86-346 WHITE --�CITV CLERK P?NK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Co cil CANqRY - DEPARTMENT F11 NO. �� �-��� BLUE - MAVOR Counc ' Resolution J Presented By Referred To Committee: Dat Out of Committee By Dat RESOLUTION APPROVING APPLICATION OF D.K. CONNERS, LTD. FOR CLASSIFICATION OF PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE SAINT PAUL RIVERFRQNT E�TTERPRISE ZONE AS CLASS 4d EMPLOYMENT PROPERTY WHEREAS, D.K. Conners Ltd. , (the "Company") filed with the Ci y Clerk an Application for classification of $3,010,000 in improvements to existing prope ty located on Blair Avenue in the E�ipire Builder Industrial Park as E�nployment Propert pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 273.1313 and the Saint Paul Riverfront Enterprise Zone Program (the "Program"); and WHEREAS, the property improvements, tax classification, and S te tax credits as set forth in detail in the January 30, 1986, Staff Report will result ' the creation of 30 new jobs in Saint Paul by the renovation of the historic buildings n the site; and WHEREAS, there has been presented to and considered at this ting a Participation Agreement between the City and the Co�any whereby the Com�any cove ants respecting the completion of property i.mprovements; and WHEREAS, the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul has rece'ved authorization fran the Departrr�ent of Energy and Economic Development to utilize an alt rnative local contribution of infrastructure improvements in lieu of local proper y tax reduction; and WHEREAS, the City Clerk duly published on February 4, 1986, in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger, the official newspaper for the City a notice of public hear ng before the City Council upon the Company's Application; and WHEREAS, the District 6 Planning Council on February 4, 1986, eviewed and rec�nded approval of the Application; and COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of Yeas Nays � In Favor _ � __ Against BY Form Approved by City Attor ey Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Y- -sed by Council Secretary � By, /#pproved by Ylavor: Date Approved by Mayor f Sub ' si to Council By �� WHITE -�CITV CLERK PI`NK - FINANGE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Cou cil �J CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. �� � / � BI.UE - MAVOR Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Dat Out of Committee By Dat WHEREAS, the Thamas/D�ale District 7 Planning Council on Feb ary 12, 1986, reviewed and recamnended approval of the Application; and WHEREAS, the �ire Builder Industrial Park Job Coalition ha been kept informed of the use of Enterprise Zone credits for this project with the most recent update on February 27, 1986; and TnkiEREAS, the City Council conducted a public hearing on Marc 6, 1986, upon the Application at which hearing opportunity was provided for the App icant, the County Assessor, representatives of affected taxing authorities and any axpayer of the City or member of the public to present their views orally or in writing t or before the hearing, and having duly considered the testimony and written views presen d at the hearing and the Application, staff report, draft Participation Agreement and solution dated February 27, 1986, of the Downtown Riverfront Cammission reconmen ing approval of the Application; now therefore, be it RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Saint Paul that it he by determines that the Application of D.K. Conners, Ltd., the property i.�rovements, ret ined and new jobs and tax benefits proposed meet the objectives of the Saint Paul River ont Enterprise Zone Program. RESOLVED FURTHER that the City Council additionally finds an determines that the restoration of the Company's buildings: (1) is reasonably likely o create new employment in the City; (2) will not have the effect of transferring existi employment fran one or more other cities within Minnesota; (3) will result in an increa in market value of the e�loyment property of $2,205,000 which is .00034$ of the market lue of all taxable property in Saint Paul; and (4) will not result in the reduction the assessed value of existing property within the City owned by Applicant. RESOLVED FURTHER that the Application and e�loyment propert reclassification ` thereby proposed is hereby approved and the City Clerk is directed to transnit the Application together with a certified copy of this resolution to e Canrtnissioner of - 2 - COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of Yeas Nays ____L_ [n Favor O __ Against BY Form Approved by City Atto ney Adopted by Council: Date Certified P� ed by Council Se retary . BY gy. Approved by 17avor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Subm ssion to Council BY — — BY WH;TE � CITV CLERK P�'I�K ' - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Cou cil ryy �j CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO.. v� v � BLUE - MAVOR Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Dat Out of Committee By Dat Energy and Economic Development and the C�anissioner of Revenue f consideration and final approval. RESOLVED FURTHER that the Participation �reement between the City and the Applicant is hereby approved, and the proper City officers are authorized t sign the same on behalf of the City, and upon its signature by the Applicant to transnit tachment C of said Agreement to the C�nissioner of Energy and Econo�nic Develop�nent a d the Comnissioner of Revenue for signature by the Commissioners or their designee