86-247 u WHITE - C�TV CLERK �� PINK r -{�IN�FNCE COYIICII /J �j CAFARV -JEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL Fll� NO. v ����/ BLUE - MAYOR � , Ordindnce Or�inance N�. f��7 7 Present d By � � (� Referred o nT�' �=�1-x7�l�I�l�'E�— Committee: Da�e ����0 Out of Committee By Da�e � An Ordinance amending Section 34.18, paragraph (�) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining t� emergency placarding. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAII�J: � Section 1. That Section 34.18, paragraph (5) of the Saint Paul Leg',slative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: (5) �nerqency enforcement procedures. To meet a an emd�rgency situation which creates an imminent health hazard or danger to occupan Is of a dwelling or rooming unit or units under this chapter, that b its nat e re uires immediate ac�ion and there-deca-not-exsat which does not allq' sufficient time to give written notice pursuant to Section 34.18(4) and an opportunity to appeal in accordance with Chapter 18, the enforcement office may immediately placard said imminently hazardous or dangerous dwe��ireg unit r units as being unfit for human habitation and may direct that the e��rng unit or units be vacated in accordance with Section 34.19(5) through 34.19(10) , except that the vacate order may be effective imme iately. � . (a) Following the immediate placarding of the dwe��ing nit or units and vacating of the occupants the division shall mail itten notice to the owner of the elwe��tnq unit or units stating the immine t hazardous or dangerous condition, the action taken by the division, the reason for immediate action, the cost incurred which may be charged gainst the property, and aetttag-e-e�eteT-W�tl�ta-tea-Wer3e4ne}-de�*s-ef- ke-dete the-rmn►edtate-Qebten-wes-te3�en=-ea statin that the owner ma re uest a hearing at which the city council shall consider the action taken by the division. Such re uest shall be made in writin to th cit clerk within ten working days of the date of the written notice. A ter said hearing the council by resolution shall either affirm, revers or modify the actions of the division. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department o : Yeas Nays Fletcher Drew In Favor Masanz scne ibei Against BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date Form App oved by City Att rney c � Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY 2- By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved Mayo f Su ion to Council By _ WMITE� - CITV CLERK 1 PINK -.¢IN,ANCE � CO Cll /�/� -�/f CAt(�AFV - DEPARTMENT CITY OF SAINT PALTL �1I /� / BLUE - MAYOR F11�A � NO. V � ���+ • ,` Ordindnce Ord�nance N0. �/�7 � � Presented By Referred To Committee: Dat� Out of Committee By DatMe (b) Any owner aggrieved by the decision of the city cou�cil may appeal said decision to district court by filing an appeal wi h the city clerk within 20 days of the council's adoption of the resolut�on and by filing an appeal with the district court within ten days a ter filing an appeal with the city clerk. The decision of the city coun�il shall remain in force and effect until stayed or reversed by the di�trict court. (c) The failure of any owner to either appear at the he�ring provided in (a) or appeal the decision of the city council as specific�lly provided in (b) shall render any appeal null and void and the decisio�, of the city council shall be deemed final. Section 2. i This ordinance is deemed a part of the Saint Paul Legis ative Code and shall be incorporated therein and given an appropriate c �pter and/or section number at the time of the next revision of said Legi lative Code. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 day after its passage, approval, and publication. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department f: Yeas Nays � fts�sher�oNNEN Drew In Favor MiYap,i—�2'f'�1� Nicosia' �_ Against BY ' S�Y� Tedesco Wilson APR �� 1986 Form Appr e City At I rney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By 3 gy :� { Appro d by Mayor: Date Approved Mayo o�u}mi -ion to Council � � By PUBUSHED 1��1 AY 3 19$6 ' �� a�7 3208 r CUMMU�iITY SERVICE.S "`� • DEPARTMENT ���NO , �- , . ' ''1��.��EI�BIJJANI � 'CbNTACT 292-71723 PHONE JANUA�RY 14 , �986 DATE reen ee ASSIGN NUMB�R FOR ROUTING ORDER (Clip All Locations for Siqnature) : 1. Departm�nt Director 3 Director o Management/Mayor Finance�, and Management Services Director 4 City Clerk Budget pirector 5 cit counc � 1 City Attorney WHAT WILL B� ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Pur se/ Rati na�e) : 1) The cl�ange in wording in the first paragraph serves to mp asize a situation must tiruly be an �mergency to warrant immediate vacatio . 2) The change in paragraph (a) . provides for a hearing only when_th�.�wner desires it rather than in every case. ti°,��„t�.:-=►VL=-' i FEg 2 � ST B I I B 0 T RY C�AYGK'S O��iCE CO / ENEF , U GE A AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: The Inspection personnel time and city council time req ired to conduct a heaning will be saved in those cases where the owner oes not request a hea�fing , freeing them to attend to other matters . �� FINANCING S�URCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayo 's signa- ture ot re- N/A Total Am�unt of Transaction: quir if under ' $10, 0) Funding $ource: Activity' Number: ATTACHMENTS�(List and Number All Attachments) : � Ord�,inance amending Section 34 . 18 �'I DEPARTMENT �tEVIEW CITY ATTORNEY VIEW Ord "na,nce �Yes N4 Council Reso��ti�n Required? Ordinance �{��.�-p� Requ'red? �_Yes No Yes �N� Insurance Required? Insurance Suffi ient? Yes No Yes x N� Insurance Attached: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/$4 , . . . I, E��-��7 . � � _ i73�/7 . CITY OP` SAINT PAUL ,, =������� OFFICE OF THE CITY COIINCIL i !!�fi��fi�M �,���n�- Date : Atari 1 7, 1986 . COMMITTEE RE POR1* _ � TO = Soint Pau 1 Cifiy Coun�il ' F R O M � C o r�n m it t e e O h C i ty D�ve t aPment and Transportat i on CHAIR W� } � iam � . Wi lson ' l . kesolution amending the District 1 Pian to the City's Comprehensive Plan as adopted'" Uecember 1 `L, 1985, to include support of parking r�strictions on streets with high traffic volumes (Committee recom- mends approval ) 2. Ordinance amending Section 18. 02, Par�graph ( 1 ) of the Legislative Code pertaining to �he Board of Appeals and Review lCommittee recommend�s approval � 3 . Ordinance amending 5ection 34. 18, Par�graph ( 15) of the Legislative Code pertaining a emergency placarding tCornmittee recommends �pproy�al.) 4. Appeal of Historic Preservation Committee Decision on 455 Dayton Avenue (Movecl out of com�ittee without recommendation) 5. Appeal ot= James I . Berg to a deci�ion of the Historic Preservation Committee affec�inq property at 59 Irvine P�rk (Committee recommends upholding appeal of James I . 8erg) 6. Appeal of St. Paui 5tee1 5uppty Company by James �I . � Berg to a decision of the Historic '' Preservation Committee affecting property at 270 W. ,;Seventh Street (Committee recommends upholciin_ Historic Preservation Committee decision) �� I � CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAI�iT PAU4 MINNESOTA 55102 ��� III . . . . , ��. . �c �� _�� -�� 2�1a `� II lst' � . • . �--/- ��, Adopted � .� ' �-�� , 3rd Yeas Nays � DREW ���(�, pc"�� . NICOSIA �7'3`5� R�`rTMAN S CHEIBEL S ONNEN , �I WILSON i MR. PR�SIDENT TEDESCO I � ' - Ij - _.. ..,;-..�.�,,,..,,d.,�.., _..,,,.�.�.., .,.w.,,.�___....�..,.,...�......._..�._._;,.. ._,...�. .µ_.�_ .. �. _ . . � .:..,.. _�,„..._..�-�.�.-�.,.�..,.wn,.�,-.�-,��,.�-. -: • . � - _. -�� � � - -