86-455 WHITE - CITV CLERK 1 PINK - FINANCE CO RCII /�• ,, CANARV'- DEPAR7MENT CITY OF SAINT YAUL Fll NO• �� - "� BLUE° - MAVOR Ret�rn copy to: • '/ Valuations Division - Room 2�8 Ordindnce Or inance N 0. l 7:3`� � �J�) Presented By Referred To Committee: Da e Out of Committee By Da e 3 . referenced annual charges would create a financial ardship for these persons. Subd. 2 . For �?ur.poses oi an assessment levied s a result of the Street Paving Program under the Combined Sew r Separation Program, hardship shall be deemed to exist when an wner and home- s'teader ha� at�ained� the age of 65 years or older. Any deferred paytnent of a special assessment pursuant to t�his su division shall be for a period no longer than twenty (20) years fr m the date of the approval of the request for deferral. At the e d of �he 'twenty (2�) year period or upon the occurrence of an of the events enumerated in Section 64 . 07 of this Code, whichever occurs sooner, all unnaid amoun�s accumulated, including a crued interest shall become immediately due and payable. Except a� set forth in this section all other rovisions of Section 64 .07 of this Code shall be applicable. � Section 3 . - ` �;' - This ordinance shall take effect and be in for e 30 days from i �' ,' nd after its passage, approval and publication. COUNCILMEN r Requested by Department f: Yeas Nays Drew Finance & Mana eme Ser ces Nicosia [n Favor � Rettman s�ne�bei �' Against BY ' Sonnen � Tedesco a '""�°" MAY 6 - 1986 Form Approve City At rney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pas�'' by ,o ncil Sec ary gY t � � � By � Appro by Mayor: � — Appro y Mayor for Su i i n t Council By pUB1tSHED MAY 1 '7 1986 Finance & Management $erv�ces DEPARTMENT 'C���� No 4 2 9 5 ;,� . . , . ��e ��° ` � � . CONTACT '� � 7028 PHONE Ma rch 24, 1986 DATE �e�� ,, ',i ASSYGN NUh�ER FOR ROUTING ORDER (Clip Al1 Locations for Signature) : Department Director 3 Director of Management/Mayor 2 Finance and Management Services Director ,� City Clerk Budget Director — i City Attorney ` WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purp se/ . Chapter 64.07 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code will be Rati 11d1e) : � changed to allaw the Finance and Management Service Department to ant deferred payment of assessment for street paving caused by the ewer separation proj cts to any Senior Citizen � 65 years of age or older. � �� �� �� � ,�" o� ^1 P�Y�%�� � �� c. � . � .- _ ��� COS7/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: ���' Relie�ze Senior Citizens that live on limited or fixed incomes, owni g and� hqme- steading proQerty fran paying annual assessment payments that would result in'� �. ' financial hardship for them. We anticipate less than 1� increase i the number of`' assessment payments beiag deferred. FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor' signa- ture n t re- Total Amount of Transaction: quired if under $10,00 ) Funding Source: N/A Activity Number: ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All Attachments) : 1, Proposed Ordinance Change DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY RE EW Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Requir d? Yes No Yes x No Insurance Required? Insurance Suffici nt? Yes NA NO Yes X No Insurance Attached: ' (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 • � - � • . . . ��-� -�.�`'s `.. . .+� , � CITY OF SAINT P.AUL / 73y� :�i'� OFB'ZCE OF THE CITY COITNCIL Cammi.ttee Regar� �:i�anc� l�ana em�nt & Personnel Co 'ttee. APRIL 17, 1986 1. Approval of minutes from meeting held April 10, 1986. a r ed 2. Resolution amending the 1986 budget by transferring $29,573 fr m Contingent Reserve to Finance Department - General Government Accounts - CHCH Bui ding Maintenance [City 35� Share] (laid over from April 10, 1986) . withdrawn 3. Resolution amending the 1986 budget by adding $6,368.42 to the Financing Plan and to the Spending Plan for Citywide Data Processing. a ro ed � 4. Resolution amending the Capital Improvement Budget by transfer ing $555,000 to Burlington Road Project (Springside to Totem Road) from Cretin Dayton to I-94 ($300,000) and St. Anthony Hill-Elfelt-Lafond ($255,000). a roved 5. Resolution amending the 1984 Capital Improvement Budget by tra ferring $400,000 to the Maryland-Payne to Prosperity Project from St. Anthony H 1-Elfelt-Lafond ($100,000), Warner-Shepard Reventment Repair ($100,000) _and Fub ic Works ' Contingency" j$200,000) . approved �� - 6. Resolution amending the 1984 Capital Improvement Budget by tran ferring $80,000 to Mississippi River Boulevard Phase 3 Randolph to Goodrich fro St. Anthony Hill-ElfelC-Lafond Project. approved 7. Resolution amending the 1986 budget by adding $3,529.05 to the inancing Plan and Spending Plan for PED Fund-Production Grants-13ew Works/St. aul. approved 8. Resolution approving Memorandum of Agreement amending the 1985- 987 Labor Agreement between Independent School District 625 and the Machi ists District Lodge No. 77. approved 9. Resolution establishing policy that take-home, city-owned vehic es cannot be used for personal purposes. approved R5 •� � 10. Resolution establishing the policy that all city-owned vehicles cannot be ; used for personal purposes. approved _ � v , . „ . ��p�.w�t+►.,�zd.