86-345 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Coun '1 CiNARV �DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � _� � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED FURTHER that the Application and employment property classification thereby proposed is hereby approved and the City Clerk is directed transmit the Application together with a certified copy of this resolution to th Commissioner of Energy and Econanic Developanent and the Con¢nissioner of Revenue for onsideration and final approval. RESOLVED FURTHER that the Participation Agreement between the ity and the Applicant is hereby approved, and the proper City officers are authorized to ign the same on behalf of the City, and upon its signature by the Applicant to transnit At chanent C of said Agreement to the Conanissioner of Energy and Economic Development an the Canmissioner of R,evenue for signature by the Conmissioners or their designee upon f'nal approval of the Application. - 3 - COUNCILMEN Requested by Department f: Yeas Nays Grew '��"*2' �'6?Ti�� In Favor rvicos�a Scheibei � __ Against BY SO�nen Tedeaco ���� MAR 2 0 19�� Form Approved by City At orney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pa: by Counc� ecretar BY By G�i�=ra`/� �!�� � t�ppr v' by Mavor: Date � `r ��6 Approved by Mayor for Su ission to Council I By - BY PUBIiSHED M�R 2 9 1986 St. Paul Port Authority DEPARTMENT `3� N� 2 2 6 6 E.A. Kraut, J.A. Campbbasso CONTACT 224-5686 PHONE � May 10, 1986 DATE �e� e Q ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER (Clip All Locations for Signature) : 1 , Department Director 3 Director of nagement/Mayor Finance and Management Services Director � City Clerk Budget Director �• 2 City Attorney KODIAK CO ORATION WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpo / Ratio le) : Enterprise Zone credits will be made available to Kodiak Corporation r the relocation and expansion of their operation from Bessimer, Michigan. The company will be locating its new operation in 30,000 square feet of the D.K. Conners Limited building n the Empire Builder Industrial Park. The $40,000 of new job credits will be used to enco rage the company to hire local disadvantaged people. They estimate the creation of 30 ne jobs. COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: REC iVED N/A �J�Ar� _ ��oo MAYO S OFFICE FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor' signa- ture n t re- Total Amount of Transaction: quired if under $10,0 ) Funding Source: N/A Activity Number: ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All Attachments) : 1 . City Council Resolution 2. Staff Report cc. J. Shoholm DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY R VIEW Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Requ red? Yes No Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Suffi ient? Yes No Yes No Insurance Attached: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 HOW TO USE THE GREEN SI�ET The GREEN SHEET has several PURPOSES: 1, to assist in routing documents and in securinq required signatures 2. to brief the reviewers of documents on the impacts of approval 3. to help ensure that necessary supporting materials are prepared, and, if required, attached. Providing complete information under the listed headings enables reviewers to make decisions on the documents and eliminates follow-up contacts that may delay execution. The COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS heading provides space to explain the cost/benefit aspects of the decision. Costs and benefits related both to City budget (General Fund and/or Special Funds) and to broader financial impacts (cost to users, homeowners or other groups affected by the action) . The personnel impact' is a description of change or shift of Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) positions. If a CONTRACT amount is less than $10,000, the Mayor's signature is not required, if the department director signs. A contract must always be first signed by the outside agency before routing through City offices. Below is the preferred ROUTING for the five most frequent types of documents: CONTRACTS (assumes authorized budget exists) 1. Outside Agency 4. Mayor 2. Initiating Department 5. Finance Director 3. City Attorney 6. Finance Accounting ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget Revision) ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all others) 1. Activity Manager 1. Initiating Department 2. Department Accountant 2. City Attorney 3. Department Director 3. Director of Management/Mayor 4. Budget Director 4. City Clerk 5. City Clerk 6. Chief Accountant, F&MS COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Amend. Bdqts./Accept. Grants) COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all others) 1. Department Director 1. Initiating Department 2. Budget Director 2. City Attorney 3. City Attorney 3. Director of Nlanagement/Ma�or 4. Director of Management/Mayor 4. City Clerk 5. Chair, Finance, Mngmt. & Personnel Com. 5. City Council 6. City Clerk 7. City Council 8. Chief Accountant, F&MS SUPPORTING MATERIALS. In the ATTACHMENTS section, identify all attachments. If the Green Sheet is well done, no letter of transmittal need be included (unless signinq such a letter is one of the requested actions) . Note: If an agreement requires evidence of insurance/co-insurance, a Certificate of Insurance should be one of the attachments at tiane of routing. Note: Actions which require City Council Resolutions include: 1. Contractual relationship with another governmental unit. 2. Collective bargaining contracts. 3. Purchase, sale or lease of land. 4. Issuance of bonds by City. 5. Eminent domain. 6. Assumption of liability by City, or granting by City of indemnification. 7. Agreements with State or Federal Government under which they are providing funding. 8. Budget amendments. � ` _ � ' ,, �� _��� , ' P � R Y ' ' �Eo � AUTHORITY ,`J � r� �,t� ,r� ..:, , .� _ J OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL ,�;--_� �, .- _ _ ,.. Memorandum TO: A1 Olson DAT Feb. 5, 1986 � FROM: J.A. Campobasso �- �I SUBJECT: ENTERPRISE ZONE APPLICATIONS Attached for your information are copies of the public hear ng notices for the consideration of Enterprise Zone credits for Economics aboratory, Inc. and D.K. Conners Ltd./Kodiak Corporation. Also enclosed ar the staff reports and application forms. Please note that D.K. Conne s/Kodiak Corporation only involves State credits and does not requi a change in the tax status of that property. As required, please distribute the information to the appr riate taxing jurisdictions. I have already forwarded material and will meeting with the Riverfront Conanission Task Force regarding these proje ts. �e Participation Agreements will be forthcoming, and I will g t them to you as soon as they are completed. If you have any question, please contact me. JAC:ca Attach. � . .�" � � . �'G - 3 ��- . . . , NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARIlVG ON APPLICATION FOR RIX�ASSIFICATION OF PROPERTY FOR TAX P(JRPOSES UNDER THE IIVTERPRISE ZONE PROGRAM Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 1984, Section 273.1313 ubdivision 2(b) and to provision of the Program For City of Saint Pa 1 Riverfront �terprise Zone NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVIIJ �iAT A PUBLIC will be held befor� the Council of the City of Saint Paul in the Council t�ambers, third floor City Iia11, 15 West Rellogg Boulevard, Saint Pau r Minnesota on' Z!]ursdayr the� 6t� day Of MaL�Ch� 1986� 3t 10:00 a.m«, or as soon th�ez�eafter as the matter may b� hearc�, upvn th� Application o D.K. Conners Ltd./Kodiak Corporation, 9425 Syndicate Avenue, 8loaningt�o , Minnesota for reclassification of certain real property located in e Saint Paul Riverfront Enterprise Zone, Ramsey County, Minnesota as employment property and for assessment of said property as provid d for class 4d property in Minnesota Statutes 1984, Section 273.13 Subdivision 9, Paragraph (4) for taxes levied in 1986 and for four s cceeding years thereafter. AT SAID POBLIC HEARING the City Council �ill cons der whether to approve the said Application upon findings as require by Minnesota Statutes 1984, Section 273.1313 Subdivision 2(d). At id hearing, the Applicant, the Rams�y County Assessor, representatives of ffected taxing authorities and