86-383 WHITE� — C�T�= CLERK � J PINK — FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Coun il / /� CANARV — DEPARTMENT //�j �,{/� 2-J BLUE — MAVOR File NO. ` _ � V V Council Resolution Presente By Referred To �V a�— <<— � ° � E� Commi ttee: Date 3��"��� Out of Committee By Date BE IT RESOLVED, by the Cauncit of the City of Soint Poul, upan etion ot the Moyar�d advice of ttre Long Range Capital Impnovement Budget C mittee, that the Capitel I�rovement Budget, as henetoto�e �opted and amendad this Council, is hereby turther amended as totlows: C�t Art�ndod t� � Log. No. p�j,g� Aooro�etion Aooronrtation 1984 CIB 5-5510 Wernsr-Sheperd = 202,000 : - ,000 = 182,000 Reventment Rep�ir 1984 C 18 S-4/� Werner Rd- 500' to - + ,000 20,000 13�' W.T.H. 61 APPROYED AS TO fUl�11 : - • , � �irector' �y��� Gr�gory Blees _ Fine�ce �f nt Svrvices ��t���o��� �.. " , ' t . , r... . � J.�,C..[� .�'YP t .ax� 4 ,-, h�.. -. �' '` ,,..� _.�.--G�1�+..�.��:�..t:. �.�.'.Li��.w4J . �///`��°�f' ' I Y ��--e_... �..� �'—'arY�M VL�i�Q � �� COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department : Drew � Nicosia Pllb C Y�CS Rettman IR FavOC � 9eMa+haL. Q� �, _ Sonnen __ Agal[ISt BY Tr.� • NY ► �t wi�son Adopted by Council: Date MAR 2 �l 1986 Form Approv d y y At ne Certified P s ed b Council S tar BY By� Approved by Mavor. Da J - a`� —�'�•' 2 7 $�PProve y M or or ission to Council By � _ _ ' . PUBLI�HED A�R - 51986 _ � • DEPARTMENT ��3��N� 2578 � . � , { R�bert A,,,_ H�isber , Jr. COIVT�CT ' _ '� 292-6131 PHONE � �� � Feb. 4, 1986 DATE P/ e ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER (Clip All Locations for Signature) : , _ r � Director of nagement/Mayor 3 Finance and Management Services Director 6 City Clerk � City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpo e/ The Mixinesota Department of Transportation as part of i�Gs Ratio a1e) : impravement of Highway 61, fran Warner Rd to South City lamits,;will c�structina a Fedestrian Bridge aver Warner Rd, ap�roxiYriat�ly 500 feet w�st of Hwy 6 and a bike path the entire length of roadway construction, fran Pedestrian Bridge to South ity limits. The City to pa.y certain casts of project to be construated within City right of y. T�ECEiVED , COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED�E� 2 C, mAYOR'S OFFICE �E��E�p-- � _ E B 1 � 1986 OFFI OF THE DIRECTOR DEPA TMENT OF FiiVANCE AND M NAGEMENT SERVICES FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor' signa- ture n t re- Total Amount of Transaction: $ 20,000.00 quired if under $10,00 ) Funding Source: 1984 CIB Activity Number: 92084-72111 ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All Attachments) : Resolution DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY RE IEW �_Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Requi ed? Yes No Yes �No Insurance Required? Insurance Suffic ent? Yes No Yes No Insurance Attached: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 4 bers: � �jj ",3 p � � C ts Nlcosle, Chalt ,� • LITY UF �AINT YAUL 7e ica Rattmea �iil BI 9onnen , OFFIQE pF THE pITY COIINOIL 7o Drew(Att) Date: Mar h 19, 1986 � � C ommitte e Re o t p To: Saint Paul City Couneil � From: Committee on Public Work Chris Nicosia, Chair The Public Works Committee at its meeting of March 19, 1986 too the following action: ' Hear i nct Date 1. 4/3/86 VACATION: Petition of Oxford Development and HRA f the vacation of part of EIGHTH STREET between Wabash and Cedar Streets for the reconfiguration of the Worid rade Center. Laid over in Committee for 4 weeks. 