86-268 WHITE - CITY CLERK � PINK - FINANCE CO I1C11 CAN,RV - D4FARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL BLUE - MAVOR Fl NO. �� ` �� rdin CG Or inance N 0. J�� �� Presented By �� �� 'G ✓Referred To �_�c�e=e� Committee: D e �� Out of Committee By D e AIU �tDtNANCE GRAt�T11� PERMtSSION TO AMDER�`.�IIN MACHtt�T Gt�'AMY, 2631 IINtYERStTY AYEI�N�, Spt1�T PAlll, Mii�N�Sf�TA►, At�/QR IT SLMCCESSORS IN IMTE1tEST,TO CONSTRUCT, �ERATE A1� MAN�(T' tM A PRtYATE GO[�1tCAT10[�iS CA�E L�DER AND ACRQSS Gii�►RLES VEI�1E Ri6'ktT OF WAY WITHiN TtE C1TY OF SAt1�T PAt�, BETWEEN iMATELY 164 FEET AND 240 fEET SOtl1'f�AST OF THE EAST Rtt�iT' OF 1�IAY il�OF BE�tY STREET,TO COI�CT T!� BUtLDIN6S LOCATED AT 263 i IVERSiTY AVEMt�AMD �40 TERRiT�tIAL ROAD. Tt� CQL�1Ctl OF THE CITY OF SAt�fT Pl4tlL D�OES QROA . Secti� 1. Thet parmissivn a�d eutharity are h�gcente�f to An�son i�v Tooi Cotrip�y, 2831 UMt�sity AY�e, �int Peul, Mianeso#e and/ its s�cessors in fr�terest, to constnict, op�te ard meintein a pri e cvnrnunicati�s ca�le �end eaa�s t�tes Avenus ri�ht o way within the Ctty of Ssint P�1, betw� appro�cimetely 160 t�t � 2 teat s�theest of tha �st �i�trt ot yray Tine of Berry Str�t. S�ction 2. Thet tt� Dir�ect�of the D�tnrent of Public Wc�rks is � t�iZed to issus a permit to Ar�derson M�hi�T�1 Compe�y atid/or its in Yeas COUNCILME Nays Requested by Department of: P���C WOx'}CS Fletcher Drew [n Favor Masanz Nicosta A ainst B Tedhesco� g a1d E. N�g D'1' r Wilson F Approved Cit torn Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved Mayo r S ' sion to ouncil By BY - RAH II . . : - . � ��� -��s' . ` ' /73�3 inte�st for the construction, o�eretion and meintenance of saidlil vate uc �i unde�OUnd ca�r�nunicetions cabre, according to a�p�oved �I�srj�on soid �mittee's compliance with the foitowing co�ditions: a.Thot s�id pecmittee st�il pey t� cost� ot p�licetion ot thi I � ordinenca end all ordinnnces a�d resolutians pessed i�reTati�n to this ardinerice; b.That seid �rmitt� sheil poy tl� costs ot odmi�istrotion, neering �d inspec#ion incurred by the Qep�tment ot Pubiic Works use of ttNs uridertaking. Seid cosis ene sstimated Lo be e sum of .00; c.Thet s�id permittee and/or its successors in interest sbe1T t ish and deliver�to the Cit� ot Seint Paul a surety bond in the amow�t noi Fiva Ttausend Doilers (;5,000.00} for seid �ive#e ur�dd�round ' c�nrrNmicetions coble, mede end execufad by se�d permitt.e or its succes�s in int�est as Principei, �d e Corparate Sursty C dul�euth�iied to tr�seci business in th�Stete o! Mimesot es Surety, to and in feva�ot the City ot Saint P�1 os Obligee, c nditioned that in the event the �rnnittee and/or its successors in int t tail to meintain, r�epair or replece soid private �dergr�d c�iceti�s c�le to a reesonobie staad�d ot sataty �t ii to remova o�r�eloceta said privete �der�gr�oir�d corrurNUticetion cabte upon order by the Seint Poui City Caur�cil, the Cit� ot Seint P 1 may underteke ti�a