upon inal approval of the Application. - 3 - COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Drew �'f ���TM� / In Favor Nicosia Scheibe� _ � __ Against BY SO�nen Tedesco Wilson MAR 2 0 1986 Form Approved by City Attor ey Adopted by Council: Date Certified P- ed by Counc�l Sec tar BY By (� � . (� A�p ro by INavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submi sion to Council By By PUBLISHED MAR � 9 1986 St. Paul Port Authority DEPARTMENT �° ��lO ND 2264 E.A. Kraut, J.A. Campobasso CONTACT 224-5686 PHONE May 10, 1986 DATE ��,j�� e� ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER (Clip All Locations for Signature) : 1 Department Director � Director of nagement/Mayor Finance and Management Services Director 4 City Clerk Budget Director RE: NTERPR S ZONE CREDITS 2 City Attorney D.K. CO ERS LIMITED WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpo e/ Ratio ale) : Enterprise Zone credits will be made available to D.K. Conners Limited or the rehabilitation of three historic local buildings in the Empire Builder Industrial Par . The $100,000 of debt financing State credits will be provided to assist the company in leasing the building. Kodiak Corporation out of Bessimer, Michigan, has comnitted to lease 3 ,000 square feet and will be creating approximately 30 new jobs. COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: RE EIVCD . ►�v� N/q ��Q � =- MAY R'S OFFICE FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREOITED: (Mayor' signa- ture n t re- Total Amount of Transaction: quired if under $10,00 ) Funding Source: N/A Activity Number: ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All Attachments) : 1 . City Council Resolution 2. Staff Report cc. J. Shoholm DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY RE IEW Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Requi ed? Yes No Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Suffic ent? Yes No Yes No Insurance Attached: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 ' � ,�' ta ' a.°�' �°'(i � � - �,� PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL OLL FREE(800) 328-8417 25 WEST FOURTH STREET • SUITE 1305 • ST. PAUL, MINN. 55102 • HONE (612) 224-5686 April 2, 1986 Mr. James Bellus, Director �j�l�� Plaruling & Econamic Development Department � City of Saint Paul �1� l I 14th Floor City Hall Annex St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 SUBJECT: ENTERPRISE ZONE CREDITS � . D.K. COI�tNERS, L�D. � Dear Jim: Attached are five copies of the Participation Agreement fo D.K. Conners, Ltd. for your review. Approval of the use of Enterprise ne credits and authorization to execute the Participation Agreement was g nted by the City Council on P4arch 20, 1986, by Resolution No. 86-346. We are, therefore, requesting that you transmit the attach agreements to the Mayor, City Clerk and Director of Finance and Manageme t Services for execution. Please return all the a reements to the Port A horit so they may be submitted to the Comunissioner of Energy and Economi Development and the Conmissioner of R,evenue for their signature. Each dep t�nent will be provided with a copy of the document when fully executed. Your expeditious handling of this matter will be appreciat . Yours truly, ;[�l,� � I Tt !, � �, -�� d'�„ , �''. �''�C..��.:�G �iL%�,,,: �. 1 ��'�,-ti.... .--...1�: Eugene . Krau Executi Vice esident EAK:ca Attach. cc. Mayor Latimer EUGENE A.KRAUT,C.I.O. DONAID G.DUNSHEE,C.I.D. CHARLES M.TOWLE CLIFFORD E.RAMSTED PERRY K.FEDERS EXECUTNE VICE PRESIDENT ASSL EXEC.VICE PRESIDENT DIRECTOR OF INDUSTRIAL OEVELOPMENT CHIEf NGINEER DIRECTOR OF FINANCE C.E.O. RICHARD A GIERDAL WILLIAM E.McGNERN PROPERIV MANAGER DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC RFIATIONS COMMISSIONERS GEORGE W.WINTER WILLIAM WIISON ARTHUR N.GOODMAN VICTOR P.REIM RAVMOND E.LA EVIN CHRIS NICOSIA JEAN M.WE� PRESIOENT ViCE PRESIDENT SECREfARV TREASURER COMMISSION COMMISSIONER COMMISSIONE C.I.D. Certified Industrial Developer St. P�ul Port Authori ty DE PARTMENT � •� �j` N� 2 2 6 9 E.A. Kraut, J.A. Campobasso CONTACT , 224-5686 PHONE April 2, 1986 DATE �e�r� e e ASSIGN NUN�ER FOR ROUTING ORDER (Clip All Locations for Signature) : ,�epartment Director 3 Director of nagement/Mayor inance and Management Services Director 4 City Clerk Budget Director City Attorney D.K. C NNERS L D. WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpo e/ Ratio ale) : Attached are five copies of the Participation Agreement for D.K. Conne s, Ltd. for your review and signature. Approval of the use of Enterprise Zone credits and aut rization to execute the Participation Agreement was granted by the City Council on March 2 , 1986, by Resolution No. 86-346. COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: NJA FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor' signa- ture n t re- Total Amount of Transaction: - quired if under $10,00 ) Funding Source: N/A Activity Number: ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All Attachments) : 1 . Participation Agreements - D.K. Conners, Ltd. DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY RE IEW Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Requi ed? Yes No Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Suffic ent? Yes No Yes No Insurance Attached: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 (� �^��� �� i � �' f# � PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CiTY OF SAINT PAUL OLL FREE(800) 328-8417 25 WEST FOURTH STREET • SUITE 1305 • ST, PAUL, MINN. 55102 • HONE (612) 224-5686 May 10, 1986 Mr. J�nes Bellus, Director Planning & Econcmic Develognent Departrnent City of St. Paul 14th Floor City Hall Anziex St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 SUBJDCT: II�TTERPRISE ZONE CRIDITS D.K. CONNERS Dear Jim: W�e submit herewith for your review and referral to the off'ce of the Mayor, City Council and City Attorney's Office details pertaining to the issuance of Enterprise Zone Credits to D.R. Conners Ltd. The credi will be in the fonn of a $100,000 State incoan� tax credit for debt financ' c;osts. 'Ihe property will not be fornnally reclassified for tax purpose as an alternative contribution of infrastructure improve�nents is ing provided in lieu of local property tax reduction. D.R. Conners Ltd. received approval for industrial revenue nd financing through the Port Authority and the City in August of 1985 renovate three historic buildings in the D�ire Builder Industrial Park. t that time, the Park was not included within the boundaries of the Ent rise Zone; how�ever, it was anticipated that this w�ould carie about sho ly. With that understanding, credits were negotiated as an incentive to .K. Conners for the develc�gnent of that property. In addition to the staff report, we are attaching a draft y of the praposed City Council resolution which authorizes the ex ion of the Participation Agree�nent and the sutmittal of the proposal the Departrnent of Energy and Econoani.c Development and the Department of Re enue. Your expeditious handling of this matter will be appreciat . Yours truly, Et�gene . Kraut �=� Executive Vice sident Attach. cc. Mayor Latimsr `-� EUGENE A KRAUT,C.I.D. DONALD G.DUNSHEE C.I.D. CHARLES M.TOWLE CUfFOR E RAMSTED PERRY K.FEDERS DCEQJ�NE V10E PRESIOEM AS5[IXEC.V10E PRESIDEM DIRECTOR OF INOUSIRULL DEVELOPMENf CFNff INEER DIRECTOR OF RNANCE GEO. RICHARD A GIERDAL WILLJAM E MCGNERN PROPERIV tiwro�GElt DIREC:TOR OF aUBL�C REUi�oNs COMMISSIONERS GEORGE W.WIIYiER WIWAM WILSON ARTHUR N.GOODMAN VICTOR P.REIM RAYMOND E. N CHRIS NICOSIA JEAN M.WES? PRESID9JT VX;E PRESIDEP1f SECRETAItV TREASURER CONMAISSIONER COMMISSIONER C.I.D.Certifled Industrial Develooer '� � � .� U�-�-3y�. . 1/30/86 � STAFF REP'ORT RE: D.R. �1NERS LZD./RODIAK CORPORATIaLd Q]TERPRISE D�iE P,PPLICATIONS A.. P�JP0.S� IIN.P�A�g1VT P�OPE[2'1'Y D.R. Conners Ltd. pro�oses that approacimately 236,583 feet or a�roocimately 5.42 ac�es of ].and leased fram the Pbrt thority of the City of Saint Paul in the F�inpire Builder Industrial Pa be deteYmi.ned eligible for reclassification as e�loyment property h the City's Riverfront Enterprise Zone Program. The property will not be fonnally reclassified for tax purposes as an alternative contr' tion of infrastructure improvements is being provided in lieu f local prc�perty tax rsduction. This alternative contri.bution has been approved by the Minnesota Departznent of Energy and Economic Develo�anen . The property description is attached« �his property is identified the Ramsey , County Tax Depari�nent through the prc�perty identifica on rnanber 09-12000-190-05. This property was form�arly vwned by the Burlirigton No rn as part of its Jackson Street ShoQs cc�lex. The buildings have n vacant for a rnniber of'yesrs and w�ere deteri.orating. B. AND PROPOSID USE D.R. Conners entered into a land and facilities ag nt with the Fort Authority in August, 1985. Rehabilitation of the historic buildinqs is under way with a total cost for acquisiti and renovation of 53,424,020. 'Ihe largest building containing 30,000 �uare feet will be leased by the Kodiak Corporation of Bessemer, Mich' . D.K. Conners. President of Rodiak's parent firnr, Conners I trial Products, is also the de�ne2aper who is restorir�g the ildings thraugh hi.g c�onstzvctia� cx�any, Kloster-Madsen� Inc. Rodiak is a 30 year old oa�any which manufaetures fine quality rolled fibe s and graphite recreationa7. and, industrial produ�cts. Prodc�ciryg fishi rods and poles► tubing� arid airczaft components.. Other tenants are yet to be annaunced. C. PRQ7DGTID IN(32E�SID MARRET VALUE The market value will increase by nearly the total t of the in�rov�cents plus the land value as the property was ' unally assessed • as vacant and underdeveloped. The development will re t in an estimated market value of $2,205,000 which is .00034 o the market value of all taxable property in Saint Paul. - � � � � � � �-��� .. � D. RETAINID AND NExnT JOBS Rodiak Corporation is antici.pa�ing the creation of app imately thirty new full time positions within two years. 7.tao or key people will be reLocating frcm Michigan with the r�ainir�g positio bei.ng filled by local resid�ents. Zhe c�any has entered into a Ci of St. Paul �loyment at� T�ainisg Parti.cipatioQ Agzement and an cipat�es rscrnf.tf.r� frc� tt� iamec3iate� �eighl�orhoo� area.. � �AET' AL�II�T 1Wet �La,1�s partiC�pa,t�acr Agzeement� have�beert for D.K.. Catmer� Lt�• ancY � fot' Kodial�. Catpo�atiozt► D.K. ts Lbd« wi11 receiv�s cradit a� air indtuxi�ent tc deaelap the� p while� Raiiak will receive enQlayment credits to enaa�ra4e hirinq o local residents. Zhe follro�wing outlines the tau benefits: Annual 2-Year 'Ibtal Kodialc Corporati+o�. — ' Stats Na� E�Jmploye�Credit� $20,00 $ 40,000 D.R.. Cot"� Lt� — Stats Debt � C,redits $5II,OOQ 5100,000 Albernativ�e� locaL. mntr�.b�ution ig $23F.15� based: o� S. ,231 per acre of •Pbrt Au�ortty sib� impronemeRts� T� c'ontzibuti.ar haa prior � fLCQC tt1B D@p8L^�llt Of ELI@� d17� Et'A!'fOR�.0 ,IC�rit« �s represents a private-to-public ratio of app ' tely 521.50 in privat� inves�t p�z $1 of publi� tax reduction or it. It also represents �e new job per $4,667 tax credits or redu 'ons. P". � FIlQDIl�iiGS �e D.