any taxpayer of the na�nicipality or repr ntative of any cxm�unity organization wi.11 have opportunity to be heard or may present their vie�ws in writing at or before the Heari�. � Copies of the Application, the report of the Sain Paul Riverfront Office and the pro�posed Participation Agreem�nt between th Applicant and the City may be inspected at the offices of the City lerk or the Fort Authority of the City of Saint Paul during normal busi ess hours, and written ca��ents may be delivered or mailed c% City Cle , Roo�n 386, City Hall, 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, Saint Paul, MN 5510 , or c/o Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul, 25 West Fourth S t, Suite 1305, Saint Paul, NID1 55102. Z►elephone ir�uiries may be made to John Cam�obasso, 224-5686. ALBERT B. OL.90N, City Clerk - � ' •�^�J R T � � • ��e._ �j [l� — o, T AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL Memorandum TO: Riverfront Conmission Develo�nent Task Force DAT : Jan. 30, 1986 FROM: 3.A. Campobasso SUBJECT: D.K. CONNERS LIMITED/KODIAK CORPC)RATION D.K. Conners Limited received approval for industrial rev ue bond financing through the Fort Authority and the City in Augu t of 1985 to renovate three historic buildings in the Dmpire Builder I ustrial Park. At that time, the Ernpire Builder Industrial Park was not 'ncluded within the boundaries of the �terprise Zone; how�ever, it was an icipated that this w�uld come about shortly. Based on that, negotiations on the overall develo�nent in luded the use of Enterprise Zone credits as an incentive to D.K. Conners f r the developanent � of that property. Along with that was the incentive prov ded to Kodiak Corporation in its move frcen Bessemer, Michigan. Since K iak and D.K. Conners Limited are related companies, the staff report i cambined; however, they will file separate applications for the cr its. J�,C:ca Attach. . . � � . . _ j �' ��� 1/30/86 STAFF REPORT RE: D.K. CONNERS LTD./KODIAK CORP'ORATION ENTERPRISE 7ANE APPLICATIONS " A. P�OPOSED aKPIAYMF:NT PROPERTY D.R. Conners Ltd. proposes that approximately 236,583 re feet or approximately 5.42 acres of land leased fran the Pr�rt thority of the City of Saint Paul in the F�npire Builder Industrial Par be deternnined eligible for reclassification as employment property th �h the City's Riverfront Enterprise Zone Program. The property will ot be formally reclassified for tax purposes as an alternative contrib tion of infrastructure improvements is being provided in lieu o local property tax reduction. This alternative contribution has been pproved by the Minnesota Department of Energy and Econo�nic Development The property description is attached. This property is identified b the Ramsey County Tax Departinent through the property identificati n niunber 09-12000-190-05. This property was formerly owned by the Burlington Nor ern as part of - its Jackson Street Shops cc�lex. The buildings have n vacant for a rnmiber of years and were deteriorating. B. IMP%JVF�4F�VTS AND PROPOSID USE D.K. Conners entered into a land and facilities agreeme t with the Fort Authority in August, 1985. Rehabilitation of the three historic buildings is under way with a total cost for acquisitio and renovation of $3,424,020. The largest building containing 30,000 are feet will be leased by the Kodiak Corporation of Bessemer, Michig n. D.K. Conners, President of Kodiak's parent finn, Conners Ind strial Products, is also the develc�er who is restoring the bu ldings through his construction company, Rloster-Madsen, Inc. Kodiak s a 30-year old cc�npany which manufactures� fine quality rolled fibergla s and graphite recreational and industrial products, producing fishing rods and poles, tubing and aircraft camponents. Other tenants are yet o be announced. C. PRU7ECTID INCRF.ASID MARKET VALUE T'he market value will increase by nearly the total amou t of the improvements plus the land value as the property was mi imally assessed as vacant and underdeveloped. The developanent will res lt in an estimated market value of $2,205,000 which is .00034 of the market value of all taxable property in Saint Paul. . : i - . _ . �� - � �s � . � . D. RETAIN� AND NEW JOBS Kodiak Corporation is anticipating the creation of appr ximately thirty new full time positions within two years. Tt�ro or three key people will be relocating fro�n Michigan with the remaining position being filled by local residents. The company has entered into a Cit of St. Paul �nployment and Training Participation Agreement and ant cipates recruiting fran the imnediate neighborhood area. E. DRAF"T PARTICIPATION A�GREIIKENT Zt�ao separate Participation Agreements have been draft ne for D.R. Conners Ltd. and one for Kodiak Corporation. D.K. Conn rs Ltd. will receive credit as an inducement to develop the property while Kodiak will receive �loym�nt credits to encourage hiring of ocal residents. Zhe following outlines the tax benefits: Annual 2-Xear Total Kodiak Corporation - State New F�nployee Credits $20,000 $ 40,000 D.R. Conners Ltd. - State Debt Financing Credits $50,000 $100,000 Alternative local contribution is $236,155 based on $47 231 per acre of Pbrt Authority site improvements. The contribution has had prior a�roval fran the Departsnent of Energy and Econamic Dev lopanent. Zhis represents a private-to-public ratio of approximat ly $21.50 in private investznent per $1 of public tax reduction or cr it. It also represents one new job per $4,667 tax credits or reduct ons. F. COUNCIL FINDINGS The D.K. Conners Ltd./Kodiak Corporation applications p pose creation of at least 30 new jobs, none of which would be a trans er fro�n another Minnesota municipality. The proposal will not result i the abandorunent or de�lition of other property owned by th applicant in Saint Paul causing reduction of the assessed value of e isting property within the City. G. REC'OA'II�IE�'NOATIONS 'Ihe staff of the Port Authority of the City of Saint Pa 1 recanmends the City Council approve the attached Participation Agr ments for D.K. Conners Ltd. and Kodiak Corporation as drafted. Staff urther recanmends the City Council deternnine that the project s eligible for employment property reclassification and that Attach¢nen C of the Participation Agreement be forwarded to the Caianissione of Energy and Econanic Develop�nent for verif ication. ♦ 1. For construction include: ' A. A general description of the facility or improvement an its proposed use. i ; Renova f 16,000 square feet and 3,000 square feet. The lar est cilit will be leased to Kodiak Corp. , a light manufacturer. The other buildi s will be leased for o ice or pro uc ion space. B.. A probabie time schedule for u�dertaking the constr.ucti n or improvement. Begin in the fall of 1985 and will be co leted in the urr�ner of 1986. C. An estimate of the probable cost of new construction or improvement. $3,010,000.00 D. An estimate of the market value of the new or improved acility (excluding land) when completed. 'i i $2,205,000.00 c,rithin this E. The number of new �obs expected to be created. 4 8. State the type and amount 'of enterprise zone incentives req ested and briefly . explain why they are necessary to the project: � $100 000.00 in debt financin tax credits. The incentive was essential to induce the com an to move forward wi h renovation of the three historic buildin s. I hereby declare and certify that this application is true a�d correct to the best o my knowledge and. be i . ` 1-31-86 Signature of Applicant Dat President Position or Title Remember to attach the following: � 1. A copy of your property tax statement for taxes payab e in 19 . 2. A check for �1500. payable to �he Port Author..i•ty� of he Ci ty. of Sai nt Paul . . � , . MINNESOTA ���-3�� CITY OF SAINT PAUL. ' � APPLICATION FOR . . RIVERFRONT ENTERPRISE ZONE TAX CREDITS 1. Name of Person Applying: Pasition: Owner/Manager ' Nam� of Business: D.K. Conners, Ltd. ' c o os er a sen Construction Company � Address of Bhsfnesss 9425 Syndicate Avenue _ � Bloomington, MN 55420 Phone Number: 612/881-9425 2. Legal description of the parcel of land on which the business is located . (or is to be located fo� ne�w construction): • 5.4 acres in Empire Builder Industrial Park north of Blair Avenue and ' between Arch Street and Jackson Street (Please note that the real estate tax � status of this property will not change with approval of this application). 