maintenence, r�apair, repiecement, reloceti� r�r�oval thereot �d moy recover its reasoneble cost inc�r�ed there� r�n seid �unet�, which Suraty�nd sholl rernein in force and eti t es lo�g os seid priveta undsrgraind cornrr�unicetia�s c�le or� th�f remai�s in thet p�orti� ot t�a�les Avenue, es stawn on the pi on tile wtth ttre Deportment of Pubiic Wocks. The �u-ety � il be in such form as sheiT be opproved by the City Attornay �nd �ell I ave sucn s�ety es snell ne appnoved ay tbe Director of Fi�ence Man�nt Services; �� d.Thet soid permittee end/or its successors in int�est �-ess ca�ly with Chopter 125 ot tde Soint Paul Legisiottve Co�, es �nen d, pertaining to street obstructions, in the course ot instalTing repairing seid privete underground communiceti�s cable; Page 2 �I . . � 1 � � � . � � C�- �� -.���' - � � i�� y e.That said private underground communications cable shall �e removed or relocoted by a�d dt the sole cost end expense of said pe�mittee and/or its successors in interest whenev�r the Councii of�e City ot Seint Paul shell by Resolution �termine such rerravel or iocation necessory in the p�lic interest end occor�dir�ly order tha el or relocetian ot seid privete u�erground communications c� e frocn said stcBet; f.That soid permittee eridior its successors in inter�est sholi l et its own cost and e�ense a�d in �cvrd�ce with ell epplicobte �di�ances ot the City of Sei�t P�1, Stetutes of the Stete ot Minnesoto, r�e�lations ot public euth�ity hoving cognizence, construc , maintain a� operate said privete ��ul cocr��wnications c�le� g.7het soid psrmittee �d/or its successors in interest sha11 I�uily tr�demnity, haid hormless �d detend the City ot Se�nt Paul, ts egents, otticers �d emplo�es trom � ec� oil dar�eges, cleims, l sses, judgments, �its ar sx�rrses and an acc�t oi ell �leims o� whotever neture tor ia jiu�y to pers�ons and/or pcopecty arising aut of c�u�acted with tbe canstn�ti�, meintec�enca, �rotfion or r�emoYOl of soid pri�ate underground comrrwnicotions �le by the �rmission �d eu#hority �onted t�in; oad thot s�pleme tal to oll other�li�tions an tt�ir pert, jointiy ond/oc�veroll�, he , soid �rmittee aid/or its s�cess�s in inte�st shall turni and mointoln, ond poy all premi�s or� ott�r expenses theretor �Cesuelty insw�once Covernge with e �ly iicenssd Cesualty I�surer�ce a�rip�y, noming the �rmittee ond tt�e City es jointly insured to the xtent oi =500,004.OQ ta�in jury to ony Re�rso�andior�rsons in � ngle inci�t � to the extent of s2t�,0a0.00 tor damege to y in any singie eccident end insuri� the City of Saint Paul agoin t liobility on occount of all claims af tbird ersans for in to persor�s} andlor P �� prop�erty erising frarn or connected �rith the constn�tion, ',' mointenence, operotion, relocation �dior r�emovei ot said p vate underg�o�und comrrwnications cable hereunder at ell times. T permittee shall turnish a certificete of this insur�ce polic , from time to time, to the Director