86-392 �
City of St.Paul COiJNCIL �F�L NO. ' ���y�'`
File Na
4otiqs In the Matter of a�q�irtn� storr �a+�r Me�arr�ta for t'� �urlia� twd Stos�s
,,,�„+��,L„_ llsn�r �a,�sct: �zwa�► 1+�rsiin�t� �ard :e�d �int � �0a� (tl�+�
1 pru+sat Mir�araou Mpart�rat ol Y`ra��c�t3ea daNi dit�h)
sqd b+etw�r� Uf�w�r ii aad li�s l�re T.slut. d���sib+�at t�lle�r�
♦ p��ornt 64 toc►t;'aids s�wr �ss+�t �sd�r a� ��r s a
p�rt o� �ats 7, �. 3, la, �3, 3�► ��d �3. 11ock � �nrl ag�a4a
R�i�ta Dl�visi� Ita. �
Alao a p�znasat �4 t�t rids swwr �as�t wsdar a s�a�os*
a p�re •! cbs �o:��r 1/4 0! ehe sodtl�rt 1/4 0# tiaa 11,
?aiss6ip 2i lAvrt�, �t�tp �� iias t; a� a 10 foot Mide ��►���r
cosstsitation �ss�t os aec�► �id� ot said 2A leot p� aeat
under Administrative Order "' approved ••
under Preliminary Order �� ��`�� approved � ��
A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, an the Council having heard
all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the s e; therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby orders said improvem nt to be made
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FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Council hereby determines tha.t the estate required tnr th e improvement be as describ-
ed above, and t�at the proper City ofticere submit a report to the Citq Counoil for the purpos of the Counoil's making an
award of damages Tor the interest�and determination oP asaessments, if any, against the enefited property.
co�cir.�s°� APR 1 - 1�6
�Q�p� Adopted by the Council: Date
Yeas DrtN Nays
Mlcosia Certifie d Council ret
Sdheibel In Favor By
8�{►/1l11 `
T���� �' Against �
iil2sot Mayor
PURI.ISH�D ��P'? - 51986 APR i - 1986
� � P ,qUl� CiTY C4Uf�� CIl� � ��
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` RING N0 �' ! CE ��� -�y�
City Counc 1 District �t�
District P anning Council ��1
Dear Property Owner: File No. 18381E
o decide whether to proceed with acquiring s orm sewer easements
PU R P O S E or the Burlington Road Storm Sewer Project, etween Burlington
, oad and Point Douglas Road (the present Minn sota Department of
ransportation drainage ditch) and between Hi hway 61 and Pigs Eye
ake, described as follows:
permanent 60 foot wide sewer easement under and across a part of
ots 7, 8, 9, 10, 33, 34 and 35, Block 6, Bur ington Heights Divi-
ion No. 2.
lso a permanent 20 foot wide sewer easement nder and across a
art of the Northwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/ of Section 11,
� ownship 28 North, Range 22 West; and a 10 fo t wide temporary
onstruction easement on each side of said 20 foot permanent
(See attached map
' Tuesday, April 1, 1986 at 10:00 A.M.
M E A R � N G City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall - Court House
r /� Call 298-4513 and refer to the File �� above. City staff will
�i �G ��� v�S be available to answer any last minute quest'ons on this project
in Room 218 City Hall from 9:30-10:00 the sa e day as the hearing.
C'� x,""
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March 17, 1986 "' �,
Notice sent °''`'
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by the Valuation & Assessment Division �-.�� m
r. v
Dept. of Finance & Management Services �.�� -�
Room 218 City Hall - Court House �`-�'' ��+
St. Paul, MN 55102 �; -��-,
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� " � '�_��!�R OFF10H1 OF THE CITY CO[7NCIL 7 hn Drow(A1!)
Date: Mar h 19, 1986
� � � C o mmitte e Re o t
To: Saint Paul City Council
� From: Committee on Public Work
Chris Nicosia, Chair
The Public Works Committee at its meeting of March 19, 1986 too the
following action:
� Hearinq Date
1. 4/3/86 VACATION: Petition of Oxford Development and HRA f r the
vacation of part of EIGHTH STREET between Wabash and
Cedar Streets for the reconfiguration of the World Trade
Laid over fn Committee for 4 weeks.
2. 4/t/86 F1NAL ORDER: To decide on improving the foll wing
streets by constructing concrete curb and gutt , a
bituminous mat, concrete driveways, concrete out iks,
trees and street lighting system all to be known as the
construction of sanitary connections, sewer se vice
connections and water main connections. !VY AVENUE from
and HAWTHORNE AVENUE from White Bear Avenue to !vy
from Maryland to Ivy Street; IUELLA STREET from Hawt orne
to Ivy Street, and PEDERSEN STREET from Hawthorne A enue
to Hyacinth Street.
� Recommended approval.
3. 4/i/86 FiNA� ORDERs Acquisition of certatn �perty for orm
sewer easements for the BURLINGTON ROAD STORM WER
PROJECT between Burlington Road and..Point Douglas oad -
� (the present MN DOT flume and between HighNay 61 and
Pig's Eye Lake).
Reconmehded approvai.
� 4• SEWER RATE INCREASE: Additional 4� to finance CSS
5. RESOLUTION: cancelling and rescinding Final Order 85 569
for the construction of sidewalk on both sides of CHE SEA
STREET from Hoyt Avenue to Idaho Avenue. (2-27-86)
Recommended approval.
