY TWENTY fE SOUTHWEST OF T!� S�JTHI�VESTEttLY RIGHT t# WAY UNE OF WILLIU STREET. TI# C�IL �THE CITY � SAlNT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Sectio� 1. Thet permi�sion and aitf�ity n�e hereb� �Onted to Spece Center, nc., 444 Lafqptte Ro�, Saint Peui, Minnesota and/or its successors in int st, to consfiruct, operate �d rr�aintein two ten ir�h diam�ter wst�pi end a two it�di�rwt�cond�sete return pipv under e�d �ross E�t Eightfi Str�t right of wsy, at approximetely twvrty teat s�thwest o! tt�e sout t�ly right of w� lir�e of Wiilius Strevt. Sacti� 2. Thet the Dir�tor ot ths D�ertment of Pubiic Worics is her�eby ai zed to issue e permit to Spece Center, Inc. endfor its successo�s in int t for the constn�tion, �ation and mainter�ence ot said �de�grotmd pipe , according to pl�s epproved by �d on file with the Director of the De�t t ot P�lic Works, upon said pernnittee's complianca with the tollowing condi i�s: Yeas COUNCILME Nays , Requested by Department o : ��lic Works Drew Nicosia [n Favor — Rettman / s�ne�bei Against BY Sonnen Tedesco RAH Wilson Form Approved y t rne Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By t Approved by Mayor: Date Appro y Ma r Sub i Council By By . . . . . , ��� .��y i73�s� a.That soid permittee shall pay the costs of publicetion of this ordinonce and all ordinences and resolutions passed in relati to this ordinance; b.That s�id permittee shall pey the costs of administrotion, en ineering and inspection incurred by the Department of Public Works b ouse of this undertaking. Soid costs are estimeted to be e sum ot :2 0.00; c.That said permittee and/or its successors in interest shall f ish and deiiver unto the City ot Soint Poul a surety bond in the amoun af Five Thousond Dollors {:5,004.04} for seid underground pipes, mad end executed by said permittee and/or its successors in interest s Principal, �d a Corporote Surety Company duly authorized to ronsect business in the Stote of Minnesota os Surety, to and in tevor f the City of Saint Paui as Obligee, conditioned thet in the event t permittee and/or its successors in interest fail to mointain, pair or replace said ur�rground pipes to a reasoneble stonderd of sa ety or fail to remove or relocate said undergrow�d pipes upon order � the Saint Paul City Council, the City of Saint Paul mey undertake he maintenence, repair, repiacement, relocotion or removal the f ond mey recover its reasonobie cost incurred thereby from said s ty, which Surety 8ond sholl remain in torce ar� effect os long as eid underground pipes or any part thereof remeins in that portion f East Ei�th Street, as shown on the plans on file with the Departm nt of Public Works. Ttre Surety Bond sholl be in such torm es shall approved � the City Attorney end shall have such Surety as s etl be approv�d by the Director ot Finonce and Monagement Services; d. That said permittee end/or its successors in interest agrees t compiy with Chapter 125 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amend d, perteining to street obstructions, in the course of installing o repairing seid underground pipes; e.That soid undergrnund pipes shall be removed or relocated by o d at the sole cost and expense of said petmittee andior its succes ors in i nterest whenever the Counci 1 of the Ci ty ot Sai nt Paul shol 1 Resolution determine such removel or reiocetion necessary in he public interest and accordingly order the remavel or relocotio of seid underground pipes from said street; Page 2 � . . � � l�- � �5�� i���� f. That said permittee andlor its successors in interest shell, t its own cost ond expense �nd in accordance with all applicable Ordin nces of the City of Saint Paul, Statutes of the State of Minnesota, an regulations af public authority having cognizance, construct, meintein and operate said underground pipes; g. That said permittee end/or its successors in inierest shall f lly indemnify, hold hermless and defend the City af Saint Peul, i s agents, officers and employees from any and all damages, claims, lo es, judgments, suits or expenses and on account af eli claims