�� Cc�ners Ltc�./Kodi.al� Corporati.ac� �+t{�A _'�r� zopose crestio� og at least 3Q ns�s jal�. non�of which.wvuL�ber � £taa another M�,�*+**;�.;�t_??.+�. Zh�proposal wiLt not resc�tt i.rt t1� aba�do�nment v= demorl.�ttosr of ott�e�ptopertg ownec�: bY�' apPlicant irr Sairtt Pa�t causi�ng redr�cttocz of tkre assessec� vaLu�o� existin9' P��Y ' wEi.t��s tha�Cf�Y'- G.. � staff o� the Pbrt Authority o� the� City of Saint recamnends t3� City Co�uzcil appz�ve the� attached P�ticipation� ts for D.R.. 'Conners� Lbd► and Kodiak Corporation as drafted. S furthe� rec�nmer�s the� City Ccuncil detentrine that the proj � is eligible for emQloyment property reclassifi.catiorr and that Attac nt C of the � Participation Agreenent be� forwarded to the Cannissi r. of F�ien�y and �car�ania Deve].opment foz verificatior:.. l. ���r � �� ` � 2 � jf• � � � � I 1._.. � .�� •� ' • ,� � PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL OLL FREE(800)328-8417 :�.. 25 WEST FOURTH STREET • SUITE 1305 • ST. PAUL, M{NN. 55102 • HONE (612) 224-56$6 May 21, 1986 Mr. Albert B. Olson City Clerk City Clerk's Office 386 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 �UBJECT: ENTERPRISE ZONE CREDITS D.K. CONNERS AND KODIAK CORPORATION Dear Mr. Olson: Enclosed are fully executed Participation Agreements f r the D.K. � Conners and Kodiak-Corporation-projects for yo'ur-files -- - Sincerely, �� ✓�- �'�; John A. Campoba so Develognent Ass stant J_AC:ca Encl. � 1 .� - ttl'"� �.,J �a.� �1 I . i �;'' G� = <- p . , '.�41 e"`4} .-� ^M1 y. � • � � _�'GENc A KRA'v'[,C.I.D. DONALD G.DUNSHEE,C.I.D. CHARLES M.TOWLE CLIFFOR E.RAMSTED PERRY K FEDERS ��:xECUTR c ViCE PRE.�„'DENT ASST.EXEC.VICE PRESIDENT DIRECTOR OF INOUSTRUIL DEVELOPMENT �� ENCINEER p�RECfpR OF FlNANCE GE O. RICHARD A GIERDAL WILLWM E McGNERN aaovEatv n,wrvr,�Ea a�crort oF vue�ic aEU+Trorvs �Q'AMISS��NERS GEORGE W.WINTER WlLLIAM WILSON ARTHUR N.COODMAN VICTOR P.REIM RAYMOND E. GEVIN CHRIS NICOSIA JEAN M.WEST PRES�DENT VICE PRESIDENT SECREfqRV 7RFASURER COMM�SSIO ER COIvMAISSIONER C0�.9�1�S�Or+ER C,I.D.Certified Industrioi Developer . .� � _ � � � � . � 6 ,� � /� `' • , 7 � .. ^ � PAB�ICIPATION SG8�1T 8IVS8FBOI1'T ENTEBPBISS ZONS _ CITY OP SAINT PADL Preamble 1. Participatiag Business: 2. Application Ap roval 0.K. Conners: �Ltd'. Name • Date ' 9425 Syndicate Avenue South Addresa C.F. No. Blocenisurton, *gI 55420 City uncil Employment Pro erty Classification Effective For ssessmeat Years 19 hru 19 Emploqment Pro erty Classification Certification y Ccmmissioner Department of eveaue dated (Attac nt C) � 3. (Persons)(Officers) Authorized to Sign for Participating B siaess: • Daniel K. C�nners Name Name � President ' � Ti Title ` Signature � Signature 4. Person Authorized to Receive Co�unications for Participat ng Business: Dani.el R. O�rmers Name ' Is Authorized to eceive Communications From the City or tate on Behalf of Presi.dent the Participatin Business. Ti tle 9425 Svndicate Averiue South, Blo�i.ncrton, P�1 55420 Address � • (612) 881-9425 Telephone . ��. � � . �� ..: 5. Descrf.ptio� of Property td iteceive "�Employment Fropezty"" Classific�tioa (IIse Descrigtioa gro� Ramsey Couatg Depart at Space for Use� of of Taxatioa,. 12Er Citp° Hall aa� Couatg Ccurthouse): ltamsep County Dept. of Tasation PIN `Classificatian .Entered: e - �Date: __ (Use Reverse� Side� of This Page If Necessa . ) 6. Alteraativ� Lacal Contributioa� Yes X No Descriptioa The Port Authority of the� City of Saint Paui w ll not be � assessing for the infrastructur� improvements to the site Estimated alternative local contributiorr -- $236,15fi based. on $47,2 1/acre. 7. Types of State Tax Reduction: (a) Sales Tas Esemptioa Amount (b) Income Ta�r Credit (1) Emplope� Credit Amount (2) Debt ServiceFCredit . �_ Amount 100 00 .0 (c) State Faid Property Tas Credit Amount The typ� and amount of exemption and credits shall be thos as certified bp the Com�i.ssfoaer af Energy� and Ecoaomic Developmeat. If ther is variance between this sectioa aad the� Commissioaer`s Certificatiou, the lat er will control (Attachmeat C)� Subject to compliance �t�r this Agreement, ta the� provisio s of Minnesota Statutes 1984, Sectioa 273«131Z t� 273'.1314 iacTusive, an ' such regulations as may- be adopte� bp� the Departmest' of Reveaue• or of Energ� a d Economic Development (th� "Act"'), and ugoa filin� proper tax return� and sched es, the participating busin�ss i� eligi�l� f�r credit� as approgriat� against Mi esata iacam� �as and propertp tax Iiabilities for the tax years Lg 86 through 87 . . . � • , . ,�� . � y r.,� .. . � t � �'��"r" , . ' , C/ �'� ,r��'' � s.� covExarrrs ag paa�c�A�N� sasnv�s�: Ia makiag applicatioa for eaterprise zoIIe credits, the pa ticipating business has represeated and hereb3r coveaants, for itself and its ccessors or assigns, (the "Particigating: Husiness"): (a) that (it) ( he) w�ill submit constructioA plaas. and idence� of financing and wt].l commence, diTigeatl}r pursue aa� timely compl te improvements to the prope=ty descrtbe� ia Sectio� 5 above fa the dollar a unt and a� specified ia the "Pruperty Improvemeat ScheduleM anaexed: hereta as Attachment "A't« Com�eacemeac D�t� November, T985 �omglettott D�te �une, T 986 Amouat S3,OTQ,000.00 (b) that (it) ( he) will recruit, employ and train ne� mployees resideat in the economic hardshig area desigaated irr the Riverfro t Eaterprise Zone Program, or persoas wha are unemploye� and economical y disad�antaged or of a protected class ia accordaace with the provisioas o the "EMPLOYMENT AND TRAZNIN� SCFiEDULE" anaeae� hereto a� Attachmeat "B", nd that the minimum number of ae� employee� shall be ag fcllows: Number of Ne� Employeeg 30 as txZrt of 's • n � (c) that (it) C he) will maintai�. complete records• resp cting its performance of th� coveaaats set forth is Sectiotr. 