BLUE - MAYOR File �O• � -���
zn�n e ora� nce N O. /7 3 �
� J
Presented B�'°
Refe e To � -�-�� `i`�J . Committee: Date � /-3—��0
Out of mmittee By Date
An ordinance pertaining to the filling of v cancies
in the office o�' mayor; amending Section 2.05 of the
Charter of the City of Saint Paul .
Sec�ion l .
Pursuant to Minneso�a Statutes , Sec. 410. 12, ubd. 7, and
upon recommendation of the Charter Commission of �he City of
Saint Paul , Section 2.05 of the Charter of the C ' �ty of Saint
Paul is amended to read as follows :
[Sec. 2.05. ] [FILLING VACANCIES. ]
A. [ INTERIM APPOIIVTEE. ] The council may ithin �1�����
f38� 30 days of a council vacancy elect a qualified
voter of the ci�y �CO fill -�he vacancy a an interim
appointee until such time as a successo is elected
as set for�h below or for �he rernainder of he unexpired
term i�' the council vacancy occurs after the last day
for the filing of affidavits of candidac for United
States Representative. If a tie vo�e o curs in the
filling of a vacancy in the office of co ncilman, the
mayor shall break the tie.
In �he event that �the council does not fil the council
vacancy within 30 days, the mayor shall w' thin 10 days
thereaf�er appoin�t a qualified vo�er of the city �to
fill the vacancy as an in�erim appointe until such
�ime as a successor is elected as set fo th below or
for the remainder of the unexpired �erm i the vacancy
occurs af�ter the last day for the filing f affidavits
of candidacy for United States Representativ .
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department o
Yeas Nays
��ew In Favor
Scheibel A gai n s t Y
Form Approved by City Att ney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY ��- �' '�'�L �''Z'� �6
Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Sub ssion to Gouncil
By By
` ,` � � . .� . , � • � ; � � ,%,� ,.��! - ;�--�/
� j 7�%t�
Page 2 .
If a vacancy occurs in the office of mayor, the council
shall within 30 days elect a qualified oter of the
city to fill the vacancy as an interim ap ointee until
such time as a successor is elected as se forth below
or for the remainder of the unexpired term ' f the vacancy
occurs a��e�-��ie-1�-t-c���-�o�-��-€���r�c�- �-�f�=i��t-i��
e�--ea�d��a�3�--�o�--i�rt�--�t-�t�s-- -a�3�e- on or
after July 1 of the third year of the mayor 1 term.
B. [ELECTED SUCCESSOR. ] If ��€ a council v cancy occurs
on or before the last day for the filing of affidavits
of candidacy to be a United States Repres ntative , the
vacancy shall be filled at the next stat wide general
election, being the first Tuesday after th first Monday
in November of even-numbered years.
Affidavits of candidacy for said vacancy s all be filed
with the city clerk within 14 days of the last day for
the filing of affidavits of candidacy for United States
Representative. In the event that more th n two persons
file for the vacancy, a primary election hall be held
on the first Tuesday after the second Monda in September
of said even-numbered year.
If a vacancy in the office of mayor occu s before July
- 1 of the third year of the mayoral term the vacancy
shall be filled at the next general elect on being the
first Tuesday after the first Monday in No ember, unless
the next general election occurs more an 180 days
after the vacancy is created, in which cas , the council
shall call a special election for the purp se of filling
the vacancy. The successful candidate ' term shall
commence upon the council ' s canvass of the election
results and upon expiration of the time t contest the
election or, if notice of contest is file , upon final
disposition of the contest.
Affidavits of candidacy for said vacancy all be filed
with the city clerk in accordance with t e provisions
of Charter Sec. 7 .04. In the event that ore than two
persons file for the vacancy, a primary lection shall
be held on the first Tuesday after the econd Monday
in September, unless the vacancy is to e filled at
a special election, in which case the pri ary election
shall be at least 60 days before the specia election.
