86-490 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINqNCE C ACII �� ` - //�J� BIUE� - MAV�ORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL T yV Fi e N 0. Cou cil R e lution Presented By / ' � � 1 Referred To Committee: D te Out of Committee By D te RESOLVED that upon the petition of the Ameri an National Bank and Clarel Cor,poration, per file No. 22-198 , that part of the alley in Block l, St. Catherine Park hereinaf er described be and the same is hereby vacated and discontinu d as public alley: All that part of the alley in Block 1, St. Cath rine Park lying easterly of an extended line 29 feet easterly of and parallel to the west line of Lot 3, Bloc 1, St. Catherine Park; also All of the easement in the land necessary for t e slopes, cuts and fills, including the right of removal f lateral support from subject land or remainder thereof occasioned by excavation thereof or construction of slopes in the grading of said alley lying within or adjacent o said vacated area. Subject expressly to the following conditions and re ervations : 1 . That the vacation be subject to all the ter s and condi- tions of Chapter 130, codified March 1, 1981, of the St. Paul Legis- lative Code, as amended. 2 . That the petitioners, American Nation 1 Bank and Clarel Corporation, shall, within 60 days of the dat of publica- tion of this resolution grant by recordable deed to the City of Saint Paul, an easement for alley purposes i a form to be approved by the City Attorney to cover the follow' ng described land: All that part of the westerly twenty-nine feet f Lot 3 , Block 1, St. Catherine Park. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department f: Yeas pfeW Nays Nicosia [n Favor Rettman Scheibel Sonnen __ AgBinst BY Tedesco W ilson Form Appro ed b City At orney Adopted by Council: Date L� Certified Yassed by Counc.il Secretary BY gy, Approved by Mavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Su ission to Council Bv - - - Br . , . - � , - C�- ��-y�� That it is understood that if this provision is not complied with within the specified time period, this va ation shall be declared null and void. 3 . That the Petitioners shall pay all expen es incurred for the construction of this dedicated alley i cluding but not limited to costs relating to paving, curb cuts, and sidewalk replacement and drainage. All work shall be su ject to the approval of the Department of Public Works . 4 . That the Petitioners shall maintain the landscaping of the westerly 13 feet of this alley in acc rdance with specifications to be set forth in a site plan to be supplied to and approved by the Department of Planning nd Economic Development, Zoning Division, within sixty days . 5. That the Petitioners shall pay all costs a d assessments for future maintenance and improvements of th ' s dedicated alley. 6 . That a specific easement be retained in the vacated area to protect the interest of Northwestern Be 1 Telephone Company. 7 . That a specific easement be retained i the vacant area to protect the interest of Northern States Power Company Electric Division. 8 . That a specific easement be retained in the vacated area to protect the interest of Continental Cablevi ion. 9 . That the Petitioners shall pay $500 . 00 a ministrative costs for this vacation which is due and payab e within 60 days of the publication date of this vacation. T at no addi- tional compensation be charged as the land bei g dedicated offsets the land being vacated. 10 . That petitioners, their successors or assigns, by accept ance of the terms and conditions of th' s vacation, agree to indemnify, defend and save harmless he City of Saint Paul, its officers and employees from all s its, action or cl aims of any character, including but not limited to claim brought 2. c �I , � I� WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL C ncil �f �// 7� CANAf7� -.LJ,EP�tRTMEN T Fl NO. O�` /� ��✓ BLUE - MAVOR � Cou il Res lution � Presented By ' Referred To Committee: Da e Out of Committee By Da e 3 . because of any injuries or damages received or sustained on account of this vacation, by any persons or proper y; or because of any act or omission; neglec� or misconduc� of sa' d Petitioner; or because of any claims or liability arising rom or based on any violation of any law or regula�ion made in accordance with the law whether by the Petitioner or any f its agents or employees. 11. That the Fetitioners shall within 60 days of the publication date of this resolution file with t e City Clerk an acceptance in writing of the conditions of t is resolution and shall within the period(s ) specified. with n the terms and conditions of said resolution comply in all resoects with the terms and conditions therein. The proper City officials are hereby authorize and directed to accept the easement for alley purposes on, o r and across 'the wes-cerly 29 feet of Lot 3, Block 1 St. Catherin Park. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department f: Yeas Drew Nays f Nicosia �p Rettman [n Favor 9ehe;Y.1 �/ Sonnen __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson �PR 2 2 �e6 Form Approv 'ty At rne Adopted by Council: Date Certified :•e b Council ret BY � �G gy. Approved b 1Aavor: D `��- q � APR 2 �'1��ed by Mayor for Sub ission to Council By�`__���..--�_�'�+—c� By PUBLISHED MAY � 19$6 -y, • - (� ��- S��G ���T•�. CITY OF SAINT PAUL ;"� '�� OFFIC OF THE CITY ATTORNEY � ii'i 01ii �� �. „� EDW RD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY °?f��� 7 City Hall, Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR April 11, 1986 A1 Olson City Clerk 386 City Hall Building Re: American National Bank vacation ' Dear Mr. Olson: Attached please find a proposed vacation resolution s per your request. It has taken some time to prepare as here was some apparent confusion as to the size of the buffer zone for the newly dedicated alley. A 13 foot buffer zone had been agreed to by all part ' es con- cerned but the specifics were not referenced in the ouncil proceedings. I believe the attached accurately depi ts the agreement reached by all parties and propose that th resolution in this form be presented to the Council for final a roval. If you have any questions, please call . Sincerely, C �-,.�/' � JOHN B. McCORMICK Assistant City Attorney JBMcC:rl cc : Councilpersons Drew Nicosia Rettman Scheibel Sonnen Tedesco Wilson