8(a) and (b) h ein! and permit access to said records bp accredited represeatatives of the innesota Commissioner of Revenuer Ramsey Countp Tax Department aad Saiat P 1 Port Authori�y; that (it) ( he) will report aua.rterlp ta the� Division o Job Creation and Training the number of hires covered b�r this Agreeme t; and that upon request and at least annually (it) ( he) will repo t to the Saint Paul Port Authority oa forms provided bp the Saint Paul P rt Authoritp oa constructioa completioa, new� hires and ether direct r indirect economic activitp =esultf.n� fzo�; its farilitp operations ia t e Riverfront Enterprise Zone� (d) tkat (it) C he) will promptl}r and satisfactorily p rform each covenant hereia uadertakea and each. other requiremeat of the ct, the Program or of this Agreemeat imposed as a cer.ditioa� of the approva of the application for an� grants of tax credits an1 designatien of proper classificatioa. 9. REVOCATION The Council map revoke arc alteraative local contribution and may request the Commi.ssioner of Revenu� ta approve� the revocatioa of a c assification pursuant to the Act if it finds and determiaes� bp resolution, aft r hearing upon. netice mailed to the applicaat by certified mail at least 60 da s. before� the hearing, that (a) The� congtructfom or improvemeat of the Participatia Business.' property and operatin� facility has nat beea completed withia two years after the appraval c� tre classificatio�., o*_- a�p Iran��� perio as may be provided ia Sectio�t 8(a)' h�reof; • f � yr,//� jj,J � ` • � � V"' �`3J � (b) The Particip�tiag Busiaess ha� not praceeded i� good ith with the constructiou or improvemeat of the facilitp, or with ts operation, in a manner whick is consistent with th� purpose of the Ae , the� representations of th� application, or the coveaants of this Agreemen ; or (c) The Farticipating Business: has mf srepreseated a mate l statement contained iu its applicatioa for tas. credit has faile� to� perfo aa}r express� covenant of tlYis Agreement or is� not ia coatinuin� complianc� th reqviremeats or coa�itioas- for apprav�l or graat af aa. alt�ra�tive lo contributioa, state tas reductioas� or credit� under the Act,, the Frogra� r this Agreement. REVOCATI01� OF Als ALTERN�4TI.VE� LOCAL COrITRIBIITI01� 0� OF` ArF OYMENT PROPERTY CLASSIFICATZONF SHALL TERMINATE STATE' TAg EXaiPTIONS, CRED S AND REDIICTIONS. The Citp Council may impose� or requegt imposition of a re dy other than revocatioa,_ including zsithholding of eligibility certific tions for credits, exemptions or reductions, or institution of suit for spec fic performance or other remedp ia� la� or equity. No failur� of the City to exercise or make selection of a particular remedy for breach of this Agree nt by the Participating Business shall be deemed � waiver of its ri hts to enforce performance� bg the Participating Busiaess of its obligati ns under the Act or this Agreement bg any� remedp available to the Citp ia la� 10. RECAPTQK� Ia the� eveat the Participating Busiaesa cesses to operate its facility ia the Riverfroat F.�cterprise Zone within two years after the exp ration of tax reductioa� under the Act and this. Agreement, th� Particip ting Business coveaaats and agreeg. that it shall repay the amount of t seductions aad of the local contributioa pursuant to th� following schedule: Terminatioa of Operatioas Bepay�ent Portion Less thaa 6 months after expiration of tax reductions 100 percent 6 moaths. 75 percent 12 moaths or more, but les� thaa I8 months 50 percent 18 months or mor�, but less thaa 2k� monthg 25 percent The repapmeat shall bey i�ediate�l.p due ugott such cessatio of operatioa of its zone facilitp, payable to the State of Minnesota to the e tent it represents an income tax credit or reductioa and payabl� to the Citp to the extent it represents a property tau reduction or other local contri ution. lI. OTHER TERMS � ' „ � .~, ' � ' C.� d� .�`� � 1�.. EFFECTIVLr DAT� Thig. Agreement has beea accepte� aad execute� oa behalf o the Participsting Busine�stby th� officerg whose titles and: signatures appe r ia Sectioa 3, above The AppLicatioa and Agreement have beea approved by actio of the Saint Paul City Council as recited ia Sectioa 2 above,, aad is esecut d on behalf of th� City of Sgint Faul bp th� offic�rs whose tirles and aigaa res� appear below. Thi� Agreement sh�].1 be effectiv� upoa its eseeutiou ia� S ctioa 2 above and its delives� ta tZte Cftg of Saiat Paul bg the M�iaaesat� Comm3. sioner of Revenue or hf s anthcrf ze� desigaee. CITY OL=' S�INT F � . gp Da e � —�� —� � OR gy Da e ��T� CITY CLERK < � gp � Da e � DIRECTOI� DEPAR OF FIN � MANAGEMENT SERVICES - Apprg�ed as. to� For� . �� ;�,��?.�z-c_ .S � .�"'-.--� . Assistaat Citp Attornep/ r�lVrLr� / 1 �i11��(- � tv • �r���wr • � v v.r■ .�� ��� � � � . • A�TRCHM�LT",4.• � . , . � ��7� � ' - PRI�TfCtR,4�TiaN ACREIIVIE�T . RRIERFHQIVT E�TERFAlSEZQNE � � Q.K. Cortners, Ltd_ � --- RAA'RCiR14TiNCs BUSiNES�: � ' �. Faciliry descriptioct' Restorati orr af thre� hT storTC bui 1�i ngs 1 rr th� Port Autt�ari�ty's Ema i re Bui 1 der In- dustrfial Fark. The 1 argest 6ui 1 di ng> formerTy. th� Whe�T ShaR, � approximat�ly 3Q,000 Sq..ft. The forit�r Patterrr 5hop, 3,000 sq.