Sutherlin (2) 1�1C)'TIC� (3F CLAIM FQ�iI�I to t�e City nf S�int P,�e�t, Minnesnta
,Ltr�rrrr.,utc{lferfr Sttrtrr�r-Jfi6_()_5�tatrs 1h�rt "�c�rt���rr.uin._.�vhr��•Icri»�s�lanrr,�cs frnr�r crni•il�uxiri,r>cxlrtti•....slttrN cau�r tu Gr f�r��.uvurcf fu tlrr
tic�t�rr�rrr►�luxlr nj'rhr uiurrrr•ttxrlih�►,,�itlrrrr 1���)d�rt�s rr�'t�r 11r�rtfl��c��l!«ss nr itr1Jr�=rsdr.iccr��ert�cf er�rr�trc�e.s�cr�riitK the tr)ric°.pfcrrE�.rurd
cir•c:rr�it.�tce�t�°��s tltr r^r3�:r�rTd�1te cxrnr�trtlr rpt'c���rxtj��tt�cit}c,rt irr r�tirt'�'rcrliF�'r�c��»r�tldeil.-.
Nlcas�c�c�mpl�ie ihis Ct�rm�n➢ts enlir�il� b��clearl��i��p�ng or pr�nting��r►ur arttir��er ic��ach questinn. �C r�x3re spare is
need�d,attach�dditin�al sl��eis. �'1�a�e nr►te 1i�at}'ctir��rpill nol lye ecrniart�d b}'telephone io rl�rff��ansv�ers,sc►prr���irt�e ai
n�t�ch inrirrnratiesn as n�e�ar;�'tc�e:�pla�n���r cl��m,�nd the arno�nt c�f r�irnp�rn�a�krn 1ye�ng reyuecied. '�'r►�a�fll re�e➢ve a
a�rittEn�ckrk�►iw�lc��e�ent n�nre,r`arur�Cc�rrn iw rc�i���i, �1'he prxsc��can takQ up ic►t�n�+�eeks ar l�n��r c�repending on the
n�ture rsf�irs�r cl�im. Thi�Ptsrm must be signe�,and laoih pages rompleted. IFs�methin�;dt�nc►t appl��,►srite`N/:1'.
First �ame R�insid �4�liddle Initia) Last�ame Suth�rlin ��(�������
Cc�mpan}=or Busin�s� \'ame i f!AI �.'', ����}
Are 4'c�u an Ins�franc�C�m�an}��•'? Yes/� If Yes,Claim:lumher'? t'1��t-v n�- ���
Stree[ At�ttreti� The Law f��ces of Sara M.G.Roj�s, PLLC 310 Faurth Avenue 5outh, Suite 5010
Cit}° h4inneapolis State �� Zi���� 55415
Da�•�tin3e Phone(61� 20f - 3T22 Cell Phone (_� - E�ening Telepho� (� -
Dat�oi�,r^iccidenV Injur}�ac Date Disca►�ered July�8,2d13 Time 9:Dfl am/pn�
Pieaee state,in detail, what�ccurred (happen�d}, and ��fiy you are suhmittin�a claim.Pl�ase indicate �V�hy or hnav yc�u
fe�l the Cit}�of Saint Paul c�r i�s empl�yec.s are inral�red andlar res�nsihle far��c�ur dama�e�_
On July 28.2U13 Officer Mark Farrinqt�n fired his weapon approximately 17 times at Mr. Reginald Sutherlin, using exc;essive force, in
violatifln of his ric�hts and csusinq him inlurv. Other ofFicers were involved iri this in�ident.There w�s also s f�ilure to trsin anciror
�'lea�e cE�ck the hax(es)that m�st closel}� represent tt� reasc�n forcnm�leting this farm:
[�'4�i����ehiclz«�a�dan�a�ed in an atciclent ❑�,4y��ehicle was dan�aged during a t�w
� ��1y��ehici�«as d�maged b}��a pt�thole nr ccaodiEian�F Ehe ctrcet ❑ �,�1}=vehicle�vas dan�aged t�y a pinw
���i}�� ti�•ehicle tva5 �vrongfully tnt��ed ar�d/nr ticketed � I was inaured c�n Cit}�pe�pert}�
❑{)ther tyPe�i �rcapert}°damage—please�pecif}�
�C?tE�r t}�pe o#�iqjur�+—plcase specify� Gun shot v►�aund(s?.ir�uttes ta taoe.eve,bodY caused bY exoess)ve fato�
1n ord�,�r tc7 prnct;ss your c iai����ou �i�ed to in�lu�ie cirpi�of all app[icat�l�doc��nent�.
