86-344 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PIy.Y -�-`IN�ANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Cou cii /j CANARV - OEPARTMENT File NO• �G �✓� BLUE - MAVOR Council solution _ . .. Presented By l Referre Committee: Dat Out of Committee By Dat RESOLUTION APPROVING APPLICATION OF DCONOMICS LABORA'It�RY, INC. FOR CLASSIFICATI OF PROPER'TY LOCATED IN ZHE SAINT PAUL RIVERFRONT ENTERPRISE ZONE AS CLASS 4d EMPLOYMENT PROPERTY WHERF,AS, Economics Laboratory, Inc. , (the "Company") filed w' the City Clerk an Application for classification of $2,500,000 in improvements to e 'sting property located on Blair Avenue in the Ehipire Builder Industrial Park as F�nployme Property pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 273.1313 and the Saint Paul Riverfront nterprise Zone Program (the "Program"); and WHERF,AS, the property irnprovements, tax classification, and ate tax credits as set forth in detail in the January 30, 1986, Staff Report will result 'n the creation of 200 new jobs and the retention of 17 jobs in Saint Paul by the const tion of a new building on the site; and WHEREAS, there has been presented to and considered at this eting a Participation Agreement between the City and the Company whereby the Co�npany co nants respecting the canpletion of property improvements; and WHEREAS, the City Clerk has sent copies of the Application t the Ramsey County Assessor and to the governing body of Independent School District . 625 and of every other public body authorized to levy taxes upon the property and ly published on February 4, 1986, in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger, the official ne paper for the City a notice of public hearing before the City Council upon the Ccxnpany' Application; and WHEREAS, the District 6 Planning Council on February 4, 1986, reviewed and recamnended approval of the Application; and COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department f: Yeas Drew Nays Nicosia � � Rettman [n Favor Scheibel Q so��e� __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City At rney Adopted by Council: Date � l/ Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � sy. l �-cs�__� . Approved by :Navor: Date _ Approved by May for ub is 'on to Council w BY - — WHITE -�ITV CIERK PI}OK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Co ncil ,/ CANARV - DEPARTMENT FII NO. �� v`� / � Bl_UE - MAVOR Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Da e Out of Committee By Da e WHEREAS, the Thcxnas/Dale District 7 Planning Council on Janu ry 23, 1986, reviewed and recoarniended approval of the Application; and Wt�REA.S, the anpire Builder Industrial Park Job Coalition ha been kept informed of the use of �terprise Zone credits for this project with the most recent update on February 27, 1986; and WHEREAS, the City Council conducted a public hearing on Marc 6, 1986, upon the Application at which hearing opportunity was provided for the App icant, the County Assessor, representatives of affected taxing authorities and any axpayer of the City or member of the public to present their views orally or in writing t or before the hearing, and having duly considered the testimony and written views presen ed at the hearing and the Application, staff report, draft Participation Agreement and solution dated February 27, 1986, of the Ibwntown Riverfront Commission reco��en ing approval of the Application; now therefore, be it RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Saint Paul that it he eby determines that the Application of Econamics Laboratory, Inc., the property improveme ts, retained and new jobs and tax benefits proposed meet the objectives of the Saint P ul Riverfront Enterprise Zone Program. RESOLVED FURZHER that the City Council additionally finds an determines that the construction of the Company's building: (1) is reasonably likely to create new ernployment in the City; (2) will not have the effect of transferring existi g employment fro�n one or more other cities within Minnesota; (3) will result in an increa e in market value of the employment property of $2,225,000 which is .00034$ of the market alue of all taxable property in Saint Paul; and (4) will not result in the reduction f the assessed value of existing property within the City owned by Applicant. - 2 - COUNCILMEN Requested by Department f: Yeas DfeW Nays N"°5'e (n Favor Rettman Scheibel son�e� __ Against BY Tedesco W ilson Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City At rney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY B}. Approved by Mavor: Date _ Approved by Mayoc for Sub ission to Council BY - — BY WHITE -�ITV CLERK PI/rK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Cou cil CANARV - DE�ARTMENT File NO. �� `��� BLUE - MAVOR Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Dat Out of Committee By Dat RE90LVED FURTHER that the Application and employment property classification thereby proposed is hereby approved and the City Clerk is directed transmit the Application together with a certified copy of this resolution to th Conanissioner of Energy and Economic Development and the Commissioner of Revenue for onsideration and final approval. RE90LVED FURTHER that the Participation Agreement between the 'ty and the Applicant is hereby approved, and the proper City officers are authorized to ign the same on behalf of the City, and upon its signature by the Applicant to transnit At chment C of said Agreement to the Commissioner of Energy and Economic Development an the Co�nnissioner of Revenue for signature by the Commissioners or their designee upon f' al approval of the Application. COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department f: Yeas Drew Nays Nicosia � Rettman I(1 FBVO[ Scheibel Sonnen 0 __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date MAR 2 0 19$6 Form Approved by City At rney Certified Pas• by Council Secretary 1 By By� __ � 1 �f Appro by Vlavor: Date �R � y �86 Approved by Mayor for Sub ission to Council sy _ sy � PUBIISNEO MAR 2 91986 St. Paul Port Authority DEPARTMENT �� `3�� N� 2263 E.A. Kraut, J.A. Campobasso CONTACT 224-5686 PHONE � �� DATE e Q Q, ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER (Clip All Locations for Signature) : 1 Department Director 3 Director of Management/Mayor Finance and Management Services Director 4 City Clerk Budget Director RE: ENTERPRI E ZONE CREDITS 2 City Attorney ECONOMIC LABORATORY INC. WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purp se/ Rati ale) : Enterprise Zone credits will be made available as part of a total ince ive package provided to Economics Laboratory, Inc. The company will be constructing a new mputer facility in the Empire Builder Industrial Park and will also be relocating their I titutional Sales Division from White Plains, New York, to the Osborn Building in Downto St. Paul . The project will retain 17 jobs and create 200 new jobs within two yea . Economics Laboratory, Inc. is anticipating creating up to 350 new jobs within fiv years. COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: EC�(VED N�A P� AR � :. �.�"�► M YQR'S OFFICE FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor' signa- ture n t re- Total Amount of Transaction: quired if under $10,00 ) Funding Source: N�A Activity Number: - ATTACHMENTS (List and Number Al1 Attachments) : 1 . City Council Resolution 2. Staff Report cc. J. Shoholm DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY RE IEW X Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Requi ed? Yes No Yes X No Insurance Required? Insurance Suffic ent? Yes No Yes �No Insurance Attached: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 St. Paul Port puthori ty DE PARTMENT � ����No 2 2 70 E.A. Krau t, J.A. Campo basso CONTACT . 224-5686 PHONE � � April 2, 1986 DATE e� e �r ASS GN NUNBER FOR ROUTING ORDER Cli All Locations for Si nature : epartment Director 3 Director of nagement/Mayor � Finance and Management Services Director 4 City Glerk � Budget Director RE: ENTERPRI E ZONE CREDITS City Attorney ECONOMIC LABORATORY INC. WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpo e/ Ratio ale) : Attached are five copies of the Participation Agreement for Economics aboratory, Inc. for your review and signature. Approval of the use of Enterprise Zone cre its and authorization to execute the Participation Agreement was granted by the City Council on March 20, 1986, by Resolution No. 86-344. COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: N/A FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUN�ER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor' signa- ture n t re- Total Amount of Transaction: quired if under $10,00 ) Funding Source: N/.A Activity Number: . ATTACHMENTS (List and Number Al1 Attachments) : 1 . Participation Agreements - Economics Laboratory, Inc. DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY RE IEW Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Requi ed? Yes No Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Suffic ent? Yes No Yes No Insurance Attached: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 � . �� .,�� T . � � �_ � �� � e � � �►.R � � AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL Memorandum TO: Riverfront Conmission Develo�nent Task Force �A ' Jan. 30, 1986 FROM: J.A. Cam�obasso ' SUBJECT: DCONOMICS LABORA�RY, INC. Econamics Laboratory, Inc. 