86-413 � CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL F NO. �4 �/ FINAL ORDER By r � File No. i � Voting In the Matter of EOlyt�tt�M Ai� t� a�t �1J�C? Ward tDa�iN tij �irli�tst�t !►� a�a t6t �s�cd�, tM �ss �aei#i� s �ilso�� si�t�-ef-�1 �d 1f. Iir� oa t� ao�elt, iisltis it�cs�t ea �i�t wse aa�i �1� strfss a� tiwt �c3. >ls�► tt ra�wseN, �asitaxT +Nwrrr t�uretier, stess e�rraatLa�. �M wtar s�tit �o�etl�r �ill tis fvtslL�d. _; ,; <� d� —a7`� a roved `� � �� . under Preliminary Order PP . � The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon t above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations p rtaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order tha the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed w th the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the roper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance ith Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the Coun il: Date AP� 8 ' ��6 Yeas HtMt Nays �i,p��„� Certified P ed b C uncil Secretary 1�Lta�s ����j In Favor l S000�s '(� T�� Against iiiUOt APR � O �B�Mayor PUBIISHED A P R 1 9 1986 . �� ST PA'UL CITY COUNCIL ���--s��� PU6LIC HEARING NOTIC PU6LIC IMPROVEMENT CONSTR CTION Dear Property Owner: City Coun il District 4�5 District lanning Council ��6 File No 18414&18415 To decide whether to proceed with the construct n of the MARYLAND- GALTIER SEWER SEPARATION PROJECT (bounded by Ar ington Avenue on r V R P 0 S E the north, the Northern Pacific Railroad right- f-way and West Ivy on the south, Galtier Street on the west and Sy van Street on the east) and with the paving of oiled streets as a part of the Combined AN D Sewer Separation Project by constructing concre e curb and gutter, a bituminous mat, concrete outwalks, and street lighting on the L 0 C A TI 0 N following streets to be known as the MARYLAND- LTIER AREA PAVING PROJECT. (See other side for map and list of streets) Tuesday, April 8, 1986, at 10:00 A.M. H E A R I N G City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall - ourt House If the Council appro�es this project, a porti n of the costs will be assessed against benefitted properties. ESTItL�TED CONSTRUCTION COST $3,327,400 ESTIMATED FINANCING: �I HANCING Assessments $ 737,000 Sewer Service Fund 1,461,400 Bonds 799,000 i N F 0 R M AT!0 N State and Federal Grants and Loans 330,000 Assessment Rates: Street Paving (Including curb and gutter) $19.0 per assessable ft. Ornamental Lighting . $2.0 per assessable ft. Storm sewer: Residential $0.0 per square foot Commercial, multi residential, industrial $0.0 5 per square foot The first 150 feet on the long side of Res dential Corner Lots will not be assessed. Should you request a new storm sewer conn ction, sanitary sewer � connection or water connection, it will b assessed at actual cost per connection. If you own vacant proper y which you plan to develop soon, we suggest that you request that we construct these connections at this time. Senior Citizens may defer their assessme s until the property is sold. We will send further details at t e time of the ratification of assessments or you may call 298-5125 or information. The City Council will hold another heari g after the contract is awarded to ratify the assessments. You ill receive a notice at that time advising you of the exact amou t that you will be required to pay. Q U E S TI 0 N S Paving Construction: 292-6277 As essments: 298-5317 Sewer Construction: 292-6007 Also, City staff will be available to nswer any last minute questions on this project in Room 218 ity Hall from 9:30 - ,10:00 A.M, the same day as the hearin . � �_J�!