86-392 � , City of St.Paul COiJNCIL �F�L NO. ' ���y�'` f FINAL ORDER IN r " By CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS 1i3a1•� File Na 4otiqs In the Matter of a�q�irtn� storr �a+�r Me�arr�ta for t'� �urlia� twd Stos�s ,,,�„+��,L„_ llsn�r �a,�sct: �zwa�► 1+�rsiin�t� �ard :e�d �int � �0a� (tl�+� 1 pru+sat Mir�araou Mpart�rat ol Y`ra��c�t3ea daNi dit�h) sqd b+etw�r� Uf�w�r ii aad li�s l�re T.slut. d���sib+�at t�lle�r� ♦ p��ornt 64 toc►t;'aids s�wr �ss+�t �sd�r a� ��r s a p�rt o� �ats 7, �. 3, la, �3, 3�► ��d �3. 11ock � �nrl ag�a4a R�i�ta Dl�visi� Ita. � Alao a p�znasat �4 t�t rids swwr �as�t wsdar a s�a�os* a p�re •! cbs �o:��r 1/4 0! ehe sodtl�rt 1/4 0# tiaa 11, ?aiss6ip 2i lAvrt�, �t�tp �� iias t; a� a 10 foot Mide ��►���r cosstsitation �ss�t os aec�► �id� ot said 2A leot p� aeat asw�eat. under Administrative Order "' approved •• under Preliminary Order �� ��`�� approved � �� A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, an the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the s e; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby orders said improvem nt to be made ��C� xDI46d�JLx�COC7�C@C�'JO�II�&�C �X� FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Council hereby determines tha.t the estate required tnr th e improvement be as describ- ed above, and t�at the proper City ofticere submit a report to the Citq Counoil for the purpos of the Counoil's making an award of damages Tor the interest�and determination oP asaessments, if any, against the enefited property. acquired co�cir.�s°� APR 1 - 1�6 �Q�p� Adopted by the Council: Date Yeas DrtN Nays Mlcosia Certifie d Council ret 1t�tCots� Sdheibel In Favor By 8�{►/1l11 ` T���� �' Against � iil2sot Mayor PURI.ISH�D ��P'? - 51986 APR i - 1986 � � P ,qUl� CiTY C4Uf�� CIl� � �� . �� ` RING N0 �' ! CE ��� -�y� PU6LIC NEA . PUBL I C I MPROVEMENT ACQ i S I T I ON City Counc 1 District �t� District P anning Council ��1 Dear Property Owner: File No. 18381E o decide whether to proceed with acquiring s orm sewer easements PU R P O S E or the Burlington Road Storm Sewer Project, etween Burlington , oad and Point Douglas Road (the present Minn sota Department of ransportation drainage ditch) and between Hi hway 61 and Pigs Eye ake, described as follows: permanent 60 foot wide sewer easement under and across a part of ots 7, 8, 9, 10, 33, 34 and 35, Block 6, Bur ington Heights Divi- ion No. 2. lso a permanent 20 foot wide sewer easement nder and across a art of the Northwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/ of Section 11, � ownship 28 North, Range 22 West; and a 10 fo t wide temporary onstruction easement on each side of said 20 foot permanent asement. (See attached map ' Tuesday, April 1, 1986 at 10:00 A.M. M E A R � N G City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall - Court House r /� Call 298-4513 and refer to the File �� above. City staff will �i �G ��� v�S be available to answer any last minute quest'ons on this project in Room 218 City Hall from 9:30-10:00 the sa e day as the hearing. ,.- C'� x,"" � � r n--C �d C.� �� March 17, 1986 "' �, Notice sent °''`' , _�., � by the Valuation & Assessment Division �-.�� m r� r. v Dept. of Finance & Management Services �.�� -� Room 218 City Hall - Court House �`-�'' ��+ St. Paul, MN 55102 �; -��-, \ ` � . " �f \• � �i ,� . a� �.. � • 1S v � ' ��o { y . ``� ��� � � i � , ` . � �,, 1, , 1 �•%__—_ `_ti� �. , . . - ,��i 6 L � • " / '� � � 0 .. '� ' ��� , � • p �=' � � i� ,�, � ' • � 1n i/ . . �n.. _u_ �[._ � � �( � I I/t ` 1� N) • '�• ° , • • . ^�" 0�' �� Y) � � s� �` � � �'� \ �9�� ��. ,S OY ` . �• �_ • �� ' � ia i o.