's develoFxnent plans involve bo the Downtown property as well as the construction of a new facility in the E�npire Builder Industrial Park. �e campany will be expending a roximately $4.5 million on the renovation of the Osborn and Northern Stat s Fbw�er buildings to accc�rrodate the m�ve of the Institutional Sales Divisi n fran White Plains, New York to St. Paul. In order to create adequat space in their existing buildings and meet the growing de�nand of the div sion, they have decided to move the Information and Service Division into a new facility in the F�ire �ilder Industrial Park. The total cost of th t expansion is estimated at $2.5 million. Because of the speed in•which Econanics Laboratory has c to these decisions, they have not determined whether additional di isions will be accairmodated in the construction of the new facility; the fore, at this time they are stating that the building will be 20,000 are feet. A final decision will be made no later than February 14 at hich time they are expecting the size of the building to be 30,000 squar feet or larger. Enterprise Zone credits were negotiated based on the cc� ny constructing a 53,200 square foot facility with total credits of $596,00 ; hov�ver, if the building is less than that, we w�ould back dawn those cred ts. As the staff report indicates, a 20,000 square foot building w�ould rec ive $400,000 wnrth of State credits. Local tax credits �ould reflect e size and type of building that they construct as estimated market value of the pr�erty is established on that basis. The overall project will c eate 217 new jobs within the first two years and an estimated 350 total job in five years. Zhe majority of those jobs will be in the Downtown facili y with a minimtun of 21 jobs being located in the Ea�ire Builder Industrial Park. The 21 jobs are based on a 20,000 square foot building and are e cted to grow as the building does. Other incentives in the� project include a $1 million gran fran the State that will run through the City of Saint Paul, $1,350 per ew job created in St. Paul up to a maximum of $472,500 fro�n the St. Paul Pe t Authority and $145,000 fro�rr the City job training program. These incen ives w�ere essential in Econo�nics Laboratory's decision to expand in St. Paul. �7Ar;�? Attach. . , , . : , . - �� ��� � . . . . 1/30/86 STAFF REFORT RE: DCONOMICS LABORAZURY, INC. ENTERPRISE ZONE APPLICATION A. PROPOSED IIKPLOYMII�TT PROPERTY Econamics Laboratory, Inc. proposes that approximately 258,000 square feet of land be reclassified as em�loyment property th ough the City's Riverfront Enterprise Zone Program. The property will be leased fran the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul and is 1 ated in the Dnpire Builder Industrial Park. The property is ident fied by the Ramsey County Tax Department through the property iden ification number 09-12000-190-05. The property description is as foll s: Blocks 5 and 8, Fletcher's Subdivision of Brewster's dition. Blocks 22 and 23 of Brewster's Addition. Block 5 of Ashton's and Sherburn's Addition Including vacated streets. This property was fonnerly owned by the Burlington Nor ern as part of its Jackson Street Shops complex. B. IMPROVFI�IENTS AND PROPOSED USE Econanics Laboratory Inc. will construct a 20,000 squa e foot buzlding that will house the information services computer cent r. Estimated cost for the new facility is $2,500,000. This is phas one of an anticipated three-phase development which could total ver 90,000 square feet of new construction. C. PR�7DCTID INCREASED MARKET VALUE The market value will increase by nearly the total am� nt of the i�rovements plus the land value as the property was nunally assessed as vacant, underdeveloped land. D. RETAINID AND NEW JOBS The 17 jobs currently in place at the ccxnputer informa ion service center would have been lost without an acceptable deve opment package being presented to the co�any. In addition, Economic Laboratory, Inc. expects to increase its overall employment in the City of Saint Paul by more than 100 positions in each of the next t years and by 350 within five years. Phase I construction of the in ormation service � �� -�� (.���G--��� � . � � � . . � ♦ f center will initially e�loy 21 people. The ccanpany entered into a City of St. Paul E�nployment and Training Participation reement and anticipates recruiting fran the local neighborhood as ch as possible. E. DRAFT PARTICIPATION AGREII�IIIVT A draft Participation Agreement has been negotiated wi the following tax benefits: ual 4-Year E�mployment Property Reclassification - Estimated $ 1 ,250 $ 45,000 State Debt Financing Credit $20 ,000 •$400,000 Alternative local contribution is $283,386 based on $47 231 per acre of R�rt Authority site improvements. This contribution ha had previous approval fran the Department of Energy and Economic Dev lopment. This represents a private-to-public ratio of approximat ly $5.62 in private investrnent per $1 public tax reduction or credi . It also represents one new job per $11,521 of tax credits or ctions. F. COUNCIL FINDINGS The Econanic Laboratory, Inc. application proposes crea 'on of 217 new jobs, none of which would be a transfer fran another Mi esota municipality. The application further proposes establis nt of an employment property classification of an estimated marke value of $2,250,000 which is .00034 of the market value of all t able property in Saint Paul. The proposal will not result in the aban onment or de�nolition of other property owned by the applicant in S int Paul causing reduction of the assessed value of existing pr rty within the City. G. RDCOHIlKELVOATION The staff of the Port Authority of the City of Saint Pau reccmmends the City Council approve the em�loyment property reclass fication requested by Econo�nics Laboratory, Inc. Staff further camnends the City Council approve the attached Participation Agreemen as drafted and forward Attach�nent C of the Agreesnent to the Co�miss oner of Energy and EconoRnic Develop�nent. ��� - ' CIiY OF S�IyT PAUL, ��I�iNESOTa �� - ? yC � - � AP�LICATION fOR � � ' �RIVERFRONT ENTERPRISE ZONE TAX CREOITS �� � i . "Jame of Person Applying: W. K. Cooper PoStttCn: Vice President - Purchasing Div"sion 'la;�z or aus� ness: Economi��s l_abor•ator�•�i , Inc . address of Bus�ness: Osbor-n E3uildinc St. f'aul , MN 55102 ?hone Number: 293-2608 2. Legai descript�on o` the parcel or land on which che busin ss � s '.ccaLaa (or � s to be �OG3Lc'd for new construct�on) : Blocks 5and 8, Fletcher' s Subdivision of Qrewster's Additi n. Blocks 22 and 23 of !3r-ewster' s Addition Block 5 of Ashtor�'s and Sher�bur�n ' s �ddition including vaca ed streets. 3. ?he market va�ue and assessed value of the land and other taxable prooer�� *r�m your most recent Proper*y iax Statement: �s�imated `larket 'J,� ' u�: ����� �'���-'��'►rtly 4�ro�crty is owned b the Port assessed Value: i,uthoi�ity and is tax exempt. �, iotal property t3xes listed �n line 10 of the property '3 �ta�emen� *or 19�4 payabie � n 1985 : '�Note: attach a copy or your Pr perty �ax ��3te- r�ent. 5. If you lease the land ur sp�ce tor your business. do you ay 'he proper�y �axes' 'es X 'Jo � , ,v'no �ay; �he �r•�per� � �axe; � r vou �jon *� .. ��.,rrenr n��mber �� ?mC �oyees: -.�i ' -* ��te: ?3r^-r ��e: Thi� �_*:formatian is computerized and must e verl ied. We ill provi e w en availabie. � , �� - . � ��.