3. The market value and assessed value of the land and other taxable property � • from your most recent Property Tax Statement: Formerlv nart of much larcTer Burlington Dlorthern narcel. Estimated Market Value: N/A - The property was vacant and owned by the Assessed Value: Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul . 4. Tota1 property taxes iisted on lin� 10 of th� property tax statement for ' 19 payable irt 19 : *iVote:� attach a copy of your Property Tax State- ment. . - ----- � • 5. If you Teas� the Tan� or space for your busi ness. do you pay the property taxes? , Yes X No _ Who pays the property taxes if you don't? D.K. Qonners, Ltd. ' 6. Current number oF employees: Full-time: 1 Part-time: ._ : , : � � � � _ . . . , • • � � , � � . CITY OF S/�INT RAUL. MINNESUTA �,f�= � ' � ��S ' , . APPLICATION FOR RIVERFRONT ENTERPRISE ZONE TAX CREDITS 1 . Name of Person Applying: Position: Owner/Manager ' Name of Busirtess: Kodiak Corporation • - ' c o os er a sen onstruction ompany � Address af B'usfrtessr 9425 Syndicate Avenue � Bloomington, MN 55420 Phone Number: 612/881-9425 2. Legal descriptiort of the parcel of land ort which the busi ess is located • (or is to be located for ner� construction): • The le al is attached as art of D.K. Conners, Ltd. Ent r rise Zone " a lication. Please note that th�e real estate tax sta us of this ro ert � will not chan e with a roval of this a lication.) � 3. The market value and assessed value of the land and othe taxable property from your most recent Property Tax Statement: Fonnerlv _ of a much larqer Burlington rlorthern parcel. Estimated Market Value: N/A - The property was vacant an owned by the Assessed Value: Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul 4. Tota1 property taxes liste� ort lin� 10 of the property t statement for ' 19 payable in 19 : *IVote: attach a copy of ycur P operty Tax State- _ ment� ' 5. If you Tease the tart� or space for your bustrtess. do ycu pay the praperty taxes? ' � I . Yes No X Who pays the property taxes if you don't? D.K. Conners Ltd. ' 6. Current number of employees: Full-time: 31 Part- ime: � ._ _ : , � , � . . � � . . � . . � , • . . � 7. For construction include: � A. A general description of the facility or improvement and its proposed use. R.K. Conners, Ltd. is renovating the building. When it is complete, Kodiak Corporation will begin to manufacture fiberglass and graphite products there. B.. A probabie time schedule for undertaking, th� constr.uction or improvement. � Kodiak anticipates moving some time in April , 1986. C. An estimate of the probable cost of new construction or improvement. N/A - See D K Conners, Ltd application 0. An estimate of the market value of the new or improved facility (excluding land} when completed. N/A - See D K Conners, Ltd application _ E. The number of new �obs expected to be created. 30 �8. State the type and amount of enterprise zone incentives requested and briefly explain why they are necessary to the pro�ect: ' � $40,000.00 in new employee tax credits. The incentive is essential to justify the move from Bessemer, Michigan, and to encourage the company to hire local residents. I he by declare� and certify that this application is true and correct to the be my knowled a d el . ` 1-31-86 Signature of Applicant Date Chief F�ecutive Officer Position or Title Remember to attach the following: • � 1. A copy of your property tax statement for taxes payable in 19 . 2. A check for �1500. payable to �he Port Author..i•ty� of the Ci ty. of Sai nt Paul , � . f;:� �� �s�.s � � � . . . From the office of ��z�z��� GEORGI- SCI�VVIIDT & � S 3092 No. Lexington Ave., Rosevil , Mn 55 LAND SURVEYING ��' ��� 483-4408 � 1 Hereby Certify that this piat shows a survey ade by me of t property �scr bed on this plat, and that the rnrners ar correctly placed as shown, a� +�! e 4;2•. v-v x�c �or• �v mc �r uncl�r my �lir�ct 4upervision ; �nd th�t I �am a du � r�qister•d Land Job Number: JACicson S*. . 3tirveyor ur.der .*.r� L�us of th� t�t� ,f Minn�►sot�. Surveyed For pert A�z t►�or1 ty Q/. F/�3 K � Date ' 8y Sca/e l�n. `�� ��'�g�,"Pc�RX�c�°R 10459 DE9CRIPTICN � (Co�t�]n� 14�465 g � . f t. , �. 431 � acr�R , rnol ) That r.qrt -�f th� S�; 1/4 of ±h� Sa 1/4 of S��ricn '��. T 9, 8??, vacat�@ Minn�h�h� qv�n�;c , va,c�r,•�? P�nnsylv�nia Av�nue, v�c�.t��? Leba on �tr�rt. �,nd Blocks 3 �nd 4. Ae ton•s �.nd Sr^r'�urn�'s Add 1 tion cvhi ch lies xi thin the follmKin� c��scrib�d line5 e 0 CocaQ!�ncinq At t�� "�orthMea* corn�r of S*ction 31 , T?�� Fi?� ; th�nc� S �9 50'17"E (asaun�ed bea�rinrr, ) �l�rta t�;c Nor*n lic!* �f Lhe NM 1/t� of ��! Sect�on 32 a distanee of 1216.45 f�et� thrncr N ,"! de�re�� Q� minut�s ?1 econds il �1. ?4� feet to • �oir.t C�� t��r d` ��ar.� Sou*.h�rly as m��sur�d �t ri,_ ht an�l�a *.o the cent�ri ln� of �arlinRtcm vort�rrrr R�1lroad Comp�ny's Eaat b nd freight trnck. said point b�in�r the point of h^�rinnina� cf the line4 to be �rein describedi thenee S 0 de�zr�ca OA' �ninUt�+� ?1 a�c�ndR � 54� '� F.et ; then e► 3 89 deprrees �4 �ainut�R 49 s�cond� E �R. ?K !'��t i then�e S �l degrees 07 roi �at�a 13 s�cor.d� '�t I55•93 rrr�: thcnc� 3 a9 deRr��� �? Tinu .*.•�s �? a^ccr,ds F 3C. f��tr thence 9 0 deqr��►s �? minUt�a lj �t�con�s il 1 5'. � _''*�* : *henc� S �9 ��r�es 49 minutea� 49 s�c�ndR R '�i1 .�1 f��r, ; thence N 0 �egrees ; 2 vinu';^s 20 s conds E '�70.`«'i feet to a� paint �G�,� .*•��t �iiatant Soutnarly us �n��,sur�� at riRht gl�1e to the c�r�t�rl;in� of Aurllns�tor, N�rt�^rn R�llroad ��mrany'r �a4t bo r.d frci.�-�:t track� thenoe! '3 R4 dear��s il mir.ut�� 1Q ��cerc'.� w ��� .y�, fe�. :; q1�n q ' in� KO feet South�rlt► of and ��r�llel ti+ith czid c�n*�rlin� i t!�e►ttce aor,ti t��n�: K�sterl� pArallel �.1 �� r��id cent�r�ine of *re�ck 41ona � curte� to *!�� ir3�t 1''�, , j� feet, ra�tivs af ?2h1?.R� !'��•t, A.•1 t� �r.AI� of � deRr��s 26 rainut�s 31 seconds to the point af beRinnlra, Ra�nts!!y C�unty. �'.inn�±sota . DSSCRIFTIOI�� (Cor.}air.a 871;� �3.� . *� . �:r ?. ��' scres� mel ) Tt�at part of th� ,SE 1/4 of the SW ?/4 c*' S�cti or. '��. T^ , R��7. vacated M�nnehaha Av�nu�. vac�*rcl P�nn�ylv�nia A��rv�. V�c�tes� Sy�� 5*re��*, a�oc� 4. �htc�n•s 3nd Sher�:urn�•s Aclditior., 91oak 9� F��tc��r• s Sv�, r Brexeter� �clditior., Lot 2'+, 3r�KSt�r� „�idc� i tion And Lot 25 GueTin's Out ots whieh lies xi thln th� folloxinc �eQcri bc�c9 l ines : �y� 0 Comm�ncir.F xt th� Northx�st VOay��T of Section �1, T24. R??� hence 9 89 5G'17" S �asau�a^a `•'*Rr:na 1 ��onQ t►�� Nortr Lin� of *he Ni� I/4 of Sect on 32 , T?9, A22 a dis�tance of 121�.45 r�etT thence N 0 degr��s 08 minut�s 2: s conds �i :?1. 24 f�et to �, p�in* 5� f��t �jis':snt 3oa`��rly �s �:easur�d �t rfg t �ngles *o t�e cent�!r21^^ �f ��r�lnqton �ort��rn �311rcmi Co .,p�nr�s g�st '^o c! frei�ht traCk. �ald paint '���1^L i��C p�int �-�f b�KinC;i�iK of t^� lines to h� �y �in deseribed i thettce S 0 �er�r�AR ��? n�i nu t's 21 a�cond G E 54. 3R f e�t : thr,nc S 89 da�rr�es 44 tiinutes '�9 s�cnni� E ��. �� !'��* ; *�ence 3 0 �le�r�r, s 0 7 m i t�s 1 3 a�con ds w �K5.93 fAet : t��nc� S f? d�c:r•�s K2 n2nutea 47 seconds E 3;. ^ Pe�t : thence S 4 d�gre�8 '?7 �ei ►��. t -s � 3 �;•�con3s u 15?. 0 *'Aet= thence r 89 d .�reea 49 minute�a 49 $eeonda il 2?ri.Q4 f��ti t���nce N Q Arqre�a OA �ninutes 51 ae onds i� �E�1. �2 feet to a point 5�. `� f��t �±ia* �nt 3c�uth�ri� aa ��►�aur-d �at right � �l�s ta the ' Qenterline of E��rti�ar.or, N��*���rn ga��Iroac� Cor�p�;y�s �st bou d freight *rack� Lh,�nee fia!*�rly a? �rx� � *�on-*�np�er.