86-483 . ''4 .-� +� — +� l� ' r CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL F NO. � FINAL ORDER �f ' By File No. 1 �0 � : Vpting In the Matter of ep1�tlYttiow �! Ch�! �-�I��� j� ward �lO�J�i.?. (bo�dsd b �lwaod ��,w e� tl�e wsrtti -itu, 4 as ti� �R� iq Hisirra� I-!i rl�et-o�-w�. ar tlwr w� hT Clr�ls�d itrs�w sese�-�t-l+�at atMd a� due �t !j 1M�1 �iNat ss�+e-or-l�sa) �ls�, if sK�etN, eesitr�ectfo� o� ssrriee ca�o�ectiiw. �aitss�r sao�r cewretier a�i wt�r �rs co�etio�s. i 1 � � � � � � i , -//-�'� � � under Preliminary Order �� �� 7� approved !� The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the ab ve improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertai ing to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be ma.de, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with t improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the prop r City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in aCCOrdance with apter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the Council: D te APR 2 2 1986 Yeas �� Nays �iCO�ia Certifie as ed by Council ecretary tet[�aa � In Favor By ?itdlsCO p' Against w--c�—� Nil.io� Mayor APR 2 � 1986 BLiSHED ry��Y 3 19$6 � � � m��: ���-��.� '� � r,��o,a, c�.�r • GITY UF (SAIN�l` PAUL J nt�� ltettmaa f�iii i kt 9omen ' ° � OFI�'IQE OF THE CITY COIINOIL 'J hn Dnw(AI!) . Dat@: Apr 1 16, 1986 � �a C a mmitte e l�e o t � p To: Saint Paul City Council From: Committee on Public Work Chris Nicosia, Chair The Public Works Cortmittee at its meeting of April 16, 1986 to the following action: Hearinq Date ,-.. ����'�'� , ,_; , , ` on ,. ' � on, r�94 r � ,3�` �;. . -1 es s !'K/l'-�.:: `� . i f �� , $�`�€�A"�' fons. , � °���, ,,,� i " ' ; t ^�°,�pu�c � ��, ����,. _, ....", , , 2. 4/22/86 F1NAL ORDER: Improving the following street by constructing concrete curb and gutter, bituminous mat, concrete driveways, concrete outwalks and a treet lighting system on the following streets to be kno n as the SNELLING/UNIVERSITY STREET AREA PAVING PROJECT: BLAIR AVE. and LAFOND AVE. from Snelling to P scal; EDMUND AVE. from Snelling to Asbury 8 Simpson to Ha line; CHARLES AVE. from Snelling to Hamline; SHIELDS AVE from Fairview to Snelling; ALDINE ST. from Universi y to Sherburne; FRY ST., BEACON ST., WHEELER ST., HE SCHEL ST., PIERCE ST. AND ROY ST. from St. Anthony Av . to University Ave; OAKLEY AVE. from Prior to Lynn urst; FERONIA AVE. from Prior to fatrview; DEWEY ST. fr m St. Anthony to University; LYNNHURST EAST AND LYNNHURS WEST _ fran Feronia to University; SHERBURNE AVE. from Ald ne to Snelling; PASCAL ST. from Thomas to Blair and WHEEL R ST. from University to (Charles extended). Recommended approvai on a 2-1 vote - Councilwoman R ttman voting N0. 3. 4/29/86 FINAL ORDER: Improve the following street by constructing concrete curb, bituminous paving, treet lighting, concrete outwalks and planting trees. I1 to be known as THE MIDDLE BELT LINE iNTERCEPTOR AVING PROJECT. Also, if requested, construction of sa itary connections, storm sewer connections and aater main connections. REANEY AVE. from Etna Extende to Birmingham; BEECH ST, from Hazelwood to White Bear Ave.; PEDERSEN STREET from Minnehaha Ave. to Bush; WAUKO AVE. from Pedersen to Ross; E. SEVENTH ST. from McKnigh Road to 460 feet west of Howard St.; HOWARD ST. fr E. Seventh St. to Ross; BUSH AVE. from Pedersen to 24 feet east of Pedersen; LAKE ST. from Stillwater to E. S venth St.; BIRMINGNAM ST. from Old Hudson Road to Wilson Ave.; MAGNOLIA AVE. from Johnson Parkway to Mechanic St.; MECHANIC 5T, from Magnolia Ave. to Etna St.; ETN ST. from Mecha�ic St. to Ames Ave.; BURNQUIST ST. from Jessamine Ave. to Maryland Ave.; MARGARET ST. fr Etna St. to Hazelwood Ave. and BIRMINGHAM ST. from Marga et to 150 feet south of Margaret. Recommended approval on a 2-t dbte - Councilwoman R ttman voting N0. �,� ��- ��� - � �1. 