86-236 �NNITE - C�TV CIERK , PINK - FINANCE �' �+ COUACII / CANARV - DEPARTMENT � I {� Y OF SA I NT PAUL File NO• �`� _��� Bl_UE - MAVOR u�cil Resolution Presented By .��C Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the City Hall and Courthouse Committee appointed an ad hoc committee to review and make recommendations regarding the TKDA Building Systems Study report of December 1984 for the City Hall and Courthouse, and WHEREAS, the ad hoc committee presented preliminary recommendations on December 16, 1985, based on the study, and WHEREAS, a group of citizens has agreed to serve as Friends of the City Hall and Courthouse Committee to review and comment on plans and specifi- cations for building restoration and possible completion, and WHEREL�S, the ad hoc committee has proposed legislation to authorize bonding and establishment of a commission to oversee the resto�ation and possible completion; now, therefore, be it � RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council approves the attached legislation establishing a City Hall/Courthouse Restoration Cotnmission and authorizing the issuance of bonds in the amount of $ S,OOO,OOO to provide for the renovation/restoration of the City Hall/Courthouse, the debt service of which would be partially repaid by a contribution from the City in proportion to its use of space in the building. a i COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas p�eW Nays Nicosia � Rettman Itl FBVOi Scheibel O Sonnen _ Agai(1St BY Tedesco Wilson FEB 2 7 19g6 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yas e b ounc.il S ta BY By� A►pproved by Mavor: at `�- —a'�_� 19 6 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By —� � — sY PU6�ISHED "JIAR 8 - 1986 .. _ _ :. • _ �,.V...__._� _____ ; Draft 2-26-86 � . . .�; �--�_ -�3�° _ . �.�s: AN ACT RELATING TO THE ISSUANCE OF BONDS FOR THE FINANCING OF RESTORATION, REMODELING, AND MODERNIZRTION OF THE SAINT PAUL CITY HALL/RAMSEY COUNTY COURTHOUSE BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: Section 1 . Authorization. To provide monies for the resto- ration, remodeling, and modernization of the Saint Paul City Hall/Ramsey County Courthouse building, the County of Ramsey may issue either general obligation or revenue bonds in 1986 not to exceed $5 ,000,000. The issuance of any bonds under this section must be approved by separate affirmative votes by at least five members of the Saint Paul City Council and of the Ramsey Cou�.ty Board of Commissioners. Prior to approval of any amounts after the $5 ,000 ,000 authorized herein, the City _. and County shall hold a joint public hearing to consider the estion of issuance Notice of the hearing shall be given at least ten days in advance by publication in a legal newspaper <� havin eneral circulation in the City and County. Prior to issu- ance , the governing bodies of the building shall enter into a joint powers agreement delineating the powers and responsibili- ties of each party during the work and subsequent thereto. Section 2. General Obligation Bonds . General obligation bonds may be issued pursuant to the provisions of Minn. Stat. Ch. 475. Any such bonds shall not be subject to election require- �`� ments , and may be issued without public offering for sale at such interest rates and prices as the County may determine , subject to approval by a simple majority of the City Council . f The County' s tax levies for debt service payments for the retire- ment of general obligation bonds issued hereunder shall be exempt from all tax levy limitations. Section 3. Payments by Saint Paul . Except to the extent interest is payable from capitalized interest included in the proceeds of the sale of the bonds, at such intervals as debt service payments on such bonds are due, the City shall pay to the County an amount equal to debt service on such bonds due on the next debt service payment date multiplied by the City' s proportionate share of exclusive occupancy of the building as of April 1 of the year in which taxes for the payment of such debt service were certified for levy. The payment of the City shall include an amount for nonexclusive space apportioned in the same proportion as exclusively occupied space. The City shall make such payments to the County at least ten days before the County is required to make its debt service payments , unless both parties agree otherwise. These payments of the City shall not constitute a debt of the City; and the City' s obligation to make such payments is not subject to any debt issuance require- ments of its charter or of the laws of the State of Minnesota, including, but not limited to, net debt limitations , election requirements, and the requirements of Minn. Stat. §475.61 , Subd. 1 . The City' s tax levies for the City' s payments hereunder shall be exempt from all tax levy limitations. 2. . . .. . .. . , .J r'�P.. ,-r.