86-399 > WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Coun il �J CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. �� _v �� BLUE - MAVOR � PED - Co�nunity Develop Co .ncil Resolution Presente By Referred To �l 11�f11�/Ll= Committee: Date 3` � � � Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED , that upon the recommendation of the Mayor, w th the advice of the Capital Improvement Budget Committee, an the Council Committee on Finance, Management and Personnel the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve he following amendments to the Community Development B1oc Grant Year XI Program: Current Increase Revised Project Title Budget (Decrease) Budget ----------------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- Langford Recreation Center - $362 ,000 . 00 $155 ,000 . 00 $517 , 000 .00 100-39103-0537-61236 Unspecified Contingency $330,698 .32 ( $155 ,000 .00 $175 ,698.32 � 100-39118-0537-61999 -------------- ------------- -------------- TOTALS $692 ,698.32 $0.00 $692, 698.32 APPROVED AS TO FU DING: APPROVED : /�°� rv --- ----�`------------- '61� --- ------- - --- --- �) x � � ° , n � `•=?� �.k;�ti•;; Direc or, Department of � B9c���t� D=i€��fto Finance & Management Services �...�-„�.. ��.�ds��,•* <�';':. "'`�`���° ''� =' � �'�' `�- .. � ....�....�.a.t�: �,:w:., �;;;�;� Yeas C.SoN`�E Nays Requested ��@�r •.T..,.�.,...�-.--• _ ... �� .6raial�ar , Drew � [n Favor � . ,�- �swz J�7 Ti�3'+s� NiCOSia Scheibel � __ A gai n s t BY Tedesco Wilson AP� 1 _ �c V Form Approve City Att ne Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pas e y ounc.il Se a BY � sy �lpproved by �Vlavor: Date — �"— — $6Approve by Mayor u i ion to Council By � ' � ��n�� ..��; , �C_�'j —['��„�Lv�� ��P�l.7r'DE PARTMEIVT N� 3 3 3? ' �8 �-IAMM'ER � COI�TACT ��� �y' , �r ��19�I . c.xr oZI� PHONE DATE �Q,��� Q� N NUMBER FOR ROUTING RDER Cli All Locations for Si nature : epartment Directo � S Director of Management Mayor _ Finance and Management Services Director � City Clerk ���-k-���� . ty Attorney r WH WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purp se/ r�aYOR'S 4FFICE Rati nale) : T�1� a-[TAG�4�fl �s�ouxr-�oH w i�� �ncKEASE -r'NE c�°a's�RucT�oN [3u��'r �FZ �.o�ti�� ���i oN G 6`( � I S�,voo. A DETA1l.ED EXPl.41JATtoI.� a- RATIC�IJALE 1 -A'Z'TAC�EQ, COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: C��rri►�e,�x-Y �uu�S A�RE P�uP.��o.g�E FoR -r�4� Pu.QpoSE �`-� REC�I�!F� ..,� cs� �.�1 ,� - �-, r � F � __: „ ��, FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayo �SF����ua�H�: ;-�; , -�R ture ��,4�EN7 C�, _: , ;�E Total Amount of Transaction:� �SSp�p.� q10 O ��E�T �������`�ts $ � ) Fundi'ng Source: Gpg� • �����` ,�� Activity Number• �� ' 39103 -C�S�?-lo1�3Co V ' ioo - 39 �r8- os3� -���99 FE8 Z � � ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All Attachments) : �. PRo�� Co���� ��s��-�T�o� CIT1� ATT�R�VEY �Z . �ET`�R �R. C�Ob�RT PRAM Ta GIFj NtITrEE DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY VIEW Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Req ired? SlYes No Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Suffi ient? �'es No Yes No Insurance Attached: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 . . � - , , . , - . C�r�'�-�1� "���������"�f�'� � I TY O F SA I NT PA U L l�+`..G i T� D.�;'''', �• s> DEPARTMENT OF OMMUNITY SERVICES "O y'� �, ���������� �� DIVISION F PARKS AND RECREATION �� w �� u; ^.= ;• �°oo. ,..• .s, 300( h Hall AnnP�, 25 �1'est Fourth Street �.rr,r.-.:c:"��� GEORGE LATIMFR St Paul. Minnesota 55102 MAYOR 612-292-74W February 4, 1986 RECEIVED David G. McDonell , Chair Members of the Capital Improvement Budget Committee FEB 5 1966 c/o Tamsen Aichinger, Executive Secretary 367 City Hal l COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEiVT Re: Langford Park Recreation Center _ Dear Mr. Chairman and Committee Members: I am writing to request your review and favorable recomme dation for an increase of $155,000 in the budget for the referenced pro ect, which is currently funded in the 1984-85 budget in the amounts of 35,000 ( '84 - design) and $362,000 ( '85 - construction) . As we have developed the design for this facility, it has become clear that the present budget will be inadequate due to the com ined influence of several factors, as outlined below: 1 . Delay: When the project was approved it was placed in specified contingency, to be implemented only upon approval of the new comprehensive plan component for Parks and Recreatio . This approval occurred in April 1985; thus more than a year was lo relative to the project's anticipated schedule. 