86-258 � WHITE - CITV CLERK � PINK - F�p1AMCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Co�ncil � _ h� CANqRV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR � FI NO. or � � Co n il Resolution Presente By L � Referred To ����'`i Committee: Da�e � ��O"" �6 Out of Committee By Da e RF�OLVED that the proper City Officials are authorized an I directed to e�oecute an �reetrent with the County of Ra�ey whereby the I, City's Divis ion of Public Health wi.11 gravide Laboratory facilities far water testing, subjec:t to the tercns and conditions of said agreement, a ' py of which shall be � file and of recard in the Department of Finan and Management Services. I i COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department 'f: Yeas p�� Nays ,� � COICLTIUril S2Y'V1C25 N�����'`�� [n Favor � Scheibel r� , sonnen A gai n s t BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date M�►R —6 dW Form Ap oved b City or y Certified Yasse '1 Secr ry BY By Appr b Mavor. Date �R 1 �9�6 Appro y Mayor for Su ' i n o Council � By By P!l��IS��.D f��AR 1 5198G Com�unity Services• DE PARTMENT , ��` °`''�No 3 2 6 6 � � Gary J. PeC�hm CUPlTi�CT -� w 292-7716 PNONE January 22, 1986 OATE 1 e�� Q� ASSIGN NUMB�R FOR ROUTING ORDER (Clip All Locations for Signature) : ��� ;'�� � Departm�nt Di rector 3 Di rector o Mana��'��,�� ,� Finance and Management Services Director 5 City Clerk Budget pirector � City Attorney WHAT WILL B� ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Pur se/ Rati nale) : Resolution to allaw City signatures o� a contra�ct between the city of int Paul and Ra�nsey County. Ramsey County will have use of the Divisian of Public Health atory far lals�e water testi�g. Sharing the facility will result in tmre efficient use of the Laboratory. .� �E�ElVED �� � � �Y-9-�JA N 2 7 ��°8 COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: �1 CITY ATTORNEY The Ca�unty '�will reimburse the City $13.00 for the first e�loy�ee and $ .85 far each additional '',employee per day of Laboratary usage. The total anr�ual to the County far Labaratary ''usage and supplies shall not exceed $3,000. No personnel ' ts are anticipated. FINANCING S�OURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayo 's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of Transaction: $�t to ex�ceed $3,000, quir d if under $10, 00) Funding Source: Activity� Number: 33239 ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All Attachments) : 1. Agreement - arigi.nal and three copies 2. Copy o� resolution fran Ra�ey County Board of C�missioners. 3. Resolu�io� DEPARTMENT '�REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY EVIEW � � Yes No Council Resolution Re uired? Resolution Re ired? l/Yes No q Q Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Suff cient? Yes No �� Yes No Insurance Attached: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 • `:, •.. , . ' ' ' . ' • _ • II (;/�--�/'!v 'oC.3 t3� � AGREEMENT � AN AGREEMENT, made and entered into this da�► of , 198 , by and between the City of Saint Paul, a muni�ipal corporation � of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter ref erred to as '�, the "City" , acting through its Division of Public Health, a�d the Countyl�lof Ramsey, a political subdivision of the State of Minnesota, here nafter referred to as the "County" , acting through its Department of Pub � ic Works; . WITNESSETH: j WHEREAS, the County has undertaken restoration p�rojects on Phalen Lake, Como Lake and Long Lake, and the City is vitall� concerned with the restoration projects on Phalen Lake and Como Lake� and WHEREAS, the County intends to maintain a genera� lakes testing program on major lakes within the county; and - - -� WHEREAS, -�he County has emplayed a lake manageme t specialist and __ _ other staff whose duty, among others, is to conduct 1 ke testing for the restoration projects and for the general testing prog am; and WHEREAS, in order to perform the lake testing, t e County requires the use of suitable laboratory facilities, and the Co�nty does not have � such fzcilities available; ' NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED by and bet�Neen the City and the County as follows: 1. That the County's Lake Management Specialist and other County staff under his direction shall have access �o and the use of the City's public health laboratory faciliti�s for the various procedures necessitated by the projects abovl recited. . 1 Ir � • • . • , . I li/ Ov v�✓ a ., . , , • � 2. That during the use of the laboratory facilities the Lake Management Specialist shall be under the dir ction and control of the Laboratory Director of the Division o Public Health. 