86-380 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUA lI /f% � C�4NARV'- DEPARTMEN7 CITY OF SAINT PAUL X/� � BI.UE - MAVOR . Flle NO. v"� `��� City Attny/PBB • • , Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Dut of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the City of St. Paul has granted, in rdinance No . 16947 , as amended by Ordinance No . 16962, a franchi e to use the public streets and ways to deliver hot water within St . Paul to District Neating Development Company (DHDC) , a Minn sota non- profit corporation; and j�'EIEREAS , DHDC filed with the City Clerk a noti of its intent to amend hot water rates on July 18 , 1985 ; f' led those rates with the City Clerk on September 18 , 1985 ; wh' h rates are thereby effective on an interim basis pending City uncil approval , which approval requires a public hearing; and WHEREAS , DHDC has provided evidence to the City Council that the proposed rate changes result in rates that are j st , reason- able, and nondiscriminatory; and 4JI3EREAS , the City Council has taken into accoun those matters required by Section 6 of Ordinance No . 16947 and by .F. No . 85-919, and finds that DHDC has met all procedural and subst ntive require- ments �or approval of a rate increase ; now therefore, be it }'.ESOLVED, that the DHDC rate schedule which set the "energy charge" ior its customers is hereby revised to decre se the "energy charge" from $15 .02 per megawatt-hour to $14. 50 per mega- watt hour; and be it RESOLVED, that the DHDC rate schedule which set the "demand charge" for its customers is hereby revised to incre se the "demand charge" from $2.45 per kilowatt per month to $2 .57 p r kilowatt per uionth; and be it COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas p�� Nays Masanz In Favor Nicosia Scheibel Sonnen _ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attor ey Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By � 2'�ZB'�` By t�pproved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submi sion to Council BY BY WHIYE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Cou cil CANARN- DEPARTMENT `/10� � �LUE - MAYOR � -/� . File N0. �� �.«., ^ Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Dat Out of Committee By Dat FURTHER RESOLVED, that the attached revised Sc dule A is approved and supercedes any previous Schedule A, an is incor- porated by reference into Ordinance No . 16947 as ame ded; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that all other rates , charges , rules and other provisions of the DHDC hot water franchise re in in force and are unchanged; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that City Council staff, afte appropriate meetings and discussions with DHDC representatives , hall submit reconunendations to the Council on or before August 1, 1986 as to the following matters : l . The format and extent of information to be ubmitted initially by DHDC in support of requests fo changes in Schedule A; 2 . Development of a "cold weather rule" applic ble to DHDC for addition to Schedule A; 3 . Accounting and related issues , such as work'ng capital, forfeited discounts and sales fore asting; and 4. Development of a conservation investmen program by DHDC . COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of Yeas Dreuv�— - aYs � nn�anz [n Favor Nicosia 9ehsi�al Sonnen _ A g8inst BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date MAR 2 i �9p6 Form Approved by City Atto ey Certified Y s nci ret By Z'Zg��L By A►pproved by A7avor. D 3 — °�� —�� MdQ ;t �roved by Mayor Eor Subm' sion to Council By � �. D - BY p��I�SNED �,P;, 519�6 � - � ��-3�� CITY OF SAINT PAUL - OFFICE OF THE CITY COIINCIL .....:. •�u�uuee '�� D a t e ; Feb uary 26, 1986 COMMITTEE RE PORT TO = SQint PQUI City Council F R O M � C o m m it t e e ��1 ENERGY, UTILITIES AND ENVI NMENT C M A I R Councilmember Kiki Sonnen Resolution revising the District Heating Development Company rate schedule pertaining to the energy and demand charges. At its meeting of February 26, 1986, the Energy, Utili ies and Environment Committee approved the above resolution, a amended. CTTY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR S T'PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 .