86-461 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FI N0. 0 -7`�� FINAI. ORDER % � � . By File No. ��iS Voting In the Matter of aa�stsucti� eo�srtte snrr ��i pttsr, a bi �st, Ward ceseret� iri�aw�s, oo�es9sts �t+wlb, ui strset ti� oo tir� tollwies straets to w loaaw� aa t�e 1Mr�la�i-qlt �rN rnri� s �r' ts+ojaec. I� ��we frw ltis:issto� ts liee Osas� lw fr4 lssri�t�a ta !� � lv�s !sw if�t�r� te ti� fleraritis �,ire lrar 1[isttrf to i�OV�tlrid�e Jass�si� LYa h� N�stara to O+�lti�r � Ceok l� liistssa Co Crtlti�r 1is�iwi� Aire�we trar LNaea► to It�s�1sN lssrissCea rwrsa�e tr�r LwNto� ta Iq # ifatilrt �ts�t f�w 1Ms�L�! to Ir� �ltits itr�eE is� i`rooit ta I� lMsi�s stsiat !s� �sa�iae t� I� ii�e�l1►ri��s ftr�tE !rr C�erasii�w to 2b� a�l �lwrsl� itrstt tsw� i�ase to I� '' .�Lawson Avenue from Virginia to Ma.tilda s under Preliminary Order d(O - °?�� approved �y_�'` . � The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the a ove improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertai ing to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with t e improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the prop r City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with hapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the Council: D te APR 15 1986 Yea�'�D.tiv Nays ��ie0ilf� Certifie ssed y Council ecretary RtttMS�"'^�' �� In Favor `�3onnen � =edesto � Against Wf 1sC�1���' APR 17 �98�`ayor ptlBU HED AP R 2 619$6 f ' �'��G - �/l�/ . . . _ . ... .i. . . .,�. .. .. . . . . .. . � - .. . � . ..3'.';�. . . . � .i� , . ' - ^ '�T�Y<t�E1lEl�° .. -<�� F~< , I . Co�ocil File ido.86��`y=HY(�rb ;"�� '' � ' ,1% � x� � ��e�of cdYa�rncti���b�d'gnt�eiy s `": ` :� � ��;"�e dct�s#�s I�d`S�t':�ligh�, � t� � . � s�t��o'��rav��#�e�d - - ,"� Ivy��.`�m`�sirit�gtcs�i`tb��t3er�+c+er�g�p�Er�t, _ ;- O�a�e Ave.ira�a Fa:r�ngtosl to Rioe , . ` _� . �°` `�'.� /R1o�e�a�,�A.��re:�h�brit`.�W�t�t t�.��♦�'�� - ' � . , � _ • � � t .Y , ,� � VCiiifl�.A����`W��7rl7f7fi�a• . .. .'_.4�.. ..:::�.`: t �:�. ','• i. J � , , _.�� � _ -� I � _ -� ; ,�.:. �_ ���#.: -� �, � ���� �;��- .���. f , i i 1 . � t 9se; ,:� �' r bi;�A �7t:2�` :7�F 7.�_—Tl ` � �" .. - . ' . ����lw�� a""��:5� .l a.r:7t� TLi. :-��'�� C1� t': . �. �`i.'��l4�;�iiyts.^2�Y�,���'_ k�V�rit`#Be�.t1'oI74 Geri�tlit�lO�vg�aErid`s" . � , _:> t:.,:...t �AIbemarle St. from Rose to Ivy ,. . �_> f�, ,,.. 1lie Council of the City o�3si#�'pa�i h�tv�Mg�c+ei�reg�e>i�t,port e� M��yo�. upon the above improvement, and havin8,co�:`sai� i+e�. �;�iex+eby �olves: 1. That the said report and the same is h�approv�with no al tives; snd thatt the estimaf�ed coat- Ehei+ei►f is i2� ���t10, !i� by ts ' �T07,OOQ;Bonds;659�Q00 snd Sew�,rsr,�rvi�e�rd�,i��� � �.`:'� �;.,,.�?, ,.. , �,. t a;putziic,I�►�B��. . s�s�l�s���� , �i4b Q.c i�- �bsrs ott�he�► .. �y od�t�s�, . �l, -� ;�..•_ 3. '1liat notice o# said public he1�.be �v�a�tl�=.p�i' ` ��'=�e ; :,�anq�et�novided.b�►-the Chart�c�$t�tti����tt�d�,��' �ture � ' a#:,�impro�zem�stand:tbetot�t,r�t . ��i�ate�. �_ . Ffle Na:3841� , ; : a. . ... .. . .. . ,. �+ . _ } � �t�ci•�►:t#e G��#;='1�A6. , _M �=�i�'r�►+ed�J�"ch�;19�. . : ' , : .. �` . . , � :�8�1�i . � �� , _t. �,f . . __. . . , . : , .,�, • V Ye benr. �J� ('/// — �//I � r Chl Nleosla. Cha1t / �-- 0�y y�Y LITY UF �AINT �AUL la s Raetman v° 4 �i i� Elkl 9onnen OFFIQE OF THE CITY COQNOIL Jo Drew(Att) �at@: Apri 2, 1986 : � � � Committee Repor To: Saint Paul City Council From: Committee on Public Works Chris Nicosia, Chair The Public Works Committee at its meeting of April 2, 1986 too the •<. following action: � y � Hearinq Date 1. 