��� � - ' ' i. ro� construction include: � � A. A general description of the facility or improvemen and its proposed use. Construction of a. new building to house various Compa y operations. A computer facility at least 20,000 square feet in size is p ann . oving a tiona o erations such as order entry operations and marketi g services into the building is under consideration. The project could r su t in up to , s uare feet of new construction. B. A probable time schedule for un�ertaking the cons�r ction or improvement. Construction to begin in the Spring of 1986 and be co pleted by late 1986 or early 19II7. C. An estimate of the probable cost of new constructio or improvement. $2,500,000 for a 20,000 square foot facility. This is based on internal estimates. Architect and engineering reports are pe ding. 0. An estimate of the market value of the new or impro ed faciiity (excluding land) when completed. $2,500,000 See C above E. The number of new jobs expected to be created or j s to be maintained: 217 i City of St. Paul. 8. State the type and amount of enterqrise .zone incentives requested and briefly explain why Lhey are necessary to the proje:t: � The incentiv was essential to offset relocation costs for moving the Institutional ni ision from White P1d111S, New York, t0 $t. PdUI �nd for consolidating Inst"tutional support opera- tions in St. Paul. Without these incentives, the move a d consolidation would not have occurred. I hereby declare a�d certify that this application is true nd carrect to the best of my knowledge and belief. � ECONOMICS LABORATORY, INC. �� � -��__ ��� drLLI� Febr r 1 6 / Signature of Applicant ate W. K. Cooper Vice President - Purchasing Division Position or Title Remember to attach the follow�ng: 1 . A copy of your property tax statement for taxes Qa able in 1985� 2. A check for 51500. payable to the Port Authority f the C�ty c` Saint Paui � ' - rA�i���t 'ttet'S i.Vr� �' ` "—� STATEM NT OF PRO TY TA � , RETAIN THIS COPV � �� ��'3 L�(.� . . Foa ro ua Re c oA O S ' PAYABLE IN RAMSEY COUN Y, Mif� PPOPERTV iDENT+FiCATiO'v SCHOOL �OAN ""' 1984 P 1985 VALUE INFORMATION D�ST P�qT PARCEL s�� D�ST. COMP. — i NEW IMPROVEME TS....................... I�� 1 Q50� 161 O9 b2S ESTIMATED MAR ET VALUE......... 9 f8 ZZ1 SO `--- — --- NAME OF TAXPAV ER I ASSESSED VALUE ................. (�f 21�/ 67 � DELINQUEN TAX � 'ECONOMICS LABORATORY ' �!3 7 0 W A g A$H A $T N/�$B 0 R N B�G �f this box is cnecke , you owe dei�nouent taxes and mav not app�y for the pr erty tax refund. � ST PAUL MINN 55102 ARE YO EUGIBLE FOR A REFUND? To fin out if you're eligible PROPERTV ADDRESS for on or both of these refunds . . . The Min esota Property Tax Refund � and �O " ' �. �, 9 5TH ST E The Spe 'al Property Tax Refund PROPERTV OWNEFi , . , fIII OUt ORM M•1PR using these amounts: 1. Fill in this a ount on line 10 HADDINGTON ASSOCIATES anda�soon �i e24,schedule3 ,p 2. Fill in this a ount on line 12 . and also on li e 25,schedule 3 �p Neetl a FOAM M 1PR� Read the back o< <h�s!orm V UF iTEMiZED STATEMEtiT 3� STATE �SEE OV ......._. ....__.. � Q SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS 4. COUNTY.............. ... . le) 226• 3 _.... NAME NO. AMOUNT 5. TOWNSHIP OR CI V....... ...... ..._ 2O1 l�87� 7 6. SCMOOL DISTRI ..._....._........... 32) L22. 3� STR MAINT 0032 348.60 7. OTHERTAXING �sTR�cTS ..._. 420� 59b. 1: TN SO OP 0050 1s021.48 B. TAXBEFORECR o�TS........ ...... 491�432. 5� 9. CREDITS WMICH RE UCE YOUR TAX.. 10. TAX AFTER CR ��TS ................. 491� 432�5; 11. SPECIAL ASSES ENTS ............ � A. PRINGPAL .... ............. ...._...._ 1 f 37O�O� 8. WTEREST...... ........._...,......_.. ��'. • TOTAL-SEE ITEM 11 12,TOTAL TAX 1, 3T0.08 492s802.b� � �,—.,�—��s� '�AXPAYER'S COPY C/D-5 STATEMENT F PROPERTY TAX RETAIN THIS COPY n FOR YOUR RECOROS PAYABLE IN 1 78 RAMSEY COUNTY, MINN. c�`,cE�+?• D"t'T F :.�='��,'� I w, SCHOOL LOAN 1984 PAY 198 VALUE INFORMATION �- -?-------� swo pIST COMP T D� ..� PAR.,__ _. _ . , I Ir'04' -- T , NEW IMPROVEMENTS .... ............... . � , �_~� , � !1950� 131 I 091 625 ESTIMATED MARKET V �uE......... 1� 245s 600 NAME OF TAXPAYER ASSESSED VALUE .......... .................. S35f bO8 ECONOMICS LABORATORY INC DELINQUENT T X D i If this box is checked,You we delinquent taxes and may i 3 7 0 W A B A$H A S T �ot epply for the property x ref und. � S T P AUL M I NN 55101 ARE YOU ELI IBLE FOR A REFUND? To find out you're eligible for one or b th of these refunds . . . PROPERTV AODRESS L The Minnesot Property Tax Refund and I9 5�H 5 T The Special Pr perty Tax Refund PROPERTV owrvEa . . . fiil out FORM M•1PR using these amounts: 1. Fill in this amount on line 10 ECONOMICS LABORATORY INC andalsoonline24, chedule3 . 00 ' J 370 WABASHA ST 2. Fili inthisamounton line 12 � ST PAUI MINN 55101 andalsoonline25,schedule3 .00 I Need a FORM M 1PR? Read the back of this form. YOUR I M12ED STATEMENT j 3. STATE •SEE OVER .... ...._....__ • OO ; SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS 4. COUNTV ....................... ...__.. ...... 2) 316�Z3 j . NAME NO. AMOUNT 5. TOWNSHIP OR CITY..._ ...._......,.. 2 f 6O3�61 I 6. SCHOOL DISTRICT...... ................ �►! O82 �13 � ST R MA I NT 0032 468.30 7. OTHER TAXING DIST �cTS _. 53�450. 11 � TN S Q �P �5� ls 758• 36 8. TAX BEFOAE CREDIT 62s 452.08 i 9. CREDITS WHICH REDUCE OUR TAX_ i 10. TAX AFTER CREDITS ................. bZ!4 5Z�08 '. 11. SPECIAL ASSESSMEN S ............. � A. PRINCIPAL............ ................. Z! 226:66 i 8. INTEREST.............. ................ •OO I TOTAL•SEE �TEM 11 12.TOTAL TAX 2, 226.66 64,b18.74 ( - . '. �� -�� � _ , ; . . _. ;� , . �AXPAYER'S COPY � ��-5 STATEMENT 0 PROPERTY TAX RETAIN THIS COPY 1985 FOR YOUR RECORDS PAYABLE IN RAMSEY COUNTY, MINN. PROPERTV iDENTIFICATIOn wrwSCHOOL LOAN 1984PAY 1985 AIUE INFORMATION DiST PLAT PARCEL s�o O�ST. COMP. NEW IMPROVEMENTS ....... .............. O4 19500 OlO ZO b2S ESTIMATED MARKET VAL E.......... Zf iOOf OOO � NAME OF TAXPAVER ASSESSED VALUE ............. ............... 9O3! OOO DELINQUENT TA i E C ON 0 M I C S L A B 0 R A T 0 R Y I N C 1f this box is checked,vou o delinquent taxes and may ! 3 7� W A B A$H A s T �ot appiy for the proQerty ta refund. �ST PAUL MN 55101 , ARE YOU ELIG BLE FOR A REFUN�? i �I To find out if ou're eligible ' for one or bot of these refunds . . . PROPERTY ADORESS I The Minnesota roperty Tax Refund � nd ' 7 � � 36 0 w A B A S H A $T N � The Special Pro erty Tax Refund ' ' PROPEFiTV OWNER , , , fIII OUL FORM �-1PR using these amounts: ; � 1. Fill in this amount line 10 i ECONOMICS LABORA�ORY INC andalsooniine24,s hedule3 .00 i 370 MABASHA ST 2. Fill in thisamount line 12 ST PAUL MN 55101 andalsoonline25,s hedule3 .00 '; Need a FORM M 1PR? ead the back of this form YOUR ITE 12E0 STATEMENT 3. STATE •SEE OVER ........ .........._ •00 I SPECIAI. ASSESSMENTS 4. COUNTV.................. ....... ._.......... ZO 1 ql l�9� I NAME NO. AMOUNT 5. TOWNSHIP OR CITY....., ..,........_ Z3f 5O6• 56 � 6. SCHOOL DISTRICT._...... ..__...... 36f 8 S 5� 3 8 � i STR MAINT �32 51�• 3� 7. OTHERTAXINGDISTRI rs .... 24s016�2a I TN S 0 OP 050 653 .14 8. TAX BEFORE CFiEDITS . 1 OS1 290. 12 i 9. CREDITS WH�CH REDUCE UR TAX � 10. TAX AFTER CREDITS . ............... I OS)29O• 1 Z 11. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT ............ A. PRINC�PAL ............... ............... 1 f 16�• 4�f B. INTEREST................. .............. •OO TOTAI-SEE ITEM 11 12.TOTAL TAX �6s y 53��b 1 163.44 , �� - ��y� , , , . -, ,, � , � . � �; PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL OLL FREE(800) 328-8417 25 WEST FOURTH STREET • SUITE 1305 • ST. PAUL, MINN. 55102 • HONE (612) 224-5686 April 2, 1986 Mr. James Bellus, Director Planning & Economic Development Depart�nent City of Saint Paul 14th Floor City Hall Annex St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 SUR7ECT: �TTERPRISE ZONE CREDITS ECONOMICS LABORA'IL7RY, INC. Dear Jim: Attached are five copies bf the Participation Agreement fo Economics Laboratory, Inc. for your review. Approval of the use of terprise Zone credits and authorization to execute the Participation Agre nt was granted by the City Council on March 20, 1986, by Resoluti No. 86-344. We are, therefore, requesting that you transmit the attach agreements to the Mayor, City Clerk and Director of Finance and Manageme Services for execution. Please return all the a reements to the P�rt Au orit so they may be submitted to the Commissioner of Energy and Economic Development and the Comnissioner of Revenue for their signature. Each depa trnent will be provided with a copy of the document when fully executed. Your expeditious handling of this matter will be appreciate . ,-..Yours truly, , '\��,�[\ � y� � �..�..�_ �� `�'� ��\' ``J•..1��L� �l i ���.].C..