�.,� _ - ; _ _, ���% �, - _ - _ . _ _ , ��� �`.�'_ _- _ __ _ 'N1N! LL ` -. _�TV CLERK PINK -FINANCE G I TY O F� SA I NT PA IT I, Cou it CANaR\" - DEPAR7MEN7 � • B�.UE - MAVOR F31E NO. Council Rt�►����n �'�-3�� Presen.ed By � ..F'-G� / �"` �/ Referred To ����"� Committee: Dat ,���� COUNCIL MEI�SER KIKI SONNEN Out of Committee By Dat WHEREAS, the City of St. Paul has granted, in rdinance No. 16947, as amended by Ordinance No. 16962, a fra chise to use the public streets and ways to deliver hot water wi hin St. Paul to District Heating Development Company (DHDC) , a M' nnesota non- profit corporation; and WHEREAS, DHDC filed with the City Clerk a noti e of its intent to amend hot water rates on July 18, 1985; filed t se rates with the City Clerk on September 18, 1985; which rates e thereby effective on an interim basis pending City Council pproval, which approval requires a public hea�ng; and WHEREAS, DHDC has provided evidence to the Ci Council that the proposed rate changes result in rates that are just, reason- able, and nondiscriminatory; and WHEREAS, the City Council has taken into acco t those matters required by Section 6 of Ordinance No. 16947, and inds that DHDC has met all procedural and substantive reauirement for approval of a- rate increase; now therefore, be it � - RESOLVED, that the DHDC rate schedule which s ts the "energy charge" for its customers is hereby revised to dec ase the "energy charge" from $15. 02 per megawatt-hour to $ 4 .50 per megawatt-hour; and be it RESOLVED, that the DHDC rate schedule which s ts the "demand charge" for its customers is hereby revised to inc ease the "demand charge" from $2 . 35 per kilowatt per month to $2 . 57 per kilowatt per month; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the attached revised S hedule A is approved and supercedes any previous Schedule A, a d is incorporated by reference into Ordinance No. 16947 as amended; nd be it �:QC,'NCILII�EN Requested by Department f: �'�.�s Nays k7reW Masanz In Favor Nicosia Scheibel Sonnen Agaitist BY Tedesco W i tso� Focm Approved by City At orney Adopted by Councii: Date Certified Aassed by Council Secretary BY- 3p Npproved by 'Navor: Date Approved by Mayor for Su ission to Council By By - - -- - ._ _ - - -- __ _ __- - __ _ _ _- - - - �,- --- - -- _ _ _ _.��� ',�� _ _ rhylTq , - -��TV CIERK ��"�!�K� - FINANCE . G I TY OF SA I NT� PA LT L G4NARY - DEPARTMENT COU C31 (3LUE - MAVOR File Council Resolution Presented By - Referred To Committee: Dat Out of Committee By Dat Page 2 . FURTHER RESOLVED, that all other rates, charge , rules, and other provisions of the DHDC hot water franchise re ain in force and are unchanged. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department Yeas p�� Nays �Jlasanz Nicosia ln Favor Scheibel Sonnen Against BY Tedesco INilson Form Approved b City A rne Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary B 8� r�pproved by IVlavor. Date Approved by Mayor for Sub ission to Council By — By r ��, . . . � ' � G� �� WH17E - CITV CIERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Coun il CANARV - DEPARTMENT � � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � � Council Resolution Presented By � p�✓ � Qr 1 �_ ✓Referred To ���b-'r Committee: Dat ,� ��-� Out of Committee By Dat WHEREAS, the City of St. Paul has granted in rdinance No. 16947, as amended by Ordinance No. 16962 a fra chise to use the public stree,ts and ways to deliver hot ater wi hin St. Paul to District Heating Development Company ( DC) , a M nnesota non- profit corporation; and WHEREAS, DHDC filed with the Cit Clerk a noti e of its