86-184 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council CANARV - DEPAFTMENT File NO• ��-/� BLUE - MAVOR Coun� 'l Resolution Presented By ✓ � ''U� � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That Application 501148 for renewal of a General Repair Garage License at 1728 Selby Avenue by Carl Costanzo DBA Accurate Auto Transmission, be and the same is hereby approved with the following stipulations: 1. No on street repair 2. Only the three off street parking spots on the side of the business next to Hushel Street will be used by customers and employees 3. The parking lot can hold no more than 12 cars both during and off business hours 4. No cars be left in the parking lot on a jack or lift 5. Al1 maintenance work will be done inside the building 6. No tools or parts will be standing outside the building 7. All cars that are left in long term storage (1 Week) will have all body parts in tact and will be closed 8, If over six verifiable complaints are received within six months, the committee would consider that cause for revocation COUNC[LMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays ��. Drew a'°°"y"' � In Favor Rettman Scheibel O Sonnen __ Ageinst BY T�edesco dAFilserr Adopted by Council: Date r�� � ` ��86 Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Y s•e b ounc.il et BY gy, � App e by Mavor. Date �EI: t_ �� iJ�i� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ By Pl9�9.i����J .."�`;.;� 1 - 1986 �� / � iA� P� RR '�� E t� �� MERRIAM PARK : .� COMMUNIT� COUNCIL, INC. � z000 St. Anthony Ave. St. Paul Minnesota 55to4 645'0349 � �� : �,�,�� PLA�� �, •� r-ar -i �� � _ � :� �' ��; � Febru��y 11 1986 ; ,:;� rn� � ..�� �,...7 -> "--a _,� L1CeI1S]11CJ C�iiilltte2 . , Y „ �St. Paul City Council ;i � St. Paul City Ha31. St. Faul, Minnesota Dear Li.censing Ca�nittee, '1"he Mexriam Park C�ity �ouncil Planning Comnittee held a meeting about the reneural of the license of Accurate Autccnatic Tran.smissions on Feb. 10, 1986. At that meeting, neighbors livinc� around the bus-�� iness and Car1 Constanza, the awner of the busi�aess, discussed thP license ren�wal arid agreed that the foliawing conditions c�uld be workable. I�. No on street repair. 2. Only the three off street parking spots on tlze side of the 3.�usiness next to Hershel St. will be used by custc�ers and �loyees, 3. The parking iot can hold no more than twelve cars, both tiuring and off business hours. 4. No cars can be left in the park,ing lot on a jack or a lift, 5. Al1 maintainance w�rk will be done inside the bui.ldinq. 6. No tools or parts will be stored outside the buil�3ing, 7. All cars that are left in long term storage (Over l week) will have all body parts intact and will be ciosed, If over six verifrable ccx�laints are recieved by CoilncilmenbPS Sonnen, the Licensing Canmittee, or the Merriam Park Cc�minity c'�ouncil within six months, the co�nni.ttee �ould consider that to �-�e cause for revoking this businesses license. A+ccurate Autc�natic Transmi.ssions has made many im�rov�:nts in the past few months arxl we are confident that Grith attention to the cancerns stated, they will be a good neighbor ar�d useful business for the residents of ��erriam.Park. ely, � _ • se�� �. yotte Ce�rn�nity Organiz