�"'l. �'L... � `� � �gene 1�. Kraut Executive Vice esident EAK:ca Attach. cc. Mayor Latimer --, EUGENE A KRAUT,C.I.D. DONALD G.DUNSHEE,C.I.D. CHARLES M.TOWLE CUFFOR E.RAMSTED PERRY K.FEDERS EXECUTNE VICE PRESIDENT ASST.EXEC.VICE PRESIDENT DIRECTOR OF INOUSTRIAI DEVELOPMENT CHIE ENGINEER DIRECTOR OF FINANCE C.E.O. RICHARD A.GIERDAL WILLIAM E.McGNERN PROPERN MANAGER DIRECTOR Of PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMISSIONERS GEORGE W.WINTER WILLIAM WILSON ARTHUR N.GOODMAN VICTOR P.REIM RAYMOND E. GEVIN CHRIS NICOSIA JEAN M.WE: PRESIDENT VICE PRESIDENT SECREfoRY TRE4SURER COMMISSIO R COMMISSIONER COMMISSIONE C.I.D. Certified Industrial Developer . ��_ �� -..3�� � { � _ r` PORT AUTHORITY OF TNE CITY OF SAINT PAUL OLL FREE(800) 328-8417 ,..� 25 WEST FOURTH STREET • SUITE 1305 • ST. PAUL, MINN. 55102 • HONE (612) 224-5686 May 10, 19�86 Mr. James Bellus, Director Planning & Econamic Developm�nt Department City of St. Paul 14th Floor City Hall Annex St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 SUBTF7CT: IIVTII2PRISE ZONE CRIDITS ECONOMICS LABORAZORY, INC. Dear Jim: We su�mit herewith for your review and referral to the off ce of the Mayor, City Council and City Attorney's Office details pertaining to the issuance of Enterprise Zone Credits to Econanics Laboratory, Inc. e credits will be in the fo�n of a 50$ reduction in local real estate tax s for five years estimated at $45,000 and $400,000 to $596,700 in State in tax credits for debt financing costs. The dollar ranges are related t a 20,000 square foot building for a minina.ua $400,000 and $4.90 for each a itional square foot to a maxinaun of $596,700 or a 53,200 square foot faci ity. Zhe facility will be bui.lt in the F�npire Builder Industria park and will house the InfoYmation Services Division. This develop�nent will allow the ccxnpany to move the Institutional Sales Division fran Whit Plains, New York to its downtown headquarters. Econo�nics Laboratory i anticipating the creation and retention of 217 jobs within tw�o years an up to 350 jobs within five years. In addition to the staff report, w�e are attachirig a draft y of the praposed City Council resolution which authorizes the ex tion of the Participation Agre�nent and the su�mittal of the proposal the Departrnent of Energy and Econo�nic Develognent and the Departznent of venue. Your expedi�iaus handling of this matter will be appreciat . Yours truly, Etizgen A. Rrau EAK:ca Executive Vice sident Attach. cc. Mayor Latimer EUGENE A KRAUT,C.I.D. DONALD G.DUNSHEE.C.I.D. CHARLES M.TOWLE CLIFFOR E.RAMSTED PERRY K FEDERS EXECUINE VICE PRESIDENT ASSC E%EC.VICE PRESIDEM DIRECTOR OF INDUSTRtAL DEVELOPMEM CH�E ENGINEER DIRECTOR OF FlNANCE C.EO. RICHARD A GIERDAL WILLIAM E McGNERN PROPERIV MANhGER qRCCfOR OF PUBLIC RHAiIONS COMMISSIONERS GEORGE W.WINiER WIWAM WILSON ARiHUR N.C-,OODMAN VICiOR P.REIM RAYMOND E. EVIN CHRIS NICOSIA JEAN M.WES' PRE�Vf VK�PRESIDEH� �CRETAI7V iREAS1RER COMMISSIO COMAMSS� COA�MMSSIONE� C.I.D.C'_artifled Industrial Develoner Y � ' � � � � � - 3�y 1/30/86 STAFF REPORT RE: �NOMICS LABORAZ�DRY, INC. . II�l'lERPRISE 7JONE APPLICATION A. Pi�P06F.D PROPERZ'Y ' ECCrtCmics Iabor'dtory� Inc.. Pro�oses that appr0ocimately 258�000 square feet of ].and be reclassified as esn�loyment property h the City's Riverfront Enterprise Zone Program. The Praperty will be leased fran the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul and is 1 ted in the II�ire Builder Industrial Park. The praperty is ident fied by the Ramsey County Tax Department through i-he property iden ification ninc�er 09-12000-190-05. The property description is as foll : 8locks 5 and 8, Fletcher's Subdivision of Hrswster's ition. Slodcs 22 and 23 of Brewster's Additian. B1ock 5 of Ashton's and Sherburn's Addition Inclwdir�g vacated streets. �is praperty was forn�erly awned by the Burlington No ern as part of its Jackson Street Shops coa�lex. B. IMPF�'JVFl�lF�1TS AND PI�DPOSID USE Econanics Laboratory Inc. will construct a 20,000 fvot bui.lding that will l�use the information services cc�uter cent r. Estimated oost for the ne�w facility is $2,500,000. This is p one of an anticipated three-phase devel�nt which could total ver 90,000 square feet of new� construction. Cf S1gA/� ii`Rd�Gl7�7r'�� `7lSRL�1 VL7L/�/G The market value wil].. increase_ by riearly the total t of the improvements plus the land value as the PrapertY was ' imally assessed as. vacant, wnderdeveloped land. D. RETAII�IID AND NEW JOBS The 17 jobs currently in place at the couQuter infornia ion service center would have been lost without an acceptable de opnent package being presented to the ca�any. In addition, Econcmic Laboratory, Inc. expects to increase its overall e�loyment in City of Saint Paul by nnre than 100 positions in each of the next years and by 350 within five years. Phase I construction of the ' oanation service . ;-- - ' . � - � ��-.��� v�ter wi11 initiallY e�nploY 2]- P�Pie« �he cx.�pany entered into a City of SG Paul F.imployment an�d Trainin�g Participation .�gree�nent and anticipates recruiting fran the local neighborhood as ch as possi.ble. E. DRAFT PA1rLTCIPATICr1 AL�EII�F�1T A� dra£t Pa�ticfpatiat Ags�rent has beelt c�egcttiabe� �i the follawir�g. tas be�efitss � �Y� ' - �'�"� �� � � t�—�� s� .zsa s 4s,000: � stat� �t �na�c� cr�a�t sz ,000 s400,o00 Altea�ative Iocal contribution ig $283.386 base� on $4 ,231 per acre of �brt Authority site i.n�r�av�ements. This contribution had previous approval fram ttle Dgpartment o� Energy and Ecor�ic De ].c�pment. �is rep�ts � p=ivat�to-public rati o of a�ooci.�. ly $5.62 i.ur privst+� inves�rent pet $I.public ta�c �rr or .. It also ra�t�one ne� jcitr per SII,52L of tax cs�edits or . F'. � � � T!��c LabozatiorY'p In�. appsicatf ocr.prcposes of. 21? new� �ob�,. r� of � woutcF b�a� transfer frc� aaothat� nn�;�T�tY� �e� applicatic�r. fc�ther pzcposes establi t of arz �P�t P�PertY classificati� of ar: estimated mark t value of $2,250,OOQ which i.s .00034 0� the market value of a].Y le prvperty in� Sain� Pau1.� � proposal will not result in th� t or de�olitiaT of other prc�erty owned by� the applicant in int Paul causing redu�e� of the assessed va�lue of existi.ryg p rtY withia the Citg► G� . �nr sta� o£ t�er Po�t Authorttg� o� th+�C�tg of� Safnt racomaendg t3�Cft� Catuycftl.� tl�en�Iaym�t pzvpe�ty� ific�t��, �bg �Labcrat�orgr',. Ii�.. Staf�� the� C'ftg�Conac�I. �Q�aove��t�ee�P�pat� t a� d=afted- � f.o�At#�ecl�nt C oL tt��aem�t ta� t3� of Energy anc� �c D�T�opms�n� � � . ' �� �� �U� NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON APPLICATION FOR RECLASSIFICATION OF P'ROPERTY FOR TAX FURPOSES UNDER THE ENTERPRISE ZONE PROGRAM Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 1984, Section 273.1313 Subdivision 2(b) and to provision of the Program For City of Saint P ul Riverfront Enterprise Zone NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVII�T 'II�AT A P[JBLIC will be held before the Co�ncil of the City of Saint Paul i.n the Counci Chambers, third floor City Hall, 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, Saint Pau , Minnesota on Thursday, the 6th day of March, 1986, at 10:00 a.m., or a soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, upon the Application of Econ ics Laboratory, Inc. , Osborn Building, Saint Paul, Minnesota for rec assification of certain real property located in the Saint Paul Riverfront Enterprise Zone, Ramsey County, Minnesota, as employment praperty and for a sessment of said property as provided for class 4d property in Minnesot Statutes 1984, Section 273.13 Subdivision 9, Paragraph (4) for taxes 1 vied in 1986 and for four succeedirig years thereafter. AT SAID PUBLIC HEARING the City Council will con ider whether to • approve the said Application upon findings as requi ed by Minnesota Statutes 1984, Section 273.1313 Subdivision 2(d) . At s id hearing, the Applicant, the Ramsey County Assessor, representatives o affected taxing authorities and any taxpayer of the municipality or repre ntative of any community organization will have opportunity to be he or may present � their views� in writing at or before the Hearing. � Copies of the Application, the report of the Saint Paul Riverfront Office and the proposed Participation Agreement between e Applicant and the City may be inspected at the offices of the City C erk or the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul during normal bus'ness hours, and written ca�rents may be delivered or mailed c% City Cler , �oom 386, City Hall , 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, Saint Paul, MN 55 02, or c/o Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul, 25 West Fourth Str et, Suite 1305, Saint Paul, NIDI 55102. Telephone inquiries may be made to John Ca�obasso, 224-5686. � ALBER'T B. OL90N, City Clerk � � � �� � .. ' . �,. '� 'J � �� r �_� 'N(1'�iCS OF� - . >. - :�� �-.�,'�� _ - , >�; :�� , � � ..:;7fi .. . �17�XJ������' `yR-,z�' r.'