intent to amend hot water rates on July 18, 985 ; filed th se rates with the City Clerk on September 18, 198 ; which rates a e thereby effective on an interim basis pend' ng City Council pproval, which approval requires a public earing; and WHEREAS, DHDC has provide evidence to the Cit Council that the proposed rate changes res t in rates that are 'ust, reason- able, and nondiscriminatory; nd WHEREAS, the City Cou il has taken into accou t those matters required by Section 6 of rdinance No. 16947, and f � nds that DHDC has met all procedural a d substantive requirements for approval of a rate increase; now therefore, be it RESOLVED, that e DHDC rate schedule which se the "energy charge" for its cus mers is hereby revised to dece se the "energy charqe" fr $15 . 02 per megawatt-hour to $1 . 50 per megawatt-hour; an be it RESOLVED, at the DHDC rate schedule which s s the "demand charge" for it customers is hereby revised to inc ase the "demand charge" from 2 . 35 per kilowatt per month to $2 . 57 er kilowatt per month; d be it FURT R RESOLVED, that the attached revised S hedule A is approved and supercedes any previous Schedule A, a d is incorporated by refe ence into Ordinance No. 16947 as amended; nd be it COUNCILMEN Requested by Department o : Yeas Nays Drew Ma�a"Z [n Favor Nicosia Scheibel Sonnen _ Against BY Tedesco W i Ison Form Approved by City Att rney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Sub ission to Council By BY � . �"� �J� WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Cou il CANARV - OEPARTMENT File O. BLUE - MAVOR � Council Resolution Presented By - Referred To Committ . Dat Out of Committee By Dat Page 2 . FURTHER RESOLVED, that all ther rates, charge , rules, and other provisions of the DHDC h t water franchise re ain in force and are unchanged. COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department o : Yeas p�� Nays Masanz In Favor Nicosia Scheibel Sonnen Against BY Tedesco W i Ison Form Approved b City A rne Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary B g�, Approved by iVlavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Sub ission to Council BY BY � �<: ` �O� ` -��d ..�������,"to CI Y OF SAINT PAUL __«..`tT* °j:;; . ;� ,; OFFIC OF THE CITY CLERK ;� � ii�" ;= �� ALBE T B. OLSON, CITY CLERK ,,. _ �"��o,��lm,,..c�,.-�'' 386 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 612-298-4231 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR RECEIVE July 30, 1985 J U L `3 1 COUNCIL MEMBER KIKI ONNEN Councilmember Kiki Sonnen Chairman� Energy, Environment and Utilities Committee Room 722, City Hall Dear Councilmember Sonnen: The City Council today referred to the Energy, Environment an Utilities Committee a letter of the District Heating Development Compan filing notice of rates to be charged to hot water customers effectiv October 1, 1985. e ruly urs, � - �r'� � Albert B. Olson City Clerk ABO:th � r , }�$ �-r � ��� � ���� Y. >. � h�� r t S��w+� ,� �� �-5��5 L+•�� : .t�c� - . b � � !-y '�I ] rn! � f_ 'c �' � F ^�� � Sd�F� d +a� t ,� � � •� - ' �, �,. x � � ;3 �Z'� ! . � , 3 i.�, . '/ I . � � _ .'��' V �.l i. 'j / 5 �#M �V i... � i • Y -� 5 � ��� 4�q '� � � � , ��y �"t �} A,:. 1 �, .._� ` �r ' r � •w M1 . � .F ��..` �" t � ,�t '��z �` •s�, y. y -?Y � :'t 4�t.i�� P ;�,�+. ;""� �f.: .: �. r t � , 3 '` .� h t. y f` t y�� { x g� ) � \ F lt .�� � .:R P .��V �} j A y ,.p j � A. _� � , t .•'! } 1 �J R:, �t �}�!`{� f Y Y ,^'E� Y f`F ,i� y � l St � � x y � � : T " h ��,� i_ � ..i� �� - � a� �`i r� � t YI �ln -'t`r � � .;` , { . S� ¢ ` � f-„ �'. . � ,, , .- . �'�, r - 7 '�,� ' 'a•. �`�� f �� ; s; f 1,�. s�� ti ,:h � � /,' ♦ �i i 'M :A �. f , � ..�( , ' � - 1 �` y :�.` , � .,ak,��� `r � � ,� '., r ;�.k k, + �A r � � /. � a - � F �' '� � � q �,a S � �f �' � X`� � ' • ' V . Y L �;� ���� �'. �r ,�t� s ���Y '� .. f�. hA� . �' ; � ..