F�r th�c1�tin�.� t���es listed helo��,please E�e sure t�ir�clude the documents indicated or it �vitl delav the hartdling af
���ur clain�. D�cuments V1rILL�OT b�returnecl and tsecc�n�the praperty ai the�ity. Yc�u are encouraged t�keep a
cc�p��f�r}��ftr��lf hef�re stthmitting?��ur claim f�rm_
O �'ro�r[}� damage claims to a�=ehicle.rivo estimates !ar Et�e re�aairs to )raur��ehicle ii the dama�e excee�ls
g;�{�{)_{�{�;��tt�actual bills ancUar re�ei�ts far the re�airs
O To«�in�cl�ims: legihle co�ies ofan}�•ticket issued and a capy c�#�the im�t�und Ic�t recei�t
fl Uth�r�r��ert��damage claims. two repair estimate.s if the damage exceects �5(){l.(�(l; car the actua!hills
ancidor recei�ats tor the re�airsi detailed list t�f damaged items
O Inj�tr}�ctaims: n�dical bill�� recei�ts
O Ph�tagra�hs are al�va}�s���elcome ta dacum�nt and support your claim but �vill nat be reeurn�d.
I'a�,*r 1 raf 2—�'le�sc cumpleti ac�rcturn �rth pa�es�f C:Is�im�orm
�s�ilurc to campletc and return L�nth pra�s «�ill result in dc�y in tht� hs�ndtin�;nC your clai��.
:�ll Claiajs—ales�sc camolctc this section
1�'ere ther��4�it���se� t�tt� incident'' Yes �n t�nknown (circle)
Pro��idz Eheir na�m s, addres�es and telephc�n mher�: See att�ct�ed documants.
1'�'er� the�nlic�oe la�v enft�rcement called'? Yes \o t�nknown (circle)
I#'}���,«�h1t d��artnk nt ar a�enc}=`? Sa�rt P�1 Pn�ae �arbnetn Case .#or r���rt#
1'�rherc.did th��ccidcnt c�r injur}�Eak�e�lacc? Pro��•ide strc�t address,cross �treet, int�rsectic�n, n��me c�f��ark c�r#�ility,
clnsest lancfmark�etc. Please be a�detai�ed a��rnssih�e_ If neces�ary, aEEach a cl6a�ram.
EarY�ranlurn snd 977 Reaney,Sa1m Ps�
Plea�e indicate the amoitnt you are seeking in campensatinn or�r�hat y�a would like the City t�do to res�lre this claim
tn t��ur sati s#actic�n_ Please oantact Ssr�M.G.Ra�as,Esq.,attomey on befmlfat I�Ar.Suther�n ta discuss resolutbn of
Vehicli Cls�ims—ules�e camnlcte thi.�sectinn ❑check bax if�this sectic�n daes nnt apniti�
Your�'�hicle: Year ��take Che+vrolet 1�9adel Lirrtit��
Licens�Plate ���mher State C�lor tu�rmn
I2egister�d C)►4�ner
Dri���r c,f`'ehicl�
�rea Dama�ed_ war���Se�sts�repoit
Citi� �`ehicie: Year 1�4ake ��indel
Lir�ense E'late \umher State Cc�lor
�ri��er�f Vehicle (Cit}� Emplo}�ee's \'ame)
,r�,rea D�unaged
lnjur��C'lain�� pks�SC cb[�lplctc thi.S sccti�ln ❑ check box if this �ectian dcxs not appl��
fica�v�ver� ?rou injure�l" Offioer Maric Farr��ton fi�ed approximately 77 raunds at Mr.Sutheriln and his vehic�e,as watl
as l�r ut�s st�stained during mrest
�'4'hat par[�s)c�t�Lraun c�xi��were injured'? t�rsa,eYe faae
Ha��� i�ou sc��tght metfica! trca[n�ent"? Y�s 1'c� E'lanning tc� �ek Treatnaent(�circle)
V4'hen cEid ►��c�u r�cei��e ireatment`? Jut�28tt3�t Raglans Hospltal �prn►,�i�ie�ate(s)j
\anx.�f�:�4etlic�l Prc�t�ider(s):
Addr��s T�lephone
I]id ���u mi�s ���nrk as a result of}�•oe�r inj«r}�? Yes �a
1'�rhen did ��au miss �vork�r (�r���ic3�ti�t�(s}j
�ank,of S�nEtr Empi���er:
������ Telephane
❑ C:hcck h�rc if yat� arc att�hin�; nx�rc pa�,�s ta this rtaim fi�rm. �umbrr nf sidditions�l pa�;�:�
1�'y ci�rrirz�tJ�is forrrr, ►}ntt rrre str�t�n� th�l nfl infornraliori 1'orx laave,�ro��ided is lrr�e aitrl Gor�ec���a 1Jte l�est
r�f 1'+�rr�krtn��fed;�e. Unsr�r��d it�r�ms w�i�'1 r�nt�ie p,�r�cessed.