=J i.1� : .5:��...•-.�: U l__J Ll < �, �-. �,�; � . ,� � x ' � ���( ,•u�f �j�' i' � ' �s '� �� e�ce �au�wrow?� /�s! � �$���� I� „ .. .�ncto r.. � �--��� f s y .�� • .':f R �s1 y.a � u � I � �`� . �v«i ^-� AVE.: , � . + E. 4ALtNGT I `�.. A"f y F� ' i V JO .:: N � � = � �,.fFl� . ' � � Y ���O • • i o .� r. /g'��w. I COTT�st �� �JL� �Y ��,�.r�` � ��,• ' " �,r � a � /� (� NORTH � ��' f �� u� ���� f'1 1 . 3�� y.;�.�,�r;,. � � ••�r• �� i ���1_�� [AfT f � • � y ' �,' � i � YI.M�CINTN_ .. I t�}✓7 ��`w � �-' � w � W .�' f� � ��.. �.. ._< • �1 I�.�� ;���., ; ' — t Q-0�nML IM[..,1 STOR'�I SEWER BOliNDARY � � ;�� � ��� �-N�rTNOR]�, r ;�''�, L_J L—J �+1.. +e MAR��AND � � � � AVE. � � - l_3 ��a���� ��i.rV6'�. E � � ` STREETS TO BE PAVED •••••••�••-� � I � I IY• • - ,�,�. , . � . , j i .�, � �• • + r�ve.� �I� [ rueiw�yr I I _ ��' i I �i 1� Q❑ ' '� II � 'J-s' 'M� � L�� O� � ���,«� � .� ..... ... � � � � ,��,I����:���k�� �.�,C,u,��� �-1 rM.�.r�-��.r�-��• ■� COOR �Y[. � Ui� � 1 � 11 1� r�N� TOw�� f�1 i f} . � �u I �;� � � ���� a� �l�I._,yG a I I I tn�'—. LJ �JµRy�}��� 'r. lMI1tON �� E ��� ❑-ac� � aa!� ua � � ��n Cottage Avenue from Galtier to Rice S�reet Ivy Avenue from Farrington to Rice Orange Avenue from Farrington to Rice Rose Avenue from Western to Rice Geranium Avenue from Western to Woodbridge Jessamine Avenue from Western to Galtier Cook Avenue from Western to Galtier Virginia Avenue trom Lawson to Maryland Farrington Avenue from Lawson to Ivy Matilda Street from Maryl.and to Ivy Galtier Street from Cook to Ivy Marion Street from Jessamine to Ivy Woodbridge Street from Geranium to Ivy and Albemarle Street from Rose to Ivy Lawson Avenue from Virginia to Matilda ___ To insure an effective sewer separation program and to coriply with state and federal mandates, all rainleaders (downspouts) must be disconnected from the sanitary sewer. Your building's rainleaders are connected if exterior down- spouts connect to an underground pipe or if your roof drains through the interior of your builciing. Some apartments, commercial and industrial buildings will require a separate storm sewer connection and you should request a connection stub from the main sewer to the property at this time to avoid a substantially higher cost to have it installed later. For more information, call the Sewer Division at 298-5421. Notice sent March 21, 1986 by the Valuation and Assessment Division, Department of Finance and Management Services St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 PLEASE NOTE that the Public Works Committee of the City Council will discuss this item and develop a reco�nendation to the full City Council at its April 2nd meeting. Please bring any concerns you may have to this meeting on Wednesday, April 2, 1986 in the City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall - Court House at 9:00 A.M. • � � Qembere: /�/ �/ �iITY UF �AI�TT PAUL i ni�.NR im.nh`� L� O�! ��3 4 ��� Elkl90 sn OFFIQBS OF THE CITY COONOIL �o� (��) Date: April 2 . 