of the Department of Pubiic W s, soid certiticate of insuronce shell be in such f�m as shalt � ved by the City Atforney; h.That seid permittee shail coordinote all work involving exist ng utility instelletions, public or p�ivate, with ttie affected utility co ponies or agencies ', Page 3 ;' � � MMITE - CITV GLERK �I ���K _ ������� GITY OF SAINT PAUL Co ncil CANMRV - CYEYARTMENT y�� BLUE - MAVOR F1I� NO. Ordi nce or�inance N0. ���� � � � Presented By Referred To Committee: Da�e Out of Committee By Da i.Thst se�d p�erm�ttv� strsll at na cast to tlw Cit�r�f�eng to �#d prhrsto �der�c�oisrd corqmunic�tia�s cabt�a which dtrin� tn.aoce�sl cow�s ot tn.Gity's a�nt.eancv andfor ion at p�Dtic t�flttiss; I j.Thei�aid pQrmittea slaT1, t�v1�N#rt tMttv (301 d� tnoaa aad � p�ticetton at thi� o�ir�ce, fi►e,�,rrftten �taac. , spectlicslly �ng to s11 of tlro p�ttvisioct�,t�s and corr ttor� h�°eiA, witb ttw Gity C1�1c. ji 'I Secti� 3. II�I Thnt this Ordi��etl take alfect a�d ba in torca thirt� C3C} �s trvm and ef�its �e, epp�rovel e�d p�licetlo�n. II ��i I � I I !�i I �S 4 �i il COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: II Yeas 5��� Nays � — I p11�]],j.0 (�TpX']C.S �lotahar Drew [n Favor �Awaz IQETTMR� �, Nic�� Against B 7edesco d E. �g D" �' Wflson Adopted by Council: Date �PR 2 � '���1 m Approve y C' Att n y Certified s e by Coun e r BY ` F3y Approved by Mayor: Da ��a A 3 ppraved by Mayor for Submis on to Council By �_c L� — , �L�^ \1._..:, BY PUBUSHEO ��'a� � 19�6 ;i� �H lic ��TOrks • �- DE PARTMENT� �'°Z�t- �41 2 9 6 4 Robert A. FiorrisbercTer, Jr. CONTACT ����3 �o�_�i�i PHONE Januarv 14, 1986 DATE 1 Qj�� e Qi ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER (Clip All Locations for Signature) : r � Director of Management/Mayor Finance and Management Services Director 4 City Clerk Budget Director � City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purp se/ Grant pernnission to Anderson Machine `_Cool Co�rR.?any (AM�) to Ra t i n a 1 e) : install a ccatm�mications cable �der Charles Aven�e, 160 faet east of rry Street, to carinect their of.fics buildincx, located on the south side of. Charles, to their ouse, located oai the north side of Charles. REC� D REC�I�JE� FEB28 ; � FEB ? � '�''� MAYORS 4F ICE COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: CJTY A�"T0�l��EY None- per oondition of orc�inance Ar� will pay :�.iblic Works costs rela. to this pro�ect, .. :_ estimated tA be a maxi.mnam of $200.00. FINANCING SOWRCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor' signa- ture n t re- Total Amount of Transaction; No� quired if under $10,00 ) Funding Source: Activity Number: ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All Attachments) : Ordinanc� M�P DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY RE IEW �Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Reqai ed? Yes No X Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Suffic ent? Yes No Yes X No Insurance Attached: Insuranc� will be sul�nitted bef.ore a c�nstruction permit is issued. (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 / I �� �,�! ; 1� � ! ./ . J ,th, `� `, ',\� � � �'' ' � ,. , �, (!