4/8/86 FINAL ORDER: Construction of the MARYLAND-GAITIER SEWER _ SEPARATION PROJECT (bounded by Arlington Ave. o the north, the Northern Pacific RR right-of-way and W. vy on the south, Galtier St. on the Hest and Sylvan St. n the - east). Also constructing concrete curb and gutt r, a bituminous mat, concrete driveways, concrete out alks, and street lighting on the followi8ng streets to be known • as the MARYLAND-GALTIER AREA PAVING PROJECT: COTTAGE AVE. from Galtier to Rice St.; IVY AVE. from Farrington to Rice; ORANGE AVE. from Farrington to Rice; ROSE AVE. from Western to Rice; GERANIUM AVE. from . Western to Woodbridge; JESSAMINE AVE. from Weste n to , Galtier; COOK AVE. from Western to Galtier; VIRGINI AVE. from Lawson to Maryland; FARRINGTON AVE. from Law on to lvy; MATlLDA ST. from Maryland to Ivy; GALTIER 5T from Cook to Ivy; MARION ST. from Jessamine to Ivy; WOOD RIDGE ST. from Geranium to Ivy; ALBEMARLE ST. fran Rose o Ivy and LAWSON AVE. from Virginia to Matilda. If requ sted, water main, sanitary sewer and storm sewer conne tions will be instalied. Referred matter back to Council without recommendat on. 2. 4/8/86 FINAI ORDER: Construction of the cambined sewer separatria� pro�ect PA1'NE-ARCADE AREA EAST SENER SEPARATIOW PROJECT and PAYNE-ARCADE MEST SEMER SEPA ATION : PROJECT (bounded on the north by Cottage Avenue. Br inard Avenue and SherNOOd Avenue from West to East mo e-or- lesai on the south by the RR tracks moreror-less; n the � west by Highway 35-E more-or-less and on the ea t by � Forest and Earl Streets more-or-less). Recomnended approvai - 2-1 vote - Councilwomen Ret n voting N0. 3. 4/8/86 FINAL ORDER: improve the following street by constructing concrete curb and gutter, a bituminou mat, concrete dirveways, concrete outwalks, street li httng system and trees planted. Also, if requ sted, construction of storm sewer, sanitary sewer and water main connections. All to be known as the PAYNE- RCADE AREA PAVING PROJECT: HYACINTH AVE., ORANGE AVE., , HAWTHORNE AVE., AND ROSE AVE. from Arcade to Forest COOK AVE. AND IAWSON AVE. from Cypress to Earl; JENKS AVE. from Arcade to Earl; GREENBRIER AVE. from Wells to Case; SIMS AVE. from Edgerton to Payne, Greenbrier to rcade and forest to Earl; YORK AVE. from Clark to Payne; WELLS ST. from Edgerton to Forest; WHITALL ST. from Bu r to Payne; CLARK ST. and JESSIE ST. from York to Case; WEIDE ST. from�Wells to Case; MENDOTA ST. from Case to L wson, . Maryland to Ivy and Geranium to Maryland; DUCHES ST. . • from Wells to Case; RUSSELL S7. from Wells extend d to Case; WALSH AVE. from York to Case and CYPRESS S from Case to Magnolia. Recommended approval - 2-1 vote - Councilwoman Rett an voting N0. 4. 4/8/86 F1NAL ORDER: ]mproving SNELL[NG AVENUE from Ed cumbe Road to W. Seventh St./Fort Road by regrading and p ving, constructing curb and gutter, constructing new catch basins, construct n^w drfveways, construrt an orna ental lighting system and doing all other work necessar and incidental to said improvement. Also construct a storm sewer in SNELLING AVENUE from Edgcumbe Rd. W. Seventh/fort Road (bounded by Edgcumbe Rd. on the rth, on the south by W. Seventh/Fort Road; on the wes by a line beginning approx. 