86-420 WH17E - CITV CLERK � PINK - FINANCE COUI� 11 � CANqRV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF S�INT PAUL 1 � � BLUE -MAVOR FI1C NO• �� � � Council Resol ion Presented By , � 1 �--( . �eferred To `�T =� Committee: Date O3 ° ��"—�� Out of Committee By Dat WHEREAS, The 1986 Capital Improvement Budget Program s financed project C-6608 titled SPEC CONT: Com Serv Capital Mai t Program (xGRS,PIA,CIB) ; and WHEREAS, The Department of Community Services has dev loped certain procedures to control the spending of this mo ey; and WHEREAS, The Saint Paul Long-Range �apital Improvemen Budget Committee has reviewed and recommended approval of th se guidelines, NOW THEREFORE, Upon the recommendation of the Mayor w th the advice of the Saint Paul Long-Range �apital Improveme t Budget Committee, the �,ouncil of the City of Saint Paul appr ves these guidelines and removes the special contingency status of the project. COUNCILMEN Requested by Departmen of: Yeas Nays Drew _ / COMMUNITY SERVI ES �RE77��/ � [n Favor Nir,osia Scheibel sonnen Against BY Tedesco Wilson APR 8 — �6 Form Appr d by 'ty ttorn Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pa, ouncil Se r BY gy, t#ppro e iVlavor: Date APR 1 0 t986 Approv Mayor for bmi i to un�"il By BY PUBUSHED AP R 1 9 1986 Community Servic�s .DEPARTMENT ��� N� 698 . Bob Beikler � � � � CONTACT • - 29a-443I PHONE 2/26/86 DATE 1 Q/�� e� ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER (Clip Al1 Locations for Signature) : �i Department Director 4 Directo�' of Management/Mayor Finance and Management Services Director � City Clerk � Budget Di rector 5 Chair F' nce Commi te 3 City Attorney 7 Cit Cou il WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purp se/ Rati nale) : Acceptance of guidelines to control spending in Communi Services Capital Maintenance Fund (C-6608) , as required Capital Improvements Budget. RECEIVED '�� � `� `� MaR s��s COST/BENEFIT BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: r��c�.►���� C1�'Y ATTORNEY ��.�? ��AYu►;'S QFFICE FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayo 's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of Transaction: quir d if under $10, OQ) Funding Source: Activity Number: ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All Attachments) : 1. Council Resolution 2. Guidelines DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW X Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Re uired? Yes No Yes x No Insurance Required? Insurance Suf icient? Yes No Yes x No Insurance Attached: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 . � . . � � �� _ ��� � COMMUNI.TY SERVICES • CAPITAL MAINTENANCE PROGRAM STATEMENT OF PURPOSE The purpose of this program is to provide for Capital aintenance of city owned facilities in an efficient and orderly mann r, in accordance with the definition and guidelines included herein. EXTRAORDINARY CAPITAL MAINTENANCE a) DEFINITION b) ELIGIBILITY GUIDELINES c) EMERGENCIES d) PROJECT SELECTION PROCESS e) PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION a) Definition Capital Allocation Policy P4, revised Extraordinary Capital Maintenance is the repair, replacement, renovation, remodeling, and/or retrofitting of a d for the structural parts and/or service system component of a building, and the man-made components of an improved site. ( 1) Structural parts include footings and found tions; beams, joists, columns; load bearing walls; exterior wa ls and facade (excluding glass) ; stairs, floors, decks, ramps, ceilings; roofs and roofing. ( 2) Service systems components include plumbin , electrical, communications, heating, ventilating, air condi ioning, security systems and elevators; utility mains. (3) Site components include retaining walls, 1 'ghting, stairs, ramps, sidewalks, railings, fencing, drainage s ructures, and erosion control . Priority consideration will be given to those site components whose condition affects buildin components identified above. b) Eliqibility Guidelines (must meet all the below) ( 1 ) Project must conform to Definition (2) Facility must be City owned or leased to C ty on long term basis. At least ten years must remain on the le se and the lease must require the city to be responsible for cap'tal maintenance. (3) Project must have useful life expectancy eater than 10 years (4) Any property with repairs financed will n t be in jeopardy of closing within the next five years. PAGE 1 � ' " , , COMMUNI,TY SFiRVICES `'' a� _Y�� . CAPITAL MAINTENANCE PROGRAM c) Emergencies From each (annual) appropriation an amount not gr ater than 10� will be designated for emergency use at Project M nagers' discretion. Expenditures will be subject to elig bility guidelines but not subject to selection process. The exact amount to be placed in emergency fund will be establishe by the selection committee. Any unused monies will be ro led over to the next years budget . All emergency expenditures wil be subject to the budget directors approval . d) Pro3ect Selection Process ( 1) Selection Committee Members ( 1 . 