86-459 wHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK � - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Coun il C A N A R V - D E�3 A R T M E N T B l_U E� - M A V O R F I l C N O. A�V �� Return copy to Valuations COU cil R solution Division — Room 218 � Presented By Referred To Committee: Dat Out of Committee By Dat RLSOLVED, �hat upon �the petit.�on of Deariand dele iVelson and the City of S-�. paul per F�le No. 20°1985, that part o Birminghar; �treet be�ween East Idaho and Fast Hoyt hereinaft r descxibed be and the same z� hereby vaca�ed and discontinue as �ulolic street: All -cha-� ?�ar� of Bi�mingrhan Stx�eei. between E. Ic1 0 T�venue and E. �3oy L Avenue, also all of i.he eas-�- st alley adjoining lots 18 �hrough 24, Block 38 and -�ha-t ar� of ��.he nor'th-sou�h alley lying southerly of the wes erly ex-�ended nozth line of T�ot i_6, said Block 38, May ielc?' s Su?odivision o� Lots 37 and 3�, Pioneer Real Esta� e and Building �ocie-�y' s Subdivision, Sain� Paul . �u�jec�L e��pressly to the following conditions and res rvations : 1. '_rha�� '�he vacation be subj ect �o all -c �.erms and conditions of Chaptez 130, codified March 1, 1981, of �he SL. Paul Legisla-�ive Cocie, as amended. 2 . That a specific ea�ement be retained wi�hi �i�he vacat�d area �o �ro�ect the in�te�es� of Northern S�a-tes P �aer Company Electric Division. 3 . That a specif.�c easemen� be retained wi�hi -�he vacated area co p�co'tect tize intere�t of Continen�al Cai�levisi n. 4 . Tha't the petitioners, Dean and Adele elson shall pay to �he Ci�y -�he amoun� of $7558 . 00 as com n�ation fo.r their portion of the vaca�ed area. Saic� compe sation shall be due and payable within 60 days of the �ublica ion date oi this �esolu�ion. 5 . Based on u�cili�i y easernent Certificates o� In�tended COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department f: Yeas p�eW Nays Nicosia Finance & M eme Services Rettman [n Favor scne�bei D ir e c t o r Sonnen __ Agel[1St BY Tedesco Wilson Form Appr ved City A tornC y Adopted by Council: Date /" A .,`�� Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � By� Approved by Mavor: Date _ Approv y Mayor for S sio tb�Council I � Bv - - - BY WMITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Cou cil CANARV - DE.�ARTMENT BLUEw - MAVOR FII NO. � `��� Coun il Re lution Presented By , ` Referred To Committee: Dat Out of Committee By Dat Non-U�e filed on behalf of Nor�hwestern Bell Teleph ne Company, Nor'the�n States �o�aer Gas Division, SVesi.ern Uni n, Dist�ict Heating Developrr�ent Company, City of St. Paul De�artYn�nt of Public t�+lo�ks, and City of St. Paul Board of TnTa-ter Commission- ers, attached hereto and nlade a part hereof by �t�i r_eference, the City for itself and on behal� of -�hese corp rations and deoartments hereby F�a�ives the righ� to uLilit ea5er��ten-�s in the vacated area with e:�ceptions as noted in the er'ti�ica�es of Intended i�on-Use or as o�therwise specifical y no�ea in �this vaca�ion resolution. 6. That 'the petitioners, Dean and Adele rd l�on, their successors or assign�, ioy acceptance of '�he terms an conditions of this vaca�ion, agree �o indemnify, defend and s ve harmless the Cii.y of Saint Paul, i�s of�icers and employe s from all suits, actions or clair.ls of any chax�ac�er, in luding but no� lirnz�ec� �o a claim brought �ecause of any injuries or damages reeeived or sus'tained on account of -c.h ' s vaca��ion, by any �ersons or property; or because o� any ac� r orni�sion; neglec-� or rni�conduct of said peti�ioners; or because of any claims or izabilii.y arising from or �asec? on a y viola��ion of any law or regula�ion made in accordance w 't� tche law whe�her by 'the �eti'�ioners or any of ii.5 agents or e nployees . 7 . That the pe'ti-tionexs, Dean and Adele N lson, snall within 60 days ofc the pu;�liea�ion dats of �hi :�esolu'cion file wi �h the Ci�y Clex�: an accep'tance in w�i' ing of the conai�ions of this resolu-�ion and shall wi�thin t' e period.