86-493 � y
By , �
File No. S 1 384 S 11389 S 11390
S 11391, S 11392, S 11393, S 11394 and S 1395
Votinq In the Matter of �idQ�lk consstruction and/or reconstruction, o ly vhere u�ce�s�ry,
Ward at tha foll�ing loaatioas:
6 S 11384 Both sides E. Hawthorne Avenue from Ruth St eet to Ivy Avenue E.
5 S 11389 Both sides Albemarle Street from Orange Ave ue to Ivy Avenue
5 S 11390 South side Arlington Avenue from Cohansey S to Schletti St.
3 S 11391 North side Lincoln Avenue at 80 S . Snelling Avenue and
South side Lincoln Avenue at 1528 Lincoln A enue
7 S 11392 Both sides Maple Street from E. Sixth Stree to E. Seventh St.
7 S 11393 North side E. Orange Avenue at 2111 E. Oran e Avenue and
South side E. Orange Avenue at 2092, 2122, nd 2126 E. Orange
Avenue at Pedersen Street.
7 S 11394 North side Wakefield Avenue from 200 feet w st of Earl Street
to 130 feet east of Cypress Street
7 S 11395 Both sides Wilson Avenue west from Earl Str et at 1042, 1044,
1047 and 1055 Wilson Avenue only.
114�[31��.V11J14G144 J4111 1{�tlVll�1141\rV' 1\rJV11vJ. . � --
1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof
is$ * , financed by assessa�ents. See above for asse sment rates.
2. That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 20th day of M y, 1986 ,at
10:00 o'clock a.m., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House Build' g in the City of Saint Paul.
3. That notice of said public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provide by the Chazter,stating the
time and place of hearing,the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated.
COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the Council: Da e
APR 2 2 1986
Yeas Drew Nays
Nicosia Certifie assed by Council creta
-6�ioibel In Favor By
Tedesco 0 Against �
Wilson Mayor
R 2 3 1�86
PUB ES4�ED MAY 3 1986