1986 � � � � C ommitte e Re ort . p To: Saint Paul City Council From: Committee on Public Works Chris Nicosia, Chair The Public Works Committee at its meeting of April 2, 1986 too the ��. foilowinq action: � �' Hearing Date I. 1/8/86 -�iNAI ,,ORDER: Construction of the MARYLAND-GALTIER SEWER . SEPARATION PROJECT (bounded by Ariington Ave. o the north, the Northern Pacific RR right-of-way and W. vy on the south, Galtier St. on the west and Sylvan St. n the - east). Also constructing conr_rete curb and gutt r, a bituminous mat, concrete driveways, concrete out alks, and street lighttng on the followi8ng streets to b known • as the MARYLANO-GALTIER AREA PAVING PROJECT: COTTAGE AVf. from Galtier to Rice St.; IVY AVE from Farrington to Rice; ORANGE AVE. from Farrington t Rice; ROSE AVE. from Western to Rice; GERANIUM AVE from . Western to Noodbridge; JESSAMINE AVE. from West rn to Galtieri COOK AVE. from Western to Galtier; VIRGIN A AVE. fran lawson to Maryland; FARRINGTON AVE. from La son to ivy; MATILDA ST. from Maryland to lvy; GALTIER S . from Cook to Ivy; MARION 5T. from Jessamine to lvy; WO BRIDGE ST. from Geranium to Ivy; ALBEMARLE ST. from Ros to Ivy and LAWSON AVE. from Virginia to Matilda. If re ested, water mein, senitary sewer and storm sewer con ctions wiil be installed. Referred matter beck to Councll without rec ion. 2. 4/8/86 FINAL ORDER: Construction of the combined sewer separatrton proJect PAYNE-ARCADE AREA EAST SEWER ' SEPARATION PROJECT and PAYNE-ARCADE WEST SEWER SE ARATION : PROJECT (bounded on the north by Cottage Avenue, rainard Avenue and Sherwood Avenue from West to East re-or- less; on the south by the RR tracks more-or-les ; on the west by HighNay 35-E more-or-less and on the east by Forest and Earl Streets more-or-less). Recommended approval - 2-I vote - Councilwoman R ttman voting N0. 3. 4/8/86 FINAL ORDER: Improve the following str ets by constructing concrete curb and gutter, a bitumi ous mat, concrete dirveways, concrete outwalks, street lighting system and trees planted. Also, if equested, construction of storm sewer, sanitary sewer nd water main connections. All to be known as the PA NE-ARCADE AREA PAVING PROJECT: HYACINTH AVE., ORA GE AVE., , HAWTHORNE AVE., AND ROSE AVE. from Arcade to Fo est; COOK AVE. AND LAWSON AVE, from Cypress to Earl; J NKS AVE. from Arcade to Earl; GREENBRIER AVE. from Well to Case; SIMS AVE. from Edgerton to Payne, Greenbrie to Arcade and Forest to Earl; YORK AVE. from Clark to P ne; WELLS ST. from Edgerton to Forest; WHtTALL ST. fr Burr to Payne; CIARK 5T. and JESSIE ST. from York to ase; WEIDE 5T. from�Wells to Case; MENDOTA ST. from Case to Lawson, Maryland to lvy and Geranium to Maryland; D CHESS ST. . • from Wells to Case; RUSSELL S7. fran Wells e tended to Case; WALSH AVE. from York to Case and CYPR SS ST from Case to Magnolia. Recommended approval - 2-1 vote - Councilwoma Rettman voting N0. 4. 4/8/86 FINAL ORDER: Improving SNELLING AVENUE fr m Edgcumbe Road to W. Seventh St./Fort Road by regrading and paving, constructing curb and gutter, constructing new catch basins, c�nstruct new driveways, construct a ornamentai lighting system and doing all other work ne essary and incidental to said improvement. Also constr ct a storm sewer in SNELLING AVENUE from Edgcumbe d. to W. Seventh/Fort Road (bounded by Edgcumbe Rd. the north, on the south by W. Seventh/Fort Road; on e west by a line beginning approx. 