86-324 WHITE - GTV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PALT L Coun il �/(� CANA$V - DEAARTMENT File NO• �� -v � BLUE - MAVOR RETURN COPY TO VALUTION �/�u �l Resolution DIVISION — Room 218 �� Presented B � Referred To � N��4- Committee: Date �—��� Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The City of St. Paul on behalf of the ater Utility did purchase on May 1, 1908 certain property desc ibed as the West One-Half of the Northeast One-Quarter of Section 19 , Township 30, Range 22 West, Ramsey County, to be u ed for water supply system purposes; and WHEREAS, The City's staff has determined th�t a certain parcel of said property described as follows: That part of the Southwest Quarter of the N rtheast Quarter (SWl/4 , NEl/4) of Section 19 , Town hip 30 , Range 22 , Ramsey County, Minnesota, descr ' bed as follows: Commencing at the southeast corner of said Northeast Quarter (E. 1/4 cor.) ; thence South 9° 49'09" West, assumed bearing, 1307.48 feet along t e south line of said Northeast Quarter to the southeas corner of the Southwest Quarter of said Northeast uarter; thence continuing South 89° 49 '09" West 356 35 feet along said south line; thence North 30° 40' 6" East 352.04 feet; thence North 35° 42'20" East 305 81 feet to a point on the east line of said Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter; thence South 00° 10' 0" West 550.00 feet along said east line to the oint of beginning. $gcept Beginning at the southwest corner of th above described tract; thence North 30° 40'16" Eas 117.06 feet along the west line thereof; thence outh 08° 11'10" West 50.00 feet; thence South 76° 22' 4" East 132.25 feet to a point on a non-tangentia curve; thence southerly 20.00 feet along said curve c ncave to the east with a radius of 393.88 feet through central angle of 02° 54'33", chord bearing 5outh 13° 03' 5" West and length of 20.00 feet to a point on the so th line COUNCILMEN Requested by Department o : Yeas Drew Nays Nicosia [n Favor % Rettman Scheibel � Sonnen _ AgBinst BY Tedesco Wilson Form Appro d b City Att ey Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY C 2 � ss� A►pproved by Mavor: Date _ Approv y Mayor for Sub is ' n t o` cil Bv - - — B WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Cou cil �� , �� ,/ CANAgV - DE�ARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR FII NO• 7` Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Dat Out of Committee By Dat of said tract; thence South 89° 49'09" West 17 .60 feet along said south line to the point of beginnin . is no longer required for water supply system purposes, or by any other City Department; and WHEREAS, Keith T. Harstad is developing land a jacent to the City's property, and staff of the City on behalf of the Water Utility has recommended that the developer construc or provide a buffer between his proposed street and the djacent City property; and WHgREAS, The developer has expressed a willin ness to comply with this recom mendation, and in order o do so, has offered to purchase land from the City of Saint Pa 1, which land will be maintained by the developer or future owner as a buffer; and WHgREAS, City of Saint Paul staff does co cur with the Board of Water Com missioners to sell this exces property to Keith T. Harstad for the market value price, as r commended by the City's Valuation Engineer, as this is in the be t interest of the City of Saint Paul, now, therefore, be it RESOLV$D, That the City of Saint Paul doe declare the above described parcel to be surplus and does re uest that its Department of Finance and Management Services sell this property to Keith T. Harstad for the fair market value and all proceeds from the sale less Administrative costs be deposite to the Water Utility Fund. (crharstad) COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department Yeas Drew Nays Nicosia � Rettman ---1�- [n Favor Scheibel (,' Sonnen __ AgBillst BY Tedesco W ilson Adopted by Council: Date MAR 13 1986 Form Approved by Ci Att rney Certified Pa: y ouncil S ret BY C � � � B}� � Appr by Mavor: e r �Ek;r; � 1 �:���. Approve Mayor for Sub iss' to '1 B _ _ By PUBIISHED MAR 2 2 1986 Finance & Management Services DEPARTMENT - (%1— �o-,�-�� Na 4276 Dave Nelson ' CONTACT � 298-5317 PHONE February 7, 1986 DATE �Q,/�� e�. ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER (Clip All Locations for Signature) : Department Director 3 Director of nagement/Mayor 2 Finance and Management Services Director 4 City Clerk Budget Director 5 Valuations 1 City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpo e/ Ratio ale) • A part of the City's property in Vadnais Heights will be �eclared surpl s and sold to Keith Ha.rstad. . �.T'� _.-_s�,���,� ���� �-�;� �, � �� �''�'� ,�,M`r�:;';; �Js��cE COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: RECENED �- The City will receive $20,000 for the sale of this surplus parcel. F�G 1 �_ �g86 OFF C� OF TH= Di?ECTOR DEP '7T^f�E^JT nr F�.�R�J,,.E AND ANAGtN1tN i S��'v i�ES FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor' signa- ture n t re- ' Total Amount of Transaction: 520,000 quired if under $10,00 ) Funding Source: Activity Number: ATTACHMENTS (List and Number Al1 Attachments) : l. Council Resolution for signature. 2. Copy of Board of Water Commissioner's Resolution declaring parcel su plus. 3. Map of area to be sold. �. DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY RE IEW x Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Requi ed.? Yes No Yes x No Insurance Required? Insurance Suffic ent? Yes No Yes X No Insurance Attached: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 - - I CtTY OF ST. PAUL �,�� - _3..2�-/ _ . . OrFICE OF THE BOARG OF WATER COMMISSIONERS I, , RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM No� COM1Ni55�ONER DAT �tiEItE:AS, The aoard of Water Conunissioners did purchase on ht y 1, 1�0a certain property descriDed as the �iest Une-Half of tF�e ir'ortheast Une- uarter of Section ly, Tnwnship �0, RAnge 21 West. Itamsey County, tu be used for water supply s�stem purposes; and � ' rIFiEREAS. The itaard's staff has determined that a certain parce of said property described as foli�ws: 7hat part of the Southwest Quarter of the P�ortheast t�uart r (SW}, Nf}) of Section 19, Township 30, ftange 12, Ramsey County, Minn sota, described ds f oilows: Canmencing at the southeast corner of said N rtheast Quarter � (k� Cor.) ; thence• youth �9�4y'U9" West, assumed be�ring, 30?.43 feet along the soutn ]ine of said fiortheast Quarter to the sou heast corner of the Ssu�hwest 4uarter of said I��ortheast Quarter; thenc cantinuing yo�eh �9 4y�c,�" Ydest 3ti6.35 feet alnnc� saSd south 11ne; i: �nce North 30 4U' 16" tasL 352.G4 feet; thence North 35p41'20" �ast 3 5.B1 feet ' to � point on the eest lane of said Southwest Quarter of he Northeast (�uarter; thence South UO lU'4U" �iest 550.UU feet along sa d east line to the point of beginning. I exc�e�pt�� � eS�inning at the southwest corner of Lhe above descrtbed Iract; tfience North 30 4U' 16" East 117.06 fe�t along the west bine tl►er of; thence 5outh U8�11'lU" West 50.UU feet; thence South 16 22'2Q" E st 152.2� feet to a polnt on a non-tangential curve: .thence souther y 20.bU feet along said curve concave to tge east with a radius of 393. �8 feet through a centrai angle of U1 54'33", chord bearing South, l3°03'25° West and length of ZU.gO feet to a point on the south lin of said tract; tnence South �9 4�'U9" West 17b.6U feet along said south line to the point of beginning. is no longer required fvr water supply system purposes; and I�HEftEAS, Kei th T. Harstad i s developing 1 and ad�acent to the Qoard's property, and staff of the �oard has recommended that the developer cons ruct or provide a buffer between his proposed streeL and the ad�acent Etnard prop rty; and wNtltEP.5, Tne �evel crper has expressed a wi 11 i ngness to amply ai th thi s recon,�nendation, �n� in order to do so, has offered to pure se land from the City of Saint Paul, which land w911 be niair�tained by Lhe d veloper or future owners as a buffer; anri Wster Commisaionera � Adopted bq the Board Water Commisaionera Yeaa Naya 19_ I In favar Opposea iECY. • I _ . cmr �F ST. P�u� � (d� �.