0/ in�nce Ordi ance N�. ,/��Y"v
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Dat
Out of Committee By Dat
�age 3 .
Section 2.
Tnis ordinance shall '��con�e effec�ive 90 d s axter its
passage, a�p�oval and pu'�lication, unless the e fec�iv� �a��e
is delayed by the ��.lina of a petition pursu�nt �o Minnesota
Sta��u��s , Sec�ion 410. 12 , �u'�division 7.
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of
Yeas �� Nays
Drew p� � �- In Favor
Nicosia B
Schsibel A gai n s t Y
Adopted by Council: Date APR 1 0 ��� Form Approved by City Atto ney
B .i c�.,c�e_ .�, Q� /—z 4�-8 r6
Certified Pa d ouncil t Y
Appro y Mayor: Da � APR 141986 Approved by Mayor for Subm sion to Council
By By
PUBItSHED APR 1 9 1986
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SAINT PAUL, . 9 ,., MINNESOTA 5510�2
February 27, 1986
Albert B. Olson
City Clerk
386 City Hall
Saint Paul, MN. 55102
Dear Mr. Olson:
At its February 27, 1986 meeting, the Saint Paul City Charte Commission
approved a Resolution recommending to the Saint Paul City Co' ncil passage
of the enclosed ordinance amending Charter Section 2.05 purs ant to the
provisions of Minnesota Statutes 410.12, Subd. 7. Please pl ce the
Ordinance on the City Council Agenda.
Very truly yours,
� _�,� �
Raymond W. Faricy, President
Saint Paul Charter Commission
' ` � ` • ' �� � -j.si_�
, . � ' . .. . .. ., , '�6�(-_. .�/ ..
• ' �c7J'�/L'
WHEREAS , the Saint Paul City Council by its esolution of
January 16 , 1986 (C .F. No. 86-42) requested Chart r Commission
review and consideration of an amendment setting ', forth a new
procedure under Charter Section 2.05 for filling la vacancy in
the Office of Mayor; and
WHEREAS , the Charter Commission did at its meet 'ng on January
23 , 1985 , review and consider, and receive testimony on the afore-
said proposed Charter amendment ; now, therefore, be 'it
RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Charter Comm' ssion hereby
recommends for unanimous Council adoption, pursuant' to Minnesota
Statutes Section 410. 12 , Subd. 7 , the proposed amend ents attached
_ , .
., � . NOTTCE OF PUBLIC HEARfNG U`-�'��,��-/
.. � r - ' ON CHARTER AMENDNIENT 17J� ��
Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul will
hold a public hearing on �''�^���::���^��.:;�the Coun i1�Chambers
in the City Hall and Court House to consider the approval of an o dinance
being Council File 86-321� amending Section 2.05 of the Charte'r o the City
of Saint Paul relating to vacancies in the Office of the Mayor.
The text of the ordinance is as follows: ''�
._.____ _._�.._-�._._..��.__ .` .r
An ordinance pertaining to t�e filling .of acancies • �-
in the office of mayor; amending Section 2.05 o the . •
� Char�ter of the City of Saint Paul. �
' . Section 1..- � �
Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sec. 410.12, 'Subd. 7, and .
upon recommendation of the Charter Commission of the - City of
Saint Paul, Section 2.05 of the Charter of the ity of Saint �
Paul is amended �o read as follows: .
. . . . .
[Sec. 2.05. J .[FILLING VACANCIES. j : . _ �� � � .� -
� A. [INTERIM APPOINTEE. ] . The council. may ithi.n . �1�����
. . f3A� 30 days of a council vacancy elec a qualified �
voter of the city to fill the vacancy s an interim
appointee unti], such --time � as-=a-- success � is --elected =- -
��w � as set forth below or for the remainder of the unexpired
. term if the council vacancy occurs after the � last day �
. for the filing of . affidavits of candida y for United
States Representative. If a tie vote curs in the
filling of a vacancy in the office of c cilman, the
mayor shall break the tie.
