86-408 WHITE - CITV CLERK ��
Cou cil Re lution
Present By '�'�_
�� Referred To —l'�l � Committee: Dat � '-��
Out of Committee By Dat
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MUN I C I FAL CHANNEL i�3 AF'E AC?Of='TE�1 BY 1�H� �i TY COUNu I� �(� GOVEf�E�i �,�.L
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department o :
Yeas Drew NaYs � _ ✓/n, '
Nicosia [n Favor ����
Rettman �
Scheibel `
Sonnen __ AgalOSt BY
Adopted by Council: Date
APR 3 - �86 Form Approved by City Att rney
Certified as- Council ret BY
Approved by ;Nav : a ���J `���° �P " Approved by Mayor for Sub ission to Council
PUBLISHED aP R 1 � 1986
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Municipal Channel 18: Operating Policies and Proc dures
I . Channel Identification
- Channel Name:
- Channel Logo/Slogan:
II . Mission Statement and Goals
The purpose of municipal cable channel 18 is to i crease the
accessibility of City elected officials and staff to the
citizens of Saint Paul and to further the City's olicies,
goals, and work plan.
Specific goals for the channel are:
-To increase public awareness and understanding o : the
structure and functions of Saint Paul City gover ment;
City services, resources, and activities; and is ues under
-To stimulate citizen participation in City decis onmaking
-To increase the flow of communications between C ty
residents and their government;
-To produce programming of increasing quality and
-To increase information about events and issues aking
place in Saint Paul which are of interest to and elevant
to City concerns;
-And, to evaluate the effectiveness of cable comm nications
technology as a delivery system for City informa ion.
III . Programming Guidelines
-All programming on the channel will be consisten with the
above mission statement.
-No programming falling into any of the following categories
will be shown on the channel: (See Appendex A fo
a) commercial advertising
b) lottery information
c) obscene, indecent, or defamatory matter
d) advertising by or on behalf of legally quali ied
candidates for public office
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-Responsibility for program content lies with the unit or
individual originating the program.
-Programming on the channel will depict people in a manner
which does not discriminate on the basis of race creed,
religion or ancestry, familial status, age, disa ility,
marital status or status with regard to public a sistance,
and is consistent with the City' s Human Rights p licies.
-Programming on the channel will not incorporate ny
copyrighted items unless written permission has een
obtained prior to cablecasting of the material .
IV. Materials Retention
All materials produced for municipal channel 18, hether in
text, video, or audio format, shall be considered public
documents and shall be retained and handled in ac ordance
with Minnesota Statutes 138.17 and 138.225. All ideo and
audio tapes in final form shall be retained. Rec rds of
text programming shall be retained and may be ret ined in
video or print form or stored on computer floppy isks.
Audio or video source material ( i.e. "raw footage that is
edited into a final format) need not be retained.
V. Public Access to Materials
All video and audio tapes and video text material that are
retained by the City in accordance with Section I above
shall be made available for public inspection on ity
premises upon request. When a request is receive ,
materials will be made available within a reasona le amount
of time, but no later than 5 business days after eceipt of
the request.
If inembers of the public wish copies of City tape , the City
may assess reasonable charges to cover the cost o time and
VI . Cable Office Operating Procedures
A. Requests for Assistance
The Office of Cable Communications will provid technical
support as needed to City departments and offi es wishing
to prepare materials for municipal channel 18.
Procedures are as follows:
1. Requests for assistance received by the Vid o
Production Specialist.
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2. Video Production Specialist meets with depa tment
representative(s) making the request to fil out a
"Request for Assistance" form that includes project
description, objectives, audience, budget, imeline,
and action steps.
3. Video Production Specialist schedules Cable Office
staff time, equipment, cablecasting dates, romotion.
4 . Project is executed.
In general, projects will be handled on a firs come first
served basis, with scheduled items taking prio ity over
last minute requests.
Every project initiated by a department or off ce must have
a project contact assigned to work with the Vi eo
Production Specialist.
Program content will be the responsibility of he
department or office originating the program. Each
department or office must provide written auth rization
for a program to be cablecast.
Departments or offices producing programming a e
responsible for the costs of the tape to produ e the
B. Equipment Reservation Policy
1. Personnel certified in equipment use may si n out
equipment for projects requested through th above
2. Requests for equipment reservation are to b directed
to the Video Production Specialist.
3 . Equipment users must set up equipment befor signing
it out and upon its return so that problems ay be
4 . Equipment users will be responsible for
replacement/repair of parts lost or damaged through
neglect or misuse.
5 . Emergency needs for equipment may override ny
individual request at the discretion of the ideo
Production Specialist.
6 . Certified shall mean, upon completion of equ'pment
training, individual will be able to demons rate
ability to hook up and operate equipment, pr ducing a
30 to 60-second informational "spot." Activ ty must
be observed by Video Production Specialist a d
accomplished with little or no assistance.
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C. Equipment Reservation Procedures
1 . Call 292-6253 to reserve equipment, stating purpose of
2 . Allow 45 minutes to sign out equipment; 1 h ur to set
up for project; 30 minutes to tear down; 30 minutes to
sign in.