Srrlimit�i�i�a fa(se clrrirrr can resu�t in ,�rnsecrrlinn. Uatr�fi�rn��ti'S1S CilRl�lll'tl'[L _ ���BrY��+�014 ___
1'riRt thc NaRx af thc 1'crson�s�111 C/1Rlp�l'tl'tY fltlS�'OCRI: ���•�•R'�����•�on behalf of Reginsld Suthe�l�t
Si�naturc of 1'crsnn��lakin�; thc Cls�inj: ����''�'— -
Ftz+�i,z�l t�e��ru�•��2l)11
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Saint Paul Police Department
CN Detail Report
CN Detail for 13-158422(Case Locked Down)
Locale: Sector/Grid: 3 55
Call Date: 07/28/2013 21:06:37 Disposition: Records received
Occur Date: 07/27/2ot3 Priority: 3 Time Received: 2t:08:37
OccurTime: zz:�5:flo Source• Phone Time Sent: 21:09:06
Calle�information Fire/Amb: Time Arrived: 21:10:59
Name: EDP: Time Cleared: 05:10:56
Address: Alarm: ECC Console: 03
CAD Comments:
Incident In$iated By:RClARCHER,ALYSSA Nortn Mail Attach Dt:13/07/28 Tm:21:07 Console:03 Oper.ARCHER,ALYSSA SubjeG:LAST
13/07/28 Tm:22:15 Console:03 Oper.FREDERICKSON,EMILY SubjeG:OQ 22:15:15->RCECC062 OQ 22:15:15->RCECC062 70:
SWA63-00296789 20130728 22:15:16 2573048755 FROM:A36MPQ46-04323704 20130728 22:15:15 257302FF4B•• "TXT
Name Person Type Race Sex Date Of Birth Address
Andrade,Betty Ann Other 10/19/1944 1056 GERANIUM AV E,ST PAUL,MN 55106
Boxrud,Susan Gilbertson Witness White Female 07129/198a 1076 GERANIUM AV,ST PAUL,MN 55106
City Of St.Paul Owrter ,ST PAUL,MN
Conway,Andrew Benjamin Witness White Male 06/OS/1987 1098 GERANIUM AV,ST PAUL,MN 55106 �
Cortez,A�tia Mariana Witness Female 08/21/1979 1116 GERANIUM,ST PAUL,Id1N 55106 I
Deshayes,JuEiane Marie Other 06/30/1962 1134 EARL ST,S7 PAUL,MN 55106 �
Drake,Lisa Marie Witness White Female 04/19/1969 7111 GERANIUM,ST PAUL,MN 55106 j
Farrington,Mark �ctim White Male ,ST PAUL,MN ��
Florin,Michael James Witness White Male 11/23/7953 1084 GERANIUM,S7 PAUL,MN 55106
Gifbertson,Tim Owner 167 ROBIE ST W,ST PAUL,MN 55107
Gilbertson,Timothy Charfes Owner White Male 03/06/1960 167 ROBIE ST W,ST PAUL,MN �
Hall,Jeifrey Martin Witness White Male 02/09/1955 1095 GERANIUM AV E,ST PAUL,MN 55106 �
Hall,Steven Matthew Witness White Male 10/01/1979 1095 GERANIUM AV E,ST PAUL,MN 55106
Her,Teng Witness Asian Male 06/16/1 S66 1110 GERANIUM AV,ST PAUI,MN 55106
Johnson,Thor Witness Male ,ST PAUL,MN
Kelley,Theresa Jean vctim White Female 12/28h969 1019 GERANIUM AV,ST PAUL,MN 55106
Mcdertnott,Judy Ann Witness White Female 05/17/1956 1083 GERAfJIUM AV E,ST PAUL,MN 55106
Mendez,April Witness Female 05/04/1996 1120 GERANIUM,ST PAUL,MN
Paulson,Jeffrey Lewis Witness White Male 07111/1956 1109 GERANIUM,ST PAUL,MN 55106
Ruffin,Paula Mae Other 06/26/1950 1141 GERANIUM AV E,ST PAUL,MN 55106
Information requested by: (317500j 1 Printed at:07/31/2013 10:04:33
(� �
Saint Paul Police Department
CN Defiail Report
CN Detail for 13-158422(Case Locked Down)
Stites,Eva Emma Witness White Female 02/06/1949 1099 GERANIUM,ST PAUL,MN 55106
Sutherlin,Reginatd Craig Arrestee Bladc Male OS/10/1960 ,ST PAUL,MN
Suthe�lin,Reginald Craig Owner Black Male 05/10/1960 887 SELBY AV,ST PAUL,MN 55104
Sutherlin,Reginald Craig Suspect Black Male 0511�/1960 ,ST PAUL,MN
Ulfrich,Brertda Marie Witness White Female 1�116/1973 1088 GERANIUM AV,ST PAUL,MN 55106
Vang,Hong Wdness Asian Male 11l02/1982 1091 GERANIUM AV E,ST PAUL,MN 55106
Wade,Rebecca Ann Witness White Female 02/06N969 ,ST PAUL,MN