� �In the event that the council does not fil the council
vacancy within 30 days, the mayor shall w thin 10 days
. thereafter appoint . a qual�fied voter of � the city to
fill the vacancy as an interim appointe until such
time as a successor is elected as set f rth below or
� for the remainder of the unexpired term i the� vacancy
occurs .after the last day for the filing f affidavits �
of candidacy for United States Representati e. � �
�. , . ' • ' , •_ , .:. ., ��� _ ��/
. � . /73�� � . .
. .
. . .
Page 2. �
_ �
If� a vacancy occurs in the office of mayo , the council
• shall within 30 . days elect . a qualified Ivoter of the
city to fill the vacancy as an interim a ointee until
. such time as a successor iS� elected as s t forth below
• or for the remainder of the u�expired term f the vacanc
occurs �€�Ge�-��i�-��s�--da�-�o�--t�e--€�-���g- --�.f-��-d�a�.-t-s '
e�--sa����ae3��-€on--L�r��-tec�-�-t�#-�e�s-- -a�3�e�- on or
after Jul 1 of the third ear of the ma or I term.
� B. [ELECTED SUCCESSOR. ] If t#�� a council v cancy �occurs �
on or .before the last . day for the filing f affidavits
of candidacy to be a United States Repres ntative, the -
vacancy shall be filled at the next state wide general •
election, being the first Tuesday after th first Monday -
� in November of even-numbered years. _ � . .
Affidavits of candidacy for said vacancy s all be filed �
with the city clerk within 14 days af the last day for
the filirig of affidavits of candidacy for nited States �
Representative. In the event that more th two persons .
. . __file for the va�ancy,_�_.primary elec�ion � hall..�e ._held -
� �� on the first Tuesday after the second�Monda in Sep�ember
of said even-numbered year.
If a vacanc in the office of ma or occur before Jul
1 of the third ear of the ma oral term, the vacanc �
shall be filled at the next eneral elect'on bein the
first Tuesda after the first Monda i,n No mber, unless
the nex� eneraT e ection occurs more t an 180 da s
after the vacanc is created, in which case, the council
� shall call a s �ecial� election for the . urpo e of fillin
the vacancy. The successful candidate' term shal� . •
commence upon the council 's canvass of he election
results and u on ex iration of the time t contest the
. election or, if notice of contest is file , u on final
disposition of the contest
Affidavits of candidac for said vacanc s all� be filed
with the cit clerk in accordance with t e rovisions �
of Charter Sec�: 7.04. In the event that ore than two
ersons file for the vacancy, a rimar e ection shall
be held on the first Tuesda after the econd Monda
in Se tember unless the vacanc is to e filled at
. a s ecial election, in which case the ri ar election
. shal be at least 60 da s before the s ecial election.
. . _ . ; _ : _ , �... �.� , 3�i
' . - �� � . . _ � ���a�
� .
� � � �. � Section 2. : • � - � . ' �
. . This ordiriance shall � beconie � effective � 90 d ys after its. � �
passage, approval and publication, unless the e f e c t i v e �a te -
is delayed by the fil3.ng of a petition pursuan� to Minnesota _ - �
Statu'tes, Section 410.12, Subdivision 7. � • • � - . _
. ._ _ .. _ . ._ _��. _ . • : -
. - . r •. __..___ -- - - - . __..$.._ . .____ - � - -
Dated at Saint Paul� Minnesota, this 17th day of March, 1986. �
- Albert B. Olson - _ ' -
City Clerk � � . .
' � (March 22. 1986) . . - � . �
. (March 29, 1986) • . �
--•- �__ . . .. : ,_. _. _ . . , .. .-. . . � . - . - �~ . . :�� !1
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. . . . . . _ . - .�:_-:
- . . I OF SAINT PAUL ���73�
C TY /
.��........�. �.:
� D a t e ; March 31, 1986
TO = Sa�nt PQUi City Councit
F� � � = C ommittee Oh LEGISLATION
C iri !�I R : JOHN DREW •
1 . Approval of minutes from meeting heid March 17, 1 86.