� �� r� � ''� y ",. � � t r:; � � �-„,� '�; r , , � ' Y�� �r ��r � - � 1 � _ s , - � ; ,3� z i� ���t � � ` 1 Y Lf r, `a �4� +J,° ' ��! �'t,. h �. � y � � $ ' $ i' ) ff R y i � �.; 1 1 }°�:.*r I ,�.; t,".3 'g i�d? 5-v"�a e" �'� Y S f� `x '�# 2 u: �1 , �, �e T ;'t `. � .:_ ' . 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'.I,.Y i� 4 � �r y 4 f f p � � � : t a }Y ♦1.' . _r - r - '� �4 ',1 � ✓{ � �'�� � a ;:� .S � ir,�. � � . ,, ", f #{ z �^. � � : ,' � .: 4'. �� � � � � � � f � ' �. � s � ,�,,'- ' �� - '�r - r �� $ :..^."r � q , -. � � i t� k ,�;t� x� Y. � '� , � ; a� ' i� ._,�� � r' r ;k' a i � �. � I r 'a. ; g � � � �.. . t.� � � a k' � N^t .�ib � - i . - 8 : '., r, -' � . _>� I. � _ 1 ` S p � .r1 t 1 �. f .0. 4 _. *�'1G � 4. �� � ; y` / � � � i fa�� �' Y .._ �w . . , . . .._. ; .4. �.. . ..� � .� . � . ...a . , . . i . ��__ , . ..c�. t rv,.. . . . � _4��:t"�. � � � � . . , . - , � C���-3�� - " , � District Heating Development Company a private,non-profit company FlLEp 76 West Kellogg Boulevard St. Paul, MN 55102-1161 '`�' '° (612)297-8955 July 19, 1985 ��' �� `'' �� �f�"� r�� ��� � l l �- �'T� !��'!"��E �A �� I, 't. � , U t � Al bert B. Ol son +i�%c' City Clerk City of St. Paul 2nd Floor City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Olson: Pursuant to Section 6(e) of the hot water distrlct heating fr nchise (City Ordinance �16947 adopted July 20, 1982), Dlstrict Heati g Development Company hereby files notice of the rates to be ch rged to all hot water customers effective October 1 , 1985. These rat s were determined in accordance with the Hot Water Delivery Agreemen and approved unanimously by DHDC�s Board on July 11 , 1985. As de a11ed on the enclosed exhibits, the new rates are: Energy rate: $14.50 per megawatt-hour (down 3.5 percent fr current rate of $15.02 per MWh) Demand rate: $2.57 per kilowatt per month (up 4.9 percent f om current rate of $2.45) This notice 1s to be read together with other financial infor atton as provided to the City of St. Paul from time to time. Please contact me or DHDC�s attorney, William M. Mahium, if t ere are any questions or if further informatton is needed. Stncerely, Rudy B y olf n Directo of Finance and Administration RB:mb cc: W i I I i am M. Mah I um, Esq. : �; . �� . � - , - � . �,,����--��� . . CITYSbU.RBM SCHEDULE 1 7/18/85 DISTRICT HEATING DEVELOPMENT OOMPANY BUDGET SUN�IARY FOR YEAR EWDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1986 SOURCES OF FUI�S ANpUNT PERCENT OPERATIN� REYENUES DEMAND CNARGES 159,760 KW 8 530.84 E ,926,991 39.8� ENERGY qiARGES 240,924 MWH B 514.50 ,493,398 28.2� FORFEITED DISOOUNTS 59,738 0.5� SUBIDTAL ,480,127 68.5$ OTHER SOURCES �NSTRUCTION FUND AND RESERVE AC�UNTS 2 897,380 23.4� DEFERRED FRANCHISE FEfS 601,861 4.9'6 INTEREST b '1NISCELLANEOUS REYENUE 394,721 3.2� SUBIt)TAL 3 893,962 31 .5� TOTAL SOURCES E 12 374,088 100.0� USES OF FUNDS OPERATtNG EXPENSES FUEL AND ENERGY � 3 492,658 28.2� OTHER PLANT /WD DISTRIBUTION 1 725,847 13.9� GENERAL AND ADMINISTRATIY E 1 255,062 10.1� SUBTUTAL 6 473,567 52.3� OTHER USES DEBT SERVICE AND FINANCING �STS 2 gq6,772 24.2$ CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 2 719,198 22.0� OTHER 184,551 1 .5� - ------- ------ SUB1D TAL 5 900,521 47.7� TnTAL USES S 12 374,088 100.0� . ,� .. �,�=.�'�_�3�� .. : `:. .. + � . � . CITYRATE.R�M SCHEDULE 2 7l11/85 D 1 STR I CT HEAT I NG DEV ELOPMENT �MPANY CALCULATtON OF RATES 1D BE CHARGED FOR PERIOD OCNBER 1985 TD SEPTEMBER 1986 ENERGY CNARGE CALCULATION - --------------��__.�� FUEL AND ENEF�GY EXPENSE S 3,492,658 DIVIDED BY: UNIT ENERGY SALES (MWH) 240,924 EQUALS: ENERGY CFIAR�E PER MWH Ei4.50 ______ DEMAND G-IARGE CALCULAT 10 N � --------__�-------------- NON—ENERGY OPERATlNG EXPENSE a 2�ggQ�gpg DEBT SERYICE NET OF INTEREST tN00ME ,602,051 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES �719��gg CHANGE tN I�ORKING CAPITAL 184,551 TOTAL DEMAND RELATFD O�STS ,486,709 LESS: FUNDS FROM RESERVES ,897,380 LESS: FRANCHISE FEES DEFERRED 60i,861 DEMAND CHARGE REY ENUES REQUIRED ,987,468 DIV IDED BY: OONTRAGT OEMAND (KW) 159,760 EQUALS: OOST—BASED MONTHLY RATE PER KW E2.6t * * PURSUANT 1D THE HOT WATER DEL IY ERY AGREEMENT, OOST—BASED DEMAND RATES DO NOT TAKE EFFECT UNT I L OCTOBER 1986 (FO R FY 1987) . REDUCED I�iONTHLY RATE PER KILOWATT FDR FY 198b IS: a2.57 _ , :..