86-563 M�HITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Co cil O, �j. CANARV -DEPARTMENT Fll NO• �+�_�v/� B L lTE - F,fp y O R r r ' Or in�nce Ord nance N�. Presented By !�1 �/''�`' p Re red To Committee: Dat 0 of Committee By Dat An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 17184, Council File No. 84-983 coded as Chapter 329 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, adopted by the City Council on November 2 , 1984, pertaining to alarm devices and licenses and permits therefor, and amendi g Section 329.05 , Subd. 3(2) . THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l . That Ordinance No. 17184, Council File 84-9 3, adopted by the City Council on November 20, 1984, and which mended Chapter 329 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code and established a permit system for alarm devices for police calls and pro ided penalties therefor, be and the same is hereby amended so as t repeal Section 5 thereof, which 5ection 5 provided that the provis 'ons of Section 329. 01 through Section 329.05 shall expire on June 0, 1986 unless extended or acted upon by the City Council , the ntent of this repealing ordinance is to continue in force and e fect Sections 329.01 through 329.05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. Section 2. That Section 329.05 , Subdivision 3(2) of t e Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby amended to read as follows : (2) Additional fee; cause for revocation of permit. Rny person found to be in violation of this sub ivision shall be issued a warning for the first violati n thereof, and for each subsequent violation shall be bill d an additional fee of $10 by the license inspector or each occurrence, which fee may, alternatively, be COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Drew Nicosia [n Favor — Rettman sone�bai A ainst BY Sonnen g Tedesco Wilson Form Approved y City Attor ey Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved ayor for Submi sion to Council By By WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINN - FINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL Cou cil - CANARV -DEPARTMENT ���� BLl1E - A+�A��R File NO. • Or in�nce oral ance NO. ��3�� Presented By Referred To Committee: Dat Out of Committee By Dat collected by adding such additional fee or fee to the annual fee to be collected at the time f application for renewal of the alarm user perm' t. However, upon the signaling of the fourth fals alarm from an alarm system permitted under thi section, the license inspector s�a�� may comme ce revocation proceedings immediately pursuant to Section 310.05. Section 3 . This ordinance shall take effect and be i force thirty days from and after its passage, approval and publi ation. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of Yeas Nays � — Orew N��os�e [n Favor Rettma�� � Scheibel A gai n s t BY Sonnen • Tedesco Wilsorr--.r-� MAY 2 7 1986 Form Appro ed y City o ney Adopted by Council: Date Certified P d C nc� Sec r BY By Appr by Mayor: Date ' MAY 19 i966 Approved by Mayor for Subm ssion to Council By By PUBLISHED J UN 7 1986 F�.nance� Mailage�nt Sexvic��, ,� D�PARTMENT �� ��0 368�: , , . Jos�pli �'• Carchedi CONTACT 298-5056 PHONE April 11, 1986 � DATE 1 ��� e e ASSIGN NUMBER FOR RO�ITING ORDER (Clip Al1 Locations for Signature) : 1 Department Direc�tor 4 Director of nagement/Mayor Finance and Mana�ement Services Director 5 City Clerk 2 Budget Director ! 6 Cit Counci � 3 City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVEp BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purp e/ Rati ale) : Continu,ance of Chap�er 329 of the Legislative Cod,e which regulates Fol' Alarm Devices. RE�EIVED ���,,o��,�� t�ECEiV�D APR � � � '" � .