Z. An ordinance amending Section 8.04 of the Saint Paul li
• City Charter pertaining to initiative petitions. I
Councit File No. 86-320. COMMITTEE RECUMl�I�S APi�ROVAU. �
3. /4r�-� � e ��a�f�iaag to the f i 11 i ng a� vacEmc i�s i n
� ' af mayor; amending Secti,�n 2.05 of the Charter
' �ty of Sat►�t Paut . Counc�i F'i f°� No. 86-321 . I,
4. Legislative Update.
. . • � �%j='��n-3a/
" i 73 S�d
u_M_ ...,........�, .�....,._�___._
-._-- ---�----_._�._._.....r.
. � Ho�cB oF�v��
: - . .,.._
� ON�;A�1[�i�l�'
� � Natice.ia Lere�y���u that the CitY eotr�cil i►��City�tt:�Sint Pau� ' ' tiv2 ; '
�p�blic�e�rin�o� 0 198a-at I0:90 � :i�►f�� �:�
ct�,�u�,a �
,�� .w"'�iriw�. ;�`� '..� .9N
, -_ ,.. .
. _ , +� �
�� �i�ot a��l►Mi�a�!s�s 1�w� � _ �.,�
.i���r � ��e��: ��
� MI� _ 9
Tlie�orii In ei s+ of;5aint P 1 . .
au Da�s Ord�:.;., . . ,
. • SECTION 1 '
Pursuaat to Minnesota 5tatutes,: SeF. �10.12, �Subd. 9, an '�tpa�
recommendation of the Charter Commission oi the City of 3aint Pau�, n -
, Z.AB af the Charter of the City of Saint Paul is amended to resd as follo s:
: [Sec.2.05.][FIL�..ING V.ACANGZES.] .
A• [INTERIM APPOINT�E.}7,'he council a�ay�rithin 30 days oi a uncil,
. vacancy elect a qualiSed,vot�r of the citq to fill the vacancq'asr� ' tel�itr�
appoint�ee:u�til at�ch t�e aa_A succeseor is elecled as set fort�ilelo or for :
the remeunder of t1�e�unezp�red�ii the couacil vacax�y aiter
the last day for the filir�g of affidavits of candidaay for Unit States
Represent�ative.If a tie v�e oocurs in the fillin�oi a va�e�q i�n oflice
oi couacil,�qan,the mayqt shall br�k the tie.
In the event that the council dota not t�lI�cotu�ii vdiegricy dvi 30
daYs�the�nayorshall wi�}it�n 10 dgYs. ,,;�s�int a�u yote�'
of the dty to fill the vacan�y as iit�,i�it�m � .t�.tint�Lsu,cfi as s
, succ�isor 3a elected as, set:torrW }�g].aro�t .a�.. r th�•_�Aa#ia�iez� �. 'th!