4/29/86 FINAI_ ORDER: Construction of sewer and/or water connections at certain properties on Buri ngton Road in connection with the BURLINGTON ROAD STORM EWER PROJECT. Recommended approval unanimously. 5. 4/29/86 FINAL ORDER: Making safety improvements o SHEPARD ROAD from Randolph Avenue to Chestnut Street b installing a center concrete barrier and placing bitum nous surfacing '',. over existing concrete roadway. Recommended approval unanimously. 6. 4/29/86 FINAL ORDER: Acquistion of Lot 5� Bloc 46, Charles Weides Subdivision of Block 46 Arlington ills Addition to Saint Paul (vacant lot north of 817 Pa ne Avenue) to allow access into the new Public Works Bri ge Yard. Recommended approval with stipulation that Final Order be amended to include contingency that any a reements made come back to the City Council . 7. RESOLUTION: regarding SENIOR CITIZEN DEFER ED A5SESSMENTS for Combined Sewer Separation Program and Street Paving Projects. � • Recommended approval unanimously. 8. RESOLUTION: for permit parking in re idential area adjacent to or near Snelling Avenue and Sel y Avenue. Recommended a '''' �� pproval unanimously. � � � c� � . . � I.�I J�. 9. RESOLUTION: authorizing an agreement wit . t.he City and �' �°1 � the M i nnesota Department of Transportat i for fund i ng� 1�� f�s:t>G' for construction, operation and mainte ance of two ��`� traffic signal installations on TH 61 loca ed at Burns and Warner Road. Recommended approval unanimously. 10. PETITION: of Oxford Development Minnesota, Inc. and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the' City of Saint Paul , Minnesota, for the vacation of pa t of Eighth Street between Cedar and Wabasha Streets. Petition wil ) be withdrawn at a later date. Z (,,�� � /�-� . . .. � P�I.�A1tY 01�p� s . _ � Co�neSl Ff1e Nb.58-�_-B�►`Chria Niec��y- � _ ' "` Irn the�Matter of'cuastruction .bf�t�e St��.I�tC''T�"1�t.I�'�$�ITY � '. SEP�RATION PKOJ�C'T.(bounded by�nglewood Avenue oi1 fbenorth, ' _- �; less,on the south by H�ghway i-94 right-of-way,on the'�by C1eYeTand 1� moie-or-iess and on the east by Iiamline Avenue more-or-less)Alsu.itre�u�� constructfon of sevaer serYice connections,sattitary se�ver ron�i�s and main connections in Voting Ward 4. . . The Council of the City of Saint Paul having r�3ved the report of the M yor ; upon the above improvement, and having eonsidered said report, h resolves• , - � �,`a �. That the�aid x+�,�,1Qrt and th�e �� is E}ere'�Y�Pi���d with��ter�► �a �t tae �st�atea �t t�r`�� $z.3Q�,3 t;aanced by- 't�,j: ;175.�00--i�Z Water'I�oAntiori'AbatetrteAt Frmcls�7,;300: Miaaesbta , � Department$300,000'and Stgte ancl FEder�rl�Gr�nts and LO,ans S1;S3(1,�8: . 'serviee=cc�nection�, aanit�uq sev6er contieEtions �+i! wate�r main ca . ,: �assesaec�at cost.' , . . . ;. r ,�.; 2. That a publie�htari�g`be'hac� on said improvement o��tie d'` ' April, 1986, at 10: 'clock a.m.,in the Council Chamber�of the ity H d ��our ouse uilding in the C�ty o�;$aint Paul:: . , 3: That aotice of said public hearing:be given to the persons and � this''` ! mati�er pravided 1iy the Charter,'statirig the time and place.of heari;►g,the oi the imp�ovement'aiYd the Eotal cbst thereof a�s�tiinateil. File No. 1841Q : :- � : , ;: Adopte�d by tfie Cwneii March ll,1986: Approve.d�ar�h iZ,-1886. , .. .' -._ � (Ma�h 15, 19�6D _;. �;: