86-379 MN17E - CI�V CLERK PINK`� - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Cou il �j CANARV - DEPAR7MENT File NO. � "� �L l � BLUE - MAYOR � i Counc ' Resol ion � � Presented By � Referred To Committee: Dat Out of Committee By Dat WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has resolved to provide financi g for the Combined Street �nd Sewer Separation Program through a 198fi ewer service rate surcharge, and WHEREAS, the present 198b rates will not provide revenue for proved budgeted expenditures. Resolved, that pursuant to Section 77.02 of the Saint Paul Legi ative Code pertaining to sewer service charges and upon the recommendati n of the City Administration, the Council of the City of Saint Paui does ereby establish the amount and basis for sewer service charges to be evied and coliected effective April i, 1986. The rate shall apply to all se er service biils rendered by the city from and after Aprii 1, 1986. The rate shail be: i. $1.40 per 100 cubic feet for the first 100,000 cubic fe t. i.38 per 100 cubic feet for the next 200,000 cubic f t. 1.35 per 100 cubic feet for the next 200,000 cubic f t. 1.32 per 100 cubic feet for the next 500,000 cubic f t. i.28 per f 00 cubic feet for ai1 over 1,000,000 cubic f t. � Page 1 of 3 COUNCILMEN Requested by Department o Yeas �����Sonn�n Drew In Favor Publ ic Works REB) �jL�yf�/Rettman Nicosia _ scheibet __ Against BY Tedesco Donald E. N gaard ector Wilson Form Approved City Att n Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary $Y By �lpproved by Mavor: Date Approved ay or u ssion to Council By By �"''�-�°�' .WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINM- - Fi'FJANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Cou cil ��,,��ff P CANARV - OEPARTMENT �// ��/��,/ BLUE - MAVOR File NO• �� �� � Coun 'l Reso tion � � Presented By � Referred To Committee: Dat Out of Committee By Dat 2. The minimum charges for properties shail be based upon ater meter sizes and in the amounts as foi lows: Water Meter Size 3/4" and smaller $3.b0 per quarte 1" 6.30 per quarte 1 1/4" 2.80 per month 1 i/2" 4.40 per month 2" 10.00 per month 3" 21.00 per month 4" 52.00 per month S" 75.00 per month 6" 100.00 per month 8" 172.00 per month i 0" 246.00 per month 12" 340.00 per month Al l over 12" 500.00 per month BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that sewer service charges for one an two family dwelling or premises shali be quarterly, regardless of th size of the water meter, and shali be based on the water consumption o the first quarterly billing of the year by the city. Pa e 2 of 3 COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays ��J��JSonnen Public Works (REB) In Favor ���'�Rettman , scnetbe� __ Against BY redesco Donald E. Ny aar , 'rector Wilson Form Approved by City Attor ey Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY � By� 6lpproved by iNavor. Date Approve y Ma or Su i sion to Council , By , WHITE - Ci�V CLERK PINK' - FIiVANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Cou cil ///f CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. V � � ��� BLUE - MAYOR � Counci Reso tion f i Presented By � Referred To Committee: Dat Out of Committee By Dat FURTHER RESQLVED, that sewer service charges for ail other pr perties, regardless of the size of the water meter, shai 1 be based on act al water consumption for each billin� period; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that properties served by meters one inch nd smalier shall be billed quarterly. Properties served by meters iarger th n one inch sha11 be billed monthly, with the exception of one and two fami y homes which shali be charged quarteriy for sewer service. FINALLY RESOLVED, that the receipts derived from the a�ove ra s be used for estimated sewer service costs. Page 3 of 3 COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas ����r/SonnYen L�/ Drew L9 In Favor � y(� Rettman Nicosia �ti� � __ Against BY Tedesco Donald E. N aard ector wilson y � Adopted by Council: Date MAR 2 � �956 Form Approv d y City Attor ey Certified P s e b Cou cil re BY By t�pproved b Mavor• — ��—� � 1'iHR 2 7 17�IYProve by ay or ' sion to Council � gy _ -� \A � p- � � $y PUBIISHEO �P R - 5198� Public Works .DEPARTMENT �la�� NO 1168 Roy E.- $redahl CONTACT 292-;138 ,PHONE t�ar�h 4, 1986 �ATE 1 eQi� ee ASSiGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER (Clip,w1411 Locations for Signature) : r � Director of Management/Mayor � Finance and Management Services Director 4 City Clerk Budget Director � City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purp e/ Rati ale) : Increase sewer service charge rates to provide revenue for Combined Sewer Separation Program. COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: Sewer service rates will increase about 4�. Increased cost to homeowners will be about $3. 