86-340 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Coun il CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE -MAVOR File NO. �� _� O • Or indnce orai nce N O. 7 ,�� Presented By ,✓ ��� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Ordinance amendin� Chapter 370, Section 70.15, Subdivision 3 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code ertaining to the reciprocal Certificates of Competency. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: That Chapter 370, Section 370.15 of the Saint Paul Le islative Code be amended by adding a new subdivision 3 which reads as follo s: [370.15. ] [RECIPROCITY. ] [Subdivision 3. ] [OIL, GAS, PLUMBING, REFRIGERATION, AND S FITTING. ) Any master or journeyman holding a valid Minneapolis certific te of competency for oil, gas, plumbing, refrigeration, or steamfitting may c ry on that occu- pation as such master or journeyman in the City of Saint Pau upon payment of the requisite fee, and registration of the Minneapolis ce ificate of com- petency with the building official, if it has been determine by the Board of Examiners of both cities that the Minneapolis requirements f the certifi- cate of competency are equal to those of Saint Paul; provide that Minneapolis reciprocates by accepting the applicable Saint Paul competen card. Except as specifically indicated in this section all other provisio s of this chapter shall be applicable to certificate holders who obtai their certifi- cates under this reciprocal arrangement. COUNCILMFN Yeas ��� Nays Requested by Department o : ��� Co un'ty Ser ices Drew � In Favor _Y�1���,�tq,t/ • N�costa A ainst BY scne�bei � g Tedesco Wflson Adopted by Council: Date MAY � 3 �86 Form Appr ved 'ty Att r y Certified Pas b uncil Secr r By � By App by Mayor: Date MAY 1 � 1986 Approved by Mayor for Sub ission to Council gy By pUBIISHED M AY 2 4198C . . . � �. ���-��� ,�, : CITY OF SAINT PA�UL ����y �ir�+_^�- ;,� : OFFICE OF.TFIF CITY COUNCIL _-' � FIL�D : ; -"- .- . . ,, ^ . __ _, . � ;�:� G�� J ,, ,, ..r�^ . . . .:� Iti t:`U C�II'l.I�ll�t�� �2�7(}rt . cr;� ,�� �-�,,; � ., �,r,- .. ' � i T.';; I , + s ti r'(�` . F':i�ance l��na ement .� :Per�onnel Co 'ttee. J`:�.,':.. . _. .�_. . April 24, 1986 1. Approval of minutes from meeting held April 17, 1986. a r ed 2. Resolution amending the 1986 budget by adding $52,828 to the inancing Plan and to the Spending Plan for Civic Center operating. Laid over o Ma 1 � 3. Resolution amending the 1986 budget by adding $17z000 to the Financing Plan and to the Spending Plan for Heritage Preservation Commission (p afessional consulting services) . approved 4. Resolution amending the 1986 budget by transferring $4,750 f om Contingent Reser�r� to Executive Administration-Civic Organizations Contribution . Laid over to May 8 S. Resolution amending the 1986 budget by transferring $5,000 f om Contingent Rese������; _ _„ to Planning and Economic_Developm�nt-Citizen Par.ticipation. approved ' 6. Resolution amending the 1986 budget by adding $14,500 to the Financing Plan and to the Spending Plan for PED Operations Fund-Northwest Area oundation. approved _ 7. Resolution recognizing the Reconstitution of Citizen Partic' ation District No. ?,o Laid over to May 8 8. Resolution authorizing agreement with St. Paul Ramsey Medic Center whereby t2br City will receive services of Dr. Reith Henry. approved 9. An ordinance amending Chapter 369, Section 369.04, Subd. 5, of the Legislative � Code pertaining to reciprocal Building Trades Business Lice ses. approved I0. An ordir�auce amendi�ng Chagzer 370, Section 370.15, Subd. 3, of the Legislative Code pertaining to reciprocal Certi�icates of Competency. �pprovec�-- � 11. Administrative Orders: I D-7970: Authorization for payment to Galen Cranz foz parti ipation in the World Trade Plaza Design Charrette. discusse � D-7973: Additions of $827.00 to the contract for Burlingto Center/333 Sibley Building to Galtier Plaza Skyway Bridge and Conco se Link. discussed � D-7974: Additions of $9,299.00 to the contract for Burlin on Center/333 Sibley Building -to Galtier Plaza Skyway Bridge and Counc rse Link. discussed GITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SA PAUL,141INNESOTA 55102 . . . ,� . ._ - � . . -. .. . ��6 � � � � -. � . � � � � � ' , ' • :� ' , .. . ((� r, t \ . . � �{� �. l�% i � � .. . " lst � —�a- c�� 'ind ��— � _ 3rd �— ,,,_�/� - Adop ted S/.,� —. � - .