400 feet West of the centerl ne of Edgcumbe Rd. and Snelling Ave. and running south to Lower St. Dennis Road then SE to W. Seventh/Fort Road a d on the east by Rankin St. Also, constructing nd/or reconstruction of sldewalks on the east side of Sn )ling from Edgcumbe Road to W. Seventh/Fort Road. Laid over in Committee indeffnitely. 5. ORDtNANCE: granting permission to Anderson Machine Tool Co., 2631 University Avenue, to construct, opera e and maintain a cable under and across Charles Avenue. Recommended approvai. 6. ORDINANCE: granting permission to Midway Comm cial Building to construct, operate and maintain a pede rian ramp into University Avenue ad,jacent to 2480 Univ rsity Avenue (Veterans Service Center). Recommended approval. 7. RESOLUTION: Offertng reconveyance of Lots l-5, B1 k 8, parts as listed of Defranchy's Division, Den low's Rearrangement and Cruickshank's Garden Lots to thP . +=+e of Minnesota a� �_^-� '- - ' lj �l�'� �C �� �- � �� ��'''�'-� �r�� -��� ���' � � � �� � - �� � � ��� �� �� � _ ���� . ����� � � --� �DQ!L � 13r� �� . r /�� �j .�Q%J4'�� (�f' V ' r � / /� e�� � � ���-�-e� � �°� C � � r� � � � ���� �� � �'_ � tiC� f y� �N�-�t`.`"'`�,-� 1� ��� � _ a��i �6 �� � ° � ��Y��� I s ' �d7�2�c � , �e� c� Gv ���?�� � ��P i �� � � �c�oo����� _ � cr�--- �C� ta-�`I �, ' � � (� l�� ��CI!t�"i�e _� I��� � ` 6 ° � ���y ��1.rv�� ` +C�� l �d O d �\� � C�V UZ�.�1 � �� �' i I/ � � ��.�'N� i��.}'�-l�. 2/ -^ �� , c �� ( ;`�3 � � ,^ ,�„�� /� . �,�:��� _ � , � � z.�..�, ' � �,.' �%���,����� � �� �� � � ����il�/ . ��4� C'�C1`M. l a� I v� �� �- •R�� l�(Vh � s � 1 l � ��"�D���'�� ., �i.� �2���� � � ��--a � �� �� � �� �� �U�c����r ,�� � ��u��,�.� s6��� � ; _ � ��� � /a7� ��o �OG r �T � �l- • �i9u t �,�/ �s�� _ �� . /�- � � � d � P lr� a�`, S'T' F��-� ltii � w�� ,���� ` %r �ro�� ��'�d� � ��o ���,.'�- . "� -� .cc�.e� �t�� � �ai�ei:r� ��� � � I a�� w� ��� s,�� � � � �.o d��,,��y �-- S�P� m,v � S.s ��7 ���- ��� ° ��� � � � . �� �� �� �� �� , .�� ,�� . ,, G� �, ��D � ��� � � � �� , , , � .�` �, �� - �;� . . ,,� � , �� � � fl�� � . 3 �Q �.�, � ��,� ' aH � _ 3 3 � `�j �`�V � �' � 1�t,r►,.� �a ��' P `�' � � a �G ���� i '�i,� ��r�-��-��" ' �� � Gv � �°.o Pr,�--o '�-. f�-�� � �s 7 �o i` � �-.o�✓ ,�0� ����C CE� �14Jl�Y�/ V�lU2YZ��'H.�y�t, �� 'J �-IFta�t, /� tl I li,(��ou.� �j� f�- ���,�" � �.r� �"��`J ( 1$ur�����r�x-N'�? b� �-�, � C� �� � � ��M � �-� _ �f /6/1986 �- �(9`��� � . �- ' We the undersigned; residents that are affected by the Galtier/ p7aryland Se�rer Separation Pro ject Want the City Co ncil to vote for the majority of the residents that will be aff cted by said project. This petition is comprised of residents n t represented by the survey taken by Janice Rettman. �"�V ��- `�j?,�/ �t!'�•�G►4t/k� !�Z I 7 G�RG t%�Q. /V� ; f t��� �o�,�r,�,,Q �Zz.r C'r4-G�u /�/a /f;,��� ��-�,� /�2 ? „/`�o�,�� /�29 f/`� '/ 102��3 ��..��� G�a �;� / �T� �v a � ��� �D ��?� ,�1��i /f/o �a � � � -���.� �o � , �,�-`,� � - � i� 9S , �io _ � ��-��� �3L ' ,� �� � �� � �� �� � .�v � e.h e � #�.�,r ��� /�3 �� ��. l�-� e i^ � _ ��,.�- �1� �a.,8g �r�...�-,�,.. ��1v, �� la�' G�-� �� ��-- �� , � , , cc,�� �c� J}'��h�'�� �tc��c-�� (��.c� �Z��f � �►� 2� ��� ��,�� ,C��'�L �l o ���� ��e�. � �� � �. � � � , � �� � - ��z � ���. �°.�.�., ------ - , . - �o u�h �7' /��a✓�✓ ��� ���'5��� / 4 6/1986 We the undersigned; residents that are affected by the Galtier/ Maryland Sewer Separation Project want the City Co ncil to vote for the majority of the reaidents that will be aff cted by said pr�ject. This petition is comprised of residents n t represented by the surve9 taken by Janice Rettman. ��,-�`C��, `�o�c �.