3. Sign equipment release form.
VII . Scheduling Procedures
1 . Legislative scheduling will be managed by Da id Jones
and Departmental scheduling will be managed y Janet
2 . Final schedule will be determined 3 weeks in advance by
Video Production Specialist and Council Rese rch
a. Office of Cable Communications and Counc 1 Research
will split available cablecast hours.
b. Hours may be traded.
c. At least one 1/2 time slot will remain o en in a 4
hour block of programming for emergency
3 . Regularly scheduled spots will be given to:
a. Program series of 5 or more programs of hich at
least 2 are completed.
b. Live program series with plans and produ tion
schedules for 3 or more programs.
4 . Regularly scheduled programs which fail to p oduce 2
consecutive segments will lose their regular time slot.
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5. All other programs may request scheduling in the
following manner:
a. Live programs b. Tap d Programs
1 . Submit script draft 1 . Present
at least completed pro-
1 month in advance. gram to Janet
Legislative scripts to Dave, or Dave.
Departmental scripts to
2 . Discuss program feasibility. 2 . Fill out
necessary forms.
3 . Program will be scheduled 3. Program will be
3 weeks ahead of time. scheduled 3
weeks ahead of
6 . Emergency scheduling (defined as last minute and/or high
priority programming) must be arranged throu h Janet or Dave,
who, at their discretion may choose to: a) mp programming
during its respective assigned time slot (wi h notification
of change given to program producer along wi h rescheduling
of the bumped program) b) trade time slots c schedule during
available time slots or d) refuse scheduling
7 . Guidelines for emergency scheduling are as f llows:
a. Program should fall within channel guide ines.
b. Program must have approval of authorized departmental or
council representative.
c. No more than 2 emergency requests per re resentative may
be made (on a qua.rterly basis. )
8 . These guidelines are suject to quarterly rev ' ew.
VIII . CitY Council Operating Procedures
A.Council Research Center staff shall provide te hnical
support to the Council, its committees and ind ' vidual
members in the preparation and production of m terials
for municipal channel 18. Procedures for cabl casting
are as follows:
1 . Council meetings. All City Council meeting will be
cablecast live and recorded for delayed pla back.
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2 . Council committee meetings. A majority of the Council
may request that any specific meeting be c lecast
live or recorded for delayed playback. The chair of
the committee should approach the Council P esident
with such a request and secure assent from majority
of the Council at least three days in advan e of the
3 . City Council programs may be cablecast. If so:
a. The program may use a "Weekly Billboard' concept.
Each Council member shall be responsibl on a
rotating basis to provide direction to s aff for
establishing content and resources, with staff
responsible for actual production.
b. The program may use a "City Council Week in Review"
concept. Such a program will incorporat the views
of outside journalists will be involved in the
prog.ram. The Council's Cable subcommitt e will meet
review content; staff will produce the p ogram.
4 . Special Council productions may also be cab ecast.
a. Each Council member shall be provided an equal
annual budget for cablecasting and other media
production. The Council member will advise staff
on program content, and will produce the program.
b. Requests for assistance should be made the
attached form 86-1. Council Research st ff
complete form 86-2 .
c. Program content is the responsibility of the
requesting Council member, who shall pr ide the
Council producer a written authorization the
material is to cablecast.
d. Use of staff and equipment shall be on a f irst
come, first served basis, with scheduled items
taking priority over last minute request .
5 . Videotext programming. City Council meeti agendas,
and committee meeting notices will be cabl ast. The
Cable Subcommittee will determine other messages to be
cablecast on a regular or one-time basis.
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B. Involvement of City Staff other than Council s aff.
All department directors shall provide necessa y research
material and staff time, related to their
responsibilities, for preparation of items for
cablecasting or other media production, accord ' ng to the
policy established in the Mayor's memorandum f 6/17/85,
upon request from Council Research.
C.Council Cable Subcommittee
1 . Organization. This group of Council member is a
subcommittee of the Council's Energy, Utili ies, and
Environment Committee. Subcommittee membe s are
selected by the chair of the Energy, Utilit ' es, and
Environment Committee.
2 . Functions
a. The subcommittee will advise the Energy, Utilities,
and Environment Committee and the City C uncil on
all cable programming matters (video an text),
including policies for such programming.
b. The subcommittee will provide direction nd
guidance to staff on "City Council Week 'n Review"
programs, videotext programming, and sch duling
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Appendex A: Definitions
A. Commercial Advertising: Any advertising material de igned to
promote the sale of products or services not genera ed by
the City.
B. Lottery Information: Any advertisement of or inform tion
concerning any gift enterprises, a similar scheme o fering
prizes dependent in whole or in part upon lot or ch nce, or
any list of prizes drawn or awarded by means of any such
lottery, gift enterprise, or scheme.
C. Obscene or Indecent Matter: A program is obscene w en, to the
average person applying contemporary community stan ards, the
program taken as a whole appeals to the prurient in erest; the
program depicts or describes, in a patently offensi e way,
sexual conduct, that is, patently offensive represe tations or
descriptions of ultimate sexual acts, normal or per erted,
actual or simulated or patently offensive represent tions or
descriptions of masturbation, excretory functions, r lewd
exhibition of the genitals; and the program taken a a whole
lacks serious literary, artistic, political or scie tific
D. Defamatory Matter: Defamatory matter is anything w ich
exposes a person or a group, corporation, class or ssociation
to hatred, contempt, ridicule, degradation or disgr ce in
society, or injury to his or its business or occupa ion and
any other matter which renders an individual issuin
defamatory matter subject to liability for damages ithin the
laws of the state of Minnesota.
E. Legally Qualified Candidates for Public Office: A egally
qualified candidate is: (1) Any person who (continu d on
following page)
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