(s) s�ecitied wi-�hin -�lhe terzns and conc�itions o� sai resolution com;�ly in all res�ects w�_-�h �the terms and conditions -�hexein. 2 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department Drew wicos�a Finance & Mana e e t Ser es Rettman In FBVO[ Scheibel � Director Sonnen __ Against BY ( Tedesco Wilson A�"1� � � ���6 Form Appro City Att rney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pa s d y ncil S ta BY � S Z � By� Appro by A�lavor: Dat 1 � � `� �O� Appro by Mayor for Sub i s'on o Couqcil gy _ B PUBIISHED APR 1 q 1986 Finance & Mgmt. Services o . DEPARTME,�,_v., ��' `��� N� 429? . Dick McCann . ' CONTACT 298-5317 PHONE March 25, 1986 DATE 1 ��� �� ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER (Clip All__Locations for Signature) : Department Director 2 Director of Management/Mayor i Finance and Management Services Director 4 City Clerk Budget Director � counctiman icosia City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON 7HE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purp se/ Rati nale�: Adopt resolution for the vacation of Birmingham Street between E. Idaho and . Hoyt. Vacation was approved by the council on March 18, 1986 ,.( ,h� � [1 GC l�/�.i� l,p(? COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATEO: f/iAYuR' OFFlCE $7558.00 benefit to the City FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor s signa- ture t re-� �- Total Amount of Transaction: quire if under $10,0 Q) Funding Source: Activity Number: 00250-2833-000 ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All Attachments) : 1. Resolution 2. Map DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY R VIEW x Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Requ red? Yes No Yes x No Insurance Required? Insurance Suffi ient? Yes No Yes X No Insurance Attached: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 � � � . � - � � _ � ��-�..s� � � - ���- C�vd . -��- -��� � CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-U�E .Date 2 ��/8� THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL •'i -- � The undersigned hereby certify that they do no intend to exercise their utility rights in the followfng descri ed realty: All that part of Birmingham Street lying south of the south lin of E. Idaho Avenue and northerly of the easterly extended south line of Lot 1, Blo 38, Mayfields Subdivision of Lots 37 and 38 Pioneer Real Estate and Building ociety's Subdivision. � ��.�_ Department or Company Its � _ . . _._. _ _ '� / " � - _ gnature STArE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss . COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged be ore me this ��2�2 day of , 19 by t .� �.-- _. t h e _ � .� � o f _�_1��-�. � , a ___ _lJ�ti2z�,�'-'^_--------under the laws of t e State of ��—._ �"=-----="..=• �� _ _�,` . , . :. � '" .� ` -t � � - � No sy Public , amsey County, Minnesota . ._., . .� � ` � . -:,.� , ` = My conmission expires -���� ��"/ �f 1 _ . . - . , . . . ! C��-�--,<�, � � C��-�`. -�n ������-�-= CERTIFICATE OF I2ITENDED NON—USE .D a t e Jan 24,� 1986 THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCiL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL The undersigned hereby certify that they do no intend to exercise their utility zights in the following descri ed realty: All that part of Birmingham Street lying south of the south lin of E. Idaho Avenue and northerly of the easterly extended south line of Lot 1, Bloc 38, Mayfiel8s Subdivision of Lots 37 and 38 Pioneer Real Estate and Building ciety's Subdivision. Northern States Power Department or Company � , I ts Director, Gas En_gineer and Construction John B. Peterso � Signature STATE OF MINNESOTA j ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMS�Y ) Th� fore5oing instrument was acknowledged bef re me this P o�Y �� day of �,._,-�,�„ , 19 ��� by ���,�- _,__ �_ �_ -%.-- . the ��a- ., �_ e`�)4<-. P���r � � Ci�.�_._J� ; `- ,, �`� J o f �L_.