�5��°� \�DG Cscc�S�-�-�er �.O �. ��- �. � ii i3 �.�.�� � � . �°- . � , � .� 3 �� �. � , �v � ` �3� ��-�7Ea� � I u�� l�� � 6. �,� ��� w �'� �- �., . �� ����� I ( g , G A I-�-t G� ?� �w�' �� �� � G I . � �y�..� �` �C ;�'�-� �, r � ����. � /y�ye .0�� /' " ..v"/' ' ! b _ � "1_ .� � y �,�r�,, "�-� � _ _ �.�-� �a � G/ ��� /a� � � '��� �- �0 6� ��� /� ����� ��- �� �� � � g� ,9��" ��°° , ���'�-, , � �� `V°`-Q-�" . �° . �J� �i1� �'L!> �o g9 �J��� o�� �4��TI �� Si. I�c� . ai�� � . J:� ' , , O�� � �� � 1��� ,� �a � ` � v o� . . �,� y�� ��i �__ _ _ . MARYLAND/GALTIER ADDRESSES NORTH OF MARYLAND YES -���� NO � SOUTH OF MARYLAND YES 3q NO � SUB TOTAL YES � NO �� � TOTAL NUMBER OF RESPONSES !� ,___ _ + 4 additional cards returned blank +11 votes not to be counted �� ��� +11 GRAND TOTAL OF RESPONSES /� I TOTAL TO BE COUNTED YES VI 0 I 3 I .. .... .._.::... _h-. , . (,� s��--��/ ALBEMARLE STREET �---- (NORTH OF MARYL,AND) - 1221 ALBEMARLE Np I 1227 ALBEMARI.E y� �1232 ALBEMARLE NO 1241 ALBEMARLE y� 1249 ALBEMARLE Np 'I 1251 ALBEMARLE NO � 1256 ALBEMARLE NO 1264 ALBEMARLE y� 1267 ALBEMARLE NO 1278 ALBEMARLE NO 129� ALBENIARLE y� 1311 ALBEMARLE yF,s 1315 ALBEMARLE y� 1325 ALBEMARLE y� �NAN1E NOT ON SUPPLIED PRINT OUT i TOTAL YES NO � i . __ _.. _.....�..........:�...�...�w,..+.:�:�:.�.. FARRINGTON STREET '` (SOUTH OF MARYLAND) �,� �Cn" 7�/ - - 1024 FARRINGTON - - y� 1030 FARRINGTON NO 1042 FARRINGTON y� 1045 FARRINGTON y� 1055 FARRINGTON NO 1060 FARRINGTON � 1063 FARRINGTON NO 1081 FARRINGTON � 1089 FARRINGTON � 1098 FARRINGTON � 1099 FARRINGTON � 1105 FARRINGTON NO 1121 FARRINGTON NO 1128 FARRINGTON NO 1132 FARRINGTON NO 1138 FARRINGTON ND II 1147 FARRINGTON y� I 1152 FARRINGTON y� 1160 FARRINGTON NO 1163 FARRINGTON y� 1173 FARRINGTON NO 1183 FARRINGTON y� 1187 FARRINGTON yF,s I TOTAL YFS � NO � I I ���� ���� � FARRINGTON STREET , __ (NORTH OF MARYL�AND) . �1216 FARRINGTON YFS �1231 FARRINGTON YFS *1247 FARRINGTON NO *1248 FARRINGTON YES �1254 FARRINGTON NO 1268 FARRINGTON NO 1272 FARRINGTON NO 1277 FARRINGTON NO 1278 FARRINGTON NO 1284 FARRINGTON NO 1297 FARRINGTON YES 1306 FARRINGTON NO 1310 FARRINGTON YFS 131�4 FARRINGTON YFS 1318 FARRINGTON YFS 1319 FARRINGTON YES * NAN1E NOT ON SUPPLIED PRINT OUT TOTAL YFS S NO I ,_ �.,� , ,�,,,�.,..... GALTIER STREET � � ��o/ � (SOUTH OF NlARYLAND) �� �� I I '-`-� 1059 GALTIER � I 1060 GALTIER � � 1068 GALTIER YES ; 1069 GALTIER YES 107�4 GALTIER � 1104 GALTIER NO 1105 GALTIER NO 1112 GALTIER NO 1119 GALTIER NO 1130 GALTIER NO 1136 GALTIER ND � �1156 GALTIER NO � 1163 GALTIER � � 1167 GALTIER � 1172 GALTIER � 1178 GALTIER NO 1182 GALTIER NO I i � � � �NANfE NOT ON SUPPLIED PRINT OUT TOTAL YES NO � I i ! .:_..._._. ....,..�._�.W_.:,.,.�.,�.n�:,�.�.:w�sw�t�wpu.':�w, � . ���� -��/. �__. _ GALTIER STREET (NORTH OF MARYLAND) 1228 GALTIER Np �� 1249 GALTIER 1262 GALTIER 1263 GALTIER Np ', 1267 GALTIER Npl 1270 GALTIER 1286 GALTIER 1292 GALTIER Np ' 1300 GALTIER , 1301 GALTIER NO 1305 GALTIER Npl�' T�� S � NO . I � f MARION STREET p� (SOUTH OF MARYLAND) ��d� � � . . ._. - 1121 MARION NO 1122 MARION NO 1130 MARION NO 1131 MARION NO 1134 MARION (RENTER) NO 1135 MARION NO 1143 MARION NO 1180 MARION NO 1195 MARION YES � TOTAL YES � NO --------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- MAR N (NORTH OF MARYLAND) 1220 MARION NO 1223 MARION NO 1227 MARION YF�S 1234 MARION NO 1235 MARION NO 1239 MARION YFS . 1245 MARION NO 1246 MARION YF-S 1250 MARION YES � 125�1 MARION NO 1255 MARION YFS 1312 MARION NO - �....m�. vc�c � rTn � _ __ _. _ . .