� .., .. ..z4',e .,. . ..,.., �'�-'-i ' ° . . . .i ���Y:I�!��$hsraFY�1�A'�l�.4tst�i;��v'y�,+u+ _ �� .�I p � af tlXe�p �'pr-{�y.a�Saiat PeuT Rivertront En � IY�CE I�HEREBY GiVEI�i�'PF�#'F;.1��PUBLIC-I�ARIN�:�ri�t�. befare the Council of the Cf#�r.af 3aiut Paul ia-the Council Chambers;�th� Ci�y F�a11.18 West Kellct�Bc�levard.�afnt Paul,�dinnesota o�i- 8thrdst o�March, 188B� 19��a. ..or.as soon therPatter as th��etiter uPon��pp'Iics���oaomics-Labontor�*��I�c�; f�s�vr�n ' ,��t � Pgui.�ta for r�lassificatiGn o#certain`��=��fy��'!�ifir- � ,, 1�u1 1�verf�t�►t�se ZQne, iiaa�m�eY �o�n'tY; ; as;. �� ; T�'6P�3�`►d ior�asaeastinent o!sai� Y .� � ���� �t, ,i ll�in�esota SE�a'Ett�es 1$8�, Sectioii 27�.����c�p�Q�i�rag�aA�-.�+t� :� leiried in 1986 at��l far fdh�r'" _ . su�oeed3ti�:y�ara.���tett�. .. , • : , - t �:`A'E SA�D PjIBIdC HF�ARIA�Cr tbe City�Pd�-�I ��1lSfde! ri �O i �psawe th�_�dd Agplic�tion npon fi�diags�±s'requi�ed��lftiu�ota � '1984, Sectioa 273,1313 Subdfvisiot► 2Ed). At's�i�i� �tg;-�te,� ;� ; R�sey County Assesa�r.rep�ta�ives oi y{f�;�e�cin8 authorities y� taxpager'of#1�-mu�iMpa2ity ot dr� . C�un�"`t� w'iii l�tve-t�ppc�iCm��'!+o be� .f�Y p����y.i�s�n�t �1��. be�or�the Hearing: _ _ . ,. ` .,�,� _ ..7�;,� Copies of the Applicat.�on..the report oi the S�t:Fattl�ilver�rir�t � �. the proposed Participation Agreement betweea tfie Applicant a� a �_•: be inspected at the o#fices oi the City Clerk or the Port Authority o� Cifijrei .. Sai3it'Pa�iI `during norriisl business hoursr�d�AV�i�. cox�u�arta � �� be �• de3f�►'g� or_m�iled e/o City CIerk, R,�rn .�City Hall, 15 �Pest Bop.f�ra�id,Saint�atil,MN 55102,or clo Part Author;i�y of tt:eCity of ' t Paul, ,. 25 West Fourth Street,Suite 1305,�3�-Pau1.�MI�r 55102.Telephone inqui �t m�ty ' be ma�to John Campolias�0.�2 _ _ .. ALBE�tT B.OL�ON,-City�erk� � � �� �� � � �� - . (F�bivary i, 1� - � . , _ ._ . ___ _. _. , : -.:� , � � � WHITE - CITV GLERK PINK -oFINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Cou cil e �J�/r� C'ANARY - DEPARTMENT File NO. �S `�'^ " BLUE - MAVOR , . Co il Resolution � Presented By Referred To Committee: Dat Out of Committee By Dat RESOLUTION APPROVING APPLICATION OF KODIAK CORFORATION FOR CLASSIFICATION OF PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE SAINT PAUL RIVERFROI�TT ENTERPRISE ZONE AS CLASS 4d F.NIPIAYMENT PROPERTY WHEREAS, D.K. Conners Ltd. filed with the City Clerk an Appli ation for classification of $3,010,000 in improvements to existing property ocated on Blair Avenue in the II�ire Builder Industrial Park as anployment Property pursu nt to Minnesota Statutes Section 273.1313 and the Saint Paul Riverfront Enterprise Zone Program (the "Program"); and WHEREAS, Kodiak Corporation (the "Company") will lease approx tely 30,000 square feet of space from D.K. Conners Ltd. to conduct the manufacturing f fine quality rolled fiberglass and graphite recreational and industrial products; and WHEREAS, the property irnprovements, tax classification, and S te tax credits as set forth in detail in the January 30, 1986, Staff Report will result n the creation of 30 new jobs in Saint Paul by the relocation and expansion of Kodiak C rporation; and WI�REAS, there has been presented to and considered at this eting a Participation Agreement between the City and the Ccxrq�any whereby the Company cov nants respecting the occupancy of the property, and the ernployment of a minimum of 15 n w employees resident in the econamic hardship area designated in the Program or who are u mployed and econamically disadvantaged or of a protected class; and WHEREAS, the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul has rec ived authorization frcan the Department of Energy and Economic Development to utilize an al ernative local contribution of infrastructure i�rovements in lieu of local prope ty tax reduction; and WHEREAS, the City Clerk duly published on February 4, 1986, i the Saint Paul Legal Ledger, the official newspaper for the City a notice of public hea ing before the City Council upon the Campany's Application; and COUNCILMEN Requested by Depa tment of Yeas Nays � l In Favor � __ Against BY — MAR 2 0 1g�6 Form Appro d by City Atto ey Adopted by Council: Date Certified assed by Council Se retar B B}� �"_'_''�--� ' � t�pproved by IVlavor: Date _ Approved Mayor Su i si to Council , By _ N�HITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COU II C�NARV �DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAIT�L File NO. �� -� � BLUE - MAVOR Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Dat Out of Committee By Dat WHEREAS, the District 6 Planning Council on February 4, 1986, eviewed and recoarrtt�ended approval of the Application; and WEIEREAS, the Tho�nas/Dale District 7 Planning Council on Februa 12, 1986, reviewed and reco�enended approval of the Application; and WHEREAS, the F�npire Builder Industrial Park Job Coalition has en kept informed of the use of Enterprise Zone credits for this project with the most r ent update on February 27, 1986; and WHEREA.S, the City Council conducted a public hearing on March , 1986, upon the Application at which hearing opportunity was provided for the Appli nt, the County Assessor, representatives of affected t�ing authorities and any t yer of the City or member of the public to present their views orally or in writing at r before the hearing, and having duly considered the testimony and written views presente at the hearing and the Application, staff report, draft Participation Agreement and Re lution dated February 27, 1986, of the Downtown Riverfront Comnission recoimlendi approval of the Application; now therefore, be it RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Saint Paul that it here determines that the Application of D.K. Conners, Ltd., the property im�rovements, retai d and new jobs and tax benefits proposed meet the objectives of the Saint Paul .Riverfr t Enterprise Zone Program. RESOLVED FURTHER that the City Council additionally finds and termines that the relocation and expansion of the C�npany: (1) will create new emplo nt in the City; (2) will not have the effect of transferring existing employment fram o or more other cities within Minnesota; (3) is not reasonably likely to result in an inc ase in market value beyond the improvements made by D.K. Conners Ltd. and those improve nts are less than .00034$ of the market value of all taxable property in Saint Paul; a d (4) will not result in the reduction of the assessed value of existing property within t e City owned by Applicant. - 2 - COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays In Favor _ __ Against BY Form Approved by City Attor ey Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By lapproved by ;Vlavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submi sion to Council By _ _ By ' � �- 3 �� PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CIN OF SAINT PAUL LL FREE(800) 328-8417 1900 AMHOIST TOWER • 345 ST. PETER STREET • ST. P�AUL, MN. 55102 � PHONE(612)224-5686 August 5, 1986 '� ��i �' - -- � �.� , ' � , C-�" � Mr. Albert B. Olson ; r? o City Clerk �,.r City Clerk's Office . - � 386 City Hall �:-i ', �M� St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 �'' SUBJECT: EI�TI'ERPRISE ZONE CREDITS I ECONOMICS LABORATORY, INC. Dear Mr. Olson: Enclosed is the fully executed Participation Agreeqnen for the Economics Laboratory, Inc. project for your files. Sincerely, 1 , L i .. I � ' ohn A. Camp� sso Develognent As istant JAC:ca Encl. � I� �I �I EUGENE A.KRAUT,C.I.D. DONALD G.DUNSHEE,C.I.D. CHARLES M.TOWLE CLIFFORD E. MSTED,P.E. PERRY K.FEDERS,C.P.A EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT ASST.EXEC.VICE PRESIDENT DIRECTOR OF INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT CHIEF EN INEER DIRECTOR OF FINANCE ASST.TREASURER RICHARD A GIERDAL WILLIAM E.McGIVERN PROPERN MANAGER DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMISSIONERS GEORGE W.WINTER WILLIAM WILSON ARTHUR N.GOODMAN VICTOR P.REIM RAYMOND E.tAN IN CHRIS NICOSIA JEAN M.WEST PRESIDENT VICE PRESIDENT SECRETARV TREASURER COMMISSIONER, COMMISSIONER COMMISSIONER C.I.D.Certified Industrial Developer I • �. °��� �� ` � �(� -��y . PARTICZFATION AGBE�HT RIVEBF80NT EHTEBPBISE ZO1�B CITY OF SAIZ1? PAIIL � -- Preaable 1. Participating Business: 2. Application Appr val Economics Laboratory, Inc, Name Date March 2 , 1986 Osborn BuildinQ Address C.F. No. 86-34 St. Paul . MN 55102 City Cou cii Employment Prope ty Classification Effective For As essment Years 19 86 th 19 �_ Employment Prope tq Classification Certification bq Commissioner Department of Re enue dated _ July 29, 19 6 (Attachme t C) 3. (Persons)(Officers) Authorized to Sign for Participating Bus ness: Piichael E. Shannon Name Name Executive Vice President and Chief Financial and Administrative Officer Title Title ,7 n -- �j;� � . Signature Signature 4. Person Authorized to Receive Communications for Participatin Business: 1) Jon R. Grunseth Name Is Authorized to Re eive Co�unications From the City or St te on Behalf of Vice President - Public Affairs the Participating B siness. Title Economics Laboratory, Iric., Osborn Bld�. 