of hatever nature far injury to persons and/or property erising out of or connected with the construction, maintenance, aperetion and or removal of soid underground pipes ond by the permission and uthority granted herein; and thot supplementol to all other obligations an their part, jointly and/or severaliy, hereunder, said permittee and/ r its successars in interest shall furnish and mointain, and pay all premiums and other expenses theretar, Casualty insurance Co erage with a duly licensed Casualty Insurance Company,�naming the permittee end the City as jointly insured to the extent of =50 ,004.00 for injury to any person andfor persons in any single incident nd to the extent of 5240,000.00 for damage to property in any singl accident and insuring the City of Saint Poul egain$t liability account of all cteims af third persons for injury to person{sa nd/or property arising frvm or connected with the construction, maintenance, aperation, relocation and/ar removal of said und rground pipes hereund�r at all times. The permittee shall furnish a ce ificete of this insuronce policy, from time to time, to the Director of he Depertment of Public Works, said certificate of insurance sha l be in such form as shall be approved by the City Attorney; h. That said permittee shall caordinete el1 work invvlving existi g utility instellatians, public or private, with the atfected utility comp nies or agencies i. Thot soid permittee shall at no cost to the City repoir any dam ge to said undergraund pipes which occurs during the normal course f the City's meintenance and/or construction of public facilities; Pege 3 R� WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUIIC 1 / /�� CANARV - OEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL BI�VE , -'MAVOR File NO. v` J . Or indnce Ordina ce N O. ��3 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date j.Thet ssid permltte� sfiell, within thirty (30? � trom s�d sft ttre publication ot this �dinence, tiis wrltten eccapt�v tt�eot, speciticelty �eeir� to e11 ot tha provisivns, terms end c�ndi ans herein, wlth the City Clerk. S�tion 3. Thet this Ordfr�ence shell tske etfect s�af be in to�ce th�rty t30) from and aftvr it� posse�, �provei �d �licati�. Pege 4 COUNC[LMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: p�lie WOrks Drew Nicosia ln Favor — Rettman Scheibel � A ainst BY so��.� g Taaes�o � Wilson ��� ^ � �U� � Form Approved b Cit t ey Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pa s d cil et BY By . Appro y Mayor: Date � MAY 2 9 f986 App e by Ma f Submi ' n to ouncil B PU9tiS}IED J U N 7 1986 . .iib � Works • PARTMENT �`�� Nq 4596 Robert A, Horri�sberger, Jr. CONTACT �j�� 292-6131 PHONE A ril 24 1986 ' DATE 1 e�� e� ASSIGN NUMBER FOR R�UTING ORDER (Clip All Locations for Siqnature) : r � Director of Management/Mayor Finance and Man�gement Services Director 4 City Clerk Budget Director � City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEV D BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purp se/ Ordinance would rant permission to Space Center, Inc. Rati nale) : to construct thr e pipes under and across E. Eighth Street ight-of-way at approximateTy 20�feet southwest o� Willius St. C1 block eas of Laf�yette Rd. ) Space Center is �roposing to relocate its cooling plant to he southwest cornar of E. Eighth St. and Willius St. and would run two 10 inch iametsr watsr pipes and one 2 inch d�ameter condensate pa.pe to its building o� he North 5ide of E. Eighth St. , COST/BENEFIT, BUDGEI�ARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: ��, � , �` � �� No cost to city. Space Center to �ay all costs �or installation o� facilitie including restoration of street and wo�ld obtain the necessary permits� R�CEIVED I APR , 2 5 1g�6 FINANCING SOURCE AND� BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- CfTY ATTORNEY ture t re- Total Amount of T ansaction: No�ne quire if under $10,0 ) Funding Source: _ Activity Number: I_ ATTACHMENTS (List an� Number All Attachments) : Ordinance Plan , ; DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY RE IEW Yes x No Counci Resolution Required? Resolution Requi ed? Yes No �Yes No Insura ce Required? Insurance Suffic ent? Yes No Yes No Insurar�ce Attac,t�d: Will be submittedI (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) �efore� ��k is pe�mitted - evise 4 * J � , ;�f �� �� . � { � m _ � � � 1 � I y� � ,. � 4Rsx7' 4 . . �w i . . .. . . � OG1�'i • �y! �` �V�S� ' .. �����" . . . . ��. . - ,�y .