-+�r',.,.—" — - - .� �,,� .� � Yeas Nays Y�A ' DREW ,j , ° > . ��� "3� "� . ,� a � NICOSIA � - . , " . /7.3.5-I }±`��Y��:- - . '� � �� � ��rr� � ,,��_ � � ,..�,,� ��� SCEIEIBEL _�. . _ SONNEN WILSON . , � MR. PRESIBENT 2EDESCO �. � \ . . ._� - - _- �.— — - . �. : .�--�✓''".�:-_ ��! ;'�.�� � i t�;; " l�_�.;� ... , ���, { ���- : .�� �#� , ���.�;��,�. -���.. � . � - _ WHITE - CITV CI.ERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Cou il �j CANARV - DEPARTMENT . Flle NO. �� `v � BLUE - MAVOR Ordin�nce Ordi ance N O. 17-�`S� Present ��,� , Referre To �' '' � " ' r' d 3 —o��—8�P .�"' Committee: Dat Out of C mittee By Dat An Ordinance arnending Cn ap _r 3 7 0, S ec t on 3 7 0 .15 of the Saint Paul Legislative Cod� pe�-taining t reciprocal Certificatces of Competency. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AINT PAUL DOES ORD IN: That Chapter 370, Section 70 .15 0� the Saint Pa 1 Legislative Code is hereby deleted in its entire-ty and the follo ' ng is substi-cuted in its place: /370 . 15 .� /RECIPROCITY.% Any master or journeyman h lding a valid P�Iinneapolis certificate f compe'cency for any buildin trade re- quired to be certified as �o competency by provisions of �.his cha?ater may carry on is occupation as such master or journeyman in the Ci�y of Sain Paul upon payment of the requis� e fee, and regis�ra�ion of hi Minneapolis certificate of compet nc�� wi�th the building offi ial, if it has been determined by th Board o� Examiners of ' oth cities that the Minneapolis req ' remen�s for -�he certif ' ate of competency are equal to those f Saint Paul . Exceot as spe ifically indicated in this sec'tion all ther pro- visions of t is chapter shall be applicable to certif ' cate holders who obtain heir certificate under �his reciprocal ar angement. COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of Yeas Nays Drew (`nmmi i Nicosia ln Favor Rettman � Scheibel / Sonnen Against BY Tedesco �ath een 1�. Stack Wilson % Adopted by Council: Date Form Appr ved by ' y Atto ney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY �C� � g� By Approved by Mayor: Date Approv by M or for ion to Council . By �ommunitv S,ervices � �EPARTMENT (�— `'�0 558 Richard Amey CONTACT , , /� ' 298-4212 PHONE ���� � February 27, 1986 DATE Qr ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER (Clip All Locations for Signature) : � Department Director Director of nagement/Mayor Finance and Management Services Director City Clerk Budget Director City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purp se/ Rati nale) : Reciprocal "Certificates of Competency" will allow persons approved t work in other communities where standards and tests are equal to those in St. Paul receive a certificate h�re without delay or further testing. This ordinance al recognizes a reciprocity for the Masters certificate for heatin,� and ventilation that was not previously done. � ' RECEIVED . ��c��� F,� COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: �L14� f ,�o� MAR � ��R� none f+�AYOR�s o rCE e1TY ATTORNEY a��`� �� ,D� ,� FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor s signa- ture ot re- Total Amount of Transaction: quire if under none $10,0 �) Funding Source: Activity Number: ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All Attachments) : Ordinance DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY R VIEW Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Requ red? Yes No Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Suffi ient? Yes No Yes No Insurance Attached: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 • , � • - —�------.. ' u, . . . .. . .. .. . . .. . .... . . . .. . t:_. .. . ._ ,�� � I ,I 1 .