99-704'ORIGIN Presented By: � ( J� RESOLUTION 1/ CITY OF SAIN7 PAUL, MINNESOTA Councii File # Green Sheet # q9 _ �o� �OplO �4 Referred To; � Committee: Date , WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, Our Fair Carousel, Inc., and G.L. Cafesjian have agreed to relocate z Cafesjian's Carousel (A.K.A. Philadelphia Toboggan Company Carousel #33) in the City's Como Park; and 3 a 5 6 � a s 10 1t �z 13 ia u ,s ,7 �s f9 za zi zz 2a za zs zs z� za zs 30 31 32 33 34 as 36 37 38 39 d0 41 a2 aa a4 ae as ar aa A9 50 57 i2 53 WHEREAS, the three entities listed above agreed ta share in the cost of this retocation estimated to he $1,1��,���; and WHEREAS, the City agreed to be responsible for $200,000 of the cost of this project; and WHEREAS, Ramsey County agreed to provide $1 D0,�00 of the City's contribution to the project; now WHEREAS, the agreement between the City of Saint Paul, .Our Fair Carousel, Inc., and G.L. Cafesjian has been revised to reflect a$500,000 increase in the cost of ihe project; and WHEREAS, G.�. Cafesjian has agreed to provide $400,000 additional funds to the project; and Whereas, the City has agreed to provide an additional $100,0�0 and the Mayor pursuant to section 1�.�7.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that there are availabie for appropriations $100,000 in funds in excess of those estimated in the 1999 budget; now THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paui, upon recommendation of the Mayor and advice ot the Long Range Capital improvement Budget Committee, that the 1998 Operating and Capital Improvement Budgets, as heretofore adopted and amended by this Council, are hereby further amended in the following particulars: FINANCING PLAN Cafesjian Carousel Relocate to Como Park CPL-C98-3J040 Ramsey County (3501) Transfer from General Fund (7299) SPEIVDING PLAN Cafesjian Carousei Relocate to Como Park CPL-C98-3J040 Design/Construction (0894) FINANGNG PLAN Use of G.F. Fund Balance GL-OOi-D0000-9830 SPENDING FLAN Parks and Recreation Administration GL-001-03100-0565 Current ud et 100,000 100 0�� Total 200,OD0 200 ��0 Total 200,OOD 100,000 Total 10�,��� 10D,000 Totai 100,000 Chanqe 100,000 100,000 100 00� 1 D0,000 100,000 100,000 �D0,000 100,000 Amended ud et 100,000 2��,�0� 300,000 300,000 300,000 Zaa���� 200,000 200,000 200,000 . � � � � � � � � � � � � � 67 � � 70 N 72 73 74 75 �s n �e �s eo B, � � � 85 86 87 � 89 � 97 92 93 ORIGI�IAL � gt. Faui Saa4 -�'� Capital Tmpio`+�qn4 Boage� CO'�ttee ieceived this Yequeat on `��) �_ _ � '� _ artd :eoommeadf ,�,,e°.�, ___. __----- �..-- �'x�. �� �- w .� Adopted by CounciL• Date 1 Adoption Certified by Council S reta : By� � �` � 'a' �—��-=�_-� Approved by Ma��� �� �J � By: by Department of: Divisio� Approval Recommended,�y FSO - Director: ��., A rks and Recreation 07-15-99 Ici eT� NUYBQ2FOR FOUiiNG ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � �� GREEN SHEET LaTV =`�R'ia_'1I�:3 � fJIYAITORIEY qq� �o� �tsbi� No �� In1YaYDale UfYC04KL . _ _ . . . _ _ _ ❑ LIIYCLERK � waxcuLaFJtv�cFSOUt� � RuxcuLaEMViaene �rnmxloR�%vs*u+n aParlrc R Ror (CL1P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SfGNATURE) Approval of a resolution to add $100,000.00 to the 1998 "Cafesjian Carousel Relocation to Como Park" project. PLANNING CAMMISSION qB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMiSSipN CF-98-967 Has this PersoNfirtn evet worked u�der a cont2ct for Nis depaRmeM'! YES NO Has this persoNfimt eVer been a city employee? YES NO Does this