�.� � �., ± �+ ` +• � � ' \� ��; � ;. • � o r: �� 4 � �AY•rtt/i . . � i ' �, V �: ' N O � �. - a , � +�` , q ' z a �.. - Z o0 � µu /� ' t� . �N O � _ s'� � p �. � O � s,!� � „ z . � � k rnD �W 2 � �' � � � = � �.1 ,��; m r . ��' � "� � ' ��� � m � �� -� : .d_ ,.,� : .. �� , .. , � � ' j � v �� 1 , ,� -`•�, � , -. �ry - _ .i.AY�Y .�I�\ ' . ' . � ;�_. f.. }.,: _ .. . . . . . . .:.: . . . . � . .:. '. .:. .�... . , . � .r . .: .. ... .., . . . . _ . .L'�t.;rsr+T` , ,. . "- � . � . .. . . .. ,. � . . ,. . ,.� , .. .. . - :� Cs,4;,' ,. . .. _,. , . . . . .. .��. �.�, � - . . � � . , . . .� `.� '� �' - � ' . . . w*� � * .; _ �f ;., - - r _ jz., : �..'.� -�.-.-.:.-...�-.--�..- , , � �'{h 1t t_� € :�yr �0 4 ,v a t �H h'. �"f + r.�.> b �,'K'a _ . . "" ' r ' ' , ; ., �. .. ..Y.r � ro+a - . .. ;, � �� yN ) .v' ..., � ','� � . c':�ri � �:��'�;- �T'� � x a L • .r 4 . .' � - . . � . . _ . �. _ �mf � . � . .. . . . , � . . � . �.�� � ( � . - . . . - . O J�. . . �, rt- ;"`.. '. ... �.- . . . Q ' . �}' - �� " . . 1 . . � � . ' � ., '- �� ' , I�.., � � . �� f�. ' .. . .. _� �� � �• �� • . . �I.�-. . '" . !..(' '- °r' . .. . .. . .. � . . .. . . . - . . - .. . .. _. . M . . . . . �.. . . . . ��� n. �. .. . .. .. ..". � - � � '�i< -'.-. ....�__ ._.r _.._.: . . . ..� ��...Z'__ . ._.. a... �•r' ,3 '�' -- *.. i � ' � � � 1 � 1 m� 1 . f ��� �,[ � -Q =, `i -1� � �' rn� . m�a � � � -� : a � � �.� � ' � N � � �rn� � � � � : . , °� 3�'� ,� . . � �-�<�� � - ���s-s� _ _ _ � - -- - -- --- Date: April 30,1986 �-�� -�" " - � � Committee Report To: Saint Paul City Council From: Committee on ublic Works Chris Nicosia. hair The Pubiic Works Committee at its meeting of Apr 1 30, 1986 took the foilowing action: Hearina Date 1. 5/6/86 FINAL ORDER: Constructing and maint ining a 20 foot sewer easement on, under and across cer ain property in Block 17, Beaupre and Kelly's Additio (block bounded by Jessamine, Magnolia, DeSoto and Ar right). Recommended approval . 2. 5/13/86 FINAL ORDER: Constructing and intaining a permanent sewer easement on, under and acr ss certain properties for the PHALEN-ARCADE EAST STORM 5 WER (over Johnson High School Property). Recommended approval. 3. 5/13/86 FINAI ORDER: Constructing and ma ntaining a permanent sewer easement on, under and acr ss certain properties for the PHALEN-ARCADE EAST STO M SEWER. Also, a temporary construction easement (o er Cleveland Jr. High School property). , Recommended approval. 4. 5/6/86 FINA� ORDER: Constructing an maintaining a sewer easement on. under and across ce ain properties for the PHALEN-ARCADE WEST STORM SEWER in block bounded by Magnolia, Cook, DeSoto and Arkwri ht. Recommended approval. 5. 5/13/86 fINAL ORDER: Constructing t e EAST KITTSON DALE INTERCEPTOR on, under and across ertain property for the East Kittson Dale [nterceptor long Short Line Road : (right-of-way owned by Soo Line RR Company). - Recommended approval. 5A.5/13/86 FINAL ORDER: Constructing th EAST KITTSON DALE INTERCEPTOR SEWER along the Shor Line Road right-of-way between Summit Avenue and tnter S ate Highway 356E. Recortmended approval. 6. 5/13/86 FINAL ORDER: Constructing a maintaining a sewer easement on, under and across ce ain property being part of Lot 6, Biock 2. Du�lap Addi ion (property near Short Line Road and St. Clair Avenue). . . . . � � s�� - � ��3� 7. 5/6/86 FINAL ORDER: Constructing and maintaining a 30 ft. sewer easement on, under and across certain proper y being part of Lots 20, 21 and 26, Cottage Homes. (Vi ginia Street and north 8 south of right-of-way line o Burlington Northern Inc.) . Recommended approval . S. 5/6/86 FINAL ORDER: Improving LEXINGTON PARKWAY from Summit Avenue to University Avenue by constructing bituminous overlay and doing all other work necessary to complete said improvement. Laid over in Committee until 5/14/86. 