�, . _ ._.�.m�_ _.... _..,,,.o....�,..,:....t..,._�.____w. ...�,._._...,... ��,.� . �-- �.....4 . .. . . . _ _ _ __� ..,�. _. - ��. � � ' � . . � ���-3�d . � Attachment Rate IncreacP Infnrmat��►, In accordance with DHDC's agreement with its custom s which allows it to make annual rate adJustments based on actual ope ting costs, DHDC is proposing new hot water district heating rates or 1985- 86. The new rates are only a one percent increase above the c rrent 1984-85 charges. The new rates received unanimous DHDC board pprovai , including customer representatives, in July. The new rates must be approved by the St. Paul City uncil under the hot water franchise ordinance. AIl hot water distri t heating custaners are receiving a detailed notice of the filin and can attend a rate meeting for additional infot-mation. DHDC uses a two-part ra te which includes both an ene gy charge and a demand charge. The energy charge is designed to over fuel and energy cos#s only; tfie demand charge to cover all oth r costs, including fixed operating expenses, debt service, and capital . improvements. The energy rate, which is cfiarged according to ctual energy use as metered, will go down 3.5 pe�cent, to 514.50 per megawatt-hour (MWh) of thermal energy from E15.02 per MWh. Thi decrease reflects savings on coal costs and increases in plant efficiency resutting from improvements made since 1983. The demand rate, charged to all customers in twelve ual monthly installments based on their contract demand, will be 52.57 monthly per kilowatt (kW) of demand, up 4.9 percent from the cu rent rate of 52.45. This is part of DHDC�s planned transition to co t-based rates to be completed next year. The proposed rate is consider bly below the level allowed in the customer agreement. DHOC is working to maintain stable energy p�ices for ears to cane. To reduce future energy costs, the company plans to buy multi- fuel boiler for installation in its main heating plant at 76 We t Kellogg Boulevard. Scheduled for completion in mid 1987, the b iler will burn a low-grade, tow-cost fuel such as wood chips. The installation could reduce annual operating costs by nearly 51,0 0,000. DHDC is also working on a refinancing of its 1982 bond issue to take advantage of current tavorable interest rates and reduce future debt service costs. DHDC�s hot water district heating system pipes water eated at the company�s Third Street Plant to custcmers� buildings. C staners use the heat from the water to meet their space heating, water eating, and processing needs. The piping system then returns the water to the plant to be reheated and reused. Construction of the initial downtown system was compl ed last fall--one year ahead of schedule and �1 .3 million under bu et. The 544.5 million system is now serving over 90 buildings in the downtown and State Capitol areas, with more than ten scheduled t connect this fall . � � ` . - � �'.� ��-:.��d . �� C�ITY OI� ' �� �`w .�"°� ` S�1INT Y.A,L7L r:. _ -: . �. , �� -��;�::. � �;, ���1.1�s,.p� j Oi�'f�ICF. OF' 'rF7F. CI'rY COUNCIL Attachment 3 r,' � NOTICE OF CUSTOMER RIGHTS District Heating Development Company (DHDC) has submitted request to the City Council to change its rates charged to Saint Paul customers. As a DHDC customer, you have certain rights to be informed aliout this change and opportunities to express your views on them bef re the City Council acts on DHDC's request. The purpose of this notice 's to describe those rights and opportunities. Back round DHDC has a franchise from the City to use streets and publi pro ert for piping and other equipment