�Aired term 3f the�vacancy o,r�ura�fter t�ue:�e#st,day far the of
. afiidavits of caadidacq for United St�tee.�reseutativ�.��
If a vacancy oxurs ia the oifice of mayor.the enuncii shall withii da�►s
�- -eket a'qualified voter of t�se cit�to �ill•t�=vaca�ilrey t� an tei�im
� � appoiafee until such time as a successor is elected as set forth bel cr f6�
the remainder o!t�une�cpii+ed term if the vacartty`oa�irs on or r July ,
� 1 of tltie#hird year o!the;zqayoral term. . �
$. [EI�ECTED SUCCESSOR.�H a council vacai�ay o�cu;s on or bef the
1� day'for the�.�i�*ffi��;�.�'.oi`�di��u.be a United ta:t4s
� Bepre.sentative.the qac�sey.shal�;be t3lled a�t�l�xt state.w�e
� � �! ._,��+°�.he�n$..#he fi}��zs���`�����N ot
' ' .��$���3►. • d , .. , .rv .,: : _-;. ,
�,-�f ;{.�4����of e��dac�ay.��oos��e�sncY.�1`iil�#t3dd w'ith the� �lerk• '
�,. r�bdp.;�;�qs°�of the]�as�,:c�y:it3r t�e��iiug vite t�t�l�i$ ,t�r '
United States Repr'esents�tiva In tl�e-evtnt���anti�t�u. a �
lile tor the vacancy,a primxxy election shall be helc�on,th�first g
al�r the second Monday ia September of,saiil m►en-numb�tad y
� I!a vacancy in the of#ce o�mayor occu;#before July 1 ot the tl�itd` ear bt'
t�e mayoral term.the vaaan�y s1�aI1 be filled•at the nsxt general e fe�a
being the first Tu�day after the first Monctay in Nove�ibtr,un1 �th�
� next.general election axurs more than l� iiays after tiie yac t�+ i$
cxeated, in which case, the councll shall call a specia3:'electio�n'. z th�
; purpoa�e of filliag the vacancy. The suc�essful candii��te's te_ sh$1l
' - eammeace upon the cout�dl's canvass of the election l�sults upon j
� < ex�firation oi the time to contest the election or, if notice of con t is
liled,upoa iiaal aispc�sitiof►:bf tl�e eant�t. :"
� Aftida`vtits oi candidacy�dr`said v�iC�ncy shall be filed with the cit cleark
i � ' '�i��ce'wi't�r-the�pr�+i�io�ps��Df Cb�rter'Sec. 7.04r In t1�e ev that
° } � �t�n t�o�pes�t�idr th�'va�ai�cy. �primarp eleCtion he .
•k,h�on;'F�e first Ttit�sd�9��'the second Monday in S�p��°,� q�
. t�va�cancY fs to be�lled���sPecial election,in wh�h case t�e� ,
t . _ ,; e�ctio�shall b�at l+�ast 60 day�before the special ele��fot�..-,
:.., f ;
� .-. �� , . - ,:_
, SEC'�'tbN� �.�:.
t This ordinarice,�I b�come eixective 90 days after its -
P�Be�+�p�► a�►�
�pub2i�tio�,',�s the etiective date fs delayed by the fit�ag of a tion .
�pnrstyant t��esota StBtutes,Seefion 4Y0:i2,Subdivisisti 7. ° ' -
Dit#ed�l9�nt Pau1,Minx�esota,thfs 17th day of Msrch� 1986.
AI.BERT�:O�BUN,Citp GIerk' ` �
_ � (�anek�22-29, 198�) . . :�. . .
. . �,,�---�, ��,
� ����%�
�� . - .. ,�ss�r�' � . . -�� .
< �i , '<•.��11�'O�! �tLj ,� � _ , i�, . r � `, �. .i
_ .. � : ,. . . . i
•� Notice fs hereby giwn t}u�tthe Cttf Co�i�ci1 oi the .oi S�a{��ul' �+�o,Ld
C�t�$�,1�r►d�Court ouse to ,��� ia'�e
�Y1e�6'3�1.ameadint 8ectioa 2.03 oitlw�roft3�e t�ty of 3$int Pa�
to vac�mdea in.tb�OfHce oi the l�ayor : ' �
�Le t�ct oi the ordinaaoe is as fa�lnw�, ,` ,
����D�t �•�6 0�v� m.�e oltfcez .,
ameadia�Secti��:fid ot the�ot ths City of Saiut Pau1.� , : _ -
_ Tlre.Co�ac�:o��Ibe E�it3 ot Sa�nE-Paul.;�aes Ordaias,_ . ' ,
" �y S�C't'!Q�1 : .. , .
Pu�ni�sf �et °Mintils�Dte .$lpttttt�.-�.Sele. 410.1�► S�d .7i,Je�n : a�oD� , .'
recbm�datian oi the GfitsEer;�ami�sip�►:ot the Cits'oi$�-.I�u1.�.