�.. �.� .. �. ... :. ��.�. MATILDA STREET ,/� . (SOUTH OF MARYLAND) I ���� ` 7`�� `'�� **1151 MATILDA � - Np I **PHONED IN TI�IR OPINION TOTAL YES � NO � ------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------- MATILDA STREET (NORTH OF MARYLAND) � 1225 MATILDA Np i 1232 MATILDA y� 1236 MATILDA NO 1263 MATILDA NO 1273 MATILDA y� 1280 MATILDA y� 1285 MATILDA NO 1295 MATILDA . y� 1300 MATILDA NO 1305 MATILDA yF.S 1309 MATILDA yF� 1313 MATILDA yF.S 1319 MATILDA NO TOTAL YES NO I I .. _..._. �.��..r:aavs'�G�:�:a;+�:i� VIRGINIA STREET (S OUTH OF MARYLAND) I ��C ��- �f�I `___ 1019 VIRGINIA � YF.S I *�1024 VIRGINIA � I, 1033 VIRGINIA NO **1035 VIRGINIA NO 10�40 VIRGINIA YES **1044 VIRGINIA NO 105� VIRGINIA NO 1055 VIRGINIA 'I NO ' 1059 VIRGINIA i � I 1071 VIRGINIA ND i 1072 VIRGINIA N� i 1101 VIRGINIA � NO 1110 VIRGINIA NO I **1115 VIRGINIA NO **1120 VIRGINIA � NO � 1131 VIRGINIA N� i 1135 VIRGINIA i YF.S 1141 VIRGINIA �, NO j 1146 VIRGINIA � i 1172 VIRGINIA � � I 1173 VIRGINIA � � 1177 VIRGINIA YF.S 1181 VIRGINIA � I 1194 VIRGINIA NO E I ' F li � I / **PHONED IN Tf�IR OPINIONS � � � TOTAL � /n � l�--- Np �I � ; � � _" -. . --•-. i f WOODBRIDGE STREET (SOUTH OF MARYLAND) �� �� _ 4(�� � *1153 WOODBRIDGE NO -„�_- - - *1157 WOODBRIDGE y� �� �'1165 WOODBRIDGE y� 1173 WOODBRIDGE NO 1174 WOODBRIDGE NO 1177 WOODBRIDGE NO 1181 WOODBRIDGE y� I 1182 WOODBRIDGE NO 1186 WOODBRIDGE NO 1192 WOODBRIDGE y� TOTAL YES NO � ---------------------------------------------------------------------' -------- • WOODBRIDGE STREET (NORTH OF MARYLAND) *1203 WOODBRIDGE NO *1223 WOODBRIDGE y� I *1234 WOODBRIDGE y� �1243 WOODBRIDGE NO *1244 WOODBRIDGE y� 1278 WOODBRIDGE y� 1279 WOODBRIDGE NO 1283 WOODBRIDGE y� 1289 WOODBRIDGE Np � 1296 WOODBRIDGE NO �I 1303 WOODBRIDGE NO 1306 WOODBRIDGE NO 1311 WOODBRIDGE y� 1312 WOODBRIDGE y� 1315 WOODBRIDGE NO 1319 WOODBRID(� NO OPINION *NANIE.S NOT ON SUPPLIED PRINT-OUT TOTAL YES � Np � I . ?. MISCELLANEOUS STREET ADDRESSFS /� ��`���°/ (MARYL.AND/GALTIER AREA II � ) 4__-�.. _ ' _ . WEST JFSSAMINE (SOUTH OF MARYLAND) 375 w. JESSAMINE Np I ROSE AVENUE WEST (SOUTH OF MARYLAND) �234 ROSE WEST y� I' �232 ROSE WEST y� WFST LAWSON I (SOUTH OF MARYLAND) �329 wF�.ST LAWSON y� � WEST IVY � (NORTH OF MARYLAND) I i *173 W. IVY Np I �183 W. IVY NO � *199 W. IVY y� I ; �285 W. IVY y� I ' *297 W. IVY y� I �NANlE NOT ON SUPPLIED PRINT OUT : TOTAL (SOUTH OF MARYLAND) yF.S y� Np / I TOTAL (NORTH OF MARYLAND) YES � NO � I II � • ADDITIONAL VOTES NOT INCLUDED IN RAND ��o�^ ��( G TOTALS II (MARYLAND/GALTIER AREA) NORTH OF MARYLAND NOT TO BE DONE IN 1986 1220 VIRGINIA NO 1228 VIRGINIA NO 1232 VIRGINIA Np II 124�4 VIRGINIA NO MANDATED AS PART OF THE SEPARATED SEWER � �I 217 W. IVY Np I 224 W. IVY Np I 227 W. IVY NO 243 W. IVY NO 247 W. NY y� � 248 W. IVY NO I 253 W. 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ROSE AVE MARYLAND AVE. � i � ���(_I/ ���� • + <:��"�:�-,,: ITY OF SAINT PAUL :4~ • ''.. ;;o _��'^ '� '- DEPARTM NT OF PUBLIC WORKS � ri�iiy�'iiiil . ��; �""�"'�"� '- DONA D E. NYGAARD, DIRECTOR (�lNl(i�y II.�I nnnex, S.