in operation of its hot wate utilityy The City Charter authorizes the City Council to regulate rates f such fran- chised utilities. Procedures for rate regulation, including hose of benefit to individual DHDC customers, are set out in the D franchise ordinance (Ordinance No. 16947) and a sulisequent Council res lution (C.F. 85 - 919). �portunities for customers to be informed DHDC sends to each customer within 30 days of filing its req est a notice summarizing the proposed rate change, this notice of custome rights, and infonnation on the customer meeting between DHDC and 3ts cust mers. - DHDC will schedule, arrange for, and hold a customer meeting. At this meeting, DHDC will explain and discuss tlie proposed rate chan e and will give each customer copies of the proposed rate schedule and t e DHDC fran- chise ordinance. Each customer has the right to ask questions and discuss the proposed rates at the customer meeting. Opportunities for customers to be heard The City Council must hold a public hearing on the proposed ra e change before it acts on the change. Any customer or member of the pu lic may present statements or evidence to the City Council concernin he � rates at the public hearing. Notice of the public hearing isgp blished ind the Legal Ledger; persons can also find out the date, time, an place by calling tfie City Clerk (298-4231). I In addition, the Council's standard practice is to discuss pro osed resolu- � i tions informally in committee. The resolution to approve or di pprove the proposed rate change will be discussed in the Council's Energy, Utilities, and Environment Committee. Customers and members of the public ay make comments and ask questions at the committee meeting; date, time and place ' are available from the City Clerk. If there are objections to the proposed rates, the City Council may request that one or more customers and DHDC meet informally with City r presentatives to resolve such objections amicably. CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT UL, MINNESOTA 55102 rt�� � � . � � . . � ����3�a District Heating � - Development . Company a private,non-profit company August 8, 1 gg5 76 West Keliogg Boulevard St.Paul,MN 55102-1161 (612)297-8955 Re: New Rates/Customer Meeting Dea r D i str i ct Heat i ng Customer: DHDC�s new rates for October 1985 through September 1986 were r ently filed with the City of St. Paul . This action foliows the annua rate adJustment procedure provided for in Articles Vl and VII of the Hot Water Delivery Agreement. For the typicai custaner, the proposed rates represent a one pe cent overall increase over the 1984-85 level . The new energy rate i E14.50 per megawat#-hour of thermal energy used, a 3.5 percent decreas from the current rate of �15.02. The new demand rate is �2.57 monthly p r kilowatt of contract demand, a 4.9 percent increase from the cur�ent �at of 52.45. Further details on the new rates are provided in Attachments 1 nd 2. On Thursday, September 5, 1985, at 2:00 p.m. , we will hold a me ting to explain the rate changes and answer any questions for intere ted customers. The meeting will be in the Ramsey County Room, Thir Floor, Landmark Center, down#own St. Paul . A11 customers are invited o attend. DHDC�s ra tes are regulated by the St. Paul City Council in acco dance with the hot water franchise ordinance (City Ordinance No. 1694 ) . In addition to DHDC�s custaner meeting, there wiil be a public hea ing before the City Council before the rates receive final approval . For more details on tfiis process, see the "Notice of Customer Right " en- closed as Attachment 3. Please contact Rudy Brynolfson, Director of finance and Adminis ration, 297-8955, if you have a�y questions about the meeting or proced res. The proposed rates reflect DHDC�s commitment to bringing you lo -term stable energy prices. We look forward to the opportunity to me t with you Septembe� 5. S i nc � y, � ans 0. Ny n President enclosures: Attachment 1 - Rate notice filed with City Attachment 2 - Fact Sheet with further information Attachment 3 - Notice of Customer Rights ..