*lal curv�s t.n tne l�ft �sar� lel a►ith sa2d cehterline � c�ls*�nce of �•`+^, �� fret� radi•�a, of 226I?.R? ���!; �ielta 3ng'!e of 0 eleqreee 21 �ninu*es ':4 �econd4, long chor� af 142�99 �'��t b� rs N 89 degreea � �ninutes 33 a�cond� F *.o th� point of he31-:r►inR. Ramaeq County, Minneaot� _g .. . r ` �,� ��-- �--'� � �-J ,�.._v PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL T LL FREE (800) 328-8417 25 WEST FOURTH STREET • SUITE 1305 • ST. PAUL, MINN, 55102 • HONE (612) 224-5686 May 21, 1986 Mr. Albert B. Olson City Clerk City Clerk's Office 386 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 i SUBJECT: ENTERPRISE ZONE CREDITS D.K. CONNERS AND KODIAK CORPORATION Dear Mr. Olson: I�I Enclosed are fully executed Participation Agreements f the D.K. Conners and Kodiak Corporation projects for your files. Sincerely, r�fK. `�-G�',;+a-. I � �'b"'-�1 � John A. Campobas o Develo�anent Assi tant JAC:ca Encl. �, �i _� t�. _t. _�:-� � � . , � r- d - n 4i, > ,,y ,�_ -� �P �� 4.7 ��� � EUGENE A.KRAUT,C.I.D. DONALD G.DUNSHEE,C.I.D. CHARLES M.TOWLE CLIFFORD .RAMSTED PERRY K.FEDERS EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT ASSL EXEC.VICE PRESIDENT DIRECTOR OF INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT CHIEF E GWEER DIRECTOR OF FINANCE C.E.O. RICHARD A.GIERDAL WILLIAM E.McGNERN � PROPERN MANAGER DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMISSIONERS GEORGE W.WINTER WILLIAM WILSON ARTHUR N.GOODMAN VICTOR P.REIM RAYMOND E.LAN EVIN CHRIS NICOSIA JEAN M.WEST PRESIDENT VICE PRESIDENT SECREfARV TREASURER COMMISSIONE COMMISSIONER COMMISSIONER C.I.D.Certified Industrial Developer II i' � ` ` � ' � pe�c��ox�ecs�rr - �' --3 l��� � �v�a�o�r ��s$ zor� CITY OF SAINT P�D'L Preamble 1. Participatiag Business: 2. Application Ap roval Kodia Goroo�ation Name Date 9425 Svr�di te Avenue South _ Addresa C.F. No. B]._n��*+�**_on. "QT 55420 City uncil Employment Pr erty Classificaticn Effective For ssessment Years 19 thru 19 _ Employment Pr erty Classification Certification by Commissioner Department of ltevenue dated (Attac nt C) 3. (Persons)(Officers) Authorized to Sign for Participating usiness: Daniel R. Cormers *laurice L. S1�^ `h .Name Name Z�ief E�ecutive Officer Presic?ent Ti'! ' • Title , , , • - . , ' Signature ~ Signature 4. Person Authorized to Receive Communications for Participa ing Business: �saurice L S�ith Name ' Is Authorized to Receive Communications From the City or State on Behalf of President ___ the Participatin Business. Title Kodiak Corz:oration 9425 Svndicate Avenue South, Bloomi.aaton, *�I 55420 • Address (612) 881-9425 Telephone ,- �� 3��_ ' S. Description of Property to Receive "Emploqment Property" Classification (Use Description From Ramsey Countq Departm nt Space for Use of of Taxation, 126 City Hall and County Courthouse) : Ramsey County Dept. of Taxation PIN Classification Entered: . - � Date: (Use Reverse Side of This Page If Necessa ) 6. Alteznative Lacal Contribution: Yes X No Description The Port Authority of the Cit of Saint Paul ill not be assessing for the infrastructure improvements to the sit . Estimated alternative local contribution -- $236,155 based on $47, 31/acre. 7. Types of State Tax Reduction: (a) Sales Tax Exemption Amount (b) Income Tax Credit (1) Employee Credit X Amount $40,00 .00 (2) Debt Service Credit � Amount (c) State Paid Property Tax Credit Amount The type and amount of exemption and credits shall be thos as certified by the Co�issioner of Energy and Economic Development. If there is variance between this section and the Commissioner's Certi.fication, the lat er will control (Attachment C). S Subject to compliance with this Agreement, to the provisio s of Minnesota Statutes 1984, Section 273.1312 to 273.1314 inclusive, and such regulations as may be adopted by the Department of Revenue or of Energq a d Economic Development �tilZ ��e�iCC��}� dAu il��II iii�u� �r�p2i LaX L2Ci1�i18 3II� SCr1E4� ' E3� �`.::�` YSi tiCi�`i8ti;,b business is eligible for credits as appropriate against Mi nesota income tax and property tax liabilities for the tax years 19 86 through $� . I ' � . . . , ��� �", ��'� 8. COVENANTS BY PARTICIFATING BUSINESS: � In making application for enterprise zone credits, the par icipating business has represented and hereby covenants, for itself and its s ccessors or assigns, (the "Particioating Business") : (a) that (it) ( he) will submit construction plans and e idence of financing and wil� commence, diligently pursue and timely comple e improvements to the property described in Section 5 above in the dollar a unt and as specified in the "Property Improvement Schedule" annexed hereto s Attachment "A". Commencement Date A ril 1 1 Completion Date N A Amount S N A (b) that (it) ( he) wi.11 recruit, employ and train new e ployees resident in the economic hardship area designated in the Riverfron Enterprise Zone Program, or persons who are unemployed and economicall disadvantaged or of a protected class in accordance with the provisions of the "EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING SCHEDULE" annexed hereto as Attachment "B" , a d that the minimum number of new employees shall be as follows: Number of New Employees 30 (c) that (it) ( he) will maintain complete records respe ting its performance of the covenants set forth in Section 8(a) and (b) her in, and permit access to said records by accredited representatives of the M nnesota. Commissioner of Revenue, Ramsey County Tax Department and Saint Pau Port Authority; that (it) ( he) will report quarterly to the Division of ob Creation and Training the number of hires covered by this Agreement; and that upon request and at least annually (it) ( he) will report to the Saint Paul Port Authority on forms provided by the Saint Paul Por Authority on construction completion, new hires and other direct or indirect economic activity resulting from its facility operations in the Riverfront Enterprise Zone. (d) that (it) ( he) will promptly and satisfactorily per orm each covenant herein undertaken and each oth?r requirement of the Ac , the Program or of this Agreement imposed as a condition of the approval f the application for and grants of tax credits and designation of property lassification. 9. REVOCATION The Council may revoke an alternative local contribution a d may request the Commissioner of Revenue to approve the revocation of a cla sification pursuant to the Act if it finds and determines by resolution, after hearing upon notice mailed to the applicant by certified mail at least 60 days before the hearing, that (a) The construction or improvement ot the Participating B siness' property and ;,perating fa�il�t� ::as ^.o� bee^ c�m�let�d with�: twa ; ars a�ter th� approvai of the classification, or any longer period a may be provided in Section 8(a) hereof; . I s • . � � (� � - .3s�.� (b) The Participating Business has not proceeded in good f ith with the construction or improvement of the facility, or with i 's operation, in a manner which is consistent with the purpose of the Act, the representations of the application, or the covenants of this Agreement; or (c) The Participating Business has misrepresented a materi 1 statement contained ia its application for tax credit has failed to perfo any express covenant of this Agreement or is not in continuing compliance th requirements or conditions' for approval or grant of an alteraative l0 1 contribution, state tax reductions or credits under the Act, the Program this Agreement. REVOCATION OF AN ALTERNATIVE LOCAL CONTRIBIITION OR OF AN LOYMENT PROPERTY CLASSIFICATION SSALL TERMINATE STATE TAX EXEriPTZONS, CRED S AND REDUCTIONS. The City Council may impose or request imposition of a re edy other than revocaCion, including withholding of eligibility certific tions for credits, exemptions or reductions, or institution of suit for spec fic performance or other remedy in law or equity. No failure of the City to exercise or make selection of a particular remedy for breach of this Agree ent by the Participating Business shall be deemed a waiver of its ri hts to enforce performance by the Participating Business of its obligati ns under the Act or this Agreement by any remedy available to the City in law 10. RECAPTURE In the event the Participating Business ceases to operate its facility in the Riverfront Enterprise Zone within two years after the exp ration of tax � reductions under. the Act and this Agreement, the Particip ting Business covenants and agrees that it shall repay the amount of ta reductions and of the local contribution pursuant to the following schedule: Tersination of Operations Repayment Portion Less than 6 months after expiration of tax reductions 100 percent 6 months 75 percent 12 months or more, but less than 18 months 50 percent 18 months or more, but less than 24 months 25 percent The repayment shall be immediately due upon such cessatio of operation of its zone facility, payable to the State of Minneaota to the e tent it represents an income tax credit or reduction and payable to the City to the extent it represents a property tax reduction or other local contri ution. 11. OTHER TERMS � � � . ,� � -?