� . a,� ,� ` 'll , y �,, �l .� _ � �� _ _ � ��,,� � � ' ��'��,� ��G �Z��� , } i 235.5 ' / X 2� 8 �`,� '3 23 .p. �� f � x '203.7 \, .Y. ��I A. � .� I i� � � �\ ,�7�3 f/� : � ' � ��� � � x � - !-� �, E k \ � �,� i l �� � � 61���. 'j � �� ��:����,� . '> ������Y � � r 1-� � � I .. 1 , � `` , `'� . , � . � n � 'i 7 � .. J` � 1 �; � ` � � 6°�`\ �\ B�� 2210 � i ' _�� , � S � ^1� /' � . � _.. `�.` `_ ",h_\`� .. �/ � / � � � ` r�. ti .� r, S ` ��'C ,, z 6 /� 'r �� �\ 2os. ii � • � t . ; , ��n, �r x 2 24,Q' ,� � • ..� w . � 205 C � \ � � x I, � p�. ��,� 9,�s�s i � �5.. /f . .\ � \ � � ' r ;' 8�' i � � / / i �'� � �- '�.�\' � ._ ` . 8�'� .` �. � , , � � F ` 228;$ � �,, � i , - �h�� �f � ,_ � ��, � � �' X -i _�--, - � � , ; ,' � , , . a . , � � : ''� . . 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To: Saint Paul City Council II From: Committee on Public Work I Chris Nicosia, Chair The Public Works Committee at its meeting of April 2, 1986 too� the following action: � Hearinq Date I l. 4/8/86 FINAL ORDER: Construction of the MARYLAND-GALTIER ISEWER . SEPARATION PROJECT (bounded by Arlington Ave. oril the north, the Northern Pacific RR rtght-of-way and W. lvy on the south, Galtier St. on the west a�d Sylvan St. �h the � east). Also constructing concrete curb and gutt r, a bituminous mat, concrete driveways, concrete outw,alks, and street lighttng on the followi8ng streets to be Iknown • as the MARYLAND-GALTIER AREA PAVING PROJECT: COTTAGE AVE. from Galtter to Rice St.; IVY AVE. from Farrington to Rice; ORANGE AVE. from Farrington to ice; ROSE AVE. from Western to Rice; GERANIUM AVE. fran . Western to Woodbrtdge; JESSAMINE AVE. from Wester to Galtier; COOK AVE. from Western to Galtier; VIRGINIA AVE. from Lawson to Maryland; FARRINGTON AVE. from Laws n to Ivy; MATILDA ST, from Maryland to Ivy; GALTIER ST. from Cook to Ivy; MARION ST, from Jessamine to Ivy; WOODB IDGE ST. from Geranium to Ivy; ALBEMARLE ST. from Rose t Ivy and LAWSON AVE. from Virginia to Matilda. If reque ted, water main, sanitary sewer and storm sewer connec ions will be i�stalled. Referred matter back to Council without recommendati n. 2. 4/8/86 FINAL ORDER: Construction of the combined ewer separatrion project PAYNE-ARCADE AREA EAST EWER SEPARATION PROJECT and PAYNE-ARCADE WEST SEWER SEPAR TION PROJECT (bounded on the north by Cottage Avenue, Bra nard Avenue and Sherwood Avenue from West to East mor -or- less; on the south by the RR tracks more-or-less; o the west by Highway 35-E more-or-less and on the east� by Forest and Earl Streets more-or-less). Recommended approvat - 2-I vote - Councilwoman Rettm�l�h voting N0. ' 3. 