Xiong,Annie Wdness Asian Femate 04/10/1987 1091 GERANIUM AV E,ST PAUL,MN 55106
Employee Name Squad# SqTyp Beat Time Received Time Sent Time Arrlved Time Cleared
Baldwin,Peter 345 2 E4A 21:08:37 22:27:24 22:27:31 04:06:54
Boon,Joshua A 363T 2 E4A 21:08:37 22:31:59 22:32:03 04:30:24
Carle,Nicole 316 2 E4A 21:08:37 22:22:U9 22:22:15 23:59:47
Carwran,Jennifer L 305 S E4A 21:08:37 22:19:10 04:49:33
Cragg,Jeffrey 319 2 E4A 21:08:37 22:27:30 23;48:14 04:03:37
Farrington,Mark D 362 2 E4A 21:08:37 21:09:06 22:18:38 05:10:56
Ferraro,Louis D 361T 2 E4A 21:08:37 22:20:03 22:24:01 04:01:04
Ficcadenti,Brian 341 2 E4A 21:08:37 23:33:58 23:34:08 04:15:36
Ficcadenti,Daniel 240 2 E4A 21:08:37 23:13:29 05:05:06
James,Lyndsay J 317T 2 E4A 21:08:37 22:22:00 22:22:05 22:30:47
Jaworski,Steven J 312 2 E4A 21:08:37 23:51:27 23:51:33 02:09:36
Johnson,Clay 365 2 E4A 21:08:37 22:25:24 22:25;28 02:07:20
Johnson,Thor R 334 1 E4A 21:08:37 21:09:06 21:10:59 03:30:47
Kolodge,Patrick 213T 2 E4A 21:08:37 22:54:05
Korus,Jeffery • 214 2 E4A 21:08:37 22:25:33 22:25:40 22:54:04
Lemon,Charles 213T 2 E4A 21:06:37 22:gq:p5 I
Lytoung,Nicolal Tzouloug 361T 2 E4A 21:08:37 22:20:03 22:24:01 04:01:04
Mack,Daniel 369 2 E4A 21:08:37 21:09:06 21:11:03 02:55:10 a
Mcquay,Jeremiah J 317T 2 E4A 21:08:37 22:22:00 22:22:05 22:30:47
Michener,Dan 330 2 E4A 21:08:37 23:29:41 23:29:47 00:52:57
Mahs,Philip 363T 2 E4A 21:�8:37 22:31:59 22:32:03 04:30:24
Murphy,Patrick J 627 2 E4A 21:08:37 21:09:06 29:30:55 00:45:12
Raether,John S 336 2 E4A 21:08:37 22:17:27 22:19:47 02:44:07
Rhoades,Chris 369 2 E4A 21=08.37 21:09:06 21:11:03 U2:55:10
Rooney,Colleen 341 2 E4A 21:08:37 23:33:58 23:34:08 04:15:36
Saffold,Adrian L 367 2 E4A 21:08:37 22:31:42 22:31:48 00:38:01
Shanley,Shawn M 204 S E4A 21:08:37 22:27:48 23:13:01
Sherwood,Jon J 322 2 E4A 21:08:37 22:18:46 22:21_00 23:59:21
Tiffany,Justin 241 2 E4A 27:08_37 22:25:36 22:25:43 02:11:57
Vang,Xue 360 2 E4A 21:08:37 22:17:15 22:2132 00:39:07
Xiong,Pheng 316 2 E4A 21:08:37 22:22:09 22:22:15 23:59:47
Information requested by: {317500) 2 Printed at:07/31l2013 10:04:33
� Saint Paul Police Departmen� Pa9e 1 of 3
Complaint Number Relerence CN Date and Trme ofRepod
3158422 07/30/2013 14:46:00
Primary oNense:
Primary Reporting O�cer. �ensen, Kenneth C Name of locatiordbusiness:
Primary squsd: Location oIlncident:EARL ST&GERANIUM
Secondary reporting officer. ST PAUL, MN 55106
District:Eastern Date&time ofoccumence: 07/28/2013 22:15:00�a
Site: 07/29/2013 10:08:00
Ar►�est made:
Secondary o8ense:
Police OHicerAssaulted orinjured: Pnlice O�cerAssisted Suicide:
Crime Scene Processed:
Statement of Officer Mark Far�ington
Jn 7-29-13 at 0109 hours i Sgt. Ken Jensen met with Officer Mark Farrington and Federation Attorney Thomas
Kelly at SPPD HQ second floor conference room. This statement was digitally recorded and downloaded into
the media vault. I asked that Officer Farrington to take me through this incident tonight. Officer Farrington
asked that in order to do that, we need to back up a couple of weeks. Reginald Craig Sutherlin has two active
pickups out, one if for Felony Domestic, the other far sfrangulation I believe it was, and he also has a DAC IPS �
warrant. He is known to us cops, I believe he was arrested for murder in the 80's, he is violent individual, every
