86-327 WHITE - CITV CI.ERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAiTi, Cou il ,+ - � �CANARY - DEPARTMENT //� BLUE - MAVOR Fi1e �O. `� ��� Council �Zeso�ution Presented By . Referred To Committee:- Dat Out of Committee By Dat WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council did on August 6, 1985 pass a resolution opposing further military aid to the Contras in Nica agua and opposing resumption of military aid to the Guatamalan dictators ip, and WHEREAS, the militarization of Central America continues, esulting in escalating suffering and economic dama�e, and WHEREAS, aid supports that milatarization and thus has a r le in the deepening of internal strifes which harm those peoples and nati ns; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council supports the co cept of Central America Week, March 14-24, an observance to promote education a d action on Central America, and be it further RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council urges participa ion on Sunday, March 23, in a service for peace in Central America to ake place at the Saint Paul Cathedral, and in a march and rally at the State Capitol, supporting an end to United States military aid to Central Amer ca. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department Yeas p�e��. Nays #a�a�- Rettman � In Favor N icosia.�� Scheibel Sonnen � Against BY Tedesco W i Ison Adopted by Council: Date MAR 13 1986 Form Approved by City Att rney Certified Ya; d y ouncil ret BY By A►pprov Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Sub ission to Council By BY PLR�� �n`��,� r-j�. �., zY �,,,,;