-. . . .. . . - C�� �° °��`� . , Section 4. l�evenue Bonds. For the purposes authorized in Section l , the County may enter into arrangements with the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul , the Hou�ing and Rede- velopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul , ori a non-profit corporation or other entity pursuant to which such party issues revenue bonds or facilitates the issuance of obligations (which may be obligations of the County) the payment of which depends on revenues relating to the building. Such part�les (including the County) shall have the power to issue the rever�ue bonds con- templated by �this Act and to provide any additional terms, con- ditions , and covenants with respect thereto as are consistent with this Act , including such additional terms , conditions arid covenants as may be permitted by Chapters 458 , 462 or 474. In connection with revenue financing, the City and the County may, with or without consideration, convey title to the City Hall/ Courthouse building to such party as the issuer of the bonds or facilitator of the issuance of such bonds, or 'to a trustee, and such party or trustees may accept such conve�ance and set or comply with any terms for reconveyance back to the County and City. Conveyance may be exclusive of the real property upon which the building is located. Following conveyance, the County may lease the building for term or a series of terms (each of which may be as short as a period of one year) and upon rentals sufficient to produce I 3. revenue foi� the prompt payment of the revenue bonds and all interest accruing thereon during such term or terms of the lease. The City shall sublet space from the County, and shall make pay- ments to the County in such amounts and upon such terms as required by Section 3. Revenue bonds issued pursuant to this Section and the County' s and City' s payments with respect thereto shall not be subject to election requirements. The revenue bonds may be issued without public offering for sale at such interest rates and prices as the issuer may determine. Payments made by the City and the County under this subdivision do not constitute a debt of the City or County; and the obligation of the City and County to make such payments is not subject to any debt issuance require- ments of the laws of the State of Minnesota or (of the City' s charter) including, but not limited to, net debt limitations , election requirements , and the requirements of Minn. Stat. §475.61 , Subd. 1 . Tax levies by the County and City to meet their payment obligations under this subdivision shall be exempt from all tax levy limitations. Upon payment of all revenue bonds, or sooner to the extent provided, title to the building and the real property upon which such building is located, if such building or real property or both are conveyed, will revert back to the City and County in accordance with the joint powers agreement. 4. � _ . - . �,�- ,�'�- � 3�P � Section 5. Interest Earnings. Interest earnings on bond proceeds shall be deposited in the project' s construction fund or debt service fund and remain there until expended, or until the work is completed or that the funds are not needed for the work. Excess bond proceeds and related interest earnings , if any, shall be deposited in the debt service fund created for the bonds and shall be credited to the City and County in propor- tion to the average of their exclusive occupancy since the issu- ance of the bonds. Section 6. Local Approval . This act becomes effective upon the filing of local approval certificates pursuant to Minn. Stat. §645.021 , Subdivision 3, by the County Board and the City Council . 5. � � � � , (.� t7�''�`�-�� � - , ,��� y CITY OF SAINT �ATJL ' ,��- - i" '' � ��`FIC� OF THE CITY COI7NCIL ..,,..,. _ k,� +slas.oaoas�e c;• � � � ��Il��iM^�!� ,� ' W� Date , � C0M �V1tTT � E RE PORT -- Pa9e 2 TO = SQ�n� Pau I Cit�r Cout�cii FR�N! = Cornrnii'Y'ee o� �E�IS�ArioN C H A I R : JOHN DREW Saint Paul Hotel/Motel Tax - Approved. Tax Inc�ement Financin - Approved. Pre-Admission Screenin - Approved. �14�t�r�'1i� �- '�dl'��"F�'E�•�i'�`'�`0 ��'HE .C��Y„��.��1C�����'��R��9�'��QN. _.__ _ _St. Paul Ramsey Medical Center - COMMIT�EE SUBMITS TO �ffiE CITY COUNCIt�- � - - WITHOUT RECOMMENDATION. Local Government Aid - Approved, Taxicabs - Approved. � i i , j CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL.� MINNFSOTA 55102 ��� � ��-�-�`3� � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL ���so�.. OFFIC� OF TSE CITY COIINCZL e�aaawu�er f.`i: . -=����' � D a t e ; February 18, 1986 COMM (TTEE RE PORT TO = Sa�nt Pau I City Councit FR � � : Committee OCt LEGI�LATION Cl� �l I R : JOHN DREW . �� Resolution approving the legislation establishing a City Hall/ Courthouse Restoration Commission and authorizing the issuance of bonds. - COMMITTEE SUBMITS TO THE COUNCIL WITHOUT RECOMMENDATION � NOT ON PREPARED AGENDA: 1 ) Senate File No. 1581 : A bili for an act relating to human services; prohibiting local governments from establishing special fire code re- �'"�°M , ; � quirements for small family day care homes; amending Minnesota Statutes ;�, � � 1984t section 299F.011 , subdivision 4a. - COMMITTEE RECOk1MENDS APPROVAL WITH THE FOLLOWING AMENDMENTS: That the sentence at the beginning - __. of �uhd. 4a. which reads, "Notwithstanding subdivision 4, a local unit of government shall not establish more restrictive requirements for family day care homes serving ten or fewer children than the re- quirements that apply to residential dwellings not used for family day care." be deleted, and that language be drafted stating that Saint Paul may enact more stringent requirements than are provided in State law. 2) A bill for an act re}ating to human services; establishing demonstration projects to centralize appiication for all food assistance programs and to promote full participation in food assistance programs; establishing a nutrition council ; establishing a coordinated nutrition data bank; requiring the full expenditure of federal funds by agencies administering the special supplemental food program for women, infant�, and childreh; .,,- �4 establishing a centralized unit to supervise the food s�amp program; Ir``.