�� 12. EFFECTIVE DATE This Agreement has been accepted and executed on behalf o the Participating Business by the officers whose titles and signatures appe r in Section 3, above The Apolication and Agreement have been approved by actio of the Saint Paul City Council as recited in Section 2 above, and is execut d on behalf of the City of Saint Paul by the officers whose titles and signa ures appear below. This Agreement shall be effective upon its execution ia S ction 2 above and its delivery to th�e City of Saint Paul by the Minnesota Commi sioner of Revenue or his authorized desigaee. CITY OP SA P -- . ,- -- ,-�,� ��� � � _ �.$yJ � _ °•;'�.- Da e �-� — � �= ,��_ MAYOR' J � , � � �- i ��--�� - gy \ Da e CI CLERK „ -, ., i �, �' ��_ gy ��-.r-• Da e % DIRECTOR DEFARTMENT OF FLN CE & MANAG NT SERVICES , - Approved as to Form Assistant City Attorney . � � � ATTACHME�i 1T'•A" � � , � PART1CiPAT10N AGRE=v1 E3�IT ��~ �� RIVEAFRONT E�VTEAPRISE ZONE 0.K. Conners , Ltd. --- . . PAATiCIPATiNG BUSiNEiS � i. Faciliry description Restoration of three historic buildings in the Port Authority' s Empire Builder In- dustrial Paric. The largest building, formerly. the Wheel Shop, i approximately 30,000 Sq.ft. The former Pattern Shop, 3,000 sq.-ft:; and the 16,000 , ft. storaae building are also bein �estored. A ma'or tenant Kodi facture cup�� one of the tl�ree buildin - 3. Constrvc�a� Speci�cations(identiiy every specificarion or drawing. title;date arsd apprcving rct�iteci or engine�r)' Architectural Orawin s - Whee1 Shop, Pattern Shop, Stora e Buil in - Sheets 1-10, Miller, Durn�iddie & Associates � Structural Drawings - Wheel Shop, Pattern Shop, Storage 61dg. - Meyer, Borgman & Johns�� Tw}� City T�esting Report - Review �f 4Jooc� Membe�rs - All Buildin s Twin City Testing Report of Subsurface Exploration Program � • (capies of eacri drawi�g cr speci�cation must be supplied to me POt"t AUt1101"1 ty� C. Cansvuc�on Cast Oerait -- The Port Authority is administrating the construction 'fund and as on hand a detailed breakdown of c�onstruction expenses. 0. Fnancing cammitmerrts(equiiy and moRgage ftnancing) P r. ' � 1 � in9 i n r 'e t i s ao roximatel �650 000. � Preiimi�ary plana may be sucmittacf with the Applicadon.Within days ot approva of this Appiication by�e Ccmmissioner of Revenue. fi�al cansvucl�ort ptans and specifications acc8ptable to tt�e Ci will be submitiad. D.K. CONNERS , L'I'D. _ �'� PARTICIPATING �USi1vt�.5 Ciry of Sai t Paui , " ,_,, » . . Mayor By ' , ' gY 8y City Clerk 8y �-� �3�s � � EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING SCHEDUL ATTACHMENT"B" PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT RIVERFRONT ENTERPRISEZONE � \ ` ` \��< , r1 � �—',� � . ��;t'. , � PAATICIPATING B SINESS I. GENERAL A. The Ciry desires to increase emplcyment opportunities for Ciry residents who are low/ oderate income or economically disadvantaged(i.e.,JTPA-eligible defined in Exhibit�wid� Developer/ ployers for jobs within Saint Paul's Riverfront Enterprise Zone. B. Devetoperi Employer agrees to use the City as its primary source for recruitment,train g, referral,and placement of new or replacement entry level employees in accordance with the terms of this Agree ent. C. The Ciry's delegate agency will be the Job Creation and Training Section in the Depa ent of Planning and Econom�c Oevelopmen�Salnt Paul, MN 55102(Job Creation),or any other appropriate City agen y as may be designaced by the Mayor. 0. This Agreement becomes effective upon the date hereof and shall continue for five ye rs from the time Employer/Developer occupies facilities in the Riverfront Enterprise Zone, unless term ated as provided herein. E. This Agreement shall be applicable to all Developer/Employer new or replacement e ry level pos�tions for which low/moderate income or economically disadvantaged(i.e..JTPA-eiigible) persons ar or might reasonably be . available.This Agreement shall not apply to those jobs covered by existing collective argaining agreements or other contracts to wh�ch the Developer/Employer is a party, where the terms of this Agree nt would cause Developeri Employer to breach the prowsions of such agreements. II. RECRUITMENT A. The employment positions covered by ;h�s Agreement include all Developer/Employe job openings performed w�thin the Riverfront Enterprise Zone. in the classifications.titles and qualifications contain in Exhibit A. B. The Developer/Employer will notify Job Creation of its need for new emoloyees in co ered positions as soon as the Developeri Employer decides to h�re such employees or, if possible, fifteen(15)work� g days prior to the expected h�r�ng dates. tiotification may include the information required in �xh�bit A. C. The Oeveloper/Employer will provide Job Creation with its best estimate of the numb r and timing of potential job openings,through use of the form provided in Exhibit 8. D. The Developer/Employer may notify Job Creation of all vacancies for Developer/Em loyer openings i� the Riverfront Enterp�ise Zone which are not covered by this Agreement The Developer/Employer not obligated to hire employees from these referrals from Job Creation,however,must demonstrate a good faith effort in this regard. E. Job openings which are filled by internal promotions f►om the Developer/Employer's ocal work force are not covered by this Agreement III. REFERRAL A. Job Creation witl refer applicants according to the qualifications requested by Devel er/Employer. B. If training for specific job openings has been agreed upon between the City and Dev loper/Employer in a separate agreement under paragraph V. hereof,trainee applicants will be conside�ed qualified only when the training is successfully completed by applicant. C. Developer/Employer reserves the right to make all decisions on hiring new or additi nal employees, including the qualifications of applicants, but agrees to hire for covered positions from among thos persons referred by Job Creation who meet the job descriptions and quaiifications,or other persons certified s eligib�e. - � , � . � �--� �.��� IV. PLACEMENT A. When Developer/Employer notifies Job Creation of job opernngs �n covered pos�t�ons pror to fifteen(15)working days in advance of the proposed date to nire,Job Creation w►1i notity the Employer five(5) wo ing days p�ior to the application cios+ng date of the number of applicants J�b Creation will refer. B. If Job Crea�on cannot refer the total number of qualified persons,the Developer/Employ r may fill the remaining positions by any means. C. Job Creatlon will a)provide assistance and monito�job retention of employees placed u der this agreement for six months,and b)monitor Developer/Employer's performace under this Agreement. Oevei er/Employer will submit Ouarterly Hiring Summar�es in the form attached as Exh�bit C. D. After the Developer/Employer nas n�red an applicant referred by Job Creation,Job Crea ion will not be respons�ble for the employee's conduct and tne Developer/Employer releases the city from anjr liabiliry r the actions of such employees. V. TRAINING � A. Job Creation and the Developer/Employer may agree in a spearate agreement to devel classroom tra�ning, on-the-job training, pre-employment training or other training programs. The trainmg sp ifications and cost for such training shall be set forth in that Agreemant. B. The Oeveloper/Emptoyer will not discontinue routine on-the-job training to employees ired under thls Agreement. because of this Agreement or supplements to this Agreement VI. COlVTROLLlNG LAWS AND AGREEMENTS A. If this Agreement conflicts with or requires Oeveloper/Employer to breach an existing c Ilective bargaining agreement or any other exfsting agreements, said agreements shall prevail. . 8. Developer/Employer will provide Job Creation with written evidence that Developer/Em loyer has prov�ded the representative of any colleciive bargaining unit with a copy of this Agreement and has r uested comments from sa�d unit. �eveloperi Employer will prov�de such comments to Job Creation. C. The Developer/Employer will comply w�th any local, state.or federal law or regulatfon a they pertain to the Enterprise Zone designation. VII. DEFINITIONS A. Riverfront Ente�pnse Zone: The area designated by the State of Minnesota as an enterp�ise zone as detailed in Exhi it D. B. Cove�ed Employees: � New or replacement entry level employees and such other employees as may be mutua y agreed upon between the parties. . � � ��: l � ,, + •..1. � , ' PARTICIPA N,r.