+int F'aul, MmneSOta 55101 ,,,, 612-29ri a2a1 GFORGf LnTIMER MnYOR n1��;> >4, ��g� -- . . . C�uncil President, Victor 'I�cdesco 719 City 1 lall I Cc�uncil��crs�n Chris Nicosia, Chair Public Works Commiltcc � � � i 701 Cily I Iall . � Councilpci-soil Jol�n llre�v 713 City I Iall Councilperson Janice Retlrnan 704 City Hall Councilperson .lames Schcibel 716 City I1a11 . • Councilperson Kiki Sonnen �I 722 Cily I Iall COIIIICI��)CI'SOIl �l�l WlIS011 71 g City I-Iall � Re: Clarification of Street Paving Options in Combined Sewer S paration and Street Paving Program - � Dear Council Members: n��proval of the strcet �,avinb porlion of lhe Maryland-Gallicr pr ject was laid over unlil Tucsd�iy, n��ril 15, 198C due to confusion over what street aving is optional �l(1C� W�11� Sli-GGl �)�iVl(l�, in addition to lhose streets over sewcr tre �chcs is required fc�r cngineerin� reasc�ns. f takc full responsibility for this eonfus on and �he fruslration �hat yOtl 11�iVC ]l�C�. CUi111C1�111G11 SC�1C1��1 Zlld W1�SOri' ci-iticism of my cc�inmunication on this a}?t-out question seerns to me to be justifi d. I should have cicared this u�� lon� ��C�OCC l�lt; COLI11C1I �1C�11'lllti. I �l�OlOb1Ze f01' � 1C111� y0U ]Il t�1lS S1lU�lLl011. � i . . ���'�?/ In January, when the City Council unanimously passed the amen ents to the Comprehensive Sewer Plan, we discussed the categories for pavi 'g. We considered three categories: first, those streets over trenches; second, those on 'necessary' streets within the drainage area; and finally, those on 'optional' st eets within the drainage area. W11ile there was much detailed discussion about t ese three areas, the actual wording�of the resolution covered only two areas, those m ndated being those streets needing construction due to necessary separation trench rk and all others within the drainage area as a separate category. The confusion is lunderstandable because while we in Public Works have discussed three categorie , but for our 1986 work, we limiCed the streets to two categories and presented only wo to the City Council. The new separated storm sewer system will work best if all oiled treets contributing drainage to the new sewer system are paved. A new paved street section with curbs and gutters provides the most effective draina e for a separated sewer system. After stud in closel all of the ro'ect areas and n articular " Ma land-Galtier I cannot sa � that all of these aved streets are solutel necessary to the functioning of the sewer s, s� It's really a ma ter vf degree. Those streets closest to catch basins draining into the separated st �rm sewer system tare more important than those further away, on the edges of the rainage area. ; However, the_differences are n�t clear cut; it's largely an engine ring judgement � and it is our responsibility in Public Works to identify the differe ce. ' Our work on the 1986 program has been extremely intensive. W 've never had such tight deadlines for such a high dollar volume of projects. is, at least in part, led to our interpretation of two categories only for streets, those ver trenches as mandatory and all others this year as optional. Accordingly, I'm recommending the following proposal: For 1986 all of the streets except those over trenches should b considered optional. There may be streets that are more criti al for effective drainage than others but timing this year is eYtreme y tight. We've got to Inove on these projects, get theill reviewed by th state �nd federal agencies, get our grants awarded and construct the p jects this season. So for 1986, those trenclled streets (shown in pink on our ri�aps), are mandatory. Tliose slio�vn in blue are pai-t of the o �t-out. 2 . � . . . . . �-.