86-241 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL C� ncil � CANARV -DEPARTMENT F le NO. ��+ ���/ BI.UE - MAVOR City Attny/PBB . . . � �nc l Resolution Presented By �ferred To C' � � � ommittee: D te °���3r � b Out of Committee By D te RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT P L, MINNESOTA APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF AN APPLIC TION FOR A SMALL CITIES DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM GRANT FOR ECONO C DEVELOPMENT FROM THE STATE OF MINNESOTA TO ASSIST ECONOMICS L BORATORY, INC. , CORPORATION IN SAINT PAUL \ WHEREAS, The City of Saint Paul is eligible to receive fu ding from the State of Minnesota for certain economic development activities throu h the State Small Cities Development Program, and WHEREAS, The Saint Paul Department of Planning and Econom'c Development has prepared an application for State funding to assist Economics aboratory, Inc. , to relocate its major U.S. operating division to the City of S int Paul; and WHEREAS, the required public hearing upon said applicatio has been held; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul doe ereby approve the filing of the Application to the State of Minnesota for a Smal Cities development Grant to assist Economics Laboratory, Inc. , and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that Mayor George Latimer, as Chief Exe utive Officer of the City, is hereby authorized and directed to submit the Smal Cities Development Grant to the Minnesota Department of Energy and Economic Devel pment in such form as prescribed by the regulations of said Department; and be itl FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Mayor, or his designated repre entatives, are further authorized to execute and submit to the State Department of En rgy and Economic Development the assurances, certifications, or additional info mation that may be required by said Department during their review of the City's pplication for State Assistance for Economics Laboratory, Inc. COUNCILMEIV Requested by Depa ment ' Yeas p�� Nays � �'Q������ _��` [n Favor �i1i..i�. Son�ne� � Against BY Tadesco W i Ison Adopted by Council: Date MA� F 1�$6 Form Approved by City At ney Certified Pa s d y Council Se ar BY By Approved by � vor: a — � —�5° o '�ppro y Mayor Eor u 'ssi to�Council . MaR - 5 � By By PI�LISHED� MAR 8 - 1986 P,E.D_ , , . DEPARTMENT ��`"'��� N� 4045 . Robert Simon •CONTA�T � . � 292-1577 ext, 260 PHONE February 3, 1986 DATE 1 ��r� e� ASSIGN NUMB�R FOR ROUTING ORDER (Clip All Locations for Signature) : �epartm�nt Director 3 Director o Management/Mayor Finance', and Management Services Director City Clerk ��,!�udget pirector `-+' City At�orney WHAT WILL B� ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Pur ose/ Rat nal e) : Resolution of City Council approving and authorizing the filing o an application for a Small Cities Development Program Grant for Economic Laboratory, Inc. t�CCtiVED F E B � '�:y�b COST/BENEFI�, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: � P�IAYOR'S OFFICE ��o � �� � 1 � ��� FINANCING S�URCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayo 's signa- ture ot re- Total Ampunt of Transaction: quir if under $10, 00) Funding Source: Activity Number: ATTACHMENTS (List and Number Al1 Attachments) : Ci�y Council Resolution I DEPARTMENT �tEUIEW CITY ATTORNEY VIEW Yes Nb Council Resolution Required? Resolution Req 'red? Yes No Yes Nb Insurance Required? Insurance Suffi ient? Yes No Yes Np Insurance Attached: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRt1CTI0NS) , Revised 12/84 ` � � �I � �� � ��i CITY Ola` SAINT PAUL � ",*.,.; OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL ' ....... ....� == Octe ; � F�ebruary 24, 1986 COMMtTTEE RE POR1C' ' TO = SQint PQU i City Council - FROM � Connmittee o ' h Cit Develo Y pment and ITransportation CHAIR � William L. Wilson r I 1 . Amendment to city ordinance regarding the number of bingo games allowed in the city , (Committee passed to Council without recommendation) 2. �_. ��:i,ut icm of the Counc i 1 of the C i ty! of Sa i nt Pau 1 , Minnesota, approving and authorizing �he filing of an application for a smsll citi�s development program grant for economic develop ent from the State of Minnesota to assist_ Economi s Laboratory, � �- I nc. , Corporat i on i n Sa i nt Pau 1`{Comni�ttee recemmends approvai ) 3. Crisis Relocation Plan (Committee r•ecommends approval with amendments) i .� � I I , i � I I CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR S T'PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 ��� 1