� BUSIN S Ci �aint �aul j,^ - ' ;�; �,z�_�-��..- � ;;' -��-^Mayor By �' . BY e `; _' � � _City Clerk By Y , �0��7� ATTACNMENT 9 , D(HiBIT A � JOB ORDER Fd?Rfrt City of Saint Paul � Department of Planning and Economic Oevelopment Jab C�eation and Trairi�g Section ;. Emp:oyef Kodiak Corporation 2. Date 3—�-86 3. Job Tit�e Shipping/Distribution Clerk 4. tvu ber of Openings 2 5. Job �ocation Jackson Street, St. Paul � 6. Cantact Person M'L' �'� � _ p o�e 881-9425 M.L. Smith 8. e inning Oate 7-1-86 7. S�pervisar Ending �n 9. Starting Salary S 4.5 pef �- Health, Life, Holiday, Sick t0. Benehts N�F 8 Hrs/day �i. Days co be worked � . Hours --- X t 3. WIII union membership be required? Yes No It yes. which union and local number �4. If chts job involved on-the-job training to be subsidized by the City, how long will that training eriod be? 2 �e.ks - (attacr+ specific training plan) to be attached �5. Spec�fic Duties SO� �CO�g �vento ; lace in stock• fill orders dete . means/costs. , i 6. Necessay�ualificatiors Skill level of education, experiencs or vaining required to enter prograrn (include licenses an i or certificates necessary): Hi h School di loma Shipping/distribution or inventory control experience help ul. , . � X ��-.��s i7. Are your emoloyees in th�� pos�hon exoected to provide any necessary toals �n the job(s)?Yes No (If yes. ptease attach an itemized iist(witn pn�esl af Wols required for eacn position.) tvone 18. DPSCnbe any on-the-iob trairnng you normal�y provide f�r this posit�on (i.e., without Giry fund�r,g) x ' ;9. ls there a poss+b�I�N for promot�on fr�m this�ob? Yes Ne Manager - Shipping/Distri.bution If yes. :�what�osition(s)? ?0. Er�vironmental Conditions 2?. Physicai Demands a.Work�ng Environment a.Strength =°rb tim�job will uire 90 Standing � % Inside �b W2�king % Outside 10 °/a Simng �� °�o Yes Na N/eignt�NurD�er.Of Pound 1 �0 lbs b.Extreme cotd w�th or w�thout � X L�fting � ll�s Ca rying temperature changes Push�ng �� �S Pu ling �� �s Yes No C. Extr@me heet w�th Or��nnth0ut X X temperature changes s b.C;imbing X X Baiancing , d.Wet andior hum:d Stoop�ng X X Knee�ing X e.Vibration -- Crouch�ng X . Craw�ing � X f. Hazards ' X Fieaching � X Mechanical � Nardling X Eiec;ncal X x X Fingering Burns Feeling X Exp�os�ves X x X Talking Aadioactiv�ry Heanng Other X Ordinary Cenversation X � Other Sounds X g.AUnospheric Conditions X Fumes Seeing Dusts X �,cuiry, Near X titists X Acuity. Far X -- Gases X x X Depth Perception X Poor Ventilaoon X Color Vision �_ Other Field of Vision h.Noise Est�mated Max�mum N�mber of Oecibels neglible x 22. Coula a person w�th lim�ted English speaking skills perform this�ob? Yes No_ Could a person w�th limited English reading/writing skiils pe�form this job? Yes No X 23. Is public transportation eas�ly accessibie? Yes No 24. Does the�cb requ�re sh�ft work or other than tradit�onal hours? Yes Nc _� (I( yes. please clar�fy) � � C� � � . • � . . � r1c�'' �� �''�MENT 3 ACH � EXH181T A . JOB OR�ER Fs?R1'�1 � City of Saint�Paui Oef�artment of Planning and Economic Oevelopment Job Creation and Trairing Saction t. Emp:oysr K°d�.alC Corp°rati.on — 2. Oate "�Z—A�a 3. Job Title �S�nbly worker — Electronics 4. umber of Openings 3 5. Job �ocatien Jackson Street, St. Paul 6. Contact�erson M'L' ��' Phone 881-9425 7. Supervisor M'L' �� 8. eginning Oate 8-1-86 E^ding �� 9. Starting Salary S 4.50 pef hr Health, Life, Holidays, Sick 10. Benef�ts t t. Oays co be worked _ M-F �2. Hours 8 �S��y -- 13. W�II union membersl�ip be required? Yes No X If yes. wh�ch union and local number . � 3 weeks ta. It mis job involved on-the-job training ro be subsidized by the City, how long will that tra�n� g period be? ----- (attach specific tra�ning plan) to be attaChed �5. Specjfic Ducies Read assembly �.�, -- test, package. . , • . �6. Necessary Dualificatiors Sk�ll Ieve1 of education, experi�nce or training required to enter program (incfude licenses ndiar certificates necessary): H.S. Diploma Must read and write Electronics ass�nbly helpful. ; � � :3��� 17. Are your emQi�yees in th�s position exoectc-d to prvvide any necessary tocls in tne job(s)? Yes � No (lf yes. • please attach an itemized list(witn pr�ces! of tools requi�ed for each position.) 18. Descr�ba any o�-ihe-�ob training you normal�y provide f�r this posit�on(i.e.. without Gity fundi g) One week - assembly/testing procedures � x ' 19. Is there a possib�U.ry for promotion from this�ab? Yes _ Ne Shift lea.der If yes. ;o what aosition(s1? 20. Environmentai Cenditions 2'. Phy�ical Demands a.Working Envircnment a.Strength =46 timg,��b w II req�;re Standing�_ Inside 100 0� W2lking Outside � °r6 S�tting 50 Yes No We�gnt(Number of Pou ds) b. Extreme coid with or w�thout � L,fting �� �S arry�ng �0 lbs temperature changes X Pushing���s ulling �bS c. Extreme heat w�th or w�thout Yes No temperature changes X b.C:imbing X 8aiancing X d.Wet and/or hum:d -- X Stooping X X Knee�ing X x e.V�braUon __ . Crouching �— . Crawiinq �_ f. Ha2ards ' X Reaching _� Mechanical Hardting �_ Electr�cal X Burns X Fingering � x Feeling �_ Explosrves X Talk�ng Radioactiv�ty . Other x Hearing x Ordinary Conversati n _�_ �� Other Sounds g.AVnospher+c Conditions X Fumes � X Seeing Dusts X Acuiry, Near � X Mists � Acuiry, Far X —_ PooeVentilabon x Depth Perception X X Color Vision Other Field of Vision X h.Noise Estimated Max�mum neglible N�mber of Decibels x 22. Coulo a person w�th limited English speaking skills perform this job? Yes No_ Could a person with limited Engtish reading/writing skills perform this job? Yes No X 23. Is public transportation eas�ly accessib►e? Yes X No 2C. Ooes t�e �cb �eGu�re 5h�ft work or other"than tradii�onai hours? 'res Nc k (I( yes. please clanfy� ' � ATTACHMENT B . � - ' D(H181T 6 • ESTi IMATEfl I�IRIN� SCNEDULE . - . � �'.�,�-�. City of Sair.t Paui Oepartment of Pianning and Economi� Deve�opment � Job Cre$tion and Training Section �p�oyg� Kodiak Corporation p te 3-7-86 Transfer trom �uture �ab pther Immediate New Hires , Titles Locaticns New Nires tNo. 8� Date) � Shipping/Distsibutio � 2 7-1-86 � Clerk Ass�nbly Worker , Electronics 3 8-1-86 Secretary ( 1 10-1-86 Billing Clerk 1 10-1-86 Assembly Workers 5 12-1-86 � Rod Con�onents I - � Assesnbly Workers 3 1-1-87 I Electronics { i C�istamer Service 2 3-1-87 ( Reps. � ' �' � ; --- ���_.� _ ------------------- I � Renaining 13-25 sitions to be filled 4-1-87 to 3-31-88. . I , . � i I i i i ; l I � , � � � .. I I • �, H t I HC;I1MtiV I G ' � � • ' MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY AND ECONOhiIC DEVEL PMENT �,,I ;, . � . • Certificitloo and Appiication for Enterprise Zone Credit ���� r��.��.��.� ` I.�d Nam�of Bwinaa Minnaocs ID Nutnu F�de ID Number KODIAK CORPORATION APPLIID FOR 38- 786083 � Addreu(numb�e snd itrNt) Naas�and t�l�phon�numb�e ot p�noa o eoatact st thu 9425 Synd.icate Av�enue $Otlfi�'1 bwin�if w hsv�quations sbout thi�forsa. Daniel K. Conners 612 881-9425 City $tst� Zip Code Bloomington Minnesota 55420 D��erib�th�expaa�ion aetivitp (�quan fiet of exp�nsioa,nwab�r of iob�er�ac�d,iaes�aK in ps�croll,iaer� �ia m�rk�t valu�.��-• -' expansion.daeripcion ot bwina�and nstuer of its produet). j(pC�l�C C�A�. Wl�.�. 2210C3t2 erta�.n operations frac*.t 3ess�ner, MI, and eacQand its mfg. of fibergla�s & �raphite products; reate 30 new jobs and wi: be a main tenant in D.K. Conners, Ltd. 's 49,000 sq. ft. development. Enterflris� Zone Credits 1. Saln tax psid on purehases of con�truction materials or equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 2. Intarat paid on d�bt to tinaac�eon�truetion o[n�w fuility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 3. a. Numb�r of rorlten e�sployed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a. 30 b. Cradit per�rorlar(fmm lin�8 below) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . b. s • 3 c. Multiply eh�number on lin�s by th� aewunt on tina b . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3c. � ���� Horder Ciev Zone�Onlv 4. s. Numbes of rorken�mployd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4a. . b. Credit per work�r(irom lin�T below) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. b. e. Multiply th�numb�r on line s by th�sinount on lin�b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4e. ' Total Credits S. Total enterpria�son�cr�dits (add lines 1. 