1 ) Executive Secretary of the CIB Commit ee. (Budget Office) ( 1 . 2) City Architect ' s Office representativ . ( 1 . 3) Community Services Director ' s Office epresentative. ( 1 .4) A member of the Saint Paul Long-Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee appointed by t e Chairman of that Committee. (2) Selection Committee to meet quarterly (or 1 ss frequently if selection can be made with fewer meetings) ith proposers. Project proposals to be submitted, in tripl cate, not later than two weeks prior to committee meeting. (3j Project proposals - (form to be developed) form to indicate: 3 . 1 Facility name, address 3 . 2 Facility leased or owned? Term of leas 3 . 3 Project description, including how doe it con- form to definition? 3 .4 Project manager, name and phone number 3 . 5 Cost estimate 3 . 6 Justification, including estimated li expect- ancy, and explanation of what may hap n if project is not done. 3 . 7 Division Priority -Critical - life safety only, explain -High -Low 3 . 8 Impact on operating budget if any. e) Pro�ect Implementation ( 1) Project manager responsible for implementi g each approved project in accordance with City policies a d procedures, ie. , purchasing, insurance requirements, etc . PAGE 2 . � � . . . ' (�- ��- y�� a COMMUNSTY SERVICES - ' CAPITAL MAINTENANCE PROGRAM (2) Project manager will insure no city staff co ts other than design and inspection services are charged t the project . (3) Project manager responsible for establishing and main- taining file on each project, including: 2 . 1 Project proposal form - approved 2 . 2 Project log - date approved . date bid (or ordered) date started date completed 2 . 3 Cost record, all expenditures, backed u by requisition, bid documents, bid award, ontract , invoices, etc. Submitted By: Approved By: Kath een Stack City Budg t fi M � Community Services Director CIB Committee �`�_� �� Paul�cng-�?nc?e ('•ani al Tn-n�ot,_�,-,,;-� �,�:�K-rE� Cor�li���.t�e �e���;re� ��i rnct::�� ^r (:�ate) �?ara��a �r� 9 -].�$�-� T';: �c._�:_�.. :_'_� � Signee�: �C,'�.��,�,w�,,, 9�--- PAGE 3 , ;� � C��r K ' �� �� �`�� ° r� , '� � CITY OF SAINT PAUL -i .t1 331li1:1 ; •°:�i di�.ul OB'�'ICE OF TFI� CITY COUi�TCIL ... �ammitte� Re ort ' P F':i�ance l�ana ement 8� Personnel Co ittee. � � APRIL 3, 19$ ; 1. Approval of minutes from meeting held March 28, 1986. a roved 2.. �:�4� �t�� � . �R��e�s~� 're��� t`� ��pee�ai��' t:�a��:,c�.f �.,,, �;� , :_ . �`.��e�,C��i.tai l�i�iitea��iqlr���� ���i.e'�>��� �ea l+�rch 28, 1986) . �a�Mr�rl�+�-. 3. Resolution approving 1986 Memorandum of Agreement between I dependent School District 625 and the Tri-Council, Locals 49, 120 and 132, g anting Ma.rtin Luther King Day as a paid holiday. approved � 4. Resolution amending the 1986 budget by adding $1,200 to the Financing Plan and to the Spending Plan for General Fund-Planning and Econ mic Development Contribution (recording fees) . approved 5. Resolution authorizing liability insurance coverage for Dis rict Council Board and Directors (laid over from February 27, 1986) . Laid ove to June 6. Administrative Orders: D-7937: Budget revision of the Police Department - Impound ng Lot Enterprise (laid over from March 28, 1986) . Lai over D-7940: Additions of $16,687.63 to the contract for Galtie Plaza to Farm Credit Services Skyway Bridge over Jackson Street (laid over from March 28, 1986). laid over D-7941: Authorization for payment to Thomas Douville for t avel (laid over from March 28, 1986) . laid over D-7942: Additions of $64,326.01 to the contract for Ford rkway-Mississippi River Boulevard to Howell, Cleveland Avenue-Hillc est to Bayard ' project (laid over from March 28, 1986). laid ver � D-7947: Additions of $2,457 to the contract for brick pav ng on Rice Park streets (laid pver from March 28, 1986) . discus ed 7. Discussion of City Council reorganization (committee-of-th -whole at 2:30 p.m.). discussed CTTY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR S INT PAUL.MINNESOTA 55102 .�.as