Cou cil Reso tion i
Presented By
� � i
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED, that upon the vetition of ithe Housing an Redevel-
opment Authority of the City of Saint Paul per File N . 23-1985,
that �art of Sibley and Jackson Streets between Kellog Boulevard
and 4th Street hereinafter described be and the same is hereby
vaca�ed and discontinued as a public street:
That part of Jackson Stree'c as opened over part o Lo�ts
7 and 8, Blocl: 27, City of �t. Aaul (St. Aaul Pro er)
lying within the following described lines: Begi ning
at �he most 49esterly corner of T�ot 2, Block 4, Ca itol
Centre No. 1; thence S 53 degrees 24 minutes 20 econds
4� (assumed bearing) along the Southwesterly eYte sion
of the Northwesterly line of said Lot 2 a distan e of
5 . 25 feet; thence S 36 degrees 55 minu�es 20 sec nds
E 253 .42 feet; thence N 53 degrees 13 r:linutes 40 seconds
E 11 .25 fee� -to an angle point on said Lot 2 ; th nce V
�1 degrees 52 minutes w 8 . 50 feet to an angle po nt on
said Lot 2 ; thence N 36 degrees 55 minu�es 20 se onds W
247 .40 feet along the Southweste.rly line of said T�ot 2 �o
the point of beginning; also
That part of Sibley S�treet and that part of T�ot 13,
Block 27, City of St. Paul (St. Paul Proper) ly' ng
within the following deacribed lines: Beginnin at
the r�lost vortherly corner of Lot l, Block 4 ,
Capi'tal Centre No. 1; thence S 31 degrees 44min tes E
(assumed bearing) along the Northeasterly line f said
Lot 1 a distance of 235 . 52 feet ro an angle poi t in the
line of said Lot l; thence S 8 degrees 13 minut s 40
seconds .�� 25. 05 feet along tne lot line of said Lot 1
to the Northwesterly line of �ellogg Blvd; the e N 53
degrees 13 rninutes 40 seconds E 19 . 0 feet alon the
Northeasterly exten5ion of said Northwesterly ine to
a point hereinafter referred to as point "A" ; hence
COUNCILMEN Requested by Departmen of:
Yeas p�eW Nays
Nicosia [n Favor
Rettman r- �t/�/��
Scheibel �
Sonnen __ AgeiOSt BY
Adopted by Council: Date Form Approve City ttorney
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY �~�--� � 2�
Approved by A�lavor: Date _ Approved Mayo or mi ' n to Council
BY - – —
� � �
. . , � . ��=1 G�L - ��y�`
F �
N 8 degrees 13 minutes 40 seconds E 28 . 74 feet; th,lence
N 37 degrees 00 minutes W 232 . 0 feet to the pointlof
Together with a triangular part of Lot 13 , Block 2�7,
City of St. Paul (St. Paul Proper) which lies witY�in
the following described lines; beginning at above
described point "A" ; thence N 53 degrees 13 minut�s
40 seconds E 20 . 41 feet; thence N 37 degrees, 00 I
minutes W 20 . 32 feet; thence S 8 degrees 13 minut�s
40 seconds v� 28 . 74 feet to the point of beginning.
subject expressly to the following conditions and rese�vations :
l . That the vacation be subject to all the �terms and
conditions of Chapter 130, codified March l, 1981I, of the
St. Paul Legislative Code, as amended.
2 . That a sidewalk width of not less than 8 feet �be main-
tained between the existing curb at the corner f Sibley
Street and Kellogg Boulevard and a proposed colu n to be
constructed at said described corner.
3 . That a sidewalk width of not less than l� feet be
maintained between the existing curb and the west�rly line
of the vacated area along Jackson Street.
4 . That the petitior�r and its contractors hall pay
for all costs and expenses for the construction o any new
sidewalks and other improvements which may be re uired as
a result of this vacation, subject to the approv�l of the
Department of Public Works .
5 . That the petitioner shall pay to the City $500 . 00
as administrative costs for this vacation which i due and
payable within 60 days of the publication date of this� resolution.
6 . That the petitioner shall dedicate a sidewalk! easement,
in recordable form, over land located at the northw 'st corner
of Kellogg Boulevard and Sibley Street, the exact d scription
of wnich is to be determined by survey upon com ,letion of
building construction.
