86-272 WHI7E - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA LT L Cou cil �` , a 7� ♦ � CANARV - OEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR FII NO. C cil Resolution Presented By � ��� �� Referred To Committee: Dat Out of Committee By Dat BE IT RESOLVED, that the following be appo nted to the Conservation Investment Program Task Force: Joe Chineworth Celese Koeberel Gary DeVore Vicki Long Anthony Dinzeo Angie McCaffrey Gordon Erskine Joan Osgood Tom Gilshannon Julie Roles Doug Jensen Kathy Vadnais Roy "Pete" Jackson Marvin Truhn COUNCILMEN Requested by Department f: Yeas Rettman Nays Drew � �� In Favor Nicosia �heirs� sonnen � A gainst BY �edeseo W ilson Adopted by Council: Date MAR 1 1 1986 Form Approved by City At orney Certified Y : d Counci cr BY By� . Approve avor: Date ? t�►�� Approved by Mayor for Su mission to Council �� By BY PU9USHED ivii=ii� 1 � 198�► i . - � //� A �, c� S� , CITY OF S�.INT PA.UL lii' � ".....� OFFICE OF THE CITY CDIINCZL `«.�.......... ��•;���t- 0 a t e : Fe ruary 11 , 1986 COMM (TTEE RE PORT _ 'F� f�' F��F� �� f, , �'fi,.y �, 4u� TO = Satnt Pau I Cii`y Council '4 `^�`' `'j �%� �'y� , t�,� Jv . ;��;, �.,�'i_��,�- F R O M � C o rn m if t e e O Ct RULES AND POLICY � CNAIR JANICE RETTMAN (Acting Chair) 1 . A roval of minutes from meetin held Januar 30 1986. � � -APPROVED- � 2 . Resolution approving the appointments to the onservation Investment Pro ram Task Force. -APPROVED- C�gpi,i, ' SEVENTH FLOOR AII`I'T PAU4 MINNESOTA 55102 ,��.