4/8/86 FINAL ORDER: Improve the following streets l by constructing concrete curb and gutter, a bituminous t, concrete dirveways, concrete outwalks, street ligh ing system and trees planted. Also, if reques ed, construction of storm sewer, sanitary sewer and w ter main connections. Al1 to be known as the PAYNE-AR ADE AREA PAVING PROJECT: HYACINTH AVE., ORANGE A E., , HAWTHORNE AVE., AND ROSE AVE. from Arcade to Forest; OOK AVE. AND LAWSON AVE. from Cypress to Earl; JENKS VE. from Arcade to Earl; GREENBRIER AVE. from Wells to C se; 51MS AVE. from Edgerton to Payne, Greenbrier to Ar ade and Forest to Earl; YORK AVE. from Clark to Payne; W LLS ST. from Edgerton to Forest; WHITALL ST. from Burr to Payne; CLARK 5T. and JESSIE ST. from York to Case; W IDE ST. from�Wells to Case; MENOOTA ST. from Case to Law on, Maryland to Ivy and Geranium to Maryland; DUCHESS IST. _ • from Wells to Case; RUSSELL St. from Wells extended to Case; WALSH AVE. from York to Case and CYPRESS 5T f�rom Case to Magnolia. Recommended approval - 2-1 vote - Councilwoman Rettma voting N0. � ' 6u}�on e�so�iN uew���uno� - a;on �-z - �eluap papuawwo�aa '(98/6i/E wo�3 .�ano p�e�) •(eu13 pue eyeyauu�W �wey6u�w��g ��taueaa �Cq papunoq ��o�q u} �(��adoad) papaau la6uo� ou si pue� se e�osauu�W 30 a}e�c, ay� o� s�o� uap�e� s,�ueys��in.�� pue �uawa6ue��eaa s,ao�suap �uoislnip s,�(y�ue�3ap 3o pa�si� se s��ed 'Q �I�olg `5-� s;o� 3o a�ue,tanuo�a� 6ul1a330 �NOJ1fIlOS321 •( •�eno�dde papuawwo�aa •(.�a;ua� a�in�ag sueaa�a�) anuany ��45�a�l�fl 08bZ o� �ua�efpe anuany ,��lsaan�u� o�ui dwe� ue�.a�sapad e uie�uiew pue a�eaado ���n��suo� o} 6u�p�ing �ei��awwo� �(eMpiW o} uo4ssiw�ad 6ui�ue�6 :3�NVNI4a0 '9 •�eno�dde papuawwo�aa •anuany sa��ey� sso��e pue �apun a�qe� a u�a;ulew pue a�e�ado •;�n�}suoo o; �anuany �(�Esaan�u� lE9Z "a� I�1 �uly�eN uos�apuy o} uoEss�muad 6u��ue�B :3�NVNIU?JO 'S •.(�a�}ui3apui aa��iwwo� u! lano ple� •peoa ��oj/y�uanag •M o; peoa aqwn�6P3 wo�3 6u}��aug �o ap�s �sea ay� uo s��eMap�s jo uoi��n_!}suo�a� �o/pue 6ui��n��suo� �os�y •�g u��uea �Cq �sea ay� uo pue peoa �loj/y�uanas •M o� 3S uay� peoa sEuuap •�S �aMO� o� y�nos 6uiuun� pue •any 6ul��aug pue •pa aqwn�6P3 3o aui�la}ua� ay} 30 �saM �aa3 ppq •xo�dde 6uiuui6aq aui� e �Cq �saM a4} uo :peoa ��o,�/y�uanas •M �(q y�nos ay� uo 'y}lou ay� uo •pa aqwn�6P3 �Cq papunoq) peoa }.�o�/y�uanag 'M o� 'P2f aqwn�6P3 wo�3 3f1N3AV JN1ll3NS �4 �aroas w�o�s e ��n��suo� os�y •�uawano�dwi p�es o� �e�uapi�ui pue �(lessa�au �JOM �ay�o ��e 6u�op pue wa;s,(s 6u!}y6i� �e;uaweuao ue ;�n��suo� �s�(eMani�p Mau ��n��suo� �suiseq y��e� Mau 6u���na�suo� ��a��n6 pue q�n� 6ui}�n�;suo� �6uined pue 6u4Pea6aa �tq peoa 3�o�/•�S y�uanag •M o� peoa aqwn�6P3 wo�3 3f1N3Atl JNIll3NS 6uino�dw� :a30a0 �VNI� 98/8/V 'D II i .. • , -� . . �j . � _ � • �� — �i �� I' 1 s t `�� %�- ��; ' -2nc1 °y--'..� (� - - • i 3rd �� �� ��l� Adopted �- ��?--I��a . Yeas Nays I�, DREW �� C� ��C _ °i I'L . NICaSIA 1� �p,/� ��� � v RETTMAN ' SCFiEIBEL I, SONNEN WILSON � � MR. PRESIDENT TEDESCO Ii ` t li � • II� I . , ( _ ' . _.. - . _ - - - - I' _ _ �._ _ � �i � � r . � I� �