86-480 �NHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COU 11 A , / � �CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. v� a /�� '���UE r= MAVOR Cou il Res ution Presented By . • 1 Referred To Committee: Dat Out of Committee By Dat RESOLVED, that upon the petition of William ole per file No. 1-1986, to vacate p� of Barclay Stree� between eaney Avenue and Bush Avenue, that sec�ion of street hereinaf er described be and . -the same i5 hereby vacated and discontinue as a public street: Tha� part of Barclay S-treet adjoining Lots 8 and 9, Block 5, Defranchy' s Division -�hat lies East of line 1 . 50 feet 4�7est of and parallel with 'che Traest lin o� said Lots 8 and 9 and between �he Westerly e��ten ion across said s�reet of 'the South line of said Lot 9 and a line 51 . 20 fee� North of and parallel with sai SouLh line and i-�ts ex�tension. Subjec'c expressly to the following condi'tions and res rvations : 1. That �he vacation be sui�j ec't �o all the 'te ms and condi- tions of Chap'ter 130, co�ified March 1, 1981, of the S'c. Daul Legislative Code, as amended. 2 . That said land is being vacated to acco nodate an en- encroachment along Barclay Street and that upon r moval, recon- struction, al'teration, demoli�ion or o'therwise non-existence o� �his encroachment the vacated land shall automa ically rever_t to the City of Saint Paul as stree� right-of-wa withou� cos-c or charges �o �he City. 3 . That the �eti�ioner shall pay $500 . 00 as administrative costs for this vaca�ion which is due and payable ithin 60 days of the publication date of this resolution. 4 . That the peti�ioner, its successors o assigns, by acceptance of the �erms and conditions of this va ation, agrees to indemnify, defend and save harmless �he City f Saint Paul, COUIVCILME[V Requested by Department f: Yeas Nays Drew �� Financ a Nicosia in Favor � Scheibel � ^ Sonnen Against BY ` Tedesco W ilson Adopted�y��ma l: Date Form Appr ed b City A or y ounci Cerlified Passed by Council Secretary BY �-� 3 � � $ BY Approved by \4avor: Date Appro by Mayor for Su mi on to ouncil �- By wHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PALT L Coun il �G _ ��� C4NARV - DEPARTMENT ��'.UE . - MAVOR File NO• uncil esolution Presented By • ` Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date of any charac�er, including bu'c not limited to a laim brough-t because of any injuries or damages received or ustained on account of this vaca�ion, by any per�.ns or proper�y; or because of any act or omission; neglect or misconduct of sai petitioner; or because of any claims or liability arising f om or based on any violation of any law or regula�ion made ' n accordance with the law vahether by the pe�itioner or any o its agen�s or employees. 5 . That the pe�i�ioner shall within 60 days of -th publication da�ce of this resolu�tion file with the City Clerk n accep�ance in writing of the conditions of this resolution and shall wi�hin the neriod specified within the terms and condit ' ons of said resolu�tion comply in all respec�ts with the terms a d conditions �herein.. 2 . COUNCILMEN Requested by Department o : Yeas Drew Nays � Finance & Manag ment Services N"os'a In Favor Rettman Scheibel Q Sonnen __ Agal[1St BY � Director Tedesco Wilson APR 1 7 1986 Form Appro ed by City Att rney Adopted by Council: Date /'\-`� Certified Pas•e ncil BY � 3 By- � � Approv y Mavor: Date _ � � � APP d by Mayor for ub i s' ouncil BY - — B PUBIlSNED A P R 2 6 19$6 Finance & Mgmt. Services ��EPARTMENT , � —��� N� 4300 Dick McCann '� � �ONTACT 298-5317E ' PHONE Apr 2, 1986 DATE 1 �Qi� Q, Q ASSIGh NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER (Clip Al1 Locations for Signature) : Department Director 2 Director of nagement/Mayor 1 Finance and Management Services Director 4 City Clerk Budget Dir'2ctor � Councilman N cosia City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpo e/ Ratio ale) : Adopt resolution vacating part of Barclay Street which was approved b the Council March 20, 1986 I�ECEiVGD � � ^ �p� �,. ��b� � RF��/� LJ �D � ✓t\� � ��AYOR�s o���c� qpR _ COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: �o qR M F ry� 1986 None �A�'MFI�O�1/q T�R C �R�c£S FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor' signa- ture n re- Total Amount of Transaction: quired if under Funding Source: N/A $10,00 ) Activity Number: ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All Attachments) : 1. Resolution 2. Map DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY RE EW x Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Requir d? Yes No Yes x No Insurance Required? Insurance Suffici nt? Yes No Yes X No Insurance Attached: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 � , , � � y� . ��� A�- a . . SURVEYING INC. � � JA1AE8 E. DANLEY R.L.8. Pr��id�nt iKETCH EXCLUSIVEL•Y FOR VON DE LINDE PROPOSED STREET VACATION DESCRIPTION � Thot port of Barcloy Street adjoining Lots 8 ond 9, Block 5, Defranchy's Division hat lies � East of a line 1.50 feet West of ond parollel wlth the West line of said Lots 8 an 9 and batMaen the Westerly extension across said street of the South line of said Lot 9 nd a line 51.20 faet North of and porallel with said South line and !ts eztension. I � � LOT 8 o � � ; � � „ � „ , . W , , o� , � � � ------ ` [AtT LIN! �jj �AIICIAY �T11FET F < d C1 O �y < N > � } � W 1A J o LOT 9 U < � a Q ` � m souTN uNE • 1 1 —_�o� s-- , � ` , — �! v 0 !� � REANEY AVENUE ' 1 h�N� 8ca1�: / Inch- Feet Sheet g � � �•r�r� e•ru�tr u•� �h�. •rr.•y, n��n er BEARINGfi ARE ASSUMED : • r����l ��� �rs��r�• ly w• or YIId�1 Illy �Ir�et �r��rtl�lon �nd Ih�l 1 •w � �rlr Il��l�t�r�d �a•t �•r.• r .sa•r ��• �••/L� et �h• •�•�• e1 O Indlcetes Iron Mo�ument Sst t Ma ed R.L.S. , r�••••eyr / • Indicete• Iron Monument Found, Ss By OtA�r� By � � Improvementt snd or encroechm�nt• e�1ed and M N. R.L.8. No. 14507 shown ooly upon requesL on ths..LQ2h. day of OCTO@ER �g„gg_ DE3.=Described REC.=Record EA.°Meuursd � DESCRIPTION PREPARED BY T��� a�r����e��• v��le on�r w��� ���������� LAKE i LkND URVEYINO INC. •...1 le y■.tr e.m.a n.r•on