\ /�� �,\i .. I t, �{ f�i,, - ' `�- �d - ��O 1-2nd ' I -'�`"�� � i';� �` lst` � , ��_`� _ 3rd �- �� - ��P Adop ted ;�/3",�� Y�� ���".-� - ��� Nays � Y eas .. .a�:::�,;���� DREW �/Gi �� ���3`r . � . NICOSIA . /�3� � . � RETTMAN SCHEIBEL SONNEN WTLSON MR. PRESIDENT TEDESCO _ . _ ____. _. . _.._:_� --- � ___--- --- - ' i � � ,t ..�...�.+r*,��r�—_ i� � �-m 1 . -: e..�.- �: . , �� ` ✓ t',.�'' :..> �, ;�� : � , �-,��:� �.� . , _ . � . . . . - � - � � � � 'Z � 3���1�� WH17E - CITV CLERK � � �� PINK - FINANCE COLL lI � � CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL �� � BLUE -MAVOR File NO. • - Or �n�nce orai ance NO. Presented '�./ Refe red To Committee: Dat i u of Committee By t An Ordinance amending Chapter 370, Se ion 370.15 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to r iprocal Cert ficates of Competency. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF �A T PAUL DOES ORDAIN That Chapter 370, Sectio 370. 15 of the Saint Pau Legislative Code is hereby deleted in its tirety and the following s substituted in its place: /370. 15./ /RECIPROCITY./ Any master or journeyman holdi g a valid certificate of compete y for any building trade required to be cer- tified as to competen y by provisions of this chapter fro any other municipality in the tate of Minnesota, which has require ents for such certificate of co etency equal to those of the City of S int Paul as shall be determi d by the building official, may carry o his occupa- tion as such ma ter or journeyman in the City of Saint Pa 1 upon payment of the requis' e fee and registration of his certificate f competency with the bui ding official. Except as specifically indic ted in this section al other provisions of this chapter shall be app icable to certifica holders who obtain their certificate under th s reciprocal arrangem t. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department o Yeas Nays Fletcher Communit Servic s Drew In Favor Masanz � Scheibel A gai n s t BY ' Tedesco Kathleen A.. St ck Wilson Form Appr ved by it Att ney Adopted by Council: Date L�^--� C Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY F3y Approved by Mayor: Date flPpra y Mayor for Subm s ' t ounc' By (�l�t� ,Services , ' . DEPARTMENT `� �� ��� N4 569 Richard�Amey ' CONTACT /7,�a 298-4212 PHONE April 16, 1986 DATE 1 ��� . � ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER (Clip All Locations for Signature) : X Department Director Director of nagement/Mayor Finance and Management Services Director City Clerk Budget Director City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpo e/ Ratio ale) : Reciprocal "Certificates of Competency" will allow persons approved t work in other communities where standards and tests are equal to those in St. Paul o receive a certificate here without delay or further testing. This ordinance al o recognizes a reciprocity for the Masters certificate for heating and ventilation that was not previously done. COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: none FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIYITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor' signa- ture t re- Total Amount of Transaction: none quire if under $10,0 Q) Funding Source: Activity Number: ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All Attachments) : DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY R VIEW Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Requ red? Yes No Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Suffi ient? Yes No Yes No Insurance Attached: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84