R.05 cd the.C�artAr oi tlte City�&siat,8�u1 ia�suaended to re�td:sa��o�1
EBea 2:Q��B.d.Ii�t!E��►�A�TQ�$.�: _ , . _
�`I�Ri��4F'F�I�4TLE:}�'he co�mcii'm4y Mrit�a-a0 t�ty�r��:1i
vacancy eleet a qualified vot�ot the city to�11 the vacsary ad� .
apDodnt�e until ac�t��eas a st�xssos is elected es set tosth
� tbe rem�inde��'tt�e�eaPired t�m it t�e c41�Aci1 v � .
,.the�ast da��io�:t�rrt;� of a�iislavits a#c�pt3idaee�►for.; ni
. - . �t��ve.Ii�tie vote occu�s i�, t�oi a vacanc,y ia.t ,ot�iee , .
��couu�l�n�,the-maYrn'sball brepk:�tie. .
� In ti�e eventlbat the couacii d�not;#�_the counGll.yaea�cy w 3Q, !
days,the magor shali withia 10 days therea#te.r eppo�pt�quelifi ��,.,:�
oi�dty to iill t�e vac�cy a�wn iatetrim appoint,ee�mmtil�euch t as.�
aynoceaf�or is e l e c�e d as ae�E t c�r t� ?�e low or toz the;�der ot.�, .
iinexpired term fi the vaRazecY eoc��s aft�er'#he last�c"�3►�q�r t�e p '
! asriaavits of.caadida�y,tqs vhi�states Repregen�at3,ve:,- .
° Ii a vacancy ocrurs in the:qi�ioe Qi na�yoF,t�te�ux�cil s�ia11 p,it�
eleet a qualiiied voter of the,dty to;#iII� t,be vaea�y. $s
appoi�t�eie until�,�tie as a�aorls el�as seti�h� �n
the�ema�a�er o!the'ut�a�ired terni if#�ie ' on dt ��qi�►' `'�
1 ai�e t�iii'�year of t�^n�ay'e�ter�K: .. �: .. : ;�-
H. 't�I,E�D 3�3CCE�.SOR.] Ii a co�iacil'ir�,�oa or'bef ,.'�tl� '�
Yast $ay_�or the filiaa oi afif davita ist eanidtdaty,ta i�e a�Triite� �
' `Reprea�#aEi�re,the vac�ney al�a3i be li�d at the nez��ta�Ee=�v#�+t `=
- eleetfoa.'�t�e iirst�esday sliter.t�tl�st l�oatda�i� b�o�•
.. ev'en-it�tmbeiied . .. , - .
:9� . . , ., - - - ,
ti��t;tsf0�� . �cl�c�! t�[.s�idb f�i�ll D!tiied��h t�ei e�'ei�
���l:3dlai��'��9�i to��6e`., 8i iR�i�ivits�'tclta foot'
����.���4�t�:�tHe�qt t��no�1'�e tF�an�D .,[
�t4r�����d "�r :�etedti�bn, be l��On�i�at "'.
`,.%�� ��etd�r�auai
. - ,_ s�q►�t�s c�� ma!�'aocpr�be�ore Ju�,y i oithe tlii�d oi
' ����a,t� �tie fl��ed ati the,�t��eaer#�l `
�'; fi�'�ryt't� M- omdia�r iII-Mo�i�ef, ':}�
C��m� � �.�+f�. � �� 8�'1'�' �i"'I
�i� �� Cvl$ iplC�� aYEC��1 �!- '
' p�rpose'of;�"rhe;v�ca�acyR•'�e su0e�stU1 t�lf8id�e'S`t�e iha�
� '�D����'s a�"•of the�eleietiha ri�ti3b i� ��� ;
,'exgiration tfi tha�iip►e�'���eo�th�election or. if�otleet ot`so ifi ;
: $led;tipon lfaal:d�odt�qi.at the•eonteat,; ; , , . � .
A�d�vits ai��or aaid sbai�l b�t�d> t�f►.f�e cit �3;r�'t`• !
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