�,'` � requiring food stamps to be provided within 24 hours to; persons eligible -'� for expedited issuance; requiring that waivers be obtai,'�ed, if possible, from the United States government to allow certain indi;viduals to obtain food stamps and medical assistance, to permit reimbursement of costs of home-delivered meals to the elderly, and to implement a pilot school breakfast program; appropriating money; amending Minnesota Statutes 1984, sections 145.892, subdi�ision 2; 145.894; and 393.07, �ubdivision 10, and by adding a subdivison; proposing coding for new law ir� Minnesota Stat- utes, chapters 124; 144; 245; and 256B. - COMMITTEE RECOMMENDS APPROVAL ���' 3) Resolution supporting legislation which would assure the availability {�)'� and affordability of liability insurance for chiid care providers, such � as a state assigned risk pool , and directing city lobbying staff to � �� actively suppor� this legislation. - COMMITTEE RECOMMENDS APPROVAL CTTY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAIN'T PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 ,�r�� � �('Jc- �� -�.�� • � � , OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNE30TA ST. P4UL, MINNE30TA JANUAAY 27, 1986 The Joint City Hall and Court House Committee met in regular session at 9:30 a.m. on the above date with the following members present: Ahrens, Hunt, Nicosia, Schaber, Chairman Latimer- 5. Absent- Rettman,Tedesco- 2. Also present wes�ssistant County Attorney/Committee Counsel Beth 3W11Ivan. Chairman Latimer presided, ' BUILDING RE3TORATION/COMPLETION PROJECT The joint committee at this time discussed proposed legislation which wouid atabllsh a Ctty Hall/Courthouse Restoration Commission and authoriza the issuance of bonds for the project. Commissioner Hunt moved, seconded by Commisatoner Ahrena that the proposed legislation as submitted by the Ad Hoc Committee be approved. ' Commissioner Hunt explained the legislation on behalf of the Committee, and she stated that the County Board would discuss this proposal at its meeting;on this date and that the City Council would do likewise. Commissioner Hunt dlso stated that the proposed legialation only asla for authority for bonding bui not the actual bond isauanee at this tims. Councilman Nicosia asked if the full 344,000,000. bonding authority would have the . Joint Committee committed to that amount. Commissioner Hunt stated that the City Council and the County Board will each have to pass on the proposed legislation and that bonding could be done on an incremental besis, and that this matter would g�o to the City Couneil and the County Board after the Joint Committee meeting today. Comm�er Ahrens stated that the two bodies would have to work to¢ether on this matter betore � � legisiation is submitted. Commissioner Schaber stated that some items in the pcoposed legialation have not been diseussed by the County Board such as the 50/50 ownership of the builditq� and the faet that the County funds up to 2/3 of the expenses oi the building with the City peoviding 1/3. He indicated he could not vote for thIs matter at this meeting or at the Board meeting aa presently constituted. Councilman Nicosia stated that he cannot approve the full $44,000,000 today,and that he thinks thIs should be a phased pcejeet, Chairmen Latimer stated that Councilwoman Janice Rettman, who ia at another meeting this morning, expressed serious questions regarding the propoaed legislation. He � stated that this matter would need unanimous support to have any chance at the upeomIng legislative session, and that the cortsens� now is rtot unanimous. He aLso stated that it would be wiser to let the Council and the Board negotiate and come to a conelusion sa to what is possible. - � Commissioner Hunt stated that perhaps the Joint Committee, the CIty Councll, and the County Board could do some of the things now such as elevntors, plumbing� and electrical work. She stated that she could aak the Task Foece to reconvene and propose some alternatives to the full bonding request. � ��� ---�.��. — Judge Joe 3ummers, Chairman of the ad hoc committee, stated thnt the cost estimates ere genero� and that the committee cannot do much more wlthout direction from the City Hall/Courthouse Committee. Chairman Latimer stated that Commissioner Hunt's �uggeation to get alternatives should be considered with a cost analysis on changes that are needed at the present time such as elevators, plumbing, heating, and electrical work Prom the architecb/engineers. Judge Summecs stated that the Joint Committee eannot go to the legislature twice, and that perhaps legislation ►n the approximate amount of S5,000,000 bonding for a comnlete study should be asked for. Councilman Nicosia agau► stated that perhapa the figure should be ��..._-.__..._� �.� 510,000,000 to take care of the immediate problems as a flrst phase of the pcoject. ��� Commissioner Schaber stated that he does not have enough information now even for the E10,000,000. Chairman Latimer stated that the Joint Commi:tee aould call another meetimg with 48 �hours notice and that perhaps no action should be taken todny, and that the matter be further studied and brought back to the Joint Committee. Councilman Nicosia th�n rtioved, seconded by Commissioner Hunt that this rnatter be tabled at this time. Roll Call: Ayes- 5. Nays-None. ,