2. Soil : When the project estimate was prepared, the e istence of poor soils was known, but the extent of the condition was ot. A larger sum than anticipated will be necessary for pilings an grade beams to support the new construction. 3. Remodeling Costs : When estimated, the project envisi ned new construction of approximately 4,500 square feet, plus remodeling of the existing building. As designed, 4,300 square fee of new construction, plus remodeling, will meet the program eeds. Although the estimate for the cost of new construction was qui e accurate, the estimated cost of remodeling was not, mainly due to m ch higher costs than anticipated for bringing the existing building u to code and replacing inefficient, outmoded mechanical equipment. 4. Sewer Abandonment: There is an existing sewer line b neath the new construction area, in vacated Blake Avenue. The line is no longer in use and Public Works has advised that it can be aband ned by either collapsing the line or filling it with sand. These c sts were not included in the project estimate. c�..55 r� : . , ` .- , - � ��"�-�31� January 4, 1986 Page 2 We have made some adjustments in the project design in an attempt to bring the cost estimate down, and the amount requested here ref ects that effort. We feel that further adjustments cannot be made ithout eliminating a program space and that this would defeat th project purpose. The Langford Park facility serves a very large and active neighborhood and we feel that this project will have an immediate and last ng positive impact on our ability to provide the comprehensive recrea ion program needed in this community. We look forward to discussing this request with you at yo r February meeting. ly, Robert P. Piram cc: Kathy Stack William Patton Robert Hammer John Wirka � :de �1' � � ���-� � . .. . . _. . : . ^ /� -- � �._.s�_..�._. - -- r . ---.__ �TY o� .".Sg�v�-P�.�z: :�:ii;iii:t�� O�'FZC� OF T33� CITY COIINCIL • ' - - Committee Repart �:i�anee Mana em�nt & Personnel Commi tee. MARCH 21, 1986 �� 1. Approval of minutes from meeting held March 13, 1986. ap oved 2. ResQlution amending the 1986 budget by adding '$28,500 to the inancing Plan and to the Spending Plan for PED operations fund (laid oner om 3/I3/86). referred back to Council w/o recommendation 3. Resolution amending the 1986 budget by transferring $28,500 om Contingent ReServe to Department of Planning and Economic Development - ED Contributions (laid over from 3/13/86). referred back to Council w/o reco ndation 4. Resolu�ion approving 1986-1987 agreement between the city an the City Attorney's Professional Association. approved � 5. Resolution approving the 1986-1987 agreement between ISD No. 25 and AFSCME• District 14, Locals 844 and 1842. approved ' 6. Resolution establishing the rate of pay for Communications Te hnician II � in Gr�de 335, Section I D 5 of the Salary Plan and Rates of mpensation Resolution. approved 7. Resolu�ionttamending tY�e Cammunity D'evelopment Block Grant Ye XI Program by,..addi'c#g $155,Q00 to -Lan�`ord Recreat�:on Center from Unspec ied . �vs�r�ege�q. __ :.,: �ppro�ed � 8. Resolution authorizing contract with the State Department of ealth whereby the city shall provide tubal ligation services for low-incom women. withdrawn 9. Resolution approving an agreement between the city and Ramse County whereby they agree to cooperate in participation with Twin C y Urban Area Corps Program. laid over to 3/28 10. Resolution authorizing an agreement with the city and Minnea lis whereby they agree to cooperate in participation with the Twin City ea Urban Corps Program. laid over to 3/28 11. Administrative Orders: � D-7931: Budget revision in Community Services Department - pitaZ • Improvement Program (laid over from 3/13/86). dis ussed . D-7932: Addition of $9,488.60 to the contract for Survival aining � Center (laid over from 3/13/86). discussed CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAIN PAUL,MINNFSOTA 55102 . .�;s .-,.e,w�.e-.A.-.__._.._. -- -._._.._.__._�_Ta.._.�,....,._,a,�,,,,..,...s, - .._...�.�._�,.._..�...,,...�,,._.�._._...._. .