2. 4/I/86 FINAL ORDER: To decide on improving the foll wing streets by constructing concrete curb and gutte , a bituminous mat, concrete driveways, concrete out Iks, trees and street lighting system all to be known as the HAWTHORNE-RUTH PAVING PROJECT. Also, if reque ted, construction of sanitary connections, sewer se vice connections and water main connections. IVY AVENUE from Curve to McKnight Road; HYACINTH AVENUE, ORANGE A ENUE and HAWTHORNE AVENUE from White Bear Avenue to Ivy Street; VAN OYKE STREET, HAZEL STREET AND RUTH S REET from Maryland to Ivy Street; LUELLA STREET from Hawt orne to Ivy Street, and PEDERSEN STREET from Hawthorne A enue to Hyacinth Street. � Recommended approval. 3. 4/1/86 FINAL ORDER: Acquisition of certain property for torm sewer easements for the BURLINGTON ROAD STORM EWER PROJECT between Burlington Road and Point Douglas Road - � (the present MN DOT flume and between H9ghway 61 and Pig's Eye lake). Recommended approval. � 4• SEWER RATE INCREASE: Additional 4� to finance CSS , Program. Recomrtiend'ed'a�proval. 5• RESOLUTION: canceliing and rescinding Flnal Order 8 569 for the constructfon of sidewalk on both sides of CH SEA STREET from Hoyt Avenue to tdaho Avenue. (2-27-86) Recommended approval. 6• RESOLUTION: cancelling and rescinding Final Order 85 535 and 85-985 for sidewalk construction on the west side of SNELLING from Lincoln to Goodrich and on the east sid of SNELLING from Midway Parkway to Fair Place. (2-27-8 ) Recommended approval. � . G'r= �G- .��� `' 7. ORDINANCE: amending Ordinance #13537 pert ining to truck routes and deleting COMO AVENUE from Hamli e to the west City Limits and adding COMO AVENUE from 5 lling Avenue to the west City Limits. (2-13-86) Recommended approval . 8. RESOLUTION: amending the 1984 Capital lmpr vement Budget by transferring $20,000 from Warner-Shepa d Reventment Repair to Warner Road - 500' to 1300' W.T. . 61 . (3-4-86) Recommended approval . 9. RE50LUTION: approving Minnesota De artment of Transportation plans and specifications to improve TN 61 from Burns Avenue to south City Limits. ( -20-86-Item 22) Recommended approval . 10. RESOLUTION: approving and authorizing the e ecution of an agreement by tt�e proper City officers nd State of Minnesota, Dept. of Transportation to provi e for payment of t.he c i ty's sf�are of ttie b i ke tra i 1 a d pedestr i an bridge No. 62084 along Warner Road to Trunk Highway 61 . Recornmended approval . 11 . RESOLUTION: approving the sale of tax-forf ited land. Recommended approval with the exception of ne parcel .(3-4-86) 12. RESOLUTION: offering reconveyance of Lots -5, Block 8, parts as listed of Defranchy's Divisio , Denslow's Rearrangement, and Cruickshank's Garden Lot to the State of Minnesota as land is no longer needed (property in block bounded by Reaney, Birmingham, Minneh ha and Etna) . ( laid over from 3/5/86) . , Laid over in Committee to 4/2/86. 13. RESOLUTION: transferring $337,790. 19 to hepard Road- Center Barrier from 1980 Warner Road Acquisition ($157,790. 19) and 1982 Warner Road Acquisition ($180,000) . (3-6-86) Recommended approval . 14. RE50LUTION: authorizing an agreement betwee the City and the State Depart.ment of Transportation for ayment by tfie City for its sf�are of cost of storm and s nitary sewer , ' facilities to be constructed upon, along a d adjacent to TN 5 (West 5event.h Street) . (3-6-86) Recor�mended approval . - �---�. 2