3. That the County will reimburse the City f or �upplies and chemicals directly consumed by the County st ff on a straight- charge basis. Additional suppl�es and chemi als to be used by the County staff will be purchased directly �y the County. In addition, the County will pay thirteen dolla s ($13.00) for the f irst employee and f ive dollars eighty- f ive cents ($5.8 5) f or , ' each additional employee per day of laborato�y usage for Iaboratory equipment maintenance, costs and �eneral facilities usage cost. Total annual cost to the Countyl� for laboratory usage and supplies shall not exceed three thi�usand dollars ($3,000) . 4. That the County shall reimburse the City on ' monthly basis upon receipt of a monthly invoice. S. That the County agrees at all times hereundex that its Lake Management Specialist and other staff shall e independent contractors as to the City, and not employeel of the City, and further, will save harmless the City from an�i and all claims of whatever kind that may be occasioned by the I�ounty staff 's work hereunder unless such claims are attributabl to the negligence of the City or of its employees and agents. I The County's liability under the above hold harmless clau�e shall be limited to the statutory limits of Minnsota Statutes Section 466.04. �'. 2 .__,..�.,�, _ . __ __ _ _. _ :y � � . . �..... . . ... .�:.t . �-' • '�'- '�-, � .„ .. .. .. .. :. - . . . �, .. . - _ . . �'� . . . ... . _ ".. _ _ � . . _.� � . �. � 4's�'3�eJ�: . .,... - , _ . . , . , U=d� -o�rJ �r ., . . . ' � � , • • � • � 6. That this Agreement may be terminated by eit�er party with or without cause upon thirty (30) days ' written notice from either party to the other; however, charges which h�ve accrued for services shall survive as a val.id claim. 7. That any alterations, variations, modificati' ns, or waivers of provisions of this Agreement sh�ll be valid nly when they have been reduced to writing, fully signed, and a tached to the oriqinal of this Agreement. 8. That the terms� of this Agreement ,shall be fr�m January 1, 1986 through December 31, 1986. ' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have set their h nds the date first written above. COfJNTY OF RAMSEY CITY OF SAINT AUL _ . .. �__-- - - --:-- Funding Code: ;; 33239 -- - - _ r0�wr-- • I� Chairman, Soard o County Director, Depa tment of Finance rommissioners and Management Services , Direc r, Depa tment of �t s • Community Servi ces � Executiv Secretary Chief Clerk- APP A TO' O County oard � �/'0 ��/���.5� ., �� A .ROVED S TO F RM� Assistan Cit jAttorney .As stan County Attorney '' 3 � _..._,.,�, ► . � �� �� . . � �� � � Resolutlon � Boasd of �amse �oun f �omml'ss 'on ers .� .� Presented By Commissioner Salver�a Ddte December 16. 191�85 N0. 85-810 Attention: Budget b Accounting;� Weltzin, Public Works; D. Md�iillan, Asst. County Atty. WHEREAS, The Board of Ramsey County Commissioners has aut�orized a restoration project on Como Lake; and • WHEREAS, The County maintains a general lakes testing pr ram on major lakes within the County; and � WHEREAS, The Environmental Services Division of the Publi Works Department requires, laboratory facilities to complete water analyses to a�sess water quality and perform othez lake-related duties; Now, Therefore, Be It RESOLVED, That the Board of Ramsey County Commissioners h�ereby approves the agreement between the City of Saint Paul and Ramsey County whi�h will allow the � Public Works Department to use the City Public Health Division., laboratory facilities for lake water analyses for a term commencing on the date of a�proval of this resolution and terminating December 31, 1986, at a cost not to exceed $3,000; and Be It Further � RESOLVED, That the Chairman and Chief Clerk of the Board �are authorized to execute this agreement on behalf of Ramsey County. RECEIVED DEC 2 fi �5 �4AMS�Y COUNTY IoUB�iC �NORKS GJARREN W. SCHABER Cha.i�unan $ � , y I � • � ��yG�s�' CITY OF SAINT PAUL - OFFICE OF THE CITY COIINCIL �....a� •ua�uuae ,������ D a t e ; F bruary 26, 1986 COMMITTEE RE PORT' TOt Saint PQUI City Council F� � M � C o m m i t t e e �r1 ENERGY, UTILITIES AND �NVIRONMENT C H AIR Councilmember Kiki Sonnen II' Resolution authorizing city to execute an agreement with Ra�psey County whereby city's Public Health Division would provide laboratpry facilities for lake water testing. At ita �aee��i�g- of Februery 26, 1986, the Energy, Uti ities and �i't'�`t Committee recommended approval of the ab ve r��+�l�L. ' CTTY HALL SEVEN'TH FLOOR S N'T PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 ��_ '