86-338 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL Cou il CANARV - DEPARTMENT 91UE -MAVOR File NO. �� �� Ordin�nce Ordi ance N0. � Presented By � Referred To Committee: Dat Out of Committee By Dat An Ordinance amending Chapter 369, Section 369.04, Subdivision 7 of the Saint Paul Legi�lat' e Code pertaining to reciprocal Building Trades Bu i- ness Licenses. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: That Chapter 369, Section 369.04, of the Saint Paul egislative ; Code be amended by adding new subdivision 7 which reads as f llows: / [369.04. ] [LICENSING REQUIREMENTS. ] [Subdivision 7. ] [RECIPROCITY, OIL, GAS, PLUMBING, REFRIGE TION, AND STEAMFITTING. ] Any applicant for an Oil, Gas, Plumbing, Re rigeration, or Steamfitting license presently holding a valid Minneapolis b ilding trade business license which meets Saint Paul standards for such 1 cense as shall be determined by the Board of Examiners of both Minneapolis nd Saint Paul, nay carry on that busines� in the City of Saint Paul upon re istration of that licerise, complian.ce wi�h Section 370.15 of this code, a d payment cR�'' f the registration fee pursuant to Section 369.03 of this chap er; provid.+�r~? that Minneapolis reciprocates by accepting the applicable Sa nt Paul l�t�.:_� .:. If the Division requires corrections for work that has been one by a licF��-� see operating under this reciprocal arrangement and the lice see fails �ci make the required corrections, such failure or lack of compl ance may I�:� acted upon by the building official and all information rela ive ther��u _��. , • be forwarded to the e�ty of Minneapolis building official. Except as specifically indicated in this section, al other prov�_^� ions of this chapter shall be applicable to licensees operat ng under this reciprocal arrangement. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department o : Yeas ��� Nays i�ls�slr� Dr��� R��� In Favor . Nicosls � A alnst BY s�netbei g Tedesco Wilson Mp,Y � � �6 Form Approve Att rne Adopted by Council: Date " Certified Pass uncil Se ta BY � By Approv Mayor: Date 1_�Y � �+ � Approved by Mayor for Sub ission to Council By By � . , r/ 'Comnnunity Services j - , - DEPARTMENT --'�� � `�✓5dN0 56� Richard Ame+y CONTACT 7�� '298-4212 ' PHONE April 16, 11986 DATE 1 Q��r� ,r � ASSIGN NUMBER! FOR ROUTING ORDER (Clip All Locations for Signature) : � Departmen�t Director Director of nagement/Mayor Finance a�d Management Services Director City Clerk Budget Director City Atto�rney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpo e/ Ratio ale): Reciprocal '!Building Trades Business Licenses" will complement the reci rocity in the Certificate of Competency ordinance. It would follow that if the Maste s and Journeymans capabilities are tested and equal to those in Saint Paul that the busin sses employing them also be recognized as acceptable. COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: nome I FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor' signa- ture t re- Total Amo�nt of Transaction; none quire if under $10,0 0) Funding Source: Activity �lumber: ATTACHMENTS ;�List and Number Al1 Attachments) : Ordinance � DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY R VIEW Yes Nd Council Resolution Required? Resolution Requ red? Yes No Yes Na Insurance Required? Insurance Suffi ient? Yes No Yes Na Insurance Attached: , (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS} Revised 12/�4 I _ � � � . . � � ����� _ , i �:� �- - ;., , '�L CITY OF SAINT PAUL , _: - ,;,i� OFFICE OF_TA� CITY COIINCIL ` - FIL£D -- , ' . . . - �- ry . r . . _ � ._.. � _.. . 