9. 5/13/86 FINAL ORDER: To decide on the following imp ovements for the GRAND AVENUE WEST COMMERCIAL AREA PROJ CT construct double and single style decorative lights, rees and tree grates in the following project area: B th sides of Grand Avenue from about 150 feet east of S elling Avenue (146 feet north side; 150 feet south side) to about 150 feet west of Fairview ( 167 feet north si e; 144 feet south side) and Both sides of Fairview Av nue from the alley north of Grand to the alley south of rand Avenue. Recommended approval with amendments. 10. 5/13/86 FINAL ORDER: To decide on the operating osts for the Above Standard Street Lighting System f r the GRAND AVENUE WEST COMMERCIAL AREA PROJECT for t e months of October thru December 1986. Recommended approval with amendments. 11 . 5/15/86 VACATION: Petition of Michael Roach for t vacation of LELANO STREET and the alley in Biock 1 , sis Addition between W. Seventh St. and Benson Street r the purpose of multiple residentiat construction. Recommended approval with amendments o 2-1 vote - Councilwoman Sonnen voting N0. 12. 5/8/86 VACATION: Petition of Bethesda Hospital f r the vacation of CEDAR STREET between Como and Charles or the purpo5e of constructing a 135-175 unit senior hous ng project. Recommended approval on 2-1 vote - Coun ilman Nicosia voting N0. 13. OROINANCE: amending Section 159.05 of l.e islative Code adding Martin Luther King Day as a day on which parking restrictions shall not _apply. Recommended approval . . Z �� ..J� . , �735� 14. ORDINANCE: amending Section 160. 14 of Legi lative Code by adding Mart�n Luther King Day as a d y on which parking meters shall not be in operation. Recommended approval . 15. RESOLUTION: directing City Clerk to accept and keep on file skyway agreement dated August 25, 1982 between the HRA, City of St. Paul , Fauntain Dev. Co. , Ga lery Towers, . Twenty Broad Street Leasing Co. Inc. , St. Paul-Ramsey Arts and Science Council and the Port Author ty relating to skyway bridge and pedestrian concourses. Laid over in Committee to 5/14/86. 16. RESOLUTION: requesting Ramsey County to re rict parking on south side of LARPENTEUR AVENUE from Va Dyke Street to McKnight Road. Laid over in Committee to 5/14/86. 17. RESOLUTION: authorizing a Quit Claim Deed o the HRA for a wall easement no longer needed for pu lic purposes (easement adjoins land recentty vacated on ackson Street at Kellogg Bivd.) . Recommended approval . 18. RESOLUTION: waiving retained utility easeme ts in part of - -:-_--_ JACKSON and SIBLEY STREETS as vacated by C. . 86-274. Recommended approval . 19. ORD I�tAi+tCE s gra�t i ng Spa�.� �" '�riiC`�- •f�u�,� to constru�t, �fiate „ �::-��61'�' .� +di�aa�sr water pipe�and a tw�a �nCh d.iameter C�n ensate return p i pe und�r a�=`'�rt��s •�'t•'Ei'`�h Street�r gfit of way at approx 9 m�t�i y: twent:� €ee�,:�r: of �� �r l y� �: ;r i ght �f way l ine :� ��l,l it�s,��,5treet. Reco�:�rOV�� � 20. RESOLUTION: authorizing issuance of pe mit to Space Center, Inc. to construct. operate and maintain said underground pipes across East Eighth Stree . Recort�nended approval . l �' , �; � !_ � �' . � / .l.s t. _..�.��.r. � ����':_�._ �lr�d �.. �-' /� � 3rd '_ �//Q��� Auopted � ' �r(� . Yeas P.Tays DRE�d � ����- ��� NI�OSIA �'�/ � 4� R�TT[�1AN SCHEIBEL S�NNEN WILSOiV ,, MR. PRESIDENT TEDESCO � WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT' PAUL Counci (� / CANARY.- OEPMRTMENT File NO. u� ✓-� / � BIUE - MAVOR • ,. � in�nce Ordina ce N 0. � Presented y , °� � Referred To t!�"'�4S�C- � � �K S Committee: Date � � Out of Committee By Date AN ORDtNAi�E GRAMTING PERMtSSION TO HIST�tIC LANDMARKS fQR IVIN6, 30 SOUTH FRONT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PEPq1SYLYANIA 19106, AND/�t ITS CESSQRS IN INTEREST,TQ CONSTRI�T, OPERATE AI� MAtNTAlN A PE�STRIAN R WRH HANDRAILS AI� OI�M�lItTAI Ll�iTS, WHtCN EatTEl�S APP'[�qtiliATELY FOUR MIT0 EAST fOtIf�TH STREET R16HT-OF-I�AY, A►D�ACFMT 300 E�tSt FOI.M�TH STREET �LQT 1, OpC t EIOPKiNS ADDITION TO SAtt�IT PAUt.