86-230 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUIICII 0 CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. �Y° `� �� BLUE - MAVOR � C ncil Resolution Presented By ti—� ✓Referred To �-- w � � Committee: Date � -�"� Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul is actively engaged in several technical studies which will aid in determining the most appropriate and beneficial improvements to Shepard Road, Harriet Island, the East CBD Bypass and several riverfront development sites; and WHEREAS, progress on the technical studies is severely hampered by dated basemaps, inconsistent data resources, incompatable computer programs, and an overall difficulty in combining and using map-related information; and WHEREAS, the Departments of Public Works and Planning and Economic Development have proposed to update the maps, and reformat available riverfront data to make it consistent with the maps, and therefore, more usable in the technical studies; and WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Council maintains a Planning Assistance Loan fund to assist cities in the metropolitan area in undertaking studies and projects such as this; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul approve the Mayor's recommendation that the city apply to the Metropolitan Planning Assistance Loan Program for a loan of $10,000.00 to cover the unusual expenses associated with the mapping project; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that representatives of the city and the Metropolitan Council agree on a mutually-acceptable repayment schedule. , COUNCILMEN Requested b Departm nt of: Yeas �eW Nays � � ��yi'��� �_ In Favor Nicos�a 1 Scheihe _ �� _ Against BY Sonnen Tedescr � W�ison FEB 2 � f986 Form Appro by City Attor y Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pass d �nc� Se ar BY sy � � t�pproved by IVlavor: Dat� — �"� —� ��^°`' ^ :; f���/Pr b Mayor for S missi n to Council gy ��.� B Y-2--�� Ri��iS��E� iY����� 8 - 1986 PED/Riverfront DEPARTh4ENT ! �� °�3 . . �° 2738 Rick Wiederhorn CONTACT 7494rext. 246 PHONE 6 January 1986 DATE �e�� �Q ASSIGN NUMBE'R FOR ROUTING ORDER (Clip Al1 Locations for Signature) : 1 Department Director 4 Director of Management/Mayor Finance �nd Management Servi c�es Director 5 City Clerk I — �f—�(O 6 Citv Council � City Att�prney WNAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : This Council Resolution will authorize the Mayor to apply to the Metropolitan Council for a short-term loan to the city to cover the extraordinary costs of base-mapping that is needed to insure tl�at current projects to rebuild Shepard Road, the Harriet Island levee and other riverfront studies are based on accurate information. Over 857 of the base-mapping costs have already been covered by the Public Works Department. This represents the last 157. COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: This is a $10,000 loan. It will be repaid to the Metropolitan Council over a 3 year period. The Metro Council charges no interest on the loan principal, so it simply defers an expense that would have been necessary this year. ��� .� �`� ' RECEIVED �\ �.�-r--� JA N 2 1 ���5 FINANCING SOI�RCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUh�ER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- CITY ATTORNEY Total Amou�t of Transaction; $10,000 quired if under $10,00Q) Funding Saurce: -- as yet undetermined; depends on negotiated pay-back schedule Activity Number• -- between city and Metro Council. ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All Attachments) : 1. Council Resolution to be signed. I�EC�i��D JA�� 2 ," I�OJ Pv�AYOR'S OffICE DEPARTMENT REyIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW X Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes X No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes X No Insurance Attached: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 C� �� -�3� . 1[embera: �iITY UF ��I�T'1` �AUL i ofceNRettman�a� ' �ni�ii�n Hihl 9onnen OFFIQE OF THE CITY COIINCIL ' John Drew (Alt) � Date: February 19, 19 8 6 � � � - C itte e Re o rt omm p To: Saint Paul City Council � T__ From: Committee on Public Works � � Chris Nicosia, Chair � The Public Works Committee at its meeting of February 19, 1986 took the following action: Hearinq Date 1 . 3/6/86 VACATION: Petition of the American National Bank for the vacation of part of the alley in Block 1 , St. Catherine Park located at Highland Parkway and Cieveland Avenue for the purpose of a drive thru bank. Recommended approval with caveat before public hearing Mr. Senger has option of ineeting with Councilman Orew and the Bank to see if his concerns can be addressed. 2. 2/25/86 VACATION: Petition of Tibor and Olga Zoltai for the vacation of part of Summit Lane located between Lawton Street and Heather Orive for the purpose of constructing a wood deck at the rear entry way. Recorrnnended approval . 3. RESOLUTION: waiving retained utility easements in the alley in Block 4 of Snelling Park as vacated by C.F. 273361 . (2-4-86) Recommended approval . 4. RESOLUTION: authorizing the Mayor to apply to the Metropolitan Council for a short-term loan to the City to cover costs of base-mapping needed to rebuild Shepard Road, Harriet Island Levy and other Riverfront studies. (2-4-86) Recommended approval . CiTY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESUTA 55102 612/298-4475 +��s