3i=� �i� �j �� t t( ;L(�j . Co�nittee �eport �� ,�� ��, �-�sf� Qr�, � ��� r .;,. i , �� ,.: �� . F':i�ance �Iana ement .� :�erson�.el: Co itt�e. :`�,��:.. _ -. . . , April 24, 1986 I __ ._ ._ _ _ ----- -- --- - 1. Approval of minutes from meeting held April 17, 1986. a ro ed 2. Resolution amending the 1986 budget by adding 552,828 to the inancing Plan and to the Spending Plan for Civic Center operating. Laid over o Ma 1 � 3. Resolution. amending the 1986 budget by adding $17,000 to the inancing Plan and to the Spending Plan for Heritage Preservation Commission (p fessional consulting services) . approved 4. Resolution amending the 1986 budget by transferring $4,750 f om Contingent ReservE: to Executive Administration-Civic Organizations Contribution . Laid over to May 8 5. Resolution amending the 1986 budget by transferring $5,000 f !om Contingent Resex:°c�:: ___ ,,, to Plannin and Economi.c Developm�nt-Citizen Participation. approved ' . _ _ g_ _ _ �:_� .�� , �- - 6. Resolution amending the 1986 budget by adding $14,500 to the Financing Plan and to the Spending Plan for PED Operations Fund-vorthwest Area oundation. ^approved : 7. Resolution reeognizing the Reconstitution of Citizen Partici ation District No. �o Laid over to May 8 8. Resolution authorizing agreement with St. Paul Ramsey Medica Center whereby tla�. City will receive services of Dr. Keith Henry. approved 9. An ordinance amending Chapter 369, Section 369.04, Subd. 5, f the Legislative Code pertaining ta reciprocal Building Trades Business Lice es. approved 10. An ordinance amending Chapter 370, Section 370.15, Subd. 3, f the Legislative Code pertaining to reciprocal Certificates of Competency. a roved �� 11. Administrat�.ve Orders: � D-7970: Authorization for payment to Galen Cranz for parti ipation in the World Trade Plaza Design Charrette. discussed - D-7973: Additions of $827.00 to the contract for Burlingto Center/333 Sibley Building to Galtier Plaza Skyway Bridge and Concou se Link. discussed � D-7974: Additions of $9,299.00 to the contract for Burling on Center/333 Sibley Building •to Galtier Plaza Skyway Bridge and Cour_co rse Link. discussed _ .. __._._ _. . ... _.___ _ ._ _ _ ___ _ _. _ _ ., .. _. . CTTY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAI T PAUL,MINNESOTA 5510? �aa - WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Coun il / �33�! BLUERV - MAVORTMENT �O � File N 0. ' l 7.�s Ordin�nce Ordi ance N0. ; Presented By . /� Referre o � Committee: Date �3"-'°Z�^�`� Out af Co ittee By Date An Ordinance amending C apter 369 Section 369 . 04 , Subdivision � of the Sa' n� Paul T,,egislative Code pert = ning to rec 'px�ocal Building Trade Business .L ' enses. TH� COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF S INT DAUL DOES O DAIN: That Chapter 369, Sec��ion 69 . 04, Subdivisio 5 of i:he Saint Paul Legisla�ive Code is her y dele�ed in its e tirely and �che following is substituted in i place: /369 . 04_7 /LICEPISIi�TG REQUIF2�MF TS.7 /Subdivision 5 .% /RECIPROCIT_ .% Any applicant for_ a b ildina, trade business license presently olding a valid Minneapolis building tzade business license whi nleets Saint Paul standard for such lic�nse as shall be deter ined by the Board of Examine s of bot� Minnea�aolis and Saint Pa , may carry on his business n the Ci-�y of �a;n-c Aaul upon regi tration of his license, compli nce with Sect�on 370 .15 of �his code, and payment of th� reg��� ation fee pursuant -�o Section 3 9 . 