2) Robert H. Hain ' St. Paul, MN 55102 Director, Prope ty and Adain. Services Address Economics Labor tory, Inc. Osborn Bldg. , S . Paul, I�� 55102 (612) 293-2514 � (612) 293-229� Telephone 3) S. Lars Olson Vice President nd Treasurer Economics Labor tory, Inc. Osborn Bldg. , S . Paul, MN 55102 (612) 293-2323 � I � � �; �� � � �� � �� 5. Description of Property to Receive "Employment Propertq" Cla�sification (Use Description From Ramsey County Departme t Space for Use of of Taxation, 126 Citq FIall and County Courthouse): Ramsey County Dept. of Taxation PIN Classification Entered: Date: Block 5 and 8, Fletcher's Subdivision of Brewster' s Addit on. Blocks 22 and 23 of Brewster' s Addition. Block 5 of Ashton's and Sherburn's Addition ' Includin vacated streets. (Use Reverse Side of This Page If Necessar ) 6. Alternative Local Contribution: Yes X No Description In addition to reclassification, the Port Auth rity of the City of Saint Paul will not be assessing for improvements to the site. Estimated alternative local contribution--$283,386 based n $47,231/acre 7. Types of State Tax Reduction: (a) Sales Tax Exemption Amount (b) Income Tax Credit (1) Employee Credit Amount 0,0 0 or t e irst 20,000 sq.ft (2) Debt Service Credit X Amount of new bl . lus $4.90 for each a . sq. t. o�construction to (c) State Paid Property Tax Credit Amount d mdximum of $596,700. The t�pe and amount of exemption and credits shall be those as certified by the Co�issioner of Energy and Economic Development. If there s variance between this section and the Commissioner's Certification, the latt r will control (Attachment C). Subject to compliance with this Ag�eement, to the provision of Minnesota Statutes 1984, Section 273.1312 to 273.1314 inclusive, and uch regulations as may be adopted by the Department of Revenue or of Energy an Economic Development (the "Act"), and upon filing proper 'tax returns and schedul s, the participating businese is eligib?e for credite as approgriate against Min esota iaco�e *_aY a^d property tax liabilities for the tax years 19 86 through 19 90 . � � .. � � ��- �� 8. COVENANTS BY PARTICIPATING BUSINESS: In making application for enterprise zone credits, the par cipating business has represented and hereby covenants, for itself and its s ccessors or assigns, � (the "Participating Business"): _ (a) that (it) �Cxx�[!c$ will submit construction plans and e dence of financing and will commence, diligently pursue and timely comple e improvements to the property described in Section 5 above in the dollar a nt and as specified in the "Property Iaprovement Schedule" annexed hereto e Attachment "A". Commencement Date Jul 1986 Completion Date March-Au ust 1987 Amaunt 52�500,000 (estinate) (b) that (it) (���� will recruft, employ and train new e loqees resident in the economic hardship area designated in the Riverfron Enterprise Zone Program, or persons who are unemployed and economicall disadvantaged or of a protected class in accordance with the provisions of the "EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING SCFiEDULE" anneaed hereto as Attachment "B", a d that the minimum - number of new employees ahall be as follows: Number of New Employees 217 InCludin DOwntown GrOwth ositions retained and employees relocated from White lains, PJew York. (c) that (it) �Cxxxbu) will maintain complete records respe ting its performance of the covenants set forth in Section 8(a) and (b) her in, and permit access to said records by accredited representatives of the M nnesota Co�issioner of Revenue, Ramseq County Tax Department and Saint Pau Port Authority; that (it) �CXx�iX will report quarterly to the Division of ob Creation and Training the number of hires covered by this Agreement and that upon request and at least annually (it) (xxx�q will report to the Saint Paul , Port Authoritq on forms provided by the Saint Paul Por Authority on construction completion, new hires and other direct or indirect economic activity resulting from its facility operations in the Riverfront Enterprise Zone. (d) that (it) (cxxxK��C will promptlq and satisfactorily per orm each covenant herein undertaken and each.other requirement of the Ac , the Program or of this Agreement impoaed as a condition of the approval f the application for and grants of taa credits and designation of property lassification. 9. REVOCATION The Council may revoke an alternative local c�ntribution a d may request the Commissioner of Revenue to approve the revocation of a cla sification pursuant to the Act if it finds and determines by resolution, after hearing upon notice mailed to the applicant by t�rtified mail at least 60 days before the hearing, that (a) The construction_or improvement of the Participating B siness' propertq and operating facility has aot been completed within two y ars after the approval of the clasaification, or anp longer period a mav be provi�ed in � Section 8(a) hereof; -' � � . : � �� � � � -�� (b) The Participating Business has not proceeded in good fa th with the construction or improvement of the facilitq, or with it operation, in a manner which is consistent with the purpose of the Act, the representations of the application, or the covenants of this Agreement; or _ I . (c) The Particigating Business has misrepresented a materia statement contained in its applicatioa for tax credit has failed to perfor anp express covenant of this Agreement os is not in contiauing compliance wi h requirements or conditions for approval or grant of an alternative loca contribution, state taa reductions or credits under the Act, the Program or this Agreement. REVOCATION OF AN ALTERNATIVE LOCAL CONTRIBIITION OR OF AN LOYMENT PROPERTY CLASSIFICATION SSALL TERMINATE STATE TAX EXEMPTIONS, CREDIT AND REDUCTIONS. The City Council may impose or request imposition of a reme y other than revocation, including withholding of eligibility certificat ons for credits, exemptions or �reductions, or institution of suit for speci c performance or other remedy in law or equity. No failure of the City to e ercise or make selection of a particular remedy for breach of this Agreeme t by the Participating Business shall be deemed a waiver of its rig s to enforce performance by the Participating Business of its obligatio under the Act or this Agreement by anq remedy available to the City in law. 10. RECAPTURE In the event the Participating Business ceases to operate ts facility in the Riverfront Enterprise Zone within two years after the expi tion of tax • reductions under the Act and this Agreement, the Participa ng Business covenants and agrees that it shall repay the amount of tax reductions and of the local contribution pursuant to the following schedule: Teraination of Operations Repaysent Portion Less than 6 months after expiration of tax reductions 100 percent 6 months 75 percent 12 months or more, but less than 18 months 50 percent 18 months or more, but less than 24 months 25 percent The repayment shall be immedia[elq due upon such cessation of operation of its zone facilitq, payable to the State of Minnesota to the ex ent it represents an income tax credit or reduction and payable to the City to he extent it represents a propertq tax reduction or other local contrib tion. 11. OTHER TERMS � . . �� G�r=�-.