2 . i
. �
Co cil Res lution
, � ,
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Dat
Out of Committee By Dat
�. That the petitioner, its successors oz lassigns, by
acceptance of 'the terms and conditions of this vaca ion, agrees
to indemnify, defend and save harmless the Ci�y of Saint Paul,
its officers and employees from all suits, actio or claims
of any character, including but not limited to a c aim brought
because of any injuries or damages received or ustained on
account of this vacation, by any persons or property; or because
of any act or omission, neglect or misconduct of said petitioner;
or because of any claims or liability arising fr m or based
on any violation of any law or regulation made i accordance
with the law whether by the pe�itioner or any of its agents
or employees.
g. That the petitioner shall within 60 days of he publica-
tion da�e of this resolution file with the City Cler] an accep�-
ance in writing of -the conditions of this resolu'ti and shall
wi�hin the period specified within the terms and conditions
of said resolution comply in all respects with th terms and
conditions therein.
3 .
COUNC[LMEIY Requested by Department of:
Yeas p�eW Nays �
Nicosia ln Favor
� � �?/.�7/�,6
&onnen __ Agalnst BY
Tedacra� ��
�R � 1 �S Form App ov Ci Attorne
Adopted by Council: Date ` � /� C
Certified a•� Counci ret BY v ( I� 2`
Appro by Mavor: Da _ � � , � '��� ApProve by May or missi n to Council
By - —
PUBlISNED MAR 1 5 i986
' �l> ' �'�� -���
�� 1[embers:
�C I T Y U F �AI�T'r 1�A U L JnnlcaNReltiman��
�i i ii n Hlki 3onnaa
Date: �Ma�cch 5, 1986
_ • ,
C o mmltte e Re rt
p �
To: Saint a ' ' �
P ul Cit Council II
From: Committee on Public W rks �
Chris Nicosia, Chair
The Pubilc Works Cortmtttee at its meeting of March 5, l966 took the '
following acttons
Hearina Date i
1. 3/20/66 VACATION: Petitton of Wllitam Cole for the vacatton of i
part of BARCLAY STREET between Reaney Avenue and 8ush
Street for the purpose of curing an encroachment of a i
buitding and a retaining Wall.
Recommended approval. I
2. 3/18/86 VACATION: Petltlon of Dean Nelson and City of Saint Paul
for the vacation of part of BIRMINGHAM STREET between E. I
, Idaho and E. Hoyt for the purpose of residentlal
construction and park purposes.
Recommended approval. I
3. 3/18/86 FINAL ORDERs Improving MISSISSIPPI RIVER BLVD. from I
Randolph Avenue to 300 feet north of Goodrich Avenue by
removing the extsting pavement, concrete curb and catch
basins and replacing them with concrete curb and gutter.
a bttuminous pavement, new dralnage faclitttes, .
ornamental Iightfng, boulevard landscapi�g and ail
inctdentai construction as neededi all work to be in
conformity Hith the M1sslssippl River Blvd. Plans for �
Parkway Restoration adopted by the City Counctl August 2•
Recomnended approval. i
4. ORDINANCEs amending Ord.i3534 pertatn(ng to one-way
streets by adding part of ST. ALBANS AVENUE southbound �
fran Summit Avenue to Grand Avenue, St. Albans Avenue
southbound fran Fairmount Ave�ue to Pleasant Avenue and
Osceoia Avenue southbound fran Linaood Avenue to Pieasant
Matter sen y Council Hlth recommen /
. I' !
S• �� - ,�r1� Z pf the Housing and Redevelopment
��cetion of part of Stbley and Jackson
St1'eets��eh'Kei4aigg Blvd. and Fourth Street. The
�/ v�rGOted xill be used for the new KTCA Broadcastl
�� � Sfst1�DA. '(�d s�ve�- Ft+om 2/19/86)
• I
. 6. F(NAL ORDER: Acqulsttion of certain property for the II
Luella Stormwater Ponding area site legally described as
follows: The west 191.89 feet of Lot 1, Block 2,
Kaulfoids Addition, except the north t35 feet (bounded by —
the east-west alley south of Maryland, luella Street and
the Ratiroad). (leld over from 2/19/861.
Matter withdrawn. �
1. RESOLUTION: Offering reconveyance of Lots I-5. Block 6, ;
parts as listed of Defranchy's Division. Denslow's i
Rearrangement and Cruickshank's Garden Lots to the State
of Mtnnesota as land ts no longer needed (property In
block bounded by Reaney, Btrmtngham, Minnehaha and Etna).
(latd over from 2/19/86).
Laid over in Commtttee.
8. RESOLUTION: Releasing an easement for slopes, cuts and �
fills over lot i, Block 1 Birmingham Place 2nd Addltion
which was taken for the tmprovement of E. 3rd Street fran
Ciarence Street to Nhtte 8ear Avenue.
Recomnended approval on 2-1 Vote-Janlce Rettman voting N0. I
9. Other Buslness. RESOLUTtON: Smtth Avenue Bridge -
authoriztng sign�ng of maintenance agreement for sewers �
constructed u�der the proJect.
Recommended approval.