Cass NOTICE OF CLAIM FORM to the City of Ssint Paui,Minnesota Minnesota Stote StotLte 466.05 states tltat"...every person...who claims do�mges from ary mnnicipaliry...shaII cmrse to be presaiteid to the govrrnin8 bodY of the nwnicipolity wid�in 180 days afrer d�e alleged bss or injury is discovered a notice stoting tlu time.ploce.and cincumstances theraof,and the amount of co�rpensation or other relief de»mnded" Pkase oompkte t�is form in its e�Y bY�Y h'P�6�'P��S Yonr answer to each qaestlon. If more sp�oe is needed,atve6 ad�tional sheets. Pkase�te t�at yon wHl mt be contacted bY tdePhone to cl�answe�s,so providc as ma�e6 infont�tion ss nc�ar9 tu c�lafi��ar ciaim,aod the ao�nt of eompe�ion bdng i'e4nested. Yoti wW reoefve� written acknowl�t a�cs yoar form is reeeived. The process aa�taloe up to ten weel�or lon�er depa�di�on t6e naturt of yoor daim. �is fo�m mo�t be si�ned,and bAth pages 000�leted. if somemiog does mt appty,wribe'IV/A'. SEND COMPLETED FORM AND OTHER DOCUMENTS TO: CITY CLERK, 15 WEST KELLOGG BLVD,310 CITY HALL,SAIlVT PAUL,NIN 55102 �-�N� N�Ll�al as ����� A ,�N� - c�.s S Company or Business Name N/Iq -C�I V E D Are You aa Insurance Company? Yes/No If Yes,Claim Number? N� JAN 2 8 2014 s��� Z�S /�r�'�,�q�"on A��. inl�sb CiTY CLERK �ty �t. F'G.� State �� Zip Code i�7 Daytime Phone�����- 34�$ Cell Phone���'7-34�$ EveningTelephone�)�7_ 3q�� Date of Accidard Inj ury or Date Discovered ��(���H Time i ;!1 �!pm Please state,in ' what occuued(haPpeneci),and why you are submitting a claim.Please inc�icate why�how you feel tl�City of S �its employees are involved and/ar responsible far your damages. � � i S � ` , r � � � ' � , (� r � D � r1 � � � i �� � , ` Q � _�� SEyD� - '�) r�ea,e c�eck the box(e�s)that most closely represea[�lie ieason tor completing tbis iurm: ❑My vohicle was damaged in an accideait O My vehicle was damaged during a tow O My vehicle was damaged by a pothole�condition of the street �My vehicle was damaged by a plow �My vehicle was wrongfully towed and/or ticketed �I was injured on City P�P�Y ❑Other type of pmperty damage—please specify ❑Other type of injury—please specify In order to process your claim vou need to inch�de oouies of all anulicabie do�ts. For the claims types listed below,please be sure to iaclude the documents indicated or it will delay the handling of your claim. Documents WILL NOT be retumed and bacome the�xoPeitY of the City. You are encouraged to keep a copy for yauself before submitting your claim form. O Property damage claims to a vehicie:two estimates for the repairs to your vehicle if the damage exc:eeds $500.00;or the actual bi1Ls ancUar receipts fa�the repairs O Towing claims:legible copies of any ticket issued and a copy of the impound lot receipt O Other PropertY damage claims:two repair estimates if the damage exceeds$500.00;ar the actual bills and/or receipts for the repanrs;detailed list of damaged items O Injury claims:medical bills,receipts p photographs are always welcome to document and suppo;t your claim but will not be retumed. Page 1 of 2—Please complete and retorn b�h pages of Clsim Form Failt�re to compkte and retnrn both pag�.s wW r�sqit in delay in the handling of yom d�ian. All Clsims—nka�e comdete this aec�ion Were there wimesses to the incident? Yes �1,� Unknown (circle) Provide their names,addresses and telephone numbers: We�e the police�law enfarcement called? Yes � Unl�own (circIe) If yes,what deputment or agency? Case#or rep�t# iNhere did the accident�in�uty tak�e place? Provide street address,cross street,intersection,name of park or facility, closest landmark,etc. Please be as detailed as 'ble. If sary,att�ch a d�agram.�� �' s�d ' ri Please indicate the amount you are seeking in compensafion o�what ou would like�e City to o resolve this claim to your satisf�tion. �ot- r { � ,•�,� „�'�, Vehide cAm lete tl�s check box if this section dces not a 1 Yo�Vehicle: Year � Make '� Mode1 'C..."