�� 12. EFFECTIVE DATE This Agreement has been accepted and executed on behalf of the Participating Business by the officers whose tttles and signatures appea in Section 3, above The Application and Agree�ent have tsee� aggroved by �ction of the Saint Paul City Council as recited in Section 2 above, and is execute on behalf of the Citq of Saint Paul bq the officers whose titles and signat res appear below. This Agreement shall be effectfve upon its execution in Se tion 2 above and its delivery to the City of Saint Paul by the Minnesota Commis ioner of Revenue or his authorized designee. CI1R OF SAI P ` - nac — �f ��O YO By ��a�X�n� i Dat `'f� �y-''� CITY CLERK gy _ C Dat � �� DIRECTOR EPARTMENT OF F ANCE & MANAG NT SERVICES • App�ed as to Form �i' � �--- �--�-� Assistant City Attorney , /� r% � PROPERTY IMPR�VEMENTS SCti�DULiE ' � �� �,lj-` �'6 -3`� ' � ATTACHMENT "A" PARTICIPATION AGP.EEMcNT RIVEAFRONT ENTERPRISE ZONE ECONOMICS LABORATORY, INC. PARTIClPAT1NG BUSiNESS A. Faciiiiy description . to as much as 100,000 square feet on six acres of land in t e Empire Builder Industrial Park. The 20,000 square foot facility will hous a comp�uter • center. Construction of the facility shall be contin ent u o satisfactor resolution of all excavation concerns and execution o deed or conve an e f B. Ccnstruction Specifications(iden�iy every specificaaon or drawing, titte:date and apprcving rchitect or engineer)' Ritter Su es Plautz Architects Ltd. have been retained as he architects for the new buildin . The Architects have been workin with McGou h Construction and Twin Cit Testing to determine a pro riat soil corrections -- and structural makeup of the ��uilding. ` (copies of each drawing or specification must be supplied to the POt^t AUthOrity) C. Construction Cost Oetail To be provided when final sizing, specifications are known. 0. �nancing commitments(equity and mortqage financing) Econo�►ics Laborator Inc. shall select from aaon� several f nancial institutions � Preliminary pians may be submitted with the Application.Within �_days of approva of this Application by the Commission�r of Ravenue. rnai canstruction plans and specifications acceptabte to the Ci will bs submitted. ECONOMICS LABORATORY, INC. ?ART1,r,IPATING Bi1SiPlESS ..; _ o�Sai P;ul _ � - '� ���,, .' i gy ��.c—�.�'-�/��• � B c ae E. Shannon, Exec. Vice Presi nt & City Clerk gy Chief Financial & Administra i By _ . �� � �- 3�� EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING SCHEDUL ATTACHMENT"B" PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT RIVERFRONT ENTERPRISE ZONE ECONOMICS LABORATORY. INC. PARTICIPATING BUSINESS I. GENERAL A. The City desires to increase employment opportunities for City residents who are low/ loderate income or economicaliy disadvantaged(i.e.,JTPA-eligible defined in Exhibit E)with Developer/E ployers for jobs within Saint Paul's Riverfront Enterprise Zone. B. Developer/Employer agrees to use the City as its primary source for recruitment,traini ,referral,and placement of new or replacement entry level employees in accordance with the terms of this Agreem nt. C. The City's delegate agency will be the Job Creation and Training Section in the Depart ent of Planning and Economic Development,Saint Paul,MN 55102(Job Creation),or any other appropriate City agenc as may be designated by the Mayor. D. This Agreement becomes effective upon the date hereof and shall continue for five yea from the time Employer/Developer occupies facilities in the Riverfront Enterprise Zone,unless termi ted as provided herein. E. This Agreement shall be applicable to all DeveloperlEmployer new or replacement ent level positions for which low/moderate income or economically disadvantaged(i.e.,JTPA-eligible)persons are r might reasonably be available.This Agreement shall not apply to those jobs covered by existing collective b rgaining agreements or other contracts to which the Developer/Employer is a party,where the terms of this Agreem t would cause Developer/Employer to breach the provisions of such agreements. II. RECRUITMENT A. The employment positions covered by this Agreement include all Developer/Employer ob openings performed within the Riverfront Enterprise Zone,in the classifications,titles and qualifications contained n Exhibit A. B. The Developer/Employer will notify Job Creation of its need for new employees in cov red positions as soon as the Developer/Employer decides to hire such employees or,if possible,fifteen(15)workin days prior to the expected hiring dates.Notification may include the information required in Exhibit A. C. The Developer/Employer will provide Job Creation with its best estimate of the numbe and timing of potential job openings,through use of the form provided in Exhibit B. . D. The Developer/Employer may notify Job Creation of all vacancies for Developer/Empl yer openings in the Riverfront Enterprise Zone which are not covered by this Agreement.The Developer/Employer is not obligated to hire employees from these referrals from Job Creation,however,must demonstrate a good faith effort i this regard. E. Job openings which are filled by internal promotions from the Developer/Employer's I cal work force are not covered by this Agreement. III. REFERRAL A. Job Creation will refer applicants according to the qualifications requested by Develo r/Employer. B. If training for specific job openings has been agreed upon between the City and Devel per/Employer in a separate agreement under paragraph V.hereof,trainee applicants will be considered qualified nly when the training is successfully completed by applicant. C. Developer/Employer reserves the right to make all decisions on hiring new or additior I employees,including the qualifications of applicants,but agrees to hire for covered positions from among those persons referred by Job Creation who meet the job descriptions and qualifications,or other persons certified a eligible. IV. PLACEMENT A. When Developer/Employer notifies Job Creation of job openings in covered positions prior to fitteen(15)working days in advance ot the proposed date to hire,Job Creation will notify the Employer five(5)working days prior to the application closing date of the number of applicants Job Creation will refer. B. If Job Creation cannot refer the total number of qualified persons,the Developer/Employer may fill the remaining positions by any means. C. Job Creation will a)provide assistance and monitor job retention of employees placed under this agreement for six months,and b)monitor Developer/Employer's performace under this Agreement.Developer/Employer will submit Quarterly Hiring Summaries in the torm attached as Exhibit C. D. After the Developer/Employer has hired an applicant referred by Job Creation,Job Creation will not be responsible for the employee's conduct and the Developer/Employer releases the ciry from any liability for the actions of such employees. V. TRAINING A. Job Creation and the Developer/Employer may agree in a spearate agreement to develop classroom training, on-the-job training,pre-employment training or other training programs.The training specifications and cost for such training shall be set forth in that Agreement. B. The Developer/Employer will not discontinue routine on-the-job training to employees hired under this Agreement, because of this Agreement or supplements to this Agreement. VI. CONTROLLING LAWS AND AGREEMENTS A. If this Agreement conflicts with or requires Developer/Employer to breach an existing collective bargaining agreement or any other existing agreements,said agreements shall prevail. B. Developer/Employer will provide Job Creation with written evidence that Developer/Employer has provided the representative of any collective bargaining unit with a copy of this Agreement and has requested comments from said unit.Developer/Employer will provide such comments to Job Creation. C. The Developer/Employer will comply with any local,state,or federal law or regulation as they pertain to the Enterprise Zone designation. VII. DEFINITIONS A. Riverfront Enterprise Zone: The area designated by the State of Minnesota as an enterprise zone as detailed in Exhibit D. B. Covered Employees: New or replacement entry level employees and such other employees as may be mutually agreed upon between the parties. ECONOMICS LABORATORY, INC. ��� PARTICIPATING BUSINESS ' of Saint Paul ° ` � Mayo� gy BY Mic ael E. Shannon By Executive Vice President n gy City Clerk Financial and Administrative Officer . . ATTACHMENT 6 � � EXM91T 8 ESTIMATEO HIRING SCHEDULE ��-°3`�� City of Saint Paul pepartme�t ot Pia�ning and Economic Oevelopme�t ,Io�Geatio�and Training Section ��a�� r�n�rn;,�ICS I..�►�ORATORY INC Oate � Transter irom Future ,� Othe� ' knmediate New Hires Titles locations New Hir� (No.