time he sees cops he either runs or fights with us. Common knowledge through word of mouth I know he had
the pickups out for him. Two weeks ago, I went to 1019 Geranium, because we got a call that this guy was
there. He fled, we set up a perimeter right away and he escaped the perimeter right away. The next day I
went and talked to Theresa Kelley, this is when I started my next shift,just asked her a little further in depth I
what the dea!was exactly with this guy. She told me that she was afraid he was going to kill her, he has
assaulted her many times in the past, she made the reports, it was filed and she was scared he was going to
kill her and he gets away from us every time and he had fled out the other side of the perimeter we set up. She
gave me some information that he stays down on the west side, by the Stryker Market and she gave me his
plate number on a Cadillac, 874-TVZ, or reverse them maybe. So I wenf down by the Stryker Market and
started to make circles and found the car, behind the laundry mat parked in a dead end alley. I set up a block
and a half with K9, that day, he came out, I didn't see his face, but his vehicle came out and went east on
Elizabeth to Stryker and by that time I am accelerating towards him. By the time I got to that same intersection
he was already tuming on Morton, back west bound on Morton, and by the time 1 got to that intersection he was
gone. Pulled onto Dodd Road, went south bound and I traveled up and there was a family crossing the road,
and I asked them if they had seen a Cadillac, and described the silver Cadillac and they said "yeh he went by
going about 9Q down Dodd road, south bound into West St. Paul." So that was that day. Throughout that time,
about two weeks ago maybe a wesk and half ago, throughout that time Theresa has been calling me, she
said that he stole her purse, some other belongings, including her dad's cell phone, which she then started
;ontacting him about getting her stuff back. She continuously updated me, and we were trying to fgure out
how to arrest this guy, because he has been slippery, every time someone sees him he was gone. And in
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Saint Paul Police Department
Complaint Number Relerence CN Date and Time ot Reporf
3158422 07/30/2013 14:46:00
Primery offense:
addition to those to events that I was on, there has been several others while he has had these two pick ups
out where we are looking for him. He either flees or runs on foot from somebody, he's elusive, so he will do
anything to get away, basically. So, yesterday, I called her and asked if she had anything new for me. She told
him that she was outside I am walking to Menards, so I pick her up in my squad, turn on my in car camera
system and driving her to Menards at 61 and 36, she proceeds to tell me that he is in contact with her and he
is doing the " I love you baby, wants to get back with her, and all that stuff. She would like to get him arrested,
because again, she is scared he is going to kill her. She also proceeds to tell me that he is trying to sell guns,
word of mouth third hand that he is trying to sell guns he had in a burglary. That was either Thursday or Friday
last Thursday or Friday he was trying to sell those guns. Guns, violent individual, flees, runs, fights, and