75 for 1986. FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor' signa- ture n t re- Total Amount of Transaction: quired if under $10,00 ) Funding Source: Activity Number: ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All Attachments) : l. Council Resolution DEPARTMENT REVIEW � CITY ATTORNEY RE IEW x Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Requi ed? �Yes No Yes X No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes x No Yes X No Insurance Attached: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 . � mbera: �7d��-���j t C n Nlcosts, Chetr �`- / ,� LITY UP` ►�AINT YAUL 7 olca RsElmao • - ` s�ii'in �1 soanea OFF10E OF THE CITY COUNaIL 7 hn Dnw(Alt) Date: Mar h 19, 1986 � � � C ommitte e Re o t p To: Saint Paul City Council � From: Committee on Public Work Chris Nicosia, Chair The Public Works Committee at its meeting of March 19, 1986 too the following action: ' Hearinv Date 1. 4/3/86 VACATION: Petition of Oxford Development and HRA f r the ` vacation of part of EIGHTH STREET between Wabash and Cedar Streets for the reconfiguration of the Worid Trade Center. Laid over tn Committee for 4 weeks. 2. 4/I/86 F1NAL OROER: To decide on improving the foll wing streets by constructing concrete curb and gutt r, a bituminous mat. concrete driveways, concrete out iks, trees and street lighting system ail to be known a the HAWTHORNE-RUTH PAVING PROJECT. Also, if requ ted, construction of sanitary connectfons, sewer s vice connections and water main connections. IVY AVENU from Curve to McKnight Road; HYACINTH AVENUE, ORANGE A ENUE and HAWTHORNE AVENUE from White Bear Avenue to Ivy Street; VAN DYKE STREET, HAZEL STREET AND RUTH S REET from Maryland to Ivy Street; LUELLA STREET from Hawt orne to Ivy Street, and PEDERSEN STREET from Hawthorne A enue to Hyacinth Street. � Reconmiended approval. 3. 4/1/86 FINAL ORDER: Acquisitton of certain property for torm sewer easements for the BURLINGTON ROAD STORM EWER PROJECT between 8urlington Road and Point Douglas Road - � (the present MN DOT flume and between Highway 61 and Pig's Eye Lake). Recommended approval. 4• SEWER RATE 1NCREASE: Additional 4R to finance CSS Program. Recommend�d-approval. 5• RESOLUTION: cancelling and rescinding Final Order 8 569 for the construction of sidewalk on both sides of CHE SEA STREET from Hoyt Avenue to Idaho Avenue. (2-27-86) Reco�nended approval. 6• RESOLUTION: cancell9ng and rescinding Final Order 85 535 and 85-985 for sidewalk construction on the west side of SNELLING from lincoln to Goodrich and on the east sid of SNELLING from Midway Parkway to Fair Place. (2-27-8 ) Recortrnended approval. � � � O(Or�� ° 7. ORDINANCE: amending Ordinance #13537 pert ining to truck routes and deleting COMO AVENUE from Hami ne to the west City Limits and adding COMO AVENUE from 5 elling Avenue to the west City Limits. (2-13-86) Recommended approval . 8. RESOLUTION: amending the 1984 Capital Imp ovement Budget by transferring $20,000 from Warner-Shep rd Reventment Repair to Warner Road - 500' to 1300' W.T. . 61 . (3-4-86) Recommended appraval . 9. RESOLUTION: approving Minnesota 0 partment of Transportation plans and specifications to improve TH 61 from Burns Avenue to south City Limits. ( -20-86-Item 22) Recomrnended approval . 10. RESULUTION: approving and authorizing the xecution of an agreement by the proper City officers nd State of Minnesota, Dept. of Transportation to provi e for payment of the city's sf�are of the bike trail d pedestrian bridge No. 62084 along Warner Road to Trun Highway 61 . Recornmended approval . 11 . RESOLUTIUN: approving the sale of tax-for ited land. Recommended approval with the exception of ne parcel .(3-4-86) 12. RESOLUTION: offering reconveyance of Lots 1-5, Biock 8, parts as listed of Defranchy's Divisio , Denslow's Rearrangement, and Cruickshank's Garden Lot to the State of Minnesota as land is no longer needed (property in block bounded by Reaney, Birmingham, Minneh ha and Etna) . ( laid over from 3/5/86) . , Laid over in Committee to d/2/86. 13. RESOLUTION: transferring $337,7y0. 19 to hepard Road- Center Barrier from 1980 Warner Road Acquisition ($157,790. 19) and 1982 Warner Road Acquisition ($180,000) . (3-6-86) Recommended approval . 