� �� - -' y OFFICE OF THE BOARC OF WATER COMMISSIONERS , RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM No� CO�SSIONER DAT WHEREAS, Board staff has recommended that the Board and the City of Saint Peul sell this excess property to Keith T. Harstnd for the ma et value price, a's recor�nended by the City's Valuation Engineer, as this is in t e best interest of the Board and the City of Saint Paul , now, therefore, be it ' RESOLVED, That the Board does declare the above described p rcel to be surplus and does request that the City of Saint Paul and its Depart ent of Finance and Management Services sell this property to Keith T. Harstad or the fair market value and all proceeds from the sale be deposited to the ater Utility Fund; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVEO, That the Council of the City of Saint P 'ul be requested to ., concur in the sale of the subject property. I � . �, 3 ,�„r.,.r.Y,w� . ; ; , Stsi� of Minnesott 1 ' Covnty of R��sey 1 ;s. C1ty ot SNnt ►aul 1 i. Yern� E. Jscobsen. Seeretaryr of the loaro of Mater ta�issiaoers of tM tity of Sa1nt P�ul. do h�reby eertify tAat 1 Aave copar�d the apov� eopy af a resolutton of tAe s�td loard as sdoptid py the toaM on �Ct. 16. 198rs with th� oMyin�l tAer�of on f/U 1n b ofHc� �nd II � tMt sald eoOY /1 + tro� and eorr�et copy ot said oMylna) aed tM rAol• tA�rwf. Mtte�ss Lh� seal of th� Board of Matn� Co�iss/onKS of tM City of Satet Paul tMa �_day of__ Ontnber . A.O. }9� , • ecr iry Wster Commiasionera Adopted by the of Water Commiasioners Yeaa Nsya '"'� Dr�w .;• .�..�; La�agovin Oato �r 16 1�.� . Masen�c Yice P��sidsat Bacbraoh Pr�sidQnt biiQOeia In favor � OppospcL � '''�`� sECY. . _ . I � �� � � � � � ��-j-�� 192 . . T w: No.�c ^ • `_ . _ �_.r—_,-f��k(� z c3o.�•r g _ .=G= a' ' - - 00 ' --�F��� —�-— r b � � n � r � � ' . � � I � � . • ' . � � . � ( � ; � a� . ' . Ia � I � ' I , , I . � . , , �, I , . I .. _ . , I . � � ' � . � j � . ' I � Q� � , . � • ; d � �s.so,., . i O . ; , , I: � , . CrIT OR .�T.Q/1UL , I L�dwatld l�eG�f�C/' • . .. ao.ve. • � ' 190 � � . .. � ... , �{ .. . � . . � . . � , . , .. �,y �c� ' , � � � ; I � � I ' i , � . I , , . � . � � . � I . . � . � � , . .� , � �.:�.I , , � � �� � � � � � ��.I�� ' �..� . ; '� . �- ` r� � • SURPLUS PARCEL �• � ', I� � � iS i .. � ..r- . � � ` w � i . . i '� • ...••� i � � � v` ; �. . r • �7 . .�- • � /� �y`x` `�GVS ••,�,�, � .c:, � 1 14 O � �� . a �� O _ ._ 1 .Ob rt+ N 3 7 2 r,t�.os Senoo� ��9TRtG ��� 39 �•�.Q� --3�-----a7�-o -- —?� � � � l �� 7 . ' f te/ �• � ` :f / . � : , 1 , �.�.,� �,�.�,..� . � �-r� - _��� ., CITY OF SgINT PA.1TL ,:��i�iii?i'i ` OF'�ICE OF TH� CITY COUDTCIL II Ltn !t,►t: , .. . - -- - : ` r ,i �K �OIY1T111�t�� �e Ort . � F �:�.anc� a ement & Personnel Ca 'ttee. _ _ --- - —_ __. � March 6, 1986 . . ; ' l. Approval of minutes from meeting held February 27, 1986. a roved 2. Resolution concurring in the Mayor's recommendation to use is executive powers to reduce spending to match current revenue projecti ns (l.etter of Mayor accompanies resolution notifying Council of a revenue shortage for finance the adopted 1986 budget) . withdrawn � 3. Resolution amending the salary plan and rates of compensat'�In resolution to change the� compensation for the position of Human,; Rights lyst - Researcher. approved 4. Resolution authorizing funding of staff for assessment col ection on CSO related sewer and paving projects. approved 5. Resolution approving Officials' Surety Bond No. 96854. roved . __ �: _ __ 6. Resolution authorizing agreements with Saint Paul Police 0 ficers for rental — of snowmobiles as needed to be used as Police patrol vehic P� during the . 1986 Winter �Carnival. withdrawn i 7. Resolution approving July 1985 through June 1987 Labor Agr pTPr.t between . Independent School District No. 625 and District Lodge No. �77, I�ternational Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers AFL-CIO. a roved . . 8. Resolution approving Memorandum of Agreement which amends he ?985-1986 Collective Bargaining Agreement between the City and Plumb rs Local No. 34. `1�i'3.-d o�+er indefinitely ', 9. Resolution declaring certain-Water Department property in adnais Heights a$.. su�plus: �ropEerty and authorizing sale of the propertq t Keith T. !iarstad for the fair market value. approved 10. Administrative Orders: i D-7885: Transfers of PIR for seventh floor air conditioni g. discussed � D-7890: Budget to reflect payment made to United Way. ' discussed D-7893: Surplus in Fringe Benefit budget transferred to c ver def icit in . Salary budget. discussed CTTY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR T PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 d�.os ; ._•-.,._....�....______...�__---_____._.. ' _ _ , ._.... _.._..,�..�.,.,...............,..._. .._ _ �