perso��m po6sess a sldll fat �w�tmallyPaSSesseU EY enY curteM cifY emPbYee? YES NO Is ihis perso�rtn a tarpMetl vendor? YES NO The City of Saint Paul, Our Fair Carousel, Inc., and G.L. Cafesjian have agreed to relocate Cafesjian's Carousel in the City's Como Park and to share in the cost of the project. The agreement was amended in October 1998 to reflect a$200,000.00 increase in the cost of the project, $100,000.00 to be paid by Mr. Cafesjian and $100,000.00 to be paid by the City. : This resolution amends the capital project 6udget to reflect a$100,��0.�� transfer from The Carousel project budget will reflect the changes approved by the City Council in the revised agreement. Funding will be sufficient to cover the City's share Qf project costs. None There will be insufficient funds to cover all City costs associated with design, oFSaiwsaeTroxs 10(1.0�0.00 souRCe General Fund fund balance (EXPWN) � e 7:�+�vQ:L�Yiit3 i ` W'i JUL 2 � �999 COSTIREYENl7E BUDGETEO (CIRCLE ON� YES AMM7YNUMBER Various (see attached) �- � 'ORIGIN Presented By: � ( J� RESOLUTION 1/ CITY OF SAIN7 PAUL, MINNESOTA Councii File # Green Sheet # q9 _ �o� �OplO �4 Referred To; � Committee: Date , WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, Our Fair Carousel, Inc., and G.L. Cafesjian have agreed to relocate z Cafesjian's Carousel (A.K.A. Philadelphia Toboggan Company Carousel #33) in the City's Como Park; and 3 a 5 6 � a s 10 1t �z 13 ia u ,s ,7 �s f9 za zi zz 2a za zs zs z� za zs 30 31 32 33 34 as 36 37 38 39 d0 41 a2 aa a4 ae as ar aa A9 50 57 i2 53 WHEREAS, the three entities listed above agreed ta share in the cost of this retocation estimated to he $1,1��,���; and WHEREAS, the City agreed to be responsible for $200,000 of the cost of this project; and WHEREAS, Ramsey County agreed to provide $1 D0,�00 of the City's contribution to the project; now WHEREAS, the agreement between the City of Saint Paul, .Our Fair Carousel, Inc., and G.L. Cafesjian has been revised to reflect a$500,000 increase in the cost of ihe project; and WHEREAS, G.�. Cafesjian has agreed to provide $400,000 additional funds to the project; and Whereas, the City has agreed to provide an additional $100,0�0 and the Mayor pursuant to section 1�.�7.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that there are availabie for appropriations $100,000 in funds in excess of those estimated in the 1999 budget; now THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paui, upon recommendation of the Mayor and advice ot the Long Range Capital improvement Budget Committee, that the 1998 Operating and Capital Improvement Budgets, as heretofore adopted and amended by this Council, are hereby further amended in the following particulars: FINANCING PLAN Cafesjian Carousel Relocate to Como Park CPL-C98-3J040 Ramsey County (3501) Transfer from General Fund (7299) SPEIVDING PLAN Cafesjian Carousei Relocate to Como Park CPL-C98-3J040 Design/Construction (0894) FINANGNG PLAN Use of G.F. Fund Balance GL-OOi-D0000-9830 SPENDING FLAN Parks and Recreation Administration GL-001-03100-0565 Current ud et 100,000 100 0�� Total 200,OD0 200 ��0 Total 200,OOD 100,000 Total 10�,��� 10D,000 Totai 100,000 Chanqe 100,000 100,000 100 00� 1 D0,000 100,000 100,000 �D0,000 100,000 Amended ud et 100,000 2��,�0� 300,000 300,000 300,000 Zaa���� 200,000 200,000 200,000 . � � � � � � � � � � � � � 67 � � 70 N 72 73 74 75 �s n �e �s eo B, � � � 85 86 87 � 89 � 97 92 93 ORIGI�IAL � gt. Faui Saa4 -�'� Capital Tmpio`+�qn4 Boage� CO'�ttee ieceived this Yequeat on `��) �_ _ � '� _ artd :eoommeadf ,�,,e°.