6• RESOLUTION: cancelling and rescinding Ftnal Order 85 535
and 85-985 for sidewalk construction on the west side of
SNELLING from Lincoln to Goodrich and on the east sid of
SNELLING from Midway Parkway to Fair Place. (2-27-86
Recommended approval.
, . � ��
(,G� -�
� , .
' 7. ORDINANCE: amending Ordinance #13537 pert ining to truck
routes and deleting COMO AVENUE from Hami ne to the west
City Limits and adding COMO AVENUE from 5 elling Avenue
to the west City Limits. (2-13-86)
Recommended approvai .
8. RESOLUTION: amending the (9�i4 Capital Imp ovement Budget
by transferring $20,000 from Warner-Shep rd Reventment
Repair to Warner Road - 500' to 1300' W.T. . 61 . (3-4-86)
Recommended appraval .
9. RESOLUTION: approving Minnesota D partment of
Transportation plans and specifications to improve TH 61
from Burns Avenue to south City Limits. (3-20-86-Item 22)
Recomrnended approval .
!0. RESOLUTION: approving and authorizing the xecution of an
agreement by the proper City officers and State of
Minnesota, Dept. of Transportation to prov�de for payment
of t.he city's share of the bike trail nd pedestrian
bridge No. 62084 along Warner Road to Trun Highway 61 .
Recommended approval .
11 . RESOLUTION: approving the sale of tax-for eited land.
Recommended approval with the exception of one parcel .(3-4-86)
12. RESO�UTION: offering reconveyance of Lots 1-5, Block 8,
parts as listed of Defranchy's Divisi n, Denslow's
Rearrangement, and Cruickshank's Garden Lo s to the State
of Minnesota as land is no longer needed (property in
block bounded by Reaney, Birmingham, Minne ha and Etna) .
( laid over from 3/5/86) .
Laid over in Committee to 4/2/86.
13. RESOLUTION: transferring $337,790. 19 to hepard Road-
Center Barrier from 1980 Warner Roa Acquisition
($157,790. 19) and 1982 Warner Roa Acquisition
($180,000) . (3-6-86)
Recommended approval .
14. RESOLUTION: authorizing an agreement betwe the City and
the State Depart.ment of Transportation for ayment by the
City for its sfiare of cost of storm and s nitary sewer
' facilities to be constructed upon, along a d adjacent to
TH 5 (West Seventh Street) . (3-6-86)
Recarrlmended approva 1 .
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�Coaari�Filc 1�"0 86-$�!5 By�is�ift�si�=--'� ' r' �.,y�..
'1 Iti't3ie Ma�.'Y�r r�B s,#oi�seive� . , � �'t�� F . �
�`` ��q� .� e�t�fs�r.t��-.
Storm Sewer Pro1�cF. be�`we�n�tir ��`'x�:-':
lington_�,aac�and Point . r�F�
Pre.seht�i�me#o`te�D�epirtr�n�o�''�'��t����'�g��g� �� b�y�,'!�n.;:
_ Iiighwa�BT�� s d 4,
. �d �3'�:Lal�t�;'�n " `ar�f�l�trins . ,_ , :. . ,;r,,�
- A Pe�anent 60 foot wide.sewer e��ement un,der a�•across�p$� i�� °
9.8,9, i0,33,34 and 35,Block 6,-Burlingtan�He��ttt��3�i�t+c��iV`o r ,,-
Also a permanent Zp foot wide��.,�;�t��er and across a of
� the Northwest �/, of the�Soutl��pe�st �/« og_��on 11,Township 2g orth,
Range 22 West; and a 10 foot wide temporarq ec�n���;Qn e on
each side of said 20 foot pernianent-e�:: . .; . '
r , � ... � Y °...
�&;e Cotmcil a�!the�City of 3aint Panl liaviagrresefv�'th��pfit�of Iie-'bt�fr
uFc�;t�e.-�ove imp?'ovement, an� 'havf�tg cw�si�re�
,�. resolves: : n� , r s�i�`r� ,. i�rtby ':
1. That the.sai�;�+tport and Ch�s��slierel�"$pptovred`�it2r�o a1 �,ti�+�s, ,
;.and that�.tl�e es��aa�ie,d,cost�xhereof isi�8;fl00,<tltl�ncad lr(.tt�►i • '
bY . �a1, �.�
's 2. �at-s pub�!@�heail�tng�be�d on said'' ,.. - _.
'.�1986.at 10•_00 0'�lo k a m in the Coi�I Cha��o tli�e Cf`ty �
�ouse Buidcling'iir�thtCi�y:af S�#nt��aaui. , . �.,�.._,:
1 '; . .-, : , , .
3. ���'notiCe�of satd��gut�lie h�ar�g �ie given tor�he`p�rscsti� ' in 't1�e
�nanner�irovkiE?�1��Y t3�e Cl�r�i�,��g�ye time aizd�piace.of h�a
� of the it[� ' �.� .?�t �ture
p��xt�tatia th�'te�ckssL''thererif as est�trl�t�t�:
File Na�:'t8$$1'� � �
ry ,
Ado.P#ed+'�y,the CQwnc�1��s:;�988 �_ � . :.. ', ,, ; ,
Approved bt�rch 5„1986. , _ ,
' . �r !.. r. �-`�Yf:�� ..� �a . �_ . f � �
v�. . � � . . '"�f; ' �. '
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