��_ ��, For 1987 �nd all tl�e other years of the program, all streets o er trenches �vill remain mandatory and all others within a drai age area �vill be covered under the present opt-out provision 1 s �ecitic street 'u ified on an individual a i th Public rks Denartment to the City Council. This will place the respons bility clearly �vithin the Public Works Department for these reco menda- tions. There will perhaps be only a few extra streets.added nder this policy. If tliis is acce��table to tlie City Council, I �vould pro ose that we make it official through City Council resolution at a late date, well bet'ure the 1987 I�rojects are presented. The opt-out provision has always clearly been the will of the Cit Council. H wev r I'd 1'k r ta e that avin 11 il d r within r ra i n areas has alwa s been Public Works stron recommendation and the backbone of the paving .�ro,gram. It will be up to the Public Works Departme t, I hope with the continued strong support of the City Council to make the value o paving now clear to our citizens so that there will b�� few if any streets in the opt-o t category removed from the program. I hope this provides clarity now and for the future. I urge the Ci Council to approve the full Maryland-Galtier project including paving. Th k you for your patience and your support thus fai- in this program. • Yours very truly, ������e�, �. � z�a�cc�� Donald E. Nygaard � Director of Public Works DEN/es _ cc: Mayor Latimer . . 3 i . . � � �,,�-=-�� -��� COM13INEll SEWER SCI'ARA'TION AND STREET NAVIN T I'ROGRAM Why Pave Now? January, 1986 "Fhere are many good reasons for paving Saint Paul's oiled�streets no . TNE TIMING IS RIGHT. Coordinating the paving work with sewe separation is an efficient way to benefit from street disruption and get both jobs done t the same time. IT IS COST-EFFECTIVE . The Federal and State funds available f r restoring the streets to their previous condition by patching the trenches can go tow d the cost of street paving, reducing the paving costs on these streets by up to one-t ird. PAVED STREETS ARE NECESSARY FOR STORMWATER CO TROL. Effective stormwater control requires paved and finished streets, curb and catch basins throughout the city, as well as a separated sewer system to carry the noff directly to the Mississippi River, i A FINANCING PACKAGE CAN BE DEV�LOPED �'O SPREAD COSTS FAIRLY. Saint Paul is embarking on a stormwater management pro ram which benefits the entire city. Some street construction is eligible to be fina ed as part of city-wide stormwater management. Special taxing districts can be est blished to help� pay for stormwater drainage construction. COMPLETED STREETS HELP CLEAN THE MISSISSIPPI R ER. Less dirt and silt from eroded boulevards will be carried in rainwat r to the ?Ziver. Streets can be swept cleaner, reducing the quantities of sand, salt, a d leaves which reach the River. Residents are less likely to pour engine oil, anti-fr eze, and other household hazardous wastes onto a finished street. SNOW PLOWING IS QUICKER AND CLEANER. Plows can r n from curb to curb without cutting into boulevards or leaving muddy edges. Pl w blades can be set lower and scrape cleaner when running on a smooth, paved surf ce. LESS MAINTENANCE IS REQiIIRED. Paved streets suffer mu h less from potho(es and cracking. Oiling can be eliminated. Potholes and bre kups from freezing and thawing are the plague of oiled streets and require ye -round attention. Also, less maintenance is required for cleaning the sewer system be ause less debris is carried into the catch basins and sewers. i � � . , . . � ����_ ��f January 8, 1986 2 PAVED STREETS ARE SAFER. The smoother surface and flat ned crown make driving safer in hazardous weather. Vehicles are less likely t get stuck in the ice and snow when parked along a finished curb line. The flatten roadway surface and solid foundation makes pulling away from the curb easier in ic or thawing conditions. Handicap ramps can be installed in the curbs where ap ropriate, making travel safer for handicapped persons. Boulevard maintenance is e ier and less hazardous for residents. ' NEIGHBORHOODS LOOK BETTER. All the experience in Sai t Paul, over the last decade, has clearly demonstrated that finished streets impr ve the looks of the neighborhoods. Where needed, street lights and trees will be i cluded in the program, and sidewalks can be added if petitioned for or are essen al. Residents take pride in a good-looking neighborhood and are inclined to imp ove the looks of their own property as well. Improving one's property is contagio s. Other residents are likely to follow the example of their conscientious neighbors. CONSTRUCTION WORK PROti'IDES LOCAL JOBS. Twenty ears of predictable work provides the opportunity to develop youth appre tice programs in partnership with the unions and "home grow" our skilled labor fo e of the future. By working with the District Councils, the contractors, and the uni ns, the jobs created can be filled with people from our own neighborhoods. U ing a construction industry "rule of thumb", such a construction program would crea e about 300 , seasonal jobs per year over the next decade, some continuing on f another decade. The spinoff effects —creating other jobs which provide services a d supplies and the overall effects on our local economy — will be tremendous. j WE TAKE PRIDE IN SAINT PAUL. Here is a way to make it s ow. Most of Saint Paul's oiled streets are about one hundred years old. The cit was growing too fast then to take the time to pave all its streets. Streets were platte and graded. The streets were sprayed with water to keep the dust down undl about ifty years ago, when the City began coating them with street oil and sand. That pr cess has continued for fifty years with little change. Today we have the op ortunity to pick up where we left off one hundred years ago and pave our remaini streets. � Approximately one-third (340�miles) of Saint Paul's neighborhoo streets remain to be paved. If we continue paving at our present pace, we would co plete the job no earlier than the year 2070 — an impractical schedule. WE LEAD AESTHETICALLY AND ENVIRONMENTALLY. hen it is all done, Saint Paul's neighborhoods will be among the cleanest an most aesthetically striking of any older, built American city. I . �. -. i I , . . ��� ���� � ., ,,,,:;,. �--� ,, n D�= , �,--Q� � . G�, ,. -� - I�, J �,if. r ;.wJAa. �� _ __ S .�� � r, I. 1 I � � ' � � . • � �4 ' -� ' ,� �va. lJ "" - �ra�wt �'�� u �� •`` ����w� � V• t,f � ��I � �+ , 11 .. ��• ► • IOR� �Yl. 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I � � 1 . � I�M.�IICN „ �1. / � •� � � ' 1� � Y �� � ^IIINTl11 u• �= f '^������ �' � l �.{�yp ' � r�7�L����.rl� .\�P,�IN � ��] +.2 MItES OILED STREETS M A R Y L A N / G A LT I E R TO BE INCLUDED � 0.4 MILES OIlED SIREETS tTR O U � B R 0 0 K � PAV ING DEL AYED � O_7 MIlES OILED STREETS Ytrn��torosED SEVERS TOTAL OILED RESID NTIAL STREET PAVING � 0.3 MILES 'NOM—OILED' sT��TS 4_9 � M I L E S Y tTH PROPO'SED SEYERS • �-►'�-B6 ' 3-�--@6 i I�� Z-7-8 6