%'`_�` lj-�;_ * /'. � C' a -�4-�--G�_ under the laws oE th State of Minnesota. c n�.n,v.�.�rn,�✓�n,vw�.nnnnnnn�nrmnn�,, ���F�h P����_ii�:G a1 ��'��,��,! S� �/�. . �� �, ' �.���t ., E'G�fu 1�-�� it`rt61;li�-:�'iF y � !!:�_ C ' f/ /? '. : �-+..�c'- % —{i'—C.,.i-r ��,: . t�'ASEYCOU>a�v -�- s �•�f��:`::��n.E;�;��s�EE.21, �asi � Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minnesota � tiww'vv.n�vt,v r�vvt:;,r,��„v�nN�vW'u . , My commission expires _��_��. � �� �.1,' ,,.; � 1 � � � . . � � - - �� � (c���s, . _ . � ��-�-d . ��.: ��ti��,��-� CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON—USE -Date qg�, THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS y OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL ,j __ The undersigned hereby certify that they do no intend to • exercise their utility rights in the following descri ed realty: All that part of Birmingham Street lying south of the south lin of E. Idaho Avenue and northerly of the easterly extended south line of Lot 1, Bloc 38, Mayfields ' Subdivision of Lots 37 and 38 Pioneer Real Estate and Building ciety's Subdivision. IPIESTERN UNICN TELEGR P P� _ Department or Company Its MAINTENANCE CHIEF - - -� �__ ---______ - - i�-� , , r�; ��,' ��� �--�i � Signatu � STATE OF MINNESOTA ) HENNEPIN ) ss. COUNTY OF �1�Q��XCX ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged bef re me this 24TH day of JANUARY , 19 6 by JOHN F . EBNER , the MNINTENANCE CHIEF � –�—_ �� — � ; of �'�ESTERN UNlGfJ TELEGR�`,P C0. _ , a MII�NESOTA COtJIPNNY under the laws of th State of Minnesota. . A � f;"•�"�* 1ACQUE�YN M.SERARD ����NOTARYPUBLIC MIN�:FSOTA tar �'P b , ��1��}�� County, innesota ''`+t�...� HENP�EPIN COUNTY My Commission Expues Mar 31,1990 H E N N E P I N x �"My commission expires _ �j , /9 �r � 1 . , � , � : _ ��� ��Sf � � ��---`. .�r.; ����� .�: . e � � . CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE :nate January 7, 1986 THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL The undersigned hereby ce!- tify that they do no intend to exercise their utility rights in the following descri ed realty: All that part of Birmingham Street lying south of the south lin of E. Idaho Avenue and northerly of the easterly extended south line of Lot 1, Blo 38, Mayfields Subdivision of Lots 37 and 38 Pioneer Real Estate and Building ciety's Suhdivision. District Heating Developmen Company Department or Company � zts President Signature H�ns . Nyman ,STATE OF MINNESOTA j ) ss . COUNT`Z OF RAMSEY ) The foregoing instrument •�ras acknowledged bef re me this �wentv-seventh aay of_ aanuary , 19 6 by � Hans 0� Nvman �� _, th e President of District Heatin Develo men Com an , a priY��� non�rofi� com.pany_____under the laws of th state of Minnesota. x nnr r.r�w.Mn��nr.nnnr A.'�'TJ+MnNN/�/•1�`� � -- t ULLIA!v L JOHI`iSON ___..__ L-� ' < - . `-- - ° ^� '-k1f?;;icSOiA ? ; }��:� M1CTArtY FUu,.11. } / `� �.� _.._Jl�/` � Z ����,-`� 4AR1SEY COJPlTY 3 �`— _ y � --- iToEar Public , Ramse��ounty, innesota � td� ComnissN�n Expi:zs Feb.27, 198& �, 1 V�"1`/vl.'��'.•':�,1'✓V vVr1�y veV`NvYVYNV'JYVJ 1f / . My commission expire �.�2r� f' ��� �� ' . . " , . ,, , : . �� ll� ` ��/G / . _ ��e`. ��: ��������: � CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE :D a t e ���1;�tl c.� < < � �� THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS � OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL ,, ( The undersigned hereby certify that they do no intend to exercise their utility rights in the following descri ed realty: All that part of Birmingham Street lying south of the south lin of E. Idaho Avenue and northerly of the easterly extended south line of Lot l, Bloc 38, Mayfields Subdivision of Lots 37 and 38 Pioneer Real Estate and Building ciety`s Subdivision. �U �C�fC �lJ4f�lC� Department its �EPU Z-�� �E Ec�o�� � Signature STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss . COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) � The foregoing instrument was acknowledged bef re me this _ ���h day of ��t��`C , 19 (� by r Tom Eggum �__ , the Deputy Director of The De artment of � _ a Public Works o E The Cit of Saint Paul � . - . a Municipal Corporation _______u n d e r t h e 1 a w s o f t h S t a t e o f Minnesota. 