400 feet west of the enterlfne of Edgcumbe Rd. and Snelitng Ave. and running s uth to Lower St. Dennis Road then SE to W. Seventh/Fort Road and on the east by Rankin St. Also, constru ting and/or reconstruction of sidewalks on the east sid of Snelling from Edgcumbe Road to W. Seventh/fort Road. Laid over in Committee indeftniLely. 5. ORDINANCE: granting permission to Anderson Machine Tool Co., 2631 University Avenue, to construct operate and mafntain a cable under and across Charles A enue. Recommended approval. 6. ORDINANCE: granting permission to Midw y Cortmercial Building to construct, operate and maintai a pedestrian ramp into University Avenue adJacent to 2 0 University Avenue (Veterans Service Center). Recommended approval. 7- RESOLUTION: Offering reconveyance of Lots 1-5, Block S, parts as listed of Defranchy's Divisi n, Denslow's Rearrangement and Cruickshank's Garden Lo s to the State of Minnesota as land is no longer neede (property in block bounded by Reaney, Birmingham, Minn aha and Etna). . (laid over from 3/19/86). Recommended denial - 2-1 vote - Councilma Nicosia vot(ng r .. , , . � �` � �/�'�p,_ �� ,,..,,,�,,,�n � � =='��`'`* ''�''��-. CI Of SAINT PAUL �.• :••, '� '= DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MA AGEMENT SERVICES f% i �a �"'-�• "�° VALUATION DIVISION `°���T;',„�''` 218 City Hall GEORCE UTIMER Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 MAYpR 612•29B-5317 April 3 , 1986 Dear Property Owner : The area which is shown on the attached map is the rea which will be assessed for storm sewer as a part of the MARYLAND-G LTIER Storm Water Separation Project. The assessment rates for this a sessment are : $0. 03 per square foot bf property owned -Residential Property $0. 075 per square foot of property owned -Commercial , multi-residential , industri 1 property For a typical residential lot of 40 feet by 125 fe t, the assessment will be $150.00. We will assess this project later his summer and at that time , we will send you the various payment opt ' ons . Originally, this project included the proposal to ave Cottage Avenue from Galtier Street to Rice Street. In the meant me , we have found out that the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission plans to build a trunk sewer through this area, including work i Cottage Avenue , scheduled for 1988. We therefore will recommend p stponing the paving on Cottage Avenue until the Metropolitan Waste Con rol Commission is through with their project. If you have any questions regarding the assessmen s or construction, please call me at 298-5317 . Very truly yours , � Peter White Civil Engineer II PW:ag Attachment cc: Joe Collins J. William Donovan Dan Dunford Leon Pearson � �� � _ yi.3 . . -�� N _ � .� „ - - - .:i � „ , ,..,� � � �, .. � _ , w ,. _ ;�, . , _, � � � r •' *• � �i e z �ef�z'W .�-r'- xe : �• l--y•- f... t u i i�. �I� t � ,� . 4' M'-��°+ �� � n� ---�- fA ft � )6 "i ) i�• ]r. , .�"y±' 2! �~ e�� ;, �. u 7 oa r e H � I 1 y !S � :. � � . N J1 ��_� t7 . �� :'w.. � �f w 3 w t� Z � � ' _ ' � i •I ��i w. f1 ��� 3 �r r tt S W �w,s; �W ' w N � S .r>. � l�.�: i']•� 46 �1 t � V.'.V. f.x 25 .T..�. '� I t M � ■r t r � f1 � �" Is S � � a :� '7nn � 1�. 