�'� � �I APR, 2 �� � RF B COST/BENEFIT, BUDGET�IRY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATE�qy���� O�FICE CF�/�C��Y A��O1lH� oFF, �'R 1 � 1986 - rTone c � I�ECEiVtD A111p�RT ENtyF��R r�� e '.P Q ' L, i:;uo ryA £MENT S�q�'F _ �- i /�V/C�S PIIAti'�iR'S OFFICE FINANCING SOURCE AND; BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor' signa- ture t re- Total Amount of T�ransaction: 1v/A quire if under $10,0 ) Funding Source: Activity Number: . ATTACHMENTS (List and Number Al1 Attachments) : Proposed ord:inance �hange. ; i DEPARTMENT REVIEW � CITY ATTORNEY R VIEW x Yes No Counci� Resolution Required? Resolution Requi ed? x Yes No Yes X No Insura ce Required? Insurance Suffi ient? Yes No Yes No Insura�ice Attached: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 , �`�° � � ��. , • .` .t. , ' . ' , . . •, ' I \ � /' � �'_I `� , �' � � / �_/ � M�NITE - CITY GLERK PINK -�FINANCE G I TY UF SA I NT PA U L Cou il // �j CANARY -OEPARTMENT File NO• �� `v T- � �LUE - MAVOR�� - � • �` ! Ordin�cnce o�a� ance NO. (,, _:���, Presente By ' � � � Ref r ed To ���''���-�'7-/ a l�� ��� —� Co ittee: Dat Out f Committee By Dat An Ordinance amending O dinance 1Vo. 1718 , Council File No. 84-9 coded as Chapter 329 of the Saint Pau Legislative Code , adopted by the City ouncil on November 0, 1984, pertaining t alarm devices and licenses and perm' s therefor, and amend'ng Section 329. 05, S bd. 3(2) . THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF S INT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 . That Ordinance No. 17184, Council File 84- 38 , adopted by the City Council o November 20, 1984, and w ich amended Chapter 329 of the Sa nt Paul Legislative Code and established a permit system for arm devices for police calls nd provided penalties therefor , e and the same is hereby am nded so as to repeal Section thereof, which Section 5 p ovided that the provisions of ection 329. 01 through Section 29 . 05 shall expire on June 30, 1986 unless extended or acted pon by the City Council , th intent of this repealing ordi ance is to continue in for e and effect Sections 329. 01 th ugh 329. 05 of the Saint Pau Legislative Code. Section 2. That Se tion 329. 05 , Subdivision 3(2) of the Saint Paul Legislative ode be and is hereby amended to read as f llows : (2 Additional fee; cause for revocation of p rmit. Any rson found to be in violation of this subdi ision shal be billed an additional fee of $10 by the 1 cense inspector for each occurrence , which fee may, alt rna- COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays n�i��s�a In Favor `� � � ������ Rettman � s�ne�nei Against BY �� Sonnen Tedesco Wilson / � Form Approved by C y Atto ey Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Councii Secretary BY By 4 Approved by Mayor: Date Appro by or for Su on o Coun ' By By �� . � � � . . � .s . , . . WHITE — C�TV CLERK 1 PINK — FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL �/ / CANARV — DEPARTMENT COLL C11 / BIUE —MAVOR F+II NO. (� `�V/3 Ordin�nce rd' ance 1�0. Presented By Referred To Committee: Dat Out of Committee By Dat tively, be collected by adding such a itional e or fees to the annual fee to be collecte at the ti e of application for renewal of the alar user permi . How- ever, upon the signaling of the fou th false al rm from an alarm system permitted und r this secti , the license inspector s�ia�� may c mmence revoca ion proceedings immediately pursuant to Section 310. 05. Section . This ordinance shall take eff ct and be in forc thirty days from and after its passage, appro al and publication. � ' I, 2. COUNC[LMEN ' Requested by Department o Yeas Nays Drew � � � � �( N��os�a [n Favor Rettman ! son.�bai Against BY Sonnen Tedesco Wilson Form Approv d y City Att y Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Appro ayor for S on t By By / � ;r'`' � � ! ls� � �- ;` ;' _ 2nd 5..��� �/, �' � 3rd _ S—�_.�; ,f::f� Adopted � _ lj-_,i�(�, ' �° ---- . Yeas Nays DRF'td _ �, (. �. l,,�w_. �,,:_ - � NICOSIA j� ,�� � RETTMAN I SCHEIBEL f SONNEN � WILSON MR. PRESIDENT TEDESCO . I ,