`ft.; an�: ttre 16 000 ft. storaa�e 'lding ai-� -alsa zestorec�. A 'or t i fa cup� one of the thre� � - - 8. Ccnsuvctiort Specifications(idantfiy e�very speci8catiorr or drawinq.dtf�date ars�approving 'teci or engineer)'� Architectur�l Orawin s - Whe�T Sho , Patterrr Sho , Stora e Buil in - Sheets 1-10, Mi 11 er, Ounw�i ddi e � Associ ates � � StructuraT Qrawfirtgs - Wheel ShoR, Patt�rrr ShoR, Storage 61dg. - Meyer, Borgman & Johnso Tw3�r Ci ty '�esti ng Repor� -� Rev i er�r sf Waoc� Members - A11 Bui 1 di n s Twi n Ci ty Testi nq Report of Subsurface� Exp1 oratioR Program • - (copiea af eactt drawinq er specific�ttert must b�supptied ta ths�P01"� ALLtft01"�ty) C. CcnstrucsfoR CastOetail � ' The Port Authori ty i s adrrtl ni stratlnq tfie C011StY'UCt�OR �fund and as orr hand a detai 1 ed breakdowrr of c�oRStructi ort expenses. � � : _. , 0. �nancing cammitrrtertts f eqc�itY an�mortgaqe Bnancing� T � 'ng i a rvximatel 650 000 *'Rrelimirtatyrplart�ma�i be�submitt�witR ttte�Appiie�tioer Withirr__.days ofiapp ofitttis AQpiieatioet by Ute� Cemmissions�oE Aevenu�ftnal ca�orr pians art�spacifica�ons aceapta�iatta ttta� ry wiU b�submittsd. Q.K. CONNERS, LTD.. PAF�TICIPA Cs3 - CiN at Paut . - � � Mayo:r 8y �� City Clerk �Y . « . �. � E�iliPLtllfMF.N��"�NL�TR�INENC 5���1EII LE � �,.��,�� � � �►rn�cH�a�r••a- aa�nciae►none a�H�,w�r RIVERFAC(µT EIVTEA�RISEZaNE KOdlclk. CA L3t1.02I - PliliTiCIRATINCs.BEJSINES z I. GENEF�A�L . ,4, Thec�t�desire�ta�irtcressaamRlaymentcppcctunities�fa��tyEresid�ntswhaareklc /moder3teirtcomeor cconamicalty�disadva[�eet(i.�:J.TExA-eliqibietdefine�i�t Exhibit E�wittt Oevebp En►Ployersfor jab�withirr Saint F�aul'3.�iiverfron�Entet�rise�Zcn� � Qeveiope�.•�tcye�aqtees�ta•u.�e the C:t�as+its pnmary soures for recruitmen�*. ning.referral.and placement�f new or r ez!ac�meM entry leveF emplcyees�irt aGaorda►ice�wittt the temts of tnisAgr ent C, TheC+ry's de!egat�agenry will betheJottCreatiort andTrainingSectiorrirt th�0e rtment of Planning and Econom�c Oevelcpm2n�Sa�nt Paut.MN Sst 02(Jol�Creatiort),ar any other appropriate City ag ncy as may be designated by the Mayor. 0. Th+s Agreement trecome�effective upo�r the date hereot and shalt cantirtu�for fiv� ears from the time Employer/Oeyeleperoccupiesfacitities�irtttreRiverfrontEnterpriseZene unlesst �rtatedasprovidedhereirt. E Th:s Agreement shall beapplicable ta all Qeveloper/Employer rtew�or reptacemer?t try levei pesitions.for which Iow:moderateincome�oreconocnicafly disadvantage�t�(i.e:..1TRP.-eliqible►persons �or rmght reasonably be� availabt�This Agreemenf shali noE apply ta those jobs covered by existirtg coil bargaining agresments ar other corttr3ds ta whictr the��eveloper�EmploYer i��partq•where the tecros of thi�Agr ertt would cause Oeveloper/EmRicyer ta b�eactr the pravisiort�of suctr agreecnertt�: u. RECAl11T�tl�EN.T . - � ,4 Tha�employment positions covere�b}r thisAgree�nent includ�all I]eveleper/Empio er jotx openings perfermed w�th�n the Fiiverfront EnterpriseZanr,irt theclassifications.titles�and qua�ifications,canta� ed irt Exhibit A. B: The Ceveloper/Employer will notify Jotr Creaaorr ot its need fo�newa empioyees irt avered positions as soon as che DevelopeN Employer deeides to hire such emplayess or, if possible,fifteert(15; war ing days pnor to the expected hinnq dates.Motificatiort may inCtude the�information required irt Exhibit A: . C. ?h�Developef/Emptoyecwill provide�Jett Creatiort with it�besiestimateaf thenu ber and timinq of potential job �penirtq� �ttt:ougttusecf theforrtr provided�irt Exhitric� Q TheDevgleper/Empfoye'ma�notify Jotr Creation af all vacancieg for�eveloper/ ployeropenings irt the�Riverfront Entarpris�Zorte�rvhictr3renoT covere�b�thi�Agresment Th�Devacper/Empl is not obiigated to hire employees fromthese►refenalsfromJo�Cr��cn..howaver,mustdemonstrateagco�faith eff rt in this-regard. E Jott openings which are filled by intemal promotiorts from the Developer/Employ s local woric forc8 are not covered ty this Aqreement IIL REFERR1�cL A� Jo�C�eatioR wiik ref�applicantsaccerding ta c�e�qualifications requesteG by Qev loper/Employer: � Ittrainirtgfocspecificjo�apertirtgsha�beerrag�eec3�upoRbetweerTtheCity anctQ eloperiEmployerin aseparate agreemertt unde�^paragcaptr V.heteot trainee�applicants wilt taeconsidere�4ualifi only wherr the�training is. suceessfutly�compteteettry applicant � Qeveloper/.Empleyefr�s�vestherrightt�makeall decisionsorrhiringnew�oraddi�onatempioyees.including th� qualificatiorrs okapplicant�,lzut agress ta hirefer covered°positions from ameng th se persons:referred by Jatr Creatio�r wha meet the job.descriptiens artd quatiticaoosig or ether persons certifi as eligibl� � � � C�� f� ����'� � , : . IV. �t�tCEi4tEN►T li�Wherr Gevelopeci Emplayes ne�i'ies.lo�:Creation cf jo�operring�irr ccvere�posiLOns nor ta fifteerr(1 Sl woncing days irtadvanc�o�tt�propose�datatdhcre;Jo�CreatiotrwilirtCpf��tReeEmpiny�fiv�(si rki�c,�day�paoctothar aPNicaticrtcla�nqda�ot Ute�rtum�ercfappliC3ntsJotxCreaticrt v�ilt:rc�fer. � ItJo�Creatiocrc�etrtatrefeatheR►otat�rtumbeo�o�quafifie�perso[�.thee�a+relCpa'/Empl ecmay!fifl therema�ning ��s��� �.J�sCr�wiiRa►pca�id�aaaistanca�sn�mnrtitc�sjo�retentimro�emyoYeesplace� �ris�agresmanrforsi�c mornhaGa�7dblmottitoeQe�iop8e�/Esni�la7ledsEPe�tmaCeucrdeathisAg[eeme�Q pec/Etrtpfoye�'willsubmrt: Quacce�HiringS�unntacies�irs tlterfc�atts�tte�as ExhiditG Q Afte+R�teQeveiopedEmployeFhashireQacrapplicanrreferr�b}rJct�aCceaticn:Jot�Cr 'oRwill�nafberreapansiWe�for theart+ploye�sc�ducfand the Qevelcper/Empinye�releas�theciiy.frortracry liabili for tti�actions cf suctr empioysest. V. TFF/�INlNC - �4 