�ua��..� � '�ti�'te��'64 af �'°t��,'tstrative �� ; `�A�. • �V ., of spet�s:��l'i�i�ssments for le��i2'� ' 'eferred F��� ""-��.'��j�l �red . . .... .. . ..:Y�.:!:.�;:'.,. CTfY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT AUL,MINNESOTA 55102 a��,,.e � embete; /!�C_ �r"�..1 J a " � hln Nlcosla Chalr l�4 • LITY UF S11I�TT PAUL snlc� Raetmen j���"� ^ ' � ���j��* rl 9omen OFFI�E OF (PHE pITY COIINOIL ohn Dnw(u!) _ Date: Apr'1 16, 1986 � � ,, C o mmitte e Re o t . p To: Saint Paul City Council � From: Committee on Public Work Chris Nicosia, Chair The Public Works Committee at its meeting of April 16, 1986 t k the foilowing action: Hearinq Date l. 4/22/86 FINAL ORDER: Construction of the SNELLING-UNI ERSITY SEWER SEPARATION PROJECT (bounded by Engiewood A e. on the north more-or-less, on the south by Htghwa 1-94 right-of-way, on the west by Cleveland Ave. more- r-less and on the east by Hamline Ave. more-or-less). A so, tf requested, construction of sewer service conne tions, sanitary sewer connections and water main connectt ns. ; t Recommended approval on a 2-I vote - Councilwoman ettman voting N0. 2. 4/22/86 FINAL ORDER: Improving the following stree s by constructin9 concrete curb and gutter, bituminou mat, concrete driveways, concrete outwalks and a treet lighting system on the following streets to be kn n as the SNELLING/UNIVERSITY STREET AREA PAVING PROJECT: BLAIR AVE. and LAFOND AVE. from Snelling to scal; EDMUND AVE. from Snelling to Asbury 8 Simpson to H line; CHARLES AVE. from Snelling to Hamline; SHIELDS AV . from Fairview to Snelling; ALDINE ST. fran Universi y to Sherburne; fRY ST., BEACON ST., WHEELER ST., H SCHEL ST., PIERCE ST. AND ROY ST. from St. Anthony A . to University Ave; OAKLEY AVE. from Prior to Lyn urst; � FERONIA AVE. from Prior to Fairview; DEWEY ST. fr m St. Anthony to University; LYNNHURST EAST AND LYNNHUR WEST _. from Feronia to University; SHERBURNE AVE. fran Al ne to Snelling; PASCAL ST. from Thomas to Blair and WHEEL R ST. from University to (Charles extended). Recommended approval on a 2-I vote - Councilwoman R ttman voting N0. 3. 4/29/66 FINAL ORDER: Improve the following street by constructing concrete curb, bituminous paving, treet lighting, concrete outwalks and pianting trees. 11 to be known as THE MIDDLE BELT U NE INTERCEPTOR AVING PROJECT. Also, if requested, construction of sa itary connections, storm sewer connections and water main connections. REANEY AVE. from Etna Extende to Birmingham; BEECH ST. from Hazelwood to White Bear Ave.; PEDERSEN STREET from Minnehaha Ave. to Bush; WAUKO AVE. from Pedersen to Ross; E. SEVENTH ST. from McKnigh Road to 460 feet west of Howard St.; HOWARD ST. fr m E. Seventh St. to Ross; BUSH AVE. from Pedersen to 24 feet east of Pedersen; LAKE ST. from Stiliwater to E. S venth St.; BIRMINGHAM ST. from Oid Hudson Road to Wilson Ave.; MAGNOLIA AVE. from Johnson Parkway to Mechanic St.; MECHANIC ST. fran Ma9nolia Ave. to Etna St.; ETN ST. from Mechanic St. to Ames Ave.; � BURNQUIST ST. from Jessamine Ave. to Maryland Ave.; MARGARET 5T. fro Etna St. to Hazelwood Ave. and B[RMINGHAM ST. from Marga et to 150 feet south of Margaret. Recommended approval on a 2-1 Jbte - Councilwoman R ttman voting N0. . �- � � �s5 : - � � _____ -_1�?��__ � ' ` 4. 4/29/86 FINAL ORDER: Construction of sewer and/or water connections at certain properties on Burlington Road in connection with the BURLINGTON ROAO STORM EWER PROJECT. Recommended approval unanimously. 5. 4/29/86 FINAL ORDER: Making safety improvements o SHEPARD ROAD from Randolph Avenue to Chestnut Street installing a center concrete barrier and placing bitu inous surfacing '',. over existing concrete roadway. Recommended approval unanimously. 6. 4/29/86 FINAL ORDER: Acquistion of Lot 5, Bloc 46, Charles Weides Subdivision of Block 46 Arlington ills Addition . to Saint Paul (vacant lot north of 817 Pa ne Avenue) to allow access into the new Public Works Bri ge Yard. Recommended approval with stipulation that Final Order be amended to include contingency that any a reements made come back to the City Council . �rd�nane� 7. F.�s�Dk�i■#�Mr -��-#�t�g . �R,,.�;�IZEN I�F� ,;� M�NT9�_ fcrr ��p���•:�� 5 �" Prog�a�lr'"' �, � ProJec�s. � • Recc�+irnended approva 1 unan i mous l.y. 8. RESOLUTION: for permit parking in re idential area adjacent to or near Snelling Avenue and Se by Avenue. Recommended approval unanimously. 1 9. RESOLUTION: authorizing an agreement wit the City and the Minnesota Department of Transportati n for funding for construction, operation and maint nance of two traffic signal installations on TH 61 loc ted at Burns and Warner Road. Recommended approval unanimously. 10. PETITION: of Oxford Development Minnesota. lnc. and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of th City of Saint Paul , Minnesota, for the vacation of p rt of Eighth Street between Cedar and Wabasha Streets. Petition will be withdrawn at a later date. 2