�.. , . � � � . . � ���_ ��-� ' . � � District Heating Development . . Company � � �,� ��(' �i! .) �� � ('i a private, non-profit company ��-�.,, , ,,T �,-r,n� 76 West Kellogg Boulevard St. Paul,MN 55102-1161 September 18, 1985 ' - �si2>2s�-asss Albert L. Olson City CI erk City of St. Paul 2nd Floor City Hall St. Paul, MN 55102 Dear Mr. Olson: Pursuant to the hot water district heating franchise and prev ous notice filed July 18, 1985, District Heatir�g Development Company her by files tts amended Schedule A. The rates therein wtll be used on ail bi Is for hot water service beginning with the billing month of October 1985 and will remain in effect until superseded. This is a routine annual rate adJustment as envisioned by the Franchise and the Hot Water Delivery Agreement. Please contact Rudy Brynolfson at 297-8955 or William M. Mahl m at 292-1661 if there are any questions regarding this matter. Sin ly, � ns 0. Ny n President gr c: Hon. Kiki Sonnen, Chair, Council E�ergy and Utilities mittee Ph i I By r ne, Of f i ce of C i ty Attor ney Karen Swenson, City Council Research Rudy Bryno)fson, DHDC W t I I i am M. Mah I um, Esq. . � � � . , � � �,��� -3�� FILED � J� P,� 8� ��P � � � � . . SCHEDULE A !"T�' ��`;.�:i%�;`.; ��=.":CE to :. _, �' „.'>. HOT WATER FRANCHISE �ranted to DISTRICT HEATING DEVELOPMENT OOMPANY by the CITY OF ST. PAUL Ordinance No. 16947, Adopted July 20, 1982 as amended by Ordinance No. 16962, Rdopted October 5, 1982 RATES: The following rates shall be effective beginning with the billing month of October 1985 and shall remain in effect until superseded: Demand Rate: $2.57 per kilowatt per mont Energy Rate: $14.50 per megawatt-hour PBQMPT PAYMENT PROVISION: A charge of 5 (five) percent will e added to the net bill computed at the rate shown above, which charg shall constitute a discount from the gross bill for payment within he discount period, all as more specifically provivided in the H t Water Delivery Agreement. FUEL ADJISTMFNT; As provided in the Hot Water Delivery Agree ent, the Energy Charge may be appropriately adjusted from time to time during the fiscal year to cover increases (or decreases) in the cost ot energy purchased by DHDC which occur subsequent to the establishment of Projected Energy-Related Costs for such period, to the extent uch costs are in excess of (or below) the costs projected by DHDC in establishing the Energy Charge tor such period. SURCHARGE: A surcharge of 8.7 percent will be included in the gross and net monthly bills computed under this rate schedule except as otherwise provided by law. DHDC 9/5/85 . � �, . . � ����3� AFF I DAV IT OF OOMPL I ANCE ��I TH OOUNC I L RESOLUT ION 85-91 � Pursuant fio Section 2 of City Council Resolution 85-919, DHDC states the following facts regarding its compliance with Section 1 o that Resolution: 1 . DHDC gave notice of its intent to file a new or amended S hedule A in a letter dated July 19, 1985, filed with the City Clerk on July 18, 1985. 2. DHDC sent a notice of its rate filing and the related cus omer meeting to all signed hot water customers (at their billing a dresses as provided in the Hot Water Delivery Agreement) on August 8, 1985 (see copy attached) . The notice included the new rates sought by HDC; the time, date, and place of the customer meeting; and the Notice of Customer Rights constituting Exhibit 1 of the Resolution. Co ies of the notice were provided to the Executive Director of the St. Paul Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA), the Chairper on of the City Council Energy, Utilities, and Enviro�ment Committee, an City Council Research. 