1 � ' 6�' �� i, .'.1 � \ t. A- ,� ! . No, ary Publ�" , Ramsey County, innesota � , _ ,, ,� My' ommission expire`s �" `. .�'"-"r' _� .�_ '� ;, �� ,,, � _ I _..''� ,�;�.,�� �;k:�r, _.� ' f _ - ,:_ ,., . �.,�a,.. � � _, . . � . ' ' '� ' • � �-�{.si � U�=�`�_ �. �-n. �lGC,c��w .� � e � � � CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE .Date +� ! $�p � THE HONORABLE MAXOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL -- The undersigned hereby certify that they do no intend to exercise their utility rights in the following descri ed realty: All that part of Birmingham Street lying south of the south lin of E. Idaho Avenue and northerly of the easterly extended south line of Lot 1, Blo k 38, Mayfields Subdivision of Lots 37 and 38 Pioneer Real Estate and Building ociety's Subdivision. , Water Utility � Department or Company I ts General Manager _ /' � ��� Signature � STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged bef re me this _ �grh day of Januarv , 19 by r � ThomaG D. Mo�ren , th e Gen� Ma er - __ Water Utility of the Board of Water Commiss oners , a municipal corporation_______u n d e r t h e 1 a w s o f t h S t a t e o f Mi n n e s o t a. � _..,...-----�`�{ ,, - ,�,�..,....-�---°7-^ ' ..i:- � .s,v-r • .1 � ' '..i-.�., . :-� },� �. � � . j '` . �ri.:'�'-'- _�ti,r!;:�Si:;%� ? , C:, ���iiTY � �J �f�'� ` � }3,199-' �J ` '��� s. e '' �.Jt1���-.,,.�.�-+ . : ,,�,; r.mc+ ..,, 1-""'`���^�� Kotary Public, amsey Cou ty, Minnesota My commission expires _ I3� j� 9v ` 1 � �'r U� , i,�� -f--7nJ-� I��'72•S�' ��` i �I, ' OS ��� l,� 'r8�,'• � �� ..,�� j3 n l6 � W ��• �-�-6� —� � I $O� � _ / O� 06� � I ^ . 0� ` , w � o o (I og) ��� I T— — ��� �')4 io I IIII '•�79 '.�7B�. _ < � � a ' ° `° o.' , �� I OS � �' °j o� •� �7�'� � _G��O _ Lo � SJ.� �'GO , . 5 . .. , _ , ... --- . . - 58•G _- .,so _. - - .- - - - - - - �,-r �"� ' �=� �J� 5 i�.s �= M ,. •5B•S• `0.B ^ �• �s. y`O.B SD 6 10 SD `f2.7 " `� `fl•7 SD 6 � � 3 0 � 60 3�) � C3 � ��� (33) � ocz (zs) I (�z4� I C�� ,oy I �oa � (�o�1'��' /ra� oaf � � 3° I • � �� � � � / �n�� l � _ �a� �� 2 � � � : 6 5 4� 0 3 I � ^� ' 3� �I '3� �i p70 Nlj:� 39 ,s� I I i � � 3 0 37 oLO ti I �7 I I .38 3 � � '�' �I�V .34 a�. I �- � r. B I,��� „ D.8 SO S� 't2.7 Y2.7 SO -/2S �---�--( l25) I� -�2�Z � o � i� 0 4_7 7 _ I --��-- — t-1-S 3�9- � i x o - :'7.B 3� 6�- - ���r- -- ' 123.�- - - - I 727. _ „_,�,��-�' Z8 � r 7 S�.S .�0 9z.�s � /�o ,o � e�. z b� � � .�� � 0 3 9 /roz �' o B l ,� Z y � �. 8 g.6 ��1 :� � �� �� �° l � ti J7 i* I 59.8 � O y. �60 � � �/3�_��a. 37 2 6 ��49� � 9 ^ �,� I3B .� I Z y _ _ _ — �_2 SD� _ _ _ _ ,�° �• �(z�) � �c 2 I � J`'. �99.� 13 - -- �. ��.s 30 14 39 vhcat p � ^��S'2Y•L3 �� _Z�z`af � 37 r� � � �, IS92o9.S ,��, I o I I � 216' S ^� ,. _°L_�~- � � - o I „ 2 1 � �. 16 �� � � ;e+ � - �_.._..----�-r�4-P—�_ � oo ao S r� 2 2 I 7� � O� �7 �27� 181 � �Z� I t �� � .�9 I -~� � � . �' 21 0 � o ,�o �8 � ��o r) ! . /13. ! � � � 2/ C � � � `� ' - ;, - - - - �� � I B� �� � 0. d � S'o• � SO Y7.7S " " i�l•7S So . � �� � �45� �4b) i �� � J72 ( . � �'� l7 /8 �.(9. �Zo'N � , ° 24 23 22 21 2 0 /9 N � � � ��I,I l72 l �� .~e`47� ��4B� I 3 � z91 /z8 I 'f j� >> �'' �' � � �31� � � � / � ) I p w r• �. O VSD i SO y .7S ,� ,� y7.7S So . `'' � 2z � zr po� # l'f�1 9 72 ' ' � z4 3Ss �I� t 1 ..,��48� N .� � �'�'�S .�� 39� 39 ��) f31� �13D) �il1� (iio) — � 0 5 4 3 Z �e- - � � �\�� Original area petitioned �" ' L�LJ to be vaca ted z� 60 60 S7.S 6 .S � 37 ;� ' i�7•S l�1•S �i 0 �1Z9� 6 h II �.�i `� Additional area petitioned �6 . -, 1� to be vacated �3� _ o. 35- --- b (/z8) 7 �a (� u 4 -- 34 � �_ ° 8 iz�) 9 (� -_ o� - �, — ° � o�l 5) y7. � / 7.,; ;;' ° y 38 56� - � 7 ' 3� a y ', , — ----- lzG.) nv� I v� � ;��� _ ' �