14. RESOLUTION: authorizing an agreement betwee the City and the State Depart.ment of Transportation for ayment by the City for its st►are of cost of storm and s nitary sewer ` facilities to be constructed upon, along a d adjacent to TH 5 (West Seventh Street) . (3-6-86) Recorqmended approval . - ••-�+. 2 , ����_37` ,,��rt�. � GITY OF SAINT PAUL ' oR �� OFFICE OF THE MAYOR � ni iiw : � m �° ,... 347 CITY HALL SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 GEORGE LAT7MER (612) 298-4323 MAYOR March 4, 1986 The Honorable Victor Tedesco and Members of the City Council I am transmitting the proposed revised 1986 Sewer Se ice Rate schedule for your information and approval, along wit a copy of a letter to me from Donald E. Nygaard, Director of Publ 'c Works, with background information and his recommendation. These rates must be approved for implementation on April 1, 1986 in order o provide the city with revenue to finance a portion of the Combine Sewer Separation Program. The Combined Sewer Separation Program was adopted by e City Council and approved by Council Resolution C.F. 86-162 , dated ebruary 16, 1986. A sewer rate increase of 7.5� was effective on Januar l, 1986. An additional increase of approximately 4. 0� is necessa to generate revenue for approved budgeted expenditures. The total average rate increase from 1985 to 1986 will then be 11. 6� as was iginally proposed by the Department of Public Works in Decembe , 1985. The revised 1986 Sewer Service Charges will be discus d at the Public Works Committee on March 19, 1986, with the required blic hearing scheduled for March 27, 1986, in the Council Chambers. Yours very truly, George Latimer Mayor GL/ck �o<e � �� -��9 "'"°�°'�"°° ITY OF SAINT PAUL -�6`�,t* ,,+',`' >e y �; DEPARTM NT OF PUBLIC WORKS ;� iiii�ii°i �� ,,, „_ DONA D E. NYGAARD, DIRECTOR ��'' �es• � G00 C�ty Hal Annex, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 ''o",a��w,...,o°`. 612-298-4"241 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR March 4, 1986 George Latimer Mayor of the City of St. Paul 347 City Hall Dear Mayor Latimer: Attached for your approval and transmittal to the City Council is a Council Resolution with the recommended revised 1986 S wer Service Rate Schedule. The revised figures include the sewer ate surcharge for financing of the Combined Sewer Separation Program. This matter is scheduled for public hearing on March 27, 1986. These revised rates are an average of 11. 6� over the 1 85 sewer service charges and approximately 4� above the rates e tablished on January 1, 1986. They will provide financing for combined sewer separat'on and will have a direct affect in reducing future charges from t e Metropolitan Waste Control Commission by further reducing clearwate flow volumes to the treatment plant. The cost effectiveness of thi program will not be measurable until additional sewer separation is completed, but it is expected that reduction in other costs will more than compensate for the additional sewer fund expenditures by the end i the 10 year implementation program. Since establishing a sewer service charge based on vol me in 1971, the city has maintained a step rate structure. Consistent with this policy, the following rates are recommended for the re ainder of 1986. I have included a co�parison to the 1985 rates. Rate Rate Propo ed � Increase Effective Effective Rat Above 1-1-85 1-1-86 4-1- 6 1985 Rates First 100,000 cu. ft. $1.26 $1. 35 $1. 4 11. 1$ Next 200,000 cu. ft. 1. 24 1. 33 1. 3 11. 3� Next 200, 000 cu. ft. 1.21 1.30 1. 3 11. 6� Next 500, 000 cu. ft. 1. 18 . 1.27 2 . 3 11.9$ All over 1, 000, 000 cu. ft. 1. 14 1. 23 1.2 12 . 3� � C� �� -���' George Latimer March 4, 1986 Page 2 The proposed increased rates will provide $2, 000, 000 er year toward the Combined Sewer Separation Program. The departmen recommends approval. Yours very truly, �Lz��:CdL�. Donald E. Nygaard Director of Public Works DEN/Ck Attachment Cf-= �� -:���' _ . �,.{ ,.�,_ �: :;, ��: ., _ _ . . � _ -� : - � _ Nt11'IGE U y���}. ' „y� `° . ,, -,; � � . ..�,. . ,. .. _ " . .. .., i.�iJ������1� _.. cJ . . . Fa... Notice is:h�eb�r given that a•Pu#s�ie Hesring wi�11�h�ld�a't}�e .t� �,.. , �$.�, ia:tiie Saint Pau1 City Cot�ncil Chaihbe , C,�t�'` all and Court;Hous�Saint Paul,•Miririesota,the purpose of the Public aring ' being to consider revised.�Sewer Serv�ce Charges for tht�ar;T966 pttrs t fJ� 3ection 77.0� of the Saint Paul Leg,�slative Code. ��i,�xeres,ted p�arti ma� .. appear�be hea�T before the City Council. bated�am.li`l l, },988. _ AI.j3�RT B..OLSON.Ci�g,Cl�k _ _ ,. of tAe�ity of St. Paul.Minnesota . � (March 15, �986) i I!� li