JcttCreatiotrart�ttr�QsvNopec/EmRioyerma�agreetirr�spearateagreement'ta�devel Ezclassroomtra�ning ornthsyalt aainin�,pr�emplcyment traimrtg or cther trairnnc�program�The�trai�irtg s ec�fications and cosi for such V3�ning stt8ll b�s�fCCtt1'i�r ttra�Ag,reemec� ff TheQevelo�/Empi�will°rtotdiscorttirtuerroutineorr-th�e�-jolxtraimngtaemPiayee� irec�underthig-Agreemen� becaus�ot�Ag�eerttert�o�9upplements�thisAqreemen� v�. ca��au.lr��u�u�san�aA�a��� � IfthigAgreemerttca�flicL�wittrorrequire�Qevelapef/Empteyertabresctrartexistirtc,� Ilecliverbacgainingagreement acar�otherexistingaq�eement�,sai�agreemertt�shall prevail,. B. Oeveloper/EmptoyerwilEprovid�JottCreetiorrwittrwrittierrevidenc�that0eveioper/ ieyee°hasprovidedthe� representativeotany�colleEtivebargainirtg unitwittr acopyE of thigAgreemerttand has r uested comments.from said unit Oeveloper/Employerwitl provid�suctr commentsta Jai�Creatiorr. � C. The Developer/Employer vwlt compiy wiU:any�Iccal,state.or federal lavw or regulatiart they pestain to the Enterp�isa Zortade�ignatior� ' . vn. o�tNiTtaN� . l� AiverfroniE�priseZortee ' TT�eare�desig.c�ata��the�Stai�otMlnnesotaasarfenterprissmn�as�detailed�irt Exh bitQ: � C'aveted Empioyees NeMrorreplacemententrSrlave�empieyeeffian�suctrothecemployeesasmaybemu ly�agcee�upon�betweerttha Pa�t�es� Roc�iak �orati.o� . Rp,q'R pp� NEg� � o�Sairrt Paul. ` c � . � � .� � � : � �,/�-�3���r�+�� . � � � D�Ft18lTAt . �Q�Q�� ���ii�` (�,1�O�`�It1'��8tlh Oepartment ot Ptanrnnc�an�EcQrtomic�evelopmen[. ,lotx Creaticrt an�t Trairing,Seciis��r Kodiak Corporati.oa � Date �7-86 S. Emp:oyer -- � Jo�Title S�-PP�J/�iStributioiL Clerk _- d, N berotQpertings 2 - 5: Jo��ac.�atiarr �7adssoa Street,. St.. PattT. • 6. CcntactRer�rr- r�f.L. �.t1z ' � one 881-9425 — T. Supervisac M•I" �� & mrting Date ?1-86 Ending � g Starting Salary S 4.5 per � Health, Life, Holiday, Sick t 0. Benef+t . >>. Oays ca b�worked � - � t+ours 8 �S��y x t 3. Wili u�riort membershiR be:required"?' Yes Na If yes.whiCtr uniart art�IoCdl number . �4. If th+s jotr irncivect ort-the-jcb trairnng ta.be subsidized by th�Giry,how long will that trafning enod be? 2 �s (attach specific training pian) tio be attached. �5. Specsfic Duaes SO� �°O� ��t° % la�e �.n st°ck' fi.11 orders d _ means/costs. , i 6. Necessay Oualificatiort� Skiil leve!ot educatio�r experiartce ortrairting require�ta enter program(incfud�license�an i or certificates necessary): • Hi h School ' lom� ghipping/distribution or inveni�ory �ntml. experience he�lp ' • ����� i T. .Ar�ycuc emplayees i�r tt�g Pasitiot*expacsec�t�ptnvidaany neCess�cy tCGls irr ttte job(s1.?'Ye� � Na (it Yes. pteasa attac:tr acr itemir.e�lis�(wittr pncs�cf tsols requi�e�fCC each-pagitiort.) Iv'onE '�8. Descr�b�any orr-the-+o�training ycu rtarmal�}prcvidefor ttris pasitrort(i.e:,without Cit�furtdirg) x ' �g. I�.ther�apcssitr�l�ryforpromoticrttrortrthis�ot�?Ye� Na , M�� — S�PP�J/Distributi� If ye�i�wh3[aosiQOt�(S}? ?Q. E���ommMta�Coe�dltiona Z�'. Physica�Qemands6 a:Warlcing Ernirortrttent �Strength'=94�tim�ja�wilt equire 9� 8tarrding 4i1 �, Inside� °�' Walkinc,��°Ya O�tside� IQ °� Sitting ��°�b' Yes` N0e W�,gnt(Nur,��er�f Paund ) �Q � b.Extreme cal�with cr w�thout � x Vftrng C rry�ng temperatur�cnanqes� Rushing �a� �� R ling 70 �s Yes No C:Extrem�he3t wittt ot witttouC x X temperatur�change� tr.C;imbin� ' X Balancirtg X d.Wet and/or hum�� Stcopirtg X x Kneelin� x e:Vibranort Croucf��ng X , . Crawling x f. Hazards • x Reaching x Mechartical - Hardling X Eiectncat X x � x Fi�gering Burrts Feeling � X Explosrves X X X 1'alkinq . Radioactiwry Hearing . Other X � X ordinary CornersatioR ` Qthe�Scunds X g.Atrnospheric Condition� x Fume� X �� � Ousts ACUity.Near Misis: x AcuitY.Far X -- Gase� x X X Deptl�r Perceptiom X Poor Ver�tiiaboR X CalorVision� .�_ Other . Fieid of Visinrt h.Ni�isee Esamacect Maxlmum N;�mber of Oecibel� �7�hl� x 22. Coul��persarr wittr limite�Enqiistt speal�irtg skiils p�rfcrm thisjolt? Ye� No � Coul�a per5orr wittr Iimite�Engiistt�readirtg/wrttirtc�skills�perform thi�job? Ye� Na x � 23. Is�pub1�G transportatioR easily accessib►e? Y�: Na 24. Doe�th�jcttrequ�restnttworNarotheptha�rtraditianalhows? Yes N� � (1f yes,Pteasectarify) . . . � _ �- �-.��� ATTACHMENT 8 , • • Q(H181T� . �Q�Q��� ��fil� � - Cit�cfi Sain��aut. . pepartmertt ct Ptanrnrtg and Economic Devel�pmenr Jo�Creaticrr an�Trairing Sectiorr t. F.rrrpEoyer Kac�i.ak � ration � Oate� 3. -r Q� 3 JottTid� Assaubly wt�rker' — Electrorsic� 4 umeerof apemngs � 5. Jo��.ocatiarr J�` ��t^ St« FauL 6: CcntactPersorr 1�.L.. S�ti.ti� Phona' 881-9425 7. Supervisor M•�' �'� _ 8. egirtning Date� 8-1-86 En�ing. �� g. Starting Salary � 4.50 per � - Healtli,- Life, Halidays, Sick t0. 8ertet�ts . �t. Oays co bc wo�ced M� t 2. Hours 8 ����' t 3. W�II uniorr membershiR tre required? Yes Na x If yes.whictr urtioa an�IacaF number � . . � 3 weeks t4. If this job�invclved ort-ttle-joti trd+rting to b�subsidized by theCity,how•long will that traini g peno.d bs? (acrach specific trairting plan) t� }�e attached �5. Spec�fic Duties , test, paClcag�. � � . �6. Necessa.y Qualificatiarg Skill level of educatiort; experianca�or training required ta enter progrartr(incfud�license andi ar certificates necessary): H�Sf DipTama. � Must re� a�ci writ� Eleet=onic� assanbly helpful.. . � � �/� C`a' ��im ' t T. a�aryour emQtoyees irrthis�oc*excecs�d tc�providerac,y�rtecessacy ta�l��rr me jcb{s►?Y ' Na c�r ve� .• P�easeatt�tr act itemized list iwittlr pnCBS�ot tlCfsre4uire�fCC eaCtr pasit�cn:} 18: Oescr�bet an}F orr-ttte►i�traimng you�rrormaliy pravide fe�¢ttti�Rosihart(i.