nothing happened last night with it. Tonight she called me and says I am suppose to be here in five minutes
and he is suppose to come up to my back porch. So I have Thor pick me up, I ditched my car, because he can
smell cops a mile a way, so I ditched my car and go into the house and I sit right inside the screen down while
she waits for him on the back porch. The plan that we set up was, Chris Rhodes and Mack and Thor and I
think a K9 was in the area, but I don't know for sure. When he come in there she was going to get him to come
up into the porch, its more enclosed. So when I see him come into the yard, I would radio in for the cars to
come into that back alley, because the last time I dealt with him he fled north. So we were going to take him
into custody right on that back porch, hands on. Now that changed back and forth, he was coming in vehicle,
he was coming on foot, coming in vehicle, he was coming on foot. But her plan and my plan was to get him to
.ome up onto that back porch and take him into custody. As thing progressed he tells her to start walking
down Geranium east bound towards Earl from that 1019 Geranium address. A less than ideal situation, but,
he is not coming to the address, she feels that he is not coming to the address, so I went into the alley and 1
made sure she was continuously, I am looking through the yards watching her walk all the way down on the
north side of Geranium walking down while I am in the north alley. We get to Earl, he tells her to keep walking, I
cross Earl, 1 go behind the church, she continues walking, and I see a maroon Chevy Lumina which is the car
he is suppose to be driving because he dumped that Cadillac. She had told me that F�e was driving that
maroon Chevy Lumina yesterday, all of that was on that squad camera things too. So 1 see it go by, I hear her j
yelling into her phone is that you, is that you, why are you making me�'D�1R; and it was loud, it had some muffler ;
issues or something. Not for sure_if it was that, it was suppose to be a red Lumina, but it was close enough, so �
she said, is that you, is that you, and I hear the car start coming back, so I call a 10-3 out because obviously I �
know its him now. Or if its not we have to roll the dice now. I called the squads in, and as that is happening,
she goes up to the side of the car. 1 am scared she is going to get into the car and I can't let that happen. I
walk out into the middle of the road, from behind some shrubbery, bushes just on the side of the, by the church
in a yard. As I am doing that I have my hand out, (during the description O�cer Farrington holds out his left
hand, outstretched his arm with his palm flat towards me) and I have my gun in my other hand (right)you know
he is violent and he got the gun stuff going on now. As I do that, I hear the car go into gear, I hear the tires
lurch and just floors it right at me, I start engaging �ight then, I engage all the way he is going by me and as he
passes me right after trying to hit me. At that point Thor picked up the chase. I asked Officer Farrington if there
were any verbal commands? He responded "I cannot recall, one way or the other. But I am wearing this, ( he
pointed to his police uniform), and there was a street light right there, it was readily apparent. I asked Officer
