86-583 WNITE - C�TV CIERK PINK - F'INAN�E CO CIl CANARV - DEPARTMENT , G I TY OF SA I NT PALTL FIl NO. �� _��� BLUE - MAVOR Cou cil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Da Out of Committee By Da RESOLVED: That Application for a State Gambling License, a plied for by the St. Paul Aerie #33 Fraternal Order Eagles at 287 Maria Avenue (Class B License) be and the same is hereby appr ved/�e�� COUNCILMEN Requested by Department f: Yeas Drew Nays � Nicosia [n Favor Rettman Scheibel Sonnen a __ Against BY 3�i�wo W`�S°� MAY 7 - 1966 Form Approv by C' At orn Adopted by Council: Date Certified P s•ed b Council cr ry BY gy. � MaY t z � PP Y y A�pp by Mavor: Date A roved b a for Su ission to Council By — By Pl1RlISFlED ��"AY 17 19$6