2� �— � :i ... � �.��t�� `,\ r N ' r `� i�m J2 � :r�• .. 2) "' � ' yJ( , _e� ..ai s��� ... 2f a � 'i ln' ��� /��.. � �y .-LA{�__'' �i �� H •r f � r9 ��. •, 9r r 2 I. 1 � ��� 1 .. 'M � � f� / !w • It � f K ' 1!• � 2� • .l�lt'/" ' 1 � Q H tw� , � r IO 10^' ' !� _� i �I r u �4»'.I � � n.. s� ur q - -,� ° nr �� . Y��i,� o,u n�� zo �c h -I.• f���� 'ii��' :t r� � u r \ • e� �« �, ~ �y/ " re I � —� O _'� a. ' w.u u r �, �s ._�: � ,ii«, �t r a i...�c_.. �e ^ .w�. .t _ to _ � .. .. ���^ Q ; i�.. �S�7.\ y ,� �:. , u 2 q� �� �xi , M� 2i � � "''�y'� �' q"' , i)"" .n 1 N It �A�« � N�r �� • �1 Q I t1 � �S.}it , �N :i1 Nw� I ISM , ' 16 ',,, " I....R-./ f�[ a .' . .. . .. . . .. ... . . . � � � w. coTTnGE 3�. pvE. � � ��� ' zz 1 i.�., � � w _ � ' ' { , ' '� ' fi i :-" ' ' x� z�.� •�,., zi b . » . „ •• , ` ,,. :+ = p� ,e � i f .F � a . � . a : "t'a .+:; t :. zo �r • zs� � 3 ��� }, r / � � � �. i( '! �e,� 19 1 w , � . ~ , T � �w ti ' ,i YT� ' ' ' � � � � ' . � �e ... �: r :::. ' � • ... �.�� u ?� , s j. s... i N � T zc i t s ° °` '�--.— n � n ���+ 6 6. '!� n � •� �,. ,..r, ,�, . �, ,_ �• ._ 4,. _� 2' - ---` -----=- ---------f--- ' ' s '10. '9--- , �� ��;:;i� i , � � ---- 1� 11� �`,h,, – --� __ 5_P u _� �'�. _— _ I �" _ 1/� l il Y 1 2)�r r' 1�� �� 1 7 , ..-.�Ii:'. R 0./ � ' �� : � � �� Y � I e� IS- �' � , i ' � f i D n. �r � u zxir y� .�� � i W � y .-/T � *�• �� ��e' : •�'O��' r���... r � •' - �2iw 3 �� 9 Q 9" w,.. •1 ... � r. •. �"� t � a� 1 '� •��. . . I�. -.-:=�— �'i'+ti��Y �' " u�/ � •�1 ;:� . n �t.�..I, 'c _ to =� r io E io il ' �...,f 'J'7'. "�r y '� � '�°�j — r ��.. + n �y � !-- o u � i2 '�l t' ' �`S,' rr� '�' '."'�s� MsM� u; T is�.,. � p _.""" ""__.___""".._..:'t�--^--"..'l. .��� , � (`�,F- �G - �/�� i P����4Ri�$R� �, , . � ��r . . _ . , . -.---.--=„t , _ � :. .. . :� . ` Cout�ii File No.-g6-843'-S�r�h�is Nicosia- . <.:�., __..�r�. . .�: ., ;,;r �. In the Matter o� eonstruction of �ts�` MA�'�Y�A3�DK�AL�'IER'k SEPARATION PROJEG°r (bounded by Arlington Ave�ue.'+o�:t�:he .,�ie I+�orthert�i Fae�ik.Railrc�ad right-oi arsy;en�l W:T�r pn the south,Galtier. � the.west and Syivan Street on the east.) Also�_if requested, sani sew¢r connections, storm sevver connections, end watei main coanections be � installed. � � _ � � � � � � � ' The Council oi the City of Saiat Paui having re�ei'ved tlie�rt a€ �Lei�►c�r ;: uPos►�.ths,apeve im�rravement and ;paving c�nsidere;3 °;epvz�, ,m. . .e . • = .�:• resQ�.V�9: . � . ; , 1. �1'hat the said report aad td�e s�e is��ycalaFr�v�ed with�o'ait 3�es, :' and that the estiaiatsa cost t:�ereof 3,s$5QO,0�.t�an�d bx�eats o06; ' 1986 Wat,ez Pollution Abat�nent Faus�;�,OQp;an�Sta�e.aa�.�edet�, .:�qts and Lo�a,s �330,�0. Sa�itary_sewer;;cannectisins, �to�-se�er and water�ti�'�onmecti0na will be,�,ssessed:at cost. • 2. T�at a g�blie hearlag be�1 c�s�sid imgrntreme�t on tl�e � 1986, at 1�00 o'clac1 .a:m.. in the�Cout�e�,},.C•hambers�the.i:i#y=�I ,Ec�tr! o ng m ity of Sain�Paul. . - _.. • 3. That notice o�•.�d•pu� �:i9e;�iv�t to.tlie•�ersons.a�it�trte xnaaner p�ovided bY tbe C�rt�c,st�i�3aB t2�e tf�ae and,place Of hq�a8�#� _.�re " of the irripi�b'vem�st,;aad f�ie total cost t�+�oi;as estirnat�ed? �. , . --. Fiie PTo.,184P14;. : � Ad�ted b��e�ta�il M�rd�+�,.198�6.r . . - . App�ved�lt�5,:��: , .- . �' .�i � . . �8,'�) ., ... ,