Farrington "were his head lights on?" He responded "yes." I asked if he remembered how many rounds he
fired? He responded "yes, 17 rounds." I asked Officer Farrington did you stay on scene? He responded "Yes." I
asked Officer Farrington, what did you do after the car left? He responded, "that after the ca�left, the chase
vas proceeding, I checked with Theresa, "are you ok? I wanted to be sure that she was fine, because I didn't
.:now if she was hit or run over by the guy or what because he had floored it. All I knew is that she was right
beside the car and I didn't want her to get hurt. I ended the interview at 0117 hours. I went back onto the
(�` i"'"�I
Saint Paul Police Department Pa9e 3 of3
Complaint Numbe� Reference CN Date and Time of Repat
3158422 07/30/2013 14:46:00
Primary olfense:
recorde�at 0118 hours and asked about what time you put yourself in over at that house in the evening hours?
He responded"between 9 and 930, that's a rough estimate. I asked Officer Farrington "you puf yourself out on
the air with dispatch? He responded "yes, I checked out with them at the intersection of Earl and Geranium on
an investigate or proactive police visit. I then asked Officer Farrington "that the call time for the incident was
1015 PM does that sound correct? He responded that was probably the time he called the 10-3. I ended the
interview at 0119 hours.
(� /'�
Saint Paul Police Department Page 1 of 3
Complaint Number Reference CN Date.and Time of Report
3158422 C7/30/2013 16:28:00
Primary olfense:
Primery Reporting O�cer.• Jen5ell, Kenneth C Name oftocatioN4usiness:
Primarysqued: Locationofincident:EqRL ST&GERANIUM
SecondaryreportingoNicer. � ST PAUL, MN 55106
District Eastern Date&time o1 occu�nce: p7/2g/209 3 22:15:00 to
srre: 07/29/2013 10:08:00
Arrest made:
Secondary offense:
Police O�cerAssaalted orinjured: Police O�cerAssisted Suicide:
Crime Scene Processed.•
Statement of Officer Thor Johnson
On 2-29-13 at 0128 hours I Sgt. Ken Jensen met with Officer Thor Johnson and Federation Attomey
Thomas Kelly. Prior to the interview Mr. Kelly requested to make a statement prior to my interview. This is a
summation only of that 10:03 minute statement.
Mr. Kelly sfated that they understand there is a car video of all or part of the chase that was involved in this
case and we understand Officer Johnson has a right to review that if he would like to prior to giving his ,
statement. We would like to proceed now with the statement with the understanding that when the tape is i
available, we will have a right to inspect it, and at that point have additions or modifications, or corrections to I
the statement he is about to give you now. That we will reconvene to add what ever we might need to this �
I then asked Officer Thor Johnsan to explain the incident. Officer Johnson said that Office Farrington and I
just cleared a call over at Checkers Pizza. He told me that a woman who lives at 1019 Geranium was
expecting Reginald Sutherlin to come by her house within five minutes or so. He asked me to follow him and
he was going park his squad and get into my squad and I was going to drop him off, he was going to get into
the house, I would stay in the area and get another squad and a K9 to assist in apprehending Mr. Suthe�lin.