�i.. . W� � s• . A� s+ ' i � � �� ������ � � /l g . , � , . . � ��� ` �� . / .� `y^,\\ �1� 3F L � '/ � . �\ � 4. '� . � � \ ` \ *t � . � \ �� ✓ 4 �0 '�, , \'\ fXIS'f(AI(. ^ ' � �3 � .� 's 17L� • q � ` • fl.lAM�, ` � _ ,a (i,u,r .r ,�..�•.t•�a-...�) � � �. ' a, • . � � '�y i a : „ � ��'' ` --,,.f, , • \ �� �� � � ,~ \ r � ��t) t� , " � � 1� 3u --- Y� ' � . ��' � \ .. � I �J/) � � M� ` • � f ��I ��p�f. � l S � ��` � � , ,� t� N' �1i) ? C�'r�� � �� \,` .� � Z � • / � �, 1 (� �� r� �' , \^ \/ � ' , � ,+ , IJ/d�� _ /' s33) (n� V `,� � • ' �� C� (�) t. �� � \ `v' �__- '7i�i/j � IS ± .._—.:z__ .r_ •.�-� . --a � , - �\ -;�;- •••— '�_--� . •- b �� '1 e c=� C,.��, �• a "'• � !i►�'� � \ ` ^ , � � �;. \ w t ' '� �9 . � � � �` ,r A i,,� " �?��V� • z° ,.+•`" '� . �, -" �� fI� .; , ,�.-' �l,.l . � `• Sp ' q 2 . ' • .ti � � • e a, . `� O � ' sL R�o � ', • , ' �.., , �, o ,: ,. �'•t �. ,�; e s - \ Je `� q ;,� 1 � ��, t; , Q � '� � .\ `�� � �� �b � � ;o � � •,` , .� , � � l ♦ � '.' Y ! � O •!� � � , • . �� �1 Y � i , 0 . , . � ' � • ' r -C�I � ' � A �M�[) :N� \ � t�w�.R tilY.�0�.1� �' PsR�"" ...•.� � � ��� �� ^r+'� W � '� � �• � r � o�s. •Q ! � . �� r.. • • • /bI .RALr..'�) �•��f i � i T•IM:MI��� . �'`n *'A' \1` A�� O \ � , � \\O�. * � ► � \ ' �� \ 1 •+ 1 �. 1 • \ �� hl�f.4 \ . \ ��� � 1 ��� � �O mben: � �iITY UF �AINT YAUL i nlca Ratt�sn6� C������ � ����� ' I�I sowtsn � " � '�_��!�R OFF10H1 OF THE CITY CO[7NCIL 7 hn Drow(A1!) Date: Mar h 19, 1986 � � � C o mmitte e Re o t p To: Saint Paul City Council � From: Committee on Public Work Chris Nicosia, Chair The Public Works Committee at its meeting of March 19, 1986 too the following action: � Hearinq Date 1. 4/3/86 VACATION: Petition of Oxford Development and HRA f r the vacation of part of EIGHTH STREET between Wabash and Cedar Streets for the reconfiguration of the World Trade Center. Laid over fn Committee for 4 weeks. 2. 4/t/86 F1NAL ORDER: To decide on improving the foll wing streets by constructing concrete curb and gutt , a bituminous mat, concrete driveways, concrete out iks, trees and street lighting system all to be known as the HAWTHORNE-RUTH PAVING PROJECT. Also, if reque ted. construction of sanitary connections, sewer se vice connections and water main connections. !VY AVENUE from Curve to McKnight Road; HYACINTH AVENUE, ORANGE A ENUE and HAWTHORNE AVENUE from White Bear Avenue to !vy Street; VAN DYKE STREET, HAZEL STREET AND RUTH S REET from Maryland to Ivy Street; IUELLA STREET from Hawt orne to Ivy Street, and PEDERSEN STREET from Hawthorne A enue to Hyacinth Street. � Recommended approval. 3. 4/i/86 FiNA� ORDERs Acquisition of certatn �perty for orm sewer easements for the BURLINGTON ROAD STORM WER PROJECT between Burlington Road and..Point Douglas oad - � (the present MN DOT flume and between HighNay 61 and Pig's Eye Lake). Reconmehded approvai. � 4• SEWER RATE INCREASE: Additional 4� to finance CSS Program. Recomme�d�d'approval. 5. RESOLUTION: cancelling and rescinding Final Order 85 569 for the construction of sidewalk on both sides of CHE SEA STREET from Hoyt Avenue to Idaho Avenue. (2-27-86) Recommended approval. 6• RESOLUTION: cancelling and rescinding Ftnal Order 85 535 and 85-985 for sidewalk construction on the west side of SNELLING from Lincoln to Goodrich and on the east sid of SNELLING from Midway Parkway to Fair Place. (2-27-86 Recommended approval. , . � �� (,G� -� � , . ' 7. ORDINANCE: amending Ordinance #13537 pert ining to truck routes and deleting COMO AVENUE from Hami ne to the west City Limits and adding COMO AVENUE from 5 elling Avenue to the west City Limits. (2-13-86) Recommended approvai . 