2,3e and�c). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S. $ ���� Enterpriae Zon�City � Nsm� and telephone�umber of person to contact i[we hsve que� ion� about thu form Saint Paul John A. Campobasso, Port Authority of the Ci of Saint Pa��4-5686 Legsl deseription ot propeety for whie4�eredit is cisimed. See Attachment � 6. Fill ia the credit uswuat W b�allo.r�d for euh empioye� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6. + • T. Boeder eitv sones onty - Fill in th�credit ainount to be allowed foc each empioyee . . . . . . . . . . . . . T. 8. Cheek th�appropriace box: ( J ne�r faeility ( � expsn�ion of exi�tina fscility Also filt in eh� amoune oi credit to b�sllow�d foe property tax payable in 19_ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8. ' , 9. &ord�e eitv sona onlv (for nwein�faeilitia) � . Fi11 in oh� uaount oi cr�dic to b�allo.r�d for peop�rty eau pay�bi�ia 19_ . . . . . . . . . . . . .�. . . . 9. - Local eontributioa (acplain how d�t�rssfin�d) Zone D�ductio � The company wi 11 be 1 eas i ng space i n d Be�innin�Balanc� . . . . . � faci 1 i ty that has received credi ts to en— Otfering to Company . . . . . — - courage i ts devel opment; therefore, we Cdf1t10t Remaining Bslsnce . . . . . . Q 1 I hereby declare and eertify thst tlse application i� crue and correct to ehe 6est oi my knowledge and beli c. contri but io n) � � .� %: � ' ;• ' i° /Si�nstur�of AppGeans D te ����J - ����'�7 , ` !I / City Ci�rk or Adminutrator Dac• Commiaion�e ot En�r�y d Ee000mie Dw�lopm�nt Dae� C�rtif�cstion thst spplic t is lxscd in th� � \.\ Ent�rpriN Zone and er�ii s sre svailabi�. . - �----�_. �� L� _( �_ � . Elecsed City O�cial � Dsu - � � CommiNion�r of R�r�e � Dst� Appeor�d fo�c�rtiliesti n �Employrruat Prop�eqr !r .��..� - � G ' � �"� � ; � � PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL LL FREE(800) 328-8417 25 WEST FOURTH STREET • SUITE 1305 • ST. PAUL, MINN. 55102 • HONE (612) 224-5686 April 2, 1986 Mr. Ja�es Bellus, Director Planning & Econanic Development Department City of Saint Paul 14th Floor City Hall Annex St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 SUBJECT: ENTEf2PRISE ZONE CREDITS KODIAK CORPORATION � Dear Jim: j Attached are five copies of the Participation Agree�nt fo Kodiak Corporation for your review. Approval of the use of Ente rise Zone credits and authorization to execute the Participation Agr ement was granted by the City Council on March 20, 1986, by Resoluti n No. 86-345. We are, therefore, requesting that you transnit the attach d agreements to the Mayor, City Clerk and Director of Finance ancl Manageme t Services for execution. Please return all the agreements to the Fort A thoritV so they may be submitted to the Commissioner of Energy and Economi Development and the Commissioner of Revenue for their signature. Each dep rtment will be provided with a copy of the document when fully executed. Your expeditious handling of this matter will �be appreciat d. � Yours truly, ;_ , '��, ,; „ i�'� \\ l,Ci.,�,�.�; E1.igenE�`��-�r�du � �cecutiv Vice President 1 EAK:ca Attach. f / cc. Mayor Lat.uner EUGENE A KRAUT,C.I.D. DONALD G.DUNSHEE,C.I.D. CHARLES M.TOWLE CLIFFOR E.RAMSTED PERRY K.FEDERS EXECUTNE VICE PRESIDENT AS5i.EXEC.VICE PRESIDENT DtRECTOR OF INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT CHIE ENGINEER DIRECTOR OF FINANCE C.E.O. RICHARD A.GIERDAL WILLIAM E.McGNERN PROPERIV MANAGER DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC RELA710NS COMMISSIONERS GEORGE W.WINTER WILLIAM WILSON ARTHUR N.GOODMAN VICTOR P.REIM RAYMOND E.lA GEVIN CHRIS NICOSIA JEAN M.WE: %2ESIDENT VICE PRESIOENT SECREfARV TREASURER COMM�SSIO R COMMISSIONER COMMISSIONE �'I I� �'artifiarf Inrl�istrinl 7avalnnar St. Paul Port Authority DEPARTMENT G� 'a�v N� 2268 E.A. Krau.t, J.A. Campobasso CONTACT 224�5686 PHONE April 2, 1986 DATE �e�� e �r ASS GN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER (Cli All Locations for Si nature : Department Director � Director of nagement/Mayor �2' Finance and Management Services Director � City Clerk �� Budget Director � • City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpo e/ Ratio ale) : Attached are five copies of the Participation Agreement for Kodiak Corpo ation for your review and signature. Approval of the use of Enterprise Zone credits and auth rization to execute the Participation Agreement was granted by the City Council on March 20 1986, by Resolution No. 86-345. COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: N/A , FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor' signa- ture n t re- Total Amount of Transaction: quired if under $10,00 ) Funding Source: N/A Activity Number: ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All Attachments) : 1 . Participation Agreement - Kodiak Corporation DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY RE IEW Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Requi ed? Yes No Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Suffic ent? Yes No Yes No Insurance Attached: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 HOW TO USE T�iE GREEN SHEET �, The GREEN SHEET has several PURPOSES: . 1, to assist in routing documents and in securing required signatures 2. to brief the reviewers of documents on the impacts of approval 3. to help ensure that necessary supporting materials are prepared, and, if required, attached. Providing complete information under the listed headings enables reviewers to make decisions on the documents and eliminates follow-up contacts that may delay execution. The COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS heading provides space to explain the cost/benefit aspects of the decision. Costs and benefits related both to City budget (General Fund and/or Special Funds) and to broader financial impacts (cost to users, homeowners or other groups affected by the action) . The personnel impact is a description of change or shift of Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) positions. If a CONTRACT amount is less than $10,000, the Mayor's signature is not required, if the department director signs. A contract must always be first signed by the �outside agency before routing through City offices. Below is the preferred ROUTING for the five most frequent types of documents: ' CONTRACTS (assumes authorized budget exists) 1. Outside Agency 4. Mayor 2. Initiating Department 5. Finance Director 3. City Attorney 6. Finance Accounting ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget Revision) ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all others) 1. Activity Manager 1. Initiating Department 2. Department Accountant 2. City Attorney 3. Department Director 3. Director of Management/Mayor 4. Budget Director 4. City Clerk 5. City Clerk 6. Chief Accountant, F&MS COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Amend. Bdgts./Accept. Grants) COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all others) 1. Department Director 1. Initiating Department 2. Budget Director 2. City Attorney 3. City Attorney 3. Director of Management/Mayor 4. Director of Management/Mayor 4. City Clerk 5. Chair, Finance, Mngmt. & Personnel Com. 5. City Council 6. City Clerk 7. City Council 8. Chief Accountant, F&MS SUPPORTING MATERIALS. In the ATTACHMENTS section, identify all attachments. If the Green Sheet is well done, no letter of transmittal need be included (unless signing such a letter is one of the requested actions) . Note: If an agreement requires evidence of insurance/co-insurance, a Certificate of Insurance should be one of the attachments at time of routing. Note: Actions which require City Council Resolutions include: 1. Contractual relationship with another governmental unit. 2. Collective bargaining contracts. 3. Purchase, sale or lease of land. 4. Issuance of bonds by City. 5. Eminent domain. 6. Assumption of liability by City, or granting by City of indemnification. 7. Agreements with State or Federal Government under which they are providing funding. 8. Budget amendments. r (�� _��s , � � � : f� , � PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL OLL FREE(800) 32&8417 25 WEST FOURTH STREET • SUITE 1305 • ST. PAUL, MINN. 55102 • HONE (612) 224-5686 May 10,. 