03 0� �.his chapter. If -the Di ision re- auires co�rrec-�ions f r work tha� has �een done by a li ensee opera�ting under thi reciprocal arrangement and the li ensee _fails to make -�he rea,uir d corrections, such failure or lack of com- pliance may be ac ed upon by -the building official and all info.rma- tion rela-�ive th rero may be forwarded to �che City o� Mi neapolas �uilding offici . Excep�t as specifically indicated in 'this s c�tion, all o�iher provisions of this chapter shall be applicab e to Iicensees operating under this reciprocal arrangement. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department o . Yeas Nays Drew Nicosia ln Favor Rettman • sone�bei A ainst BY Sonnen g Teaes�o Kathleen . S�tack w�iso� Form Appr e City Att ney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By 3 '� By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved May for ion to Council By By Communitv Services . • , � DE PARTMENT C� 33�No 5 5 6 Ri�charir Amey � � CONTACT �,� 298-4212 PHONE February 27, 1986 DATE 1 e�� Q, Qi ASS�IGN NUN�ER FOR ROUTING ORDER (Clip All Locations for Signature) : �Department Director Director of nagement/Mayor Finance and Management Services Director City Clerk Budget Director City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpo e/ Ratio ale) : Reciprocal "Building Trades Business Licenses" will complement the rec"procity in the Gertificate of Competency ordinance. It would follow that if the Mast rs and Journeymans capabilities are tested and equal to those in Saint Paul that the busi esses employing them also be recognized as acceptable. �� �EC`i �° RECEIVED COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: ���QR ? ��Qu MAR 3 ;a�� f�AYOR'S FFICE none Q\��� CJTY ATTO��I� ��` FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor' signa- ture n t re- Total Amount of Transaction: none quired if under $10,00 ) Funding Source: Activity Number: ATTACHMENTS (List and Number Al1 Attachments) : Ordinance DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY RE IEW Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Requi ed? Yes No Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Suffic ent? Yes No Yes No Insurance Attached: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 � ' � �� � � �'� �..�U 3 �a�l�� � � , J / � WHITE - CITV CLERK � /� PINK - FINANCE COII CII �� ��_��� CANARV -OEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL .BLUE - MAVOR File . . O� indnce Ordi ance N 0. ��� Presented By �''� R ferr d To Committee: Dat ut f Committee By Dat An Ordinance amending Chapter 369, Section 369.04, S division 5 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to reciproc Building Trade Business Licenses. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES AIN: That Chapter 369, Section 369.04, Subdi sion 5 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby deleted in its ent' ety and the following is substituted in its place: /369.04./ /LICENSING REQUIREMENTS./ /Subdivision 5./ /RECIPROCITY./ An license applicant hol ing a valid building trade business license fo any business required o be licensed by the provisions of this chapte from any other municipal ty in the State of Minnesota, which has require ents for a building trade icense and a certificate of competency equ to those of the City of Sa nt Paul as shall be determined by the buildin official, may carry on his b siness in the City of Saint Paul upon reg'stration of his license, compl ance