�.v�itnout�t}k fundi ,gr One w�eek — ass�nblY/testinq Procedures x . . 13: Is there a poss�bifityc�fac promGtiort from thigjo�?Ygs NQ . S'�7].ft Ie.ader If yes�:a what aosition(s)? 2Q. Ernironm�nta�Canditiorrs� . 2*. Physi�iQertt�nds �WarkingErnirCrtmer�t �r Strecrc�tkr=96rtim��tt 'll requir� Ins�d� laQ .,3fa Sta�ding_� Walkirtg. Outside 4 9{r Sittirtc,�, 50 Ye� Na Wet���Numtrerof Po ds) b.Extremeccld wittr or witttouf ' l.iftrng 70 �� Carry�ng �0 lbs temperaturechanges x Rushing���� Pulli�g �bs c.Extreme heat w�ttr ar wittrout Yes Ne temperature chang�s. X t!.�i�rtbinc,� x � Ba►ancing . .�_ x d.Wet artd/or hurtri� Stooping � � Krteeling X �_ �vibrabort • Crauchirtg . . _R_ . Cr3wlirtq; �_ f, Hazards ' X Reachinq _�� Mecharticat � Hardling �_ . Eiectrical � Fingering � .�_ Bums _x Feeling _�. ExplostveS- X Talking Radioactiwry X Hearing Other X Ordinary Conversaa rt _�� g.Atmospheric Cartditiatt� �` O����nds x Fume� x Sesing • � Dusts � --� Acuiry.Near ' X �i� —R— Acuiry, Far X ��` Deprh Perceptiart X Poor Ventitatica _� x Color Visiort Ottter . Feld otVisioR X h.NoisB� Estimate�Maximu�rr �1 i hl� N�mberok�ecibel� � 22. Couia a persart vwttr lirrtite�Engiistr speakingskiUS aerforrtr thisjob�? Yes Na_ Could a per5otr vMittt limited Es�gtistr readirtg/writing sfcill�perfarrrr ttti�jol2? Y�s N� X 23. Is aubiic trarts¢ortatiarr eas�ly accessittl�? Yes � Na 24. OoeS th�jC�require sh�ft�vcrk-ar ottset�ar irditic�at�sours7 Y2s Nc x (It yeB:pit3asetCl3nfY1 . . �. � �- �Y �J ATTACHMENT 8 � . . QCHIB[T Q ����r��`�����:i�:���� �ty�af Sai�rt Paui Qeparfirent o�Ptartrting artd�ortomic�evelopment � Jctt C�eatiorr arr�Trairtirtg Sectioce ���, Radiak Corporatto�: a�, 3-7-86 Tr�sfei►tromE �uturee �p� Qthe� immediata�r New,Hire� Titles LOCaticr�sc New►Mires (No.8c Oate) ShiPPing/Di c+-ritvitio � 2 7-1-86 Clerk � Assanbly Worker i Electronics 3 8-1-86 Secretary I 10-1-86 i Bi11;*+� Clerk 1 10-1-86 � ' � Ass�nbly vlorkers . 5 12-1-86 ' � Rod C�onents � � i � Assembly Worker� 3 1-1-87 ; I Electsoni.cs ; i � Custcatuer Service 2 3-1-87 Reps. . � I ` � Rsnain.iriq 13-25 sitions� i� b� filled 4-1-87 to 3-31-88. . � � . I � � � • ATTAGHMENT C ��w��,� _ NiINN�SOT�. D&PARTMElY�T OF CQNOMIC D�Y QFMENT � , � Certificatiou� sa�.4p�licstioQ Co� Eaterpeise�Zoa�Credit -� �, Nam�ot Bnsia�r Mimaocs III Nuaar F �e�l III Numb�r D.K. CONNERS, LTl]. 423034Z 4 -1413445 Adds� numb�e aad usNt Ni�M 1d�W��011�RNatb�!`OI to coasaet at ehia bwiawc ii rr hsw�quatioas about t tora� 9425 Syndicate Avenu� South Daniel K. Conners 612) 881-9425 Ctty Stat� Zi�Cod Bloomington Minnesot� 5542 DMesibeth��aetMt7►'(+4uae�fa�ol acp�Oao�numb�eot jobsesat��iaee�wrias P�7rroil,ia ia taasJnt valup eost ot �a..�����....��.�c;e.�a� . Rertov�tl on� af 3 hi stari c i 1 di nqs total i ng 49,00 sq.ft.� e��. irtcre�se� mark�t ^va�e is �4,2Q5,000; tat�l pro1ect c ts ar� $3,O1Q,OOQ; a ma. tenant will b� KodTak CorQ.t a m gr. af flberglass & graphite Rrad ts; 3� new �obs. Enteroriar Zon�Cetidits 1. Sal�s tax paid oa pusehaw o[coudruetios msNrial�:or puipm�nc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 2. Int�s�st paid oa d�bt ta t3aaae�eoascrnetioa of n�r taeility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Z. 3. a. N�uab�r ot woriuse easploy�d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sa. b. Cr�dit p�r worlur(Lsoet lin�6 bdow►) . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . b. a Multiplp ths aumb�r oa:Ua�s b�r the aawuat oa lin�r b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3c. Hordee�t�r 2onM Onir t. a. Numb�rot w�otl�ers�mploy�d:. .. .. .. . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . 4ar b. Cr�dit p�c.MOelnr(iroea lia�T bdo�r} . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. b: c. Multipty eb�rtumb�c oa lias�s by�tha aaso�tt�t orr lin�tr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4c Totsl Crdits S. Toesl eaatptiw conr er�dits(add lin�r 1,Y,3c and 4c). . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . S.. Enterpriss Zone�ty Nam�aad tdephon�nu�b�cot persoa to eoneact it we hsw qu tions about this form ( 224-5686 Saint Paul Johrr A. Campobasso, Port Authority of the City of St. Paul Ggsl deseriptioa ot prop�rty for.rhich cr�dit is ciaimed. t I See� Attachment � . � 6. Fill in thr er�dit amouni!o b�ailow�for�aelt�mploy�. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . 6. T. Hordercitv son�onir•Fill ia ch.er.dtt aeoouac w be auo.�►.�roreach.mploy.« . . . . . . . . . . . . . r. 8. Ch�elc th�sppropeistt bwc �(] newfaeilitp ( � sxpaasion oI sxi�tin�facility ALo fill ia th�amouat ot er�dit t�b�ailow�foc prop�ety�tax p�rsbie ia 19� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8. : 9. Bord�r eiir son�onlr(foc a�tiaF faeilitiM) _ __-- . -- Fil!in t6�amouat o[er�dit W br allaw�for peepat�r tas psyabl�ia 34;�. . . . . . . . . . . . . ! . . . . s. . . -�. :... .. .. - _ . _ __ . Loeal coatribucioa(hcplaia ho.�d�c� �d) Zons�D ti n al ternative contri butiort p�dIT COmp1^i S2d Of B�nint.s�an�► . . . . . ��� 8 000 building demol ition, site preparatiorr & in- o��,`t,�,�,,,,, . . . . . 5 frastructure improvemertts withirt the Empir� R.�,,;�,�S�,n�.,. . . . . . 5 Pa wa a roved b Commissioner Da torr orr October 14 1985. I d�elars and c t th p 'o�i�cru�aad coenct ta th�best o[eay�knowledgr an�bel e4 I '�esstuseotAPPlleaat � �/ . " 5� �� `' �-i�i- City Cl�rlcos Ada�inistrstor Dst� Co �tot Ea�e�r ' D�r�lopmait D�cs C 'licacioit thaC sppue e ia.loeac�d ia the �n Zons aod aef 'abl�. [ ��� /� � \ �.«.a c��Ot�G� �OR D.c. � ' .-��..,..�.., ��4s�g� Coau�ioe�oE �� APpevv�foe+e ar Emplopnf�at Prop�et�r