8. RESOLUTION: amending the (9�i4 Capital Imp ovement Budget by transferring $20,000 from Warner-Shep rd Reventment Repair to Warner Road - 500' to 1300' W.T. . 61 . (3-4-86) Recommended appraval . 9. RESOLUTION: approving Minnesota D partment of Transportation plans and specifications to improve TH 61 from Burns Avenue to south City Limits. (3-20-86-Item 22) Recomrnended approval . !0. RESOLUTION: approving and authorizing the xecution of an agreement by the proper City officers and State of Minnesota, Dept. of Transportation to prov�de for payment of t.he city's share of the bike trail nd pedestrian bridge No. 62084 along Warner Road to Trun Highway 61 . Recommended approval . 11 . RESOLUTION: approving the sale of tax-for eited land. Recommended approval with the exception of one parcel .(3-4-86) 12. RESO�UTION: offering reconveyance of Lots 1-5, Block 8, parts as listed of Defranchy's Divisi n, Denslow's Rearrangement, and Cruickshank's Garden Lo s to the State of Minnesota as land is no longer needed (property in block bounded by Reaney, Birmingham, Minne ha and Etna) . ( laid over from 3/5/86) . , Laid over in Committee to 4/2/86. 13. RESOLUTION: transferring $337,790. 19 to hepard Road- Center Barrier from 1980 Warner Roa Acquisition ($157,790. 19) and 1982 Warner Roa Acquisition ($180,000) . (3-6-86) Recommended approval . 14. RESOLUTION: authorizing an agreement betwe the City and the State Depart.ment of Transportation for ayment by the City for its sfiare of cost of storm and s nitary sewer ' facilities to be constructed upon, along a d adjacent to TH 5 (West Seventh Street) . (3-6-86) Recarrlmended approva 1 . - ....,, 2 . G1�-� -.��-� ; �, _ . .-.- . , - . �. �,� . rs�ws�o�ES y . � �� t � iY .�.�` �� Ai �Coaari�Filc 1�"0 86-$�!5 By�is�ift�si�=--'� ' r' �.,y�.. '1 Iti't3ie Ma�.'Y�r r�B s,#oi�seive� . , � �'t�� F . � �`` ��q� .� e�t�fs�r.t��-. Storm Sewer Pro1�cF. be�`we�n�tir ��`'x�:-': lington_�,aac�and Point . r�F� Pre.seht�i�me#o`te�D�epirtr�n�o�''�'��t����'�g��g� �� b�y�,'!�n.;: _ Iiighwa�BT�� s d 4, . �d �3'�:Lal�t�;'�n " `ar�f�l�trins . ,_ , :. . ,;r,,� - A Pe�anent 60 foot wide.sewer e��ement un,der a�•across�p$� i�� ° 9.8,9, i0,33,34 and 35,Block 6,-Burlingtan�He��ttt��3�i�t+c��iV`o r ,,- Also a permanent Zp foot wide��.,�;�t��er and across a of � the Northwest �/, of the�Soutl��pe�st �/« og_��on 11,Township 2g orth, Range 22 West; and a 10 foot wide temporarq ec�n���;Qn e on each side of said 20 foot pernianent-e�:: . .; . ' r , � ... � Y °... �&;e Cotmcil a�!the�City of 3aint Panl liaviagrresefv�'th��pfit�of Iie-'bt�fr uFc�;t�e.-�ove imp?'ovement, an� 'havf�tg cw�si�re� ,�. resolves: : n� , r s�i�`r� ,. i�rtby ': 1. That the.sai�;�+tport and Ch�s��slierel�"$pptovred`�it2r�o a1 �,ti�+�s, , ;.and that�.tl�e es��aa�ie,d,cost�xhereof isi�8;fl00,<tltl�ncad lr(.tt�►i • ' bY . �a1, �.� 's 2. �at-s pub�!@�heail�tng�be�d on said'' ,.. - _. '.�1986.at 10•_00 0'�lo k a m in the Coi�I Cha��o tli�e Cf`ty � . �ouse Buidcling'iir�thtCi�y:af S�#nt��aaui. , . �.,�.._,: 1 '; . .-, : , , . 3. ���'notiCe�of satd��gut�lie h�ar�g �ie given tor�he`p�rscsti� ' in 't1�e �nanner�irovkiE?�1��Y t3�e Cl�r�i�,��g�ye time aizd�piace.of h�a � of the it[� ' �.� .?�t �ture . p��xt�tatia th�'te�ckssL''thererif as est�trl�t�t�: File Na�:'t8$$1'� � � ry , Ado.P#ed+'�y,the CQwnc�1��s:;�988 �_ � . :.. ', ,, ; , Approved bt�rch 5„1986. , _ , ' . �r !.. r. �-`�Yf:�� ..� �a . �_ . f � � v�. . � � . . '"�f; ' �. ' _. .. _ .. . -..---��..5. .._..__�. S_':. _. .p+,_