with Section 370.15 of this co , and payment of the registrati n fee pursuant to Section 369.03 of thi chapter. If the Division requir s corrections for work that has been ne by a licensee operating under his reciprocal arrangement and the li nsee fails to make the required co rections, such failure or lack of co liance may be acted upon by the bui ding official and all information elative thereto may be forwarded to t e other munici- pality where such 1'cense is held. Except as pecifically indicated in this section, 11 other pro- ° visions of this apter shall be applicable to licensees o erating under this reciprocal arrangement. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department o Yeas Nays Fletcher Communit Service Drew In Favor Masanz � Nicosia B Scheibel A gai n s t Y Tedesco Kathleen A. St ck Wilaon Form App oved by Atto ney Adopted by Council: Date L'`./1' Certified Passed by Council Secretary gY C 6 �y Approved by Mayor: Date Approv Mayor for Subm s ' n Cou�tcil B . . .i - . _. .. .. '� WMITE� � CITV�LERK � .. ....�� '�.. , �ww��� ,..w - � a��''r�' `.� ,� . ' ��, PINK � FINA'NCE r�:t I� �Y�� �y; ��+.� y'� � . CO il �/r�yfi ..� CANARY —DEP7IRTMENT � �JI 1 Y OF� �'�1T.i,��.T 1; �114L , �f- f'��,,/'"���� � �iHLUE. —MAVOR . F11C . NO. -'--"- t , • � Ord�ndn�ce � ;�. � _ Ordi aace N 0. t ' ; Presented By:� Fl� � ,µ ._;-"'. ,P s Ref.erMed To Committee: . `Dat i� , � * `': :�ut �'.f Committee By Dat . f I '=� As Osi�a4�t+�e � lirttt�e= )6!; $�etioa 3il:84. 1�►1si� S a� t6� fafit lwtl Lssis3stft� �a �e�ta,� te rwat �si3�tiai 1"rai� �st�n t«ic��. � � � _< �:; . _ ?iR l�IL �l 2� CTlX !0� /�i !'A#1L HORi s . ' . "Tl�t �tss 3il, �ttios� 33l.0�. !�A! 3.+� S +� � �s3iC �hatl Lt�i�Ltt�rar Ce�+t is D�s� �l�st.�i is itar��aL t� sa�d tir�e fo13� fs t��t�.�tri #a its plata a ' ';, .� �.�►� ,�i�slle i�I�M�li� ;� , � . ,o_',� ,�i�a � .����OCI!!� � �li�e+att ;a� +�� , � � 1��iZ13s� tssi� �l�ar li�aa�rs t .a� �wsius�s ss�pl�z�l �w �lfaie�l ` � i►�► t�s �e�ets�e� e� t�is Q1�p !s� aac� atl�s� t� �"t1n� �ta� , :f ef l�et�e. �rii+e� 1w�s t� l�o�r �i,��i+tl� t;ad� �t`a . . ;� � �itifieat� st' car�sca�T te t1w�� e►! �lMe Ci+tp oi�ss 1�w1 as �.� " ;� lr+e �tsa�l�t Inr tiN a�fff+�iai, �r►7 ca��r ea 1�s isn� tu � ;� GtE�r � �i3�t �a�2 � �,+� �i 1� li�es�us�, ev� �ritd . t�tf�we 37+��13 at tits ; a�ad ��st �st ti� t�ist f�e �� ' ter �irsti+ea �'!.� o! - �sz. I! t.Ys D►ir�si�t. cosract3�e ,; le�r vost t.tiu."�tss � ia�r s lfe�ras a�ti� saie�r r��re��. �t +ra�d tl�t fsi� to ar+�tr� t1r� s�tis� ti.s�s, s�ii. . � la��s ar �k o� liase� �a� b�e a�at�t � iMj t!M et�3,e#.sl �,� ax�i IPL1 i�ts�stie�t irrt tlwerste ns�► � ��i ta odMet �atiei�- "� �s.tirj �rrs � 2 L� L+�l�i. " r:; P �- ��t ss itf�a�.� i�tt�at�i i�t tLi� i�i�tiaas . ot�+e�r �- : �isiaaa,�` t�is t�c si�a32 1w s�I�a1►�,t to 2t�a� w+�l�rt� � ti�#� r�at�r��eal n�t� . . , � . ' . . . . . . . � . . - . . R: COUNCILMFN � ��������� s ,�` �.�'��`_ •:��x - �,� �°' y,.R"e9uested �y D�pertment r • •kq -� , . . :flstchK� .. > � '�� c.ew � In Favoc w..nz , T�`. ,„—p�,,.� Ntcosh Against. , $Y ' ` ' ;,.�, sc^°� ti�►t�t� �►. , Ted�sco - Wilson � �orm App oved by Att ey Adopted,by Council: Date � � (I � ,�/� f; � � n_ : ! �,,,'"�-` ' _ � �, _---'t�� M: � � - Certified P�ssed by Council Secretary ,,: -.-�Y` ey , � ,. : _._ � . . Y t�1� ov�t2 by°�Iaqor.for S� ssian fio Cositiicii � f ` Approverl by Mayor. Date ' � _; � _ ,�H,�,,.,;., . , � � _- ; . ; . . � �.,. �� ,„ � � � � � �_ <_-`'"'' By. � A � " - . , .� . � _ _ �, f:�: «��. ;�.x �r