�Date) 1) Postions Retained: V.P. Marketing Retained (2) Re ained positions Managers Marketing Retained (10) Re ained positions Secretaries Retained (6) Re ained positions 2� White Plains Relocat'n Em lo ees: Sr. VP Institutio 1 White Plains, hTl' Existing Incumbent (1) Tr nsfer July, 1986 VP Marketing White Plains, NY Existing Incumbent (1) Tr nsfer July, 1986 Mgr Graphic Comm White Plains, NY Existing Incumbent (1) Tr nsfer July, 1986 � Mgr Support Funct' n White Plains, NY Existing Incumbent (1) Tr nsfer July, 1986 VP Pest Eliminati White Plains, A'Y Existing Incumbent (1) Tr nsfer July, 1986 Mgr Trng Material White Plains, NY Existing.Incumbent (1) Tr nsfer July, 1986 VP Distrib Sales White Plains, A'I' Existing Incumbent (1) Tr nsfer July, 1986 Director of Train' g White Plains, lvTl' Existing Incumbent (1) Tr nsfer July, 1986 Asst VP Eco-Temp/ White Plains, hTI' Existing Incumbent (1) Tr nsfer July, 1986 Fast Food Director Mktg Co White Plains, NY Existing Incumbent (1) Tr nsfer July, 1986 3) White Plains Positi ns Onl Transferrin : A. VP Finance (1) Ap il, 1986 VP Laundry (1) Fe ruary, 1986 VP Raburn Sales (1) De ember, 1986 VP Eco-Temp (1) De ember, 1986 VP Sales (1) De ember, 1986 Secretaries (10) Ap il - December, 1986 B. Eco-Temp Zone Coord nator (1) By September, 1986 Manager Product Inf rmation (1) By September, 1986 Supv Administrative Services (1) By September, 1986 Administrative Assi tant (1) By September, 1986 Secretaries (6) By September, 1986 C Clerical (10) By September, 1986 . , P,�g�,� . �11'TAC��N19�tT B � E�q�p81T 8 ESTIMATED HIRING SCHEDULE � �D^��� City oi Saint Paul Department of Planning and Econort�ic�evelopme�t ,fob C�eatio�and Trai�ing SeCtion ��p�� F('nNOMT('S i ARORATORY� TNC - �� Transter irom Future . ,� Othe� Immediate New Hires T�� Locatio�s New Hi�es (�.a��) 4) Order Entry Grou - t. Paul: Customer Service sistant (21) B December, 1986 5j Various New Position : A. EcoLine Dist Liaison (1) y, 1986 B. Market Research Mana er (1) J ly, 1986 C. Eco-Temp Credit Cler s (2) J ly, 1986 _ D. Business Development Analyst (1) J ly, 1986 E. Laundry- (4) A gust, 1986 Market Manager Sales Manager Secretaries (2) F. Government Bid/Admi Manager and Secret ry (2) S ptember, 1986 G. Fast Food Business Manager and Secre ry (2) 0 tober, 1986 H. Pool and Spa (4) D cember, 1986 Business Manager � Sales Manager Ana�ly s t Secretary I. G&A � Maintenance Engin er Apprentice (1) N vember, 1986 General Office C1 rk (1) y, 1986 Capital Analysis nalyst (1) 0 tober, 1986 104 SALARY RANGES Non-exempt (Cler cal) : Secretarial $1 , 100 - 1 ,500 er month General Cleric 1 1,000 - 1 ,300 -er month Entry level 900 - 1:050 er month Exempt (Manageme t/Professionals) : Composite of 2 ,100 ,000. 00 - . � � . •�N� � - � � �� �-�3y�1 SALARY RANGES NON-EXENIPT (CLERICAL): Minimum dpoint Maximum Entry level Grade 2 $ 860 1015 1170 Grade 3 1000 1175 1350 General Clerical ' Grade 3 1000 11175 1350 Grade !+ 1110 1335 1560 Grade 5 1250 1510 1770 Secretarial Grade 4 1110 1335 1560 Grade 5 1250 1510 1770 Grade 6 1360 1700 2040 EXIlVIPT (MANAGF.IUIENT/PROFESSIONALS): Minimum Maximum Vice President level $67,200 $110,300 Director & Asst. Vice President level l+g,000 100,800 Manager level 40,000 80,1�00 Supervisor/Coordinator/.Analyst level 22,$00 4g,400 . :- �,.-, �_��y . � _ � ;�. � :e +. . • ATTACHMENT B EXHIBIT C QUARTERLY HIRING SUMMARY For Quarter E ding: Listed below are the positions in your firm which are covered under the Employment and Trai ng Agreement with the Ciry. Please list the number of hires for this quarter for each category and return this form to the Jo Creation and Training Section within thirty(30)days following the close of that quarter. Position Title Total New Hires 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. I certify that the above information is true and accurate. Authorized Signature Title Date Please return this form to: Job Creation and Training Section Department of Planning and Economic Development 25 West Fourth Street Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 . . . .Sl. .`'E ULrAK t�vr�tv i 41t ��'vcx�cts't acv1� �LV�+�tir►�u�►, LIC�CL cr►ar.,.r l%�— d�°-°3�� Cr:tificatios as� Appllcatioa for Eat�rpri:e Zoae Cr�dit N�ot Bwiew btloeMet�ID Nua� • ID Nwnb�r Economics Laboratory, Inc. 8068119 4 -0231510 Addcw uwab�r�od�tn�t N�wd�I�phoo�aumbK d to eoahet�t tAi� b11�CM�K N btw Q�M�Otl tbOYt IOl�O. Osborn Building Jim Westerhaus 293-2 83 Citp � �la� 7ip Cod� St. Paul Minnesota 55102 DMesib�t6��cp�oeoa�etiritf(�9nae�tN!ot s�cp�eooa.oua�r of job�cr�abd,iaee�w in p��noll,inw in m�ek�t�alw,ewt ot .ocv.a.ioa,d..a��oo ot bu.inw.ad naem.at ia�eoduee). The comvany wi 11 construct new 20.000 sq f t. or ar;er facility to house its Information Services bivision. This act n Will allow its Insti utional Sales Division to move fron [dhite Plains, NY and will create r retain 217 new �obs Ent�rnriN Zoa�Cndit� within (over*) 1. 9alr t�paid oa purebaw of weutructioa nut�ei�is or puip�tnc . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. .... .... .. . 1. 2. Intawt p�id oa d�bt to tinaa�oonstruetioa o�n�w t�eilicy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .......4. J. s. Nua�b�s ot woeltas�mploy�d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S�. b. Cndit p�r�ork�e(6�om tln�E bdov) .. . . .. .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . b. c. Multiply tM nnmber on tin��by th�amount on lia�b ... .... . . .. .... . .. .. . .. . . . . . .. ..3e. �ord�r Citr ZonM Onlv �. a. Numb�e d worltas�mpiord......... .. . . . . . .......... .. 4a. � b. Cndit p�s w�k�r(tee�n lia�T bdo�) ... . ...... . ..... ........ b. e. Multiplp th�aueub�r on lin�s bp tb�amouat oe lin�b . . . . . . . . . ... . . .. . . .. . .. ..... . .. .4e. ' Total Credib S. Total anNeprw wa�erdies(dd liew l.2,3e and 4e). . . . . . . .. ... ..... . . . . . .. .. . .. . . . . . .6. 59 00 Eat�rpeiw Zom Citp Nam��nd t�i�pAoeu numb�r of pasoa to contaet if�w hsv�a iou��bout ehi�foeni 2�4_5686 Saint Paul John A. Campobasso, Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul Gpl daeription ot ptopsetp tor whieh erdit u elaitn�d. Blocks 5 and �, Fletcher's Subdivision of Brewster's Addition; Blocks 22 and 23 of Brewster' Addition; Block 5 of Ashton's and Sherburn's Addition, including vaca ed streets. 6. Fill ia tl��er�dii aowrnt W b��ib�r�d foe�aeh�nplorN. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . ... . . . .. . . 6. T. Bord�r eih sonu onir-FW in th�crdit anwuat to bt�llov�d!or��el�uaplop�e . .. .. . . . . . . . . 7. 8. Ch�ck tb�sppropei�baac: (�a�w faeilih� I J�wioo o[aci�cin�faeilit�r ALo fW in th��mouat of ee�dlt W b��Ilo�d foe prop�ttr ta:p�rsbl�in 1�87-9A . . . . .. . . . . . a. 0 ($65,000/yr. X 4) 9. $oed�r eitr wn�onlv([or��f�eilitiM) tiU in tM�mouat ot erdit to b��lbMd tor pwp�etr t�c psr�bb in 10_ . .. . . . . ... . . . . . . . 9. Local coateisutioa(acplaia how d�t�em{t�d) Zon�Dduet' n alternative local contributiqn plan con- �;�s,�,�. . . , . , $`�9 845 rised of bldg. d�olition, site preparation o�;,,����,r. . . . . 2E ^ nd infrastructure improvements within the 70 4 R�maiaia�Balaaee. . . . . . mpire Builder Ind. Park was approved by Commissioner Dayton on Octob r 14 1985. I huebp d�elan�nd e�rtify that th�applie�eioa u cnu�ad�oer�et ce ela�t�nry kno.rl p�nd bdi . ECONOMICS LABORATORY, i1� ; /'�. � � , , rc 1986 • seur.ot,��eaooMichael E. Shannon, Executive Vice Pr nt a � f Financial and Administrative Off -a � Citr Cl�rk Ada�ioi�ts�coe D� � a°��A�' D^�0�� Gstitieaefoa tA�t applie�o ir loestd io tA� Zon��nd ae����ilabl�. � - ���_� E��.a c►�om�.� MAXOR nu. �^^-� rl�a /8�' Commirion�r ot Ma� D�N wppor�d to�e.et l�ployn�mt Peo�et�r � I , � � � � . f,�+� ���� r� � � tio � r�. .�..�_� �. ��t. � � � � i � � fo�m aoa �.. a npr.aa�atitv� ot tb� .nt�rp�ia� �e city f�u in Part s to s�o�+► tbe a�ount a� cr�dit tl�r city will allar. sbe representativ�e an �lected official aust. aL� o�rtity t.�at tb� i�nfor�aticn is o�nect bp si at tbe bott�om o! tb� �o�. l�t.�r tD� iolo�atiron bas be�o c�rtified by t� city, it must b� ��at to t� Depsrt��at � �rc� aaa �oonomic Daqslo�t aod tbe Depart�nt of Rev� for appt+o�val. l�til tbe lo�a tro: lyi.�ero�ta Depart�at o! �r� a�d �ooa�amic Devalq�ent Doona�ic Da�lap�ent Divisian 900 Piaiesican Caester euildinq 150 Ssst �illogg eoulevasd St. P�ul, 1�lQ 55101 l�l�ter t1�e foim las beeu appraved by tbe Departa�ent of Hr�erc,� aod Boonamic Dev�lop�ent, it Mill b� fon�rded to tbs Dapartaient of Rev�esu�e ! r �praval. Z�e � Depertment of Ra�ue will natify the F�terpriae 8c�� C1ty o! . �g: if you stap operations in the enterprise za�e within two s after you - claim t.base credits, you will hav�e tc repay all or part of t�e� credita. � fo� abould be filed r�ritb your county Auditor if local tas reductions (�D prope�cty reclassificatioa� or State psid prap�rty tas creai are requeated. If tbe city bes a]lowed you a credit tor proQerty taz psyab�le aa 6 (or line 7 for bordtr city zanea), you must file tbia appro�ve�d foim with your auditos to receive credit on your Property tas statament. Contact (612� 297-1304 for additiasal iafonnati�oo. * two years and up to 350 within five years. The payroll will be increased by approximately $7,600,000. Tlie cost is estiaated at $2.5 miilio with an increase in market value of $1,SOO ,p00.