`ri � Licease Plate Number U State�Colo �cowr� Registered Owner Driver of Vehicle ' ' Area Damaged City Vehicle: Year Make Model License Plate Number State Color Driver of Vehicle(City Employee's Name) Area Damaged �»,pa�_D������� '�check box if this section dces not auolv How were you injured? What part(s)of your body were injured? Have you sought medical t�eatment? Yes No Planning to Seek Treatment(cincle) When did you receive tre,ahnent? (p����(Sl) Name of Medical Providet(s): Address Telephone � Did you miss work as a result of your injury? Yes No When did you miss work? (Provide date(s)) Name of your Employer: Address Telephone �C!►eck here if you are attaching more pages to this claim form. Namber of additional pages � . By segning this fon»,yor�are stati�g tliot all i�eforwiation you have provided is true and comect to the bcst of your biowkdge Unsigne+d forms wiQ not h�e process�d Submitting a false claim can resu�t in pmsecu�ion. Date form was compl�ed ����/ Z��`6 Print the Name of the Person who Completal this Form: N 1�0 4 S �s Signature of Person Malring the G9sim: �,� �� (�9�--�� Revised Febivary 2011 I Sa�nt Paul Police impound lot, 830 Barge Channei Road, vehicle Release Form Make:99 OLDSMOBILE License#:426MSY CN: 14011327 Invoice#: 26481 Dat�me Released:01/19J201413:33 Tow Charge: $ 123.95 Released to:TOSE Storage Charge: $ 0.00 Paid by.CREDIT CARD Admin Charge: $ 80•00 Reteased by.ANGIE � Tax:(7.625%) $ 15.55 � I,the undersigned,have recovered the vehide described above. Subtotal: $ 219.50 I wiii check the vehide for damage or arry other problems that may have ocxuRed while this vehide was in the custody of the Service Charge: $ 0.00 Saint Paul Police Department. I acknowiedge i will report damage and/or any other probiems to the Impound Lot staff Totai Charges: $ 219.50 on this form prior to leaving the impound lot. Damage and/ar other problem: Police Report made:Yes_No_IF Yes, CN � , If NO,Why? TO PROTECT YOUR RIGHTS REPORT ANY PROBLEMSIDAMAGE BEFORE LEAVING THE LOT Signature �0� -w.,,..: .... . . . . .t�.-..-t....c.-+.�..��+. .. '�+.w..�+w�.wAwn. .. .. .a t.-..'�a.e+�r+S+�+r�a�►.+ti,�.w�..w.+.n.�+.+....<..�.�...� ! 3T PRtIL IfP0Uf0 LQT 836 BAR(�(�IANFl Rp SAINT PA11. IN. �187-245N 651-266-5642 ►krctmnt ID: 8BB638B�1qq Ten ID: 801739B9A6BgB638B1qq95 Sale �c�c�n DIS(X�ER Entr�Method: S�iped iotal: ; �,9.�g 81�19i14 13.3�:31 Inv q; 9@9132 fl�r Code: 61961R I pavrad: Online � i ���Y � ��� i �1������ >�+�{.� �rt�t�stt �� '� ` �`a �� . 1�11111 : 11 � # s2o�oo2�s�s ���� . � �.� � - o �� � ��� �-..��# � � , �_ ; ���'YYY)" EY� r-- Fl�t We� Sen Race ' E�ty � i Vehide L.icense No. Ple�'�ear} �tais : i�ie � Type Mbclel Cobs 4 a �� � ' �:� ,�;�t "�rts :F' j D2t8 d Oflense Tave oF Oftense � ❑ , ' . � ; .t_ p:;l� / � r`• �I ❑P�cDah ❑h�r O Fml ❑Paa�sYian � Parldng�Meter� . N�orhoOd Code ❑�9� � � 0 '�B�tai�ei� ❑pwr�er 0 Aass�tger ❑Driver � (�nse i+nr,�ion: � ,,• j��r. ,�. � '�:'��,�.,°r,:r`� ft-' f.�,�'..�_�`` jT��t.t� ��* i��..:'a ,. ;� . . . �0 1 {�2 . .3 . ,� � k f�.,`��f. r f�) ,, �-% `"„v.'}��jt'"i►„�C:. � . ��i� t.? . . . 6 NO 2 ense � C� � No 3 Offense �0'� _— p Spe�d 169.14(N,M ): meh , mne � ❑No Seat Bett Use 169.686.1(a) �No Prod of>I�1�.791(2) AC Taken—AC: Test type: ❑ Rei�d � B�eO�; '❑ 81ood ❑ Urine ❑Hazardous Maie�+at(DOI� ❑Uns�e Co�'itions , D Sctad 7_ex►e p Endangering L�8 Praperty O Work Zone D Cammeraal Veh.DOT# ! Identification: �OL ❑DVS Web ❑Phol�ID ❑OU�r � S�u bac;�of eit�t�ors foe irg���t�an paying your f€ne , —� If cit�i for Pso Proof of Insurance or hb Driver's Licer�a n°�^ssession,Proof of Ir,��arce andtor �' L?�vs�s L'+cense must 6�shown at one of the Violations �-aau focations fisted on tne ilack oi this { citaUOn���°�'.hin 2S days from the date the citatF:,n+s filed with the Court. � ��paS� `^c�.''a��¢0 .�d�v���'!I��i�[i`�3' Cu°��ii�+��€?"� {a8g�.r??.�,�. l }s ��' < �+ `��i".r � !3 ���',: ... . r,v.+�7,�h+;�5�h�i! . . ..;. _ _._ . .�.,.d.. � - �� - . . � � � . . . . . � � � f}� 3 O�er(s)Name(S) ( ��S�• ~!`,�i�"� � '�..` '�� ���� �� ���i''' � HnWlssued ❑InPerson ❑I�aied ^ a[Soene _ � � � � � � _. ,.` _ � � � � I