86-256 M�HITE - CITV CLERK ', PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Coui cil �� ��/� CANARV - DEPARTMENT Filel NO. ` BLUE - MAVOR ouncil esolution Presented By .� ✓ Referred To ����L� Committee: Dat� � �� �� Out of Committee By Dat� WHEREAS, The Mayox, �uxsuant to Sect�,on 1Q.7.1 0� the Chaxtex of the �ity of Saint Paul, does certify that there are availa�Zle for appxopxiatican total revenues in xcess of those estimated in the 1986 Budget; and WHEREAS, Council File No. 277510, adopted Octobez l, 1,981, did establ'sh certai.n Special Fund Policies; and WHEREAS, The Mayor recoinmends that the following additions be made tol!the 1986 Budget: FINANCING PLAN Current Budget Changesll Amended Budget 349 Library Special Revenue 33400- Various Codes $185,OOQ - $185,000 33400-7299 - $162,040 162,040 $185,OOQ $162,Q40 $347,040 SPENDING PLAN 34� Library Special Revenue 33400-271 Building Repair Service - 60,420II 60,420 33400-299 Other Misc. Services - 89,971i1 89,971 33400-815 Desks Chaixs o� Tables - 9,Q141 9,014 33400-814 Other Office Equipment - 2,635' 2,635 33400 Various Codes 185,OOQ - 185,000 $185,000 $162,040 $347,040 NOW, THEREFORE, BE TT RESOLVED, That the City Council adopts the above additions to the 1986 Budget. _,�„ � r � APPROVED � � Budge D' ect r - COUNCILMEN Yeas s� Nays Requested by Department of} ��, ��� � Community Servi es In Favor � R����r a scneibel _ __ Against BY � Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date — MAR —G 1'JC� Form Approve Ci Att ney Certified Passe C ncil Secr r BY By� � t�ppr e by iNavor. Date MAR 0 1986 Appro y ayor for S b s io ouncil � � B _ BY �$6:,?�,';?r� f�9/�p 9 � �y�5c �r, �.::, �a_' s.r-11\ �. � IJ�. U I I Commun�ity Services , rDE PARTMENT (.�- �:•7,�0 NO 7 2� � Geralc� W. Steenberg CONTACT 292-62111 PHONE oATE reen ee - ASSIGN NUMBE�t FOR ROUTING ORDER (Clip All Locations for Signature) : �Departmeht Director � Director of Management/Mayor �'inance �nd Mana ement Services Director j�City Clerk . Budget Dl,irector �y I- Z�-K� � � City Attprney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purp se/ Rati nale) : It wil;l allow the I.�bxa�y to complete pro�ects begun �n 19�5 but ot �in�shed due to lack of specifications from Housing & Building Cmdes - Design S�c �.an and vendor for . Automation pro�ect. The money is currently i.n 33400�72.99-000. R EC EIVED ' �.9--G-� ' �Y r�EC�►vE , ��-� � A!��� � �, �� � JAN 2 11� COST/BENEFITI BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: (�AYOR'S OFFI E CITY ATTORNEY This aney will be used to purchase equipment to estable a work s ation in Technical Servi es to be used in the automation project; produce our COM �a alog data base in mag� netic tape for�; produce custom Bar Code Labels for the automati,o of libraxy holdings; purch�se other needed equipment for change to automatiqn; and co lete. 7 building re- pair projects i.e. new staff door, repair of skylight, repair and modification of book drop door, repla,ce/update existing wiring in Administration Offic and Technical Services areas ',of Central Librax�y, repair of balustrade damaged in a hit/ accident. FINANCING SOIURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor s signa- REC EIVED ture ot re- Total Amoiunt of Transaction: $162,o4Q quire if under JA N� � � $10,0 Q) Funding S�ource: 1g85 General Budget Funds moved to CITY AT�ORNEY Library Spec�,al Reyenue Funds Activity ',Number: 33400-7299-0Q0 ATTACHMENTS ,�(List and Number Al1 Attachments) : � C4un�Ci1 Resolutiq;�.,. . I I � DEPARTMENT RIEVIEW CITY ATTORNEY R VIEW Yes Nd Council Resolution Required? Resolution Requ red? Yes No Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Suffi ient? Yes No Yes Na Insurance Attached: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/�4