�, �TWEEN APPRO%tMATELY 21 FEET AND 7 FEET MOl��IfASTEI�.Y Of WAtI STREET. Tt� COUlICiI �Tif CITY � SA1MT PAI� DI�S tN: Sectimt 1. Tt�t permtssiv� and eutl�ority a�v t�groated to Hi�toric L � tor livitrg�d/or tts succsssars in ir�tenest, to construct, a�perete �i m�ntain a an remp with hendroils �d ornsmental lights which extends approximetely f�r into Eest Farth St�et right-ot-wey, �jecsnt 300 Eest Fourth str�et fLot i, Dloctc i, H�cins A�iti� to Seint Peul), �tween �pro�cimetely 21 teet and 71 feet northea teriy of Wall Street. Section 2. Thet the Director of the Dep�tme�t of Public Works is hereby e Zed to issue a permit to Historic landmerks tor living and/or its successors in i terest tor the construction, operetion and maintenance ot seid pedestrian rorr� ith hendreils �d orneawntel lights, according to �roved plans, � sofd �rrr�itt 's cotr�lf�e with the following conditioris: COUNCILMEN Requested by Department o : Publ ic Works Yeas Nays Drew Nicosia ln Favor Rettman Scheibel Against BY Sonnen Tedesco Wilson Form Approved b C ty Att y Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor fo Sub ission to Council By BY � � ' - � �. . �-���d � � � � i731� � a.That seid permittee shell pay the costs of publicatiort ot this ordinance and all ordinances and regalutions passed in r�lation to this ardinan e; b.That said permittee shall pag the costs of a�ninistrotion, en 'neering �rd inspeCtion incurrad�j the Department of Public Work$ becau e of this undertakir�g. Said costs ere estimoted to be a sum of s200.00; c.Thot soid permittee endlor its successors in interest sholl t ish o sunety ba�d to the City ot Saint Paul in the surn of ten U�ousa�d ti�llars ��14 OQA.O�) cor�iti�d to comply with ell the tecros �d canditi�s oi this ordinance to lndemnity said City tr�n oll liobility, costs �d expe�ses thot moy occrue oc asioned by the m�cing of the improvement or arising out of the sam�. The Surrety B d shail be submitted ta the Direc#or ot the Depertment of Public Works and shelt b in such form as shnli be app�oved by ths Gity Attorney; d.Thot soid pedest�ian ramp with han�nils arul ornamentel li� s sholl be removed by and et the sole cost and expense of said permittee end/or its �cessors in interest whenever tt� Council ot the City at Saint Paul shall by Resolu ion determine such removai necessary in the public inierest and accor�dingly orde the removel of said pedestrion romp with hendreils and ornementot lights from Ee t Fourth Street right-at-we�; e.That s�Md �mittee and/or iis successors in interest ex�ess egr�es �d undertokes to maintain the pedestrien ramp, bendrails and entol li�ts in proper condition and to keep the pedestrian ramp free end cte of any obstacles, snow or ice, all in a menner eccepteats ta the Director ot the sportment of Public works; t. That soid permittee and/or its successors in interest expressl ogrees ond undertakes to remove s�ow trom the public sidewelk ad jacent aid pedestrian romp, which moy be placed on said sidewalk by tt� Gity's snow plo g o�ratians, in e menner accepteble ta the Direct�af tt�e Depoctment of Public orks g. That soid permittee end/or its successors in interest she11 tul y ir�mnify, t�old hormiess ond defend the City o� Saint Poul, its agents, oftice ond emplayees trom any and all damo�s,claims, losses, jud�Cnents, suits or expen s �d on eccount af all ciaims of whetever nature for injury to persons ond/or pro rty o�ising out of or connected with the cvnstruction, meinter�ence, operotion and/ r�emoval of sofd pedestrian ramp with handroils and vrnamental iights and by t permission and authocity gronted herein; and thet s�pleme�tai to all other ob gations on their part, jointly end/or severoily, her�un�r, seid pern�ittee end/o its successors in interest sheil turnish and mointain, and pey oil premiums and o her expenses Page 2 �-�, i . ,`: �i ; I 1st ��-,�` 6'� 2 d ��S_�5 �i(, ' 3rd S -�-��� ��, Adopted �" �� �7-��` `.....-------- _. • Yeas Nays - DREW ��� ��� NICOSIA . !'�5�/ R�'�TMAN SCHEIBEL SONNEN . WILSON MR. PRESIDENT TEDESCO