1986 Mr. James Bellus� Director Planning & Econcanic Develo�anent Departinent City of St. Paul 14th Floor City Hall Annex St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 SUBJDCT: II�iTERPRISE ZONE CRIDITS KODIAK CORPORATION: Dear Jim: We submit herewith for your review and referral to the office f the Mayor, City Council and City Attorney's Office details pertaining to the issuance of IIzterprise Zone Credits to Kodiak Corporation. The credits w'll be in the fo�n of a $40,000 State income tax credit for new employees. Rodiak wi.11 be leasing frcm D.K. Conners Ltd. in the E3�ire Builder Industri 1 Park. The property will not be forn�ally reclassified for tax purposes a an alternative oontribution of infrastructure i�rove�nents is being provided in lieu of local property tax reduction. D.K. Conners Ltd. received approval for industrial revenue bo financing through the Fort Authority and the City in August of 1985 to novate three historic buildings in the F�ire Builder Industrial Park. At t time, the Park was not included within the boundaries of the IIzterprise Zone; hawever, it was anticipated that this w�ould co�ne about shortly. With at understanding, credits w�ere negotiated as an incentive to Kod' Corporation for the relocation and expansion of their business fran Bess' r, Michigan. In addition t�o the staff report, we are attachirx� a draft cop of the proposed City Council resolution which authorizes the execution of the rticipation Agreement and the sub�nittal of the praposal to the De�partsnent f Energy and Econanic Develo�nent and the Departsnent of Revenue. Your expeditious handlirx� of this matter will be appreciated. i Yours truly, -2.ti.�.9 '`�°� - Eugen A. Kraut EAK:ca F�ecutive Vice Pre ident Attach. cc. Mayor Latim�er EUGENE A KRAUf,C.I.D. G.DUNSHEE,C.I.D. CHARLES M.TOWLE CLIFFOR E.RAMST� PERRY K FEDERS D(ECUfIVE VICE PRESIDENf ASSL EXEG VICE PRESIDBV� OIRECTOR OF INWSIRULL DEVBOPAAENf CFNEF NEER DIRECTOR OF RNANCE C.EO. RICHARD A GIERDAL WIWAM E MCGNERN aROPHxrv naorvo+Ges qaECroa oF��c Rflnno�s COMMISSIONERS GEORGE W.WINTER WIWAM WILSON ARiHUR N.GOODNVW VICTOR P.RHM RAVMOND E GEYIN CHRIS NICOSIA JEAN M.WES� PRESIDB�T V10E PRESIDENf SEp2EWiY � TREASURH2 CO�M�SION6t COMMISSIONEf. C.I.D.Certif(ed Industrial Develor�er r •�f � f� (� �� • 1/30/86 STAFF REP�ORT � . RE: D.K. tJQ�HJERS LZfl./RODIAK CORPORATI�I II�TI'ERPRISE DD�TE. APPI,ICATIO�I,S �.. �oPOS� �r �o� D.K. Conners Ltd. proposes that approQCimately 236,583 feet or approocimal:ely 5.4Z acres of Iand leased fraa th�e Port thority of the City of Sai.nt Paul in the Da�ire �uilder Industrial be deternrined eligible for reclassification as enQloyment proQerty h the City's Riverfront Enterprise Zone Progr�an. The praperty will ot be formally reclassified for tax puzposes as an alternative contr' tion of infrastructure improvsnents is being pr�vided in lieu o local pronerty ta�c reduction. lhis alternative contri.bution has been proved by the Minnesota Deparmnent of �ergy and Econamic Develapmen -The property description is attached. Thi.s praperty is identified. the Faansey County Tax. Depar�nent thrau�gh the pro�erty identif ica ' rnmiber 09-I2000-190-05� Zhi.s praperty was fonaerly owned by the Burlington No ern as part of its Jackson Street Shops canplex.� �e buildings hav�e vacant for a r�nnbe�of yesrs and were deterioratinq. B. AND P�POSm USE D.R. Conners entered into a land and facilities agreeme t with the Port Authority in August, 1985. Rehabilitation of the three historic buildings is under way with a total cost for acaquisitio and reriovation of $3�424�020. Trie: larqest building Cotlta].rlit�q 30 r000 feet will be le�asec�, by th� Rodi.ak Corporatiorr of Besse�aer, Mich' . D.R. Conners p President of Rodi.ak's� parent fizac. Connerg trial Praducts,� ig also the deveioper who is restrori.ng the bu dir�gs through h3.� CoclBtZt�CtiC[� cXa�Qacicy�: RlOSte1^-MSdsen� I11C. ROdlak s a 30-year old. cr�any� which mat�ufactures: fin� qr�alit�r roll�l. fiberg and graphite� r��tiC�1 acld itldUStriarL Produatsr Prodc�cing: fishltx3' rods atvd poles. tubing a� aircraft caq�onents� Other ter�acits are� yet be �• C. P'1�►7DGTID I1V(32EASID MARI�'r VAL�JE The market value wi.11 increase by nearly tt�e total t of the - iaQrovaaents plus the land value as the pro�erty was mi. imally assessed as vac�nt and underdevelaped. The develo�ament will re t in an estimated market value of $2,205,000 which is .00034 of the market value of all taxabl� property in Saint Paul. . , � . � '� �,� � _��� . D. RETAIIJED AND NEW JOHS ' Kodiak Corporation is anticipati.ng the cr�ation of ap imately thirty new full time positions within two years. Zt,�o or key peaple will b� relocatir�g fram Michigan with th� r�maining positi being filled - - by local residents. The�c�oa�any has entered int�o � Ci of St. Paul F2�l�oymezit anc� �irting Participatio� Agremnent and an te� =ec�itin� fi� t� imaedi:ate �eirgt�borl�oo�a�rea.. �. � 1� �P�tf cipa.t�+oa P�graemant� hav�beetz tor D.�« Cocn�L#�. anc� oc� f�oz"Kodial� C.o�atio�ct� D.R� Lt�. w�.IL re�eive ci�3it a� a� i�nent ta dev�elop� the p whi.le� Rodfak wtll raceiv� euQloya�t creditg ta enocxuage hiri.ng of local residents. �e folLaa�ing� outlines the tax benefitss Annual 2-Year Zbtal i � �� - . Sffii�3 N� $a�t�+OyAet CreKiitg' $ZQ��QtI ,�i 40,0�� II.R.. Cotu�es� Ltx�.. -� Sta�Debt F�nar�� �itg $SQ.00ET $100,D00 At.teznati.v� 1ocaL ao�itrfbtitia�r is 523�,L55 b� c�t S. .23T per a+c�e of -•Po�t Autho�rtty �iter iamprvvenents� � c�ontr�cn hac� prlo= appzoval fza� tt�e DeQarmrent o� Energy a�d ec�nomic Iopment. �tis represents a private-to-publia ratio of apps�oocima ly 521.50 in private inv�estrnent per $1 of pubiic tax reduati�r'ar 't. It also represerits o�e r� job per �4,667 tax creditg or redu 'ons. F. QO[J� FIl�iD� , Tl�e D.� C� I.bct./Kod�alc Corporatioc� a�►T Y�**o� creati.at o� at l�st 3� ne� jabs,. c�ocier of which�wanS� be� a fra� another �xa�o�,R��•;z r{ty« 7h�pz+c�osaL� � res�].t t�s abaodo�mecit o��emo�l�t�o�ot�er pzr�p�rtg awnec� b� a�pli.cant i.rt S�snt P�t� c� r�ot tt�as�e�vaElu�of p=opert�' �thfr�-t�C�... G`.. . �ie� staff o� the� Pbrt Autlmrity of the C�ty° of Saint nvaanends th�e City Camcil appr�ve th� attached Participatiori ts for D.R. �Conners Lt�d. and Kcdiak Corporatiorr as drafted« Staff further reca�nd� the� City �nci1 detenaine� that th� project is eligible for . emQlo�yment pr�erty reclassificatiorr and that Atta t � of the � Participat�on Agreement be forwardec� to the° Carmissi r of �ergy and Fcaiamic De�rela�a�ent fo� verificatiorr.. � �' '` � `� .7 :> �s ' � i � ` � ,� I `swra"i��f"Vl�,���V Vif ��i#�"t'Ll�d�'. c ' '` � ° N�'P�$!'�TY FO�T � � ._�'��J�tfs3$1��N�$��, ESbNS ` '�, , �:._ �V A�irst�aat 3a�fina�ota l�ta�utea�984,Sectioih 273.I3i3 Subdivision )act�toi ps�� of�t� P�ain �of'Ci� '.�of S'aint Pai�l RiveFtront F•n '�E�e N�E IS`iiEAEB',�'',C�iVEN�'A PU��+IG.#tEA83NG will Ae hel l�tore . tt���t�;�c�c�►.ots�it ps��t���c�,��,t�a fl ' � Hall,y�3"�Pa�t�o,g 'BouleVa�,��PauL.�i�nt��a�;Thucsiiay,th ,���� � , � pr&s ao�n.the�aftet'as the mat� on o��.T. �S,�t Ltd.lKosli�tlr� � Y � �.; ��t�an.� �cx�e� t.��t Av�ue.,��cn.:�i�, 'rec . 't3ot►��t��� aia.� , �r , f 1a�cat�Pd�:.�w t�--&ai�t Paul :R�e�nt���rlsg T�ae; � - -.�ene�ta,��is emPlvY�ent��Y°�an� tor. -;t�.�id.` � '�u�ded �cla�s 4d�" rr�pe�y �'=�inaesc�a S�atut�es.,�9�.. :���- ` a `�bd�vi�m 8; _ (4'f fo��a�e�2evied i�t��9B8and to�r � :tt�i�l+eeiter: , . � � ,. _ . .. . � , AT SAID PUBLI�.. `'.. �R�ATG the Citg Conncil will �sider.v1► �`� ��v�'thE.sa�d Applicafibn upois iindin�s as �red b� ,'�ia� 2'i31313 Subdivision 2(d). At s��"earing�`�he�j� �s�'q County Asse�sor,re�res�ntatiYee�aifected taxin�au'�q�jfi� ' � ': taxPaYer of the mun�dp��q:o��eatative of . , Y 8I�}'C011i�lll��'�►:. � �..: . w i ll h ave opport�iit�►t¢be°�8��or tnay present their views i�k w►r'i at ar� before the Hearing. � :.- : Cop�ies oi the APPli�aticra.f,l�e report of the 3&int Paul R�tt�fsoi►t O and the prn�ose�i Participatiasr A�+eement bet�ee�t��ics�t a�d�E� i� 1�e#t�racbd,at�tt�offioes of ti�°City��;lerk or�t�te PQrt Autx►a,ri Qt t,�g _• ,pt r� na�s►�t� ihours;=�� i�t'ben''to ` �, , d��or ri}aileed�.�;/b Ci�c�C�n Room"88d,"f�it� �6i1�;����C : Boul��.'3ai�it-�t�i. � � :�, $:-�� �T'S51�y�.�Po���i� ! 25 West�+'e�rth�reet,$�e 1�: t Paul,MN 51f�ti�: . ,�ay be m�e to`�'o7m?��e��ayso;�2��. '_ AI.SL��i,T�B O��T�t�,,�g'�ler� _: . 4.G� �;: _ . � . -"�z . �� _ , (�'�?'n�ar�r 1, 19Y6} .... ,_ . ., . . , ,