3. DNDC held the required customer meeting on September 5, 1 85, at 2:00 p.m. in the Ramsey County Room of the Landmark Center. ive persons repcesenting DHDC customers attended, along with the xecutive Director of BOMA and three persons representing the City in i s regulatory capacity. Copies of DHDC�s filing with the City, he proposed new Schedule A, and the hot water franchise (Ordinan e No. 16947 as amended> were made available to all attendees. At t e meeting, the new rates were explained and customers were advi ed that the City Council must approve the new rates before they becom finally effective. Customers were allowed a reasonable opportunity t comment on the proposed rates both formally during the meeting and in ormally before and after it. While sane questions were raised on oth r topics of concern to an individual buiiding, there were no questions or comments about the proposed rates. � Hans 0. Nyman, President � ���� Date � � �� - .��� ,� . _ _ _ ,. _ - . . _ , : _ -- --_-__�_�___--� _ __ � '�����-��G. : .�, : _ DIS'�tT'H�A���Q Oi1F:TB$'�UF.ST OF � , ��: � "' FOS A�i 1N���P�ENT COMPANY . . � . , �l$8 A1f=B,q�g . ; - . : ., , Notice'as hereb -_"'r' ��. . � � : , Y �ven'that`the �ttY Cv�incii of the City of Saint ` ��w�°aiieet ia"the'Council Ch TT��Is ckFloor of �`� ' �Miiss � - �'j ,� ��. +���+i1�l�le' a�es,g.� c ,: . � ; i ' .� .� �j����!«_�!L�.A . ,! "'�;e.i t.:14 �'�� ►w�y �� � ! '"`��� '� �at t�e O�tos�i q�rpt�r � � 1'fouse�a�aint Paul, r Hearing Lhe City Council:o# th���the ti�n�an8��laie fiaced for lic � aPP�r at the heaiing an oP�ortvnitY.to exp�ess t ir vie�vs v�i#h �rsons ho Arq�osed i�e9uest. - . . �� �pect. t�. ��ted I1�r�#'1�„1886. .; - ` �T.H.U�$ON,CityClerk . . '-'. . - � (March 15, 1988) ' � , `_-,-,.".�. _._ _�. ._ _ _ _ ��-`�� .a��/ Q4�0y�tT* :;.,� CITY OF SAINT PAUL e '= DEPARTMENT OF CO MUNITY SERVICES ?O ~, �J .�����������I ;� 'l� 1111 I II If > ':• ,:� .y �-= �''`^� "°' DIVISION OF HOUSING AND BUILDING CODE ENFORCEMENT „��� George Latimer City Hal Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 Mayor 612-298-4212 March 25, 1986 Date of He ring: 3/27/86 Mr. President and Members of the City Council Re: 751 Woodbury ( Garage only ) File No. 4432 Honorable Council: The Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement is her by submitting its report on the condition of the structure at the location referred to above. The owners of record are Fee ownwer: Bernard W. Schuhwerck, Et.Al. , 751 Woodbury St. , St. Paul, Minn. 55107, Taxpayer: Bernard Schuhwerck, Jr. 2971 Rice St. , St. Paul, Mn 55113 The legal description of the property is: The West St. Paul real estate and improvement syndicate addition No. l, N } of lot 18; Blk 4. The building is a detached wood frame single car garage. The subject property has not been boarded up by the owner/ci . The building because of age, deterioration, lack of proper m intenance and the following list of deficiencies is deemed to be hazar us and a blighting influence on the neighborhood. Inasmuch as the conditions outlined above constitute a public hazard and the owner has made no attempt to satisfactorily repair the damage despite our warnings, and the continued vacant and boarded-up condition ontributes a bli�hting influence on the neighberhood; it is the recommenda ion of this Division that _this matter be referred to the City Attorney's ffice for razing and removal through District Court proceedings. Sin ere , � Jan P. Gasterland cc: Messrs. George Latimer, Mayor John McCormick, Asst. City Attorney Fire Marshall Frank Staffenson, Housing Code File Enclosure: List of deficiencies I � r - �� tJ(C'��� LIST OF DEFICIE:tCIES Re: 751 Woodbury File�� 4432 � 1. The rafters, st�eathing and shingles on the north side ro f are severely rotted and / or missing. 2. The main entry doors are deteriorated and inoperable. 3. The ceiling joists are rotted and sagged. 4. The south wall is bowing in and deteriorated. 5. The south roof rafters and sheathing are decayed and sag ing. 6. The south roof shingles are deteriorated. . I . }