86-550 M�HITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Cou cil o/ `,/ CANARV - OEPARTMENT File NO. u v _ v �v BLUE - MAVOR uncil Resolution -�`�, ; ' 1 ��' Presented y � ��� �� eferred To �! ��'�C�:-� Committee: Dat ��o T� Out of Committee By Dat 8E IT �S'OLVED,by the Council ot tfre City ot Saint Paul, upon tioa of thQ ne�ot� sd�rice ot tne lv►�g Renge c�ttet �mprovenwnt e�get tt�, tnet u�e capitei �mp�ovurwnt eudget, es henetoro� edopt.a end emeneQd ey this co�ctl, is !�y turtt�errwtrded es toiiows: C�nt Arrw�ded Y�L f!� � PI� Anoronristion 1984 MrPAF S-0704 St. Artthtm�J Hiii = 2,416,049 = - ,000 = 2,336,049 Eliefit-tefo�d 1984 WPAF 5-�j� Mississippi River = ---- _ + ,000 = �,�0 81vd. Pliese 3 +4�ROVED AS TO FlN1DiMG: APPROYED: � A. Schiller, nector �,�' .G�or}� 81ees � Fir�nce and Herrog�t Services � �t�4i�e�j� " � � .: . .. _� r ..__. � �.�r�� - .,� _ , _.. , :<,��- - ____ �-_��:� .. ._ . :_:_e-._ . -�-- Y—���sK,�� :,�1�=a£.'G: � COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of Yeas p�eW Nays �„ Public Work 3/4 Rettman In F�avo[ l i/� n � Scheibel -��� � s,,,,�r, «y __ Against BY �' ``"`'`ec'� �C Tedesco ;� �9lilss�+- � Adopted by Council: Date MAY 1 - 1986 Form Appro b ity At ney Certified P 5-ed y uncil Se ry BY , By� Appro y Ylavor: Date MAY 5 �86 Approved by a fo Su sion to Council _.. By — y p���r IsHED M AY � 1986 , �y �' Public Work� DEPARTMENT �"5� N� 4676 . . � Rnbert �_ p�t�rsen CONTACT 298-5070 PHONE Mareh 4� 1986 DATE 1 e�� e I,i ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER (Clip All Locations for Signature) : ' r 6 Director of nagement/Mayor ' � Finance and Management Services Director 7 City Clerk City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpo e/ Ratio ale) : � Additional funding wiil be transferred to the MISSISSIPPI RIVER BOULE ARD PHASE 3 PROJECT (Randolph to Goodrich.) .-:���;��� RFCE�� . ��-�,�� ��� ED .�' 2 :� � _ MqR �J ��� ;;��;,,,-.�, � �-�� COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICI�`�7'�[��� �f�c,_... CI rYAr E;, T�RN�' Storm Sewer separatian wi i l be included with paving projeQR��"'T�ra�'t'hl' d's �Sf 5ewe'r work to be paid with federal and state grants and loans. Fund �eser to be transferred to cover the City's one-third of costs. FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor' signa- ture n t re- Total Amount of Transaction:$80,000 quired if under $10,00 ) Funding Source: 1984 WPAF Activity Number: ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All Attachments) : Resolution DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY RE IEW �Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Requi ed? Yes No Yes X No Insurance Required? Insurance Suffic ent? Yes No Yes No Insurance Attached: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 RAH:bn _ F ��- � -��� „ CITY OF S�INT P�.UL :�:�� ; •:�i� a�t.ul OF`FIC� OF THE CITY COUNCIL � �ammittee Report F':i�an.�� l�ana em.ent & Persannel �ommi tee. APRIL 17, 1986I 1. Approval of minutes from meeting held April 10, Z986. a ro ed 2. Resolution amending the 1986 budget by transferring $29,573 fro Contingent Reserve to Finance Department - General Government Accounts - CHCH Buil ing Maintenance [City 35� Share] (laid over from April 10, 1986) . withdrawn 3. Resolution amending the 1986 budget by adding $6,368.42 to the inancing Plan and to the Spending Plan for Citywide Data Processing. a ro ed 4. Resolution amending the Capital Improvement Budget by transferr ng $555,000 to Burlington Road Project (Springside to Totem Road) from Cretin- ayton to I-94 ($300,000) and St. Anthony Hill-Elfelt-Lafond ($255,000). a roved 5. Resolution amending the 1984 Capital Improvement Budget by tran ferring $400,000 to the Maryland-Payne to Prosperity Project from St. Anthony Hi 1-Elfelt-Lafond. ($100,000), Warner-Shepard Reventment Repair ($100,000) and Pub ic Works . -.,_____ __ ---- _- - Contingency-�($200,000) . approved , �:_ � <,�;�, r � 6. ��r�a�lrtt2tng`..t�ie �984 C�p`ftal Impra�e�ent Bu�$ bq f��n ferring''�,t�,QO `, o iss�i�.�' Boulevard�;�� 3 ;Itandol:��-�c,�-= ���h fro �st: Anthony .:°$ill- "' - ��1,��riw�+���t. ,�;����.�:�_-� 7. Resolution amending the 1986 budget by adding $3,529.05 to the inancing Plan and Spending Plan for PED Fund-Production Grants-New Works/St. aul. approved 8. Resolution approving Memorandum of Agreement amending the 1985- 987 Labor Agreement between Independent School District 625 and the Machi ists District Lodge No. 77. approved 9. Resolution establishing policy that take-home, city-owned vehic es cannot be used for personal purposes. approved � � I0. Resolution establishing the policy that all city-owned vehicles cannot be , used for personal purposes. approved 11. An ordinance amending Chapter 64 of the Administrative Code per aining to the levying and collection of special assessments for local improve ents (deferred payment to senior citizens). approved CTTY HALL SBVENTH FLOOR SAIN PAUI,MINNESOTA 55102 e�c a 66