Time came and went, at on point Mark called me back and said, Mr. Sutherlin said the area was hot and was
going to go someplace else. A while later Officer Farrington called me and said that the female at the house
was going to walk east bound on Geranium towards Earl and he was going to parallel her in the alley that's to
the north. I then advised the other squads what was going on, and the que for us to move in was Officer
Farrington in arresting Mr. Sutherlin he was going to call a 10-3. Some time around 1014 PM Officer Farrington
had called a 10-3 on the air. I started driving east bound on Rose, I had been parked on Rose,just west of
Cypress. I drove east bound on Rose, Officer Farrington said that is was going to be the maroon Chev Lumina
iat was on Geranium in the intersection. I got to Earl and Rose, made right hand turn to go south on Earl and
saw a Chevy Lumina turning left on Geranium going south on Ea�l. At that point I activated my lights, when I
� �
Saint Paul Police Department � Pa9e 2 °f3
Compiaint Number Rete�nce CN Dafe artd Tme of Report
3158422 07/30l2013 16:28:00
Primery oHense:
was catching up to it, shortly after, I activated my siren, once I was behind the vehicle, I got on the radio and
called out the license plate, and that we were still going south on Earl. The car was kind of driving a little
erratically, swerving, he then turned, sometime when we were over the Earl Street Bridge, I heard Squad 369
get on the radio, say that there was an officer involved shoofing and that Sutherlin had tried to run Officer
Farrington over. We continued south on Earl, he made a right hand furn to go west on Bush and at that point he
had slowed down to 20 mph, so I was thinking he was looking for a place to bail on foot. We have lost him at
least I believe three times this month from him fleeing police. He then turned left to go south on Cypress then
made an immediate right to go west in the alley, the north alley of Reaney. As he was travefing west he looked
like he was going to pull into a parking spot, at 977 Reaney, and his car started to fishtail, so the driver's side
was facing my squad. For background info�mation I know that Sutherlin has fled the police in both vehicle and
on foot in the past, and today I know he had a pick up for Terroristic Threats, Domestic Assault, also today in
roll call they were saying that he was selling guns from a burglary. So wifh that infarmation I didn't want him to
get away, I was concerned for not only my safety but the safety of the people outside. So I saw him trying to
get out the, I saw the driver's side open, trying to get out and I continued to drive my car towards him. I know
there is a guardrail at the back, and I was going to try and push his car with my car into that guardrail so he
wouldn't be able to get out. He saw me coming, he jumped into the passenger side, opened up the door and
fled on foot. He jumped over one fence, kind of fell over it, then got up and started n.inning south through the
vard and we caught him near the second fence. I then asked who made the arrest? Officer Johnson
�sponded "There was a number of officers on scene, he wasn't complying with us, I am not sure if it was
361 T who finally got the handcuffs on him or if it was a combination of a couple different officers. I then asked
how Reginald get to the hospital? Officer Johnson responded "St. Paul Fire and Medics. After he was taken
into custody, we asked him if he had been shot. He said he was shot. We examined his body and lifted up his
shirt and then on his right side we saw what appeared to be a bullet wound on his right side of his torso. I
asked Officer Johnson if recaNed who had called for medics? Officer Johnson responded " I believe Officer
Rhodes did." I asked Officer Johnson if he knew whether or not his in-car-camera had been activated? Officer
Johnson responded " it was activated. Because I asked after Mr. Sutherlin and asked Sgt. Peck if I could shut
my in-car-camera off." I then made comment to Officer Johnson, ' I see you have an abrasion on your right
elbow, da you remember how you got that? Officer Johnson replied, probably attempting to take Mr. Sutherfin �'
into custody. �
interview downloaded to media vault. i
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January 17, 2014
City of Saint Paul
City Clerk
15 West Kellogg Boulevard
310 City Hall
Saint Paul, MN 55102
Re: Notice of Claim, Officer Involved Shooting of Reginald Sutherlin by Of�icer Mark Farrington and related
events, on or about July 28, 2013
Dear Sir or Madam,
Please find the enclosed Notice of Claim form and attachments. Included in the attachments are two of
many statements recorded by police, as well as police documents containing the names of numerous potential
witnesses. If you find that more information would be helpful in assessing these claims, please let me know
how I can be of assistance.
Yours Very Truly,
/s/ Sara M.G. Rojas, Esq.
Attorney for Reginald Sutherlin
The Law Offices of Sara M.G.Rojas,r�LC
310 Fourth Avenue South, Suite 5010,Minneapolis,MN 55415 P&F 612.206.3722 E info a�
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