�, ___. __----- �..-- �'x�. �� �- w .� Adopted by CounciL• Date 1 Adoption Certified by Council S reta : By� � �` � 'a' �—��-=�_-� Approved by Ma��� �� �J � By: by Department of: Divisio� Approval Recommended,�y FSO - Director: ��., A rks and Recreation 07-15-99 Ici eT� NUYBQ2FOR FOUiiNG ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � �� GREEN SHEET LaTV =`�R'ia_'1I�:3 � fJIYAITORIEY qq� �o� �tsbi� No �� In1YaYDale UfYC04KL . _ _ . . . _ _ _ ❑ LIIYCLERK � waxcuLaFJtv�cFSOUt� � RuxcuLaEMViaene �rnmxloR�%vs*u+n aParlrc R Ror (CL1P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SfGNATURE) Approval of a resolution to add $100,000.00 to the 1998 "Cafesjian Carousel Relocation to Como Park" project. PLANNING CAMMISSION qB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMiSSipN CF-98-967 Has this PersoNfirtn evet worked u�der a cont2ct for Nis depaRmeM'! YES NO Has this persoNfimt eVer been a city employee? YES NO Does this perso��m po6sess a sldll fat �w�tmallyPaSSesseU EY enY curteM cifY emPbYee? YES NO Is ihis perso�rtn a tarpMetl vendor? YES NO The City of Saint Paul, Our Fair Carousel, Inc., and G.L. Cafesjian have agreed to relocate Cafesjian's Carousel in the City's Como Park and to share in the cost of the project. The agreement was amended in October 1998 to reflect a$200,000.00 increase in the cost of the project, $100,000.00 to be paid by Mr. Cafesjian and $100,000.00 to be paid by the City. : This resolution amends the capital project 6udget to reflect a$100,��0.�� transfer from The Carousel project budget will reflect the changes approved by the City Council in the revised agreement. Funding will be sufficient to cover the City's share Qf project costs. None There will be insufficient funds to cover all City costs associated with design, oFSaiwsaeTroxs 10(1.0�0.00 souRCe General Fund fund balance (EXPWN) � e 7:�+�vQ:L�Yiit3 i ` W'i JUL 2 � �999 COSTIREYENl7E BUDGETEO (CIRCLE ON� YES AMM7YNUMBER Various (see attached) �- � 'ORIGIN Presented By: � ( J� RESOLUTION 1/ CITY OF SAIN7 PAUL, MINNESOTA Councii File # Green Sheet # q9 _ �o� �OplO �4 Referred To; � Committee: Date , WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, Our Fair Carousel, Inc., and G.L. Cafesjian have agreed to relocate z Cafesjian's Carousel (A.K.A. Philadelphia Toboggan Company Carousel #33) in the City's Como Park; and 3 a 5 6 � a s 10 1t �z 13 ia u ,s ,7 �s f9 za zi zz 2a za zs zs z� za zs 30 31 32 33 34 as 36 37 38 39 d0 41 a2 aa a4 ae as ar aa A9 50 57 i2 53 WHEREAS, the three entities listed above agreed ta share in the cost of this retocation estimated to he $1,1��,���; and WHEREAS, the City agreed to be responsible for $200,000 of the cost of this project; and WHEREAS, Ramsey County agreed to provide $1 D0,�00 of the City's contribution to the project; now WHEREAS, the agreement between the City of Saint Paul, .Our Fair Carousel, Inc., and G.L. Cafesjian has been revised to reflect a$500,000 increase in the cost of ihe project; and WHEREAS, G.�. Cafesjian has agreed to provide $400,000 additional funds to the project; and Whereas, the City has agreed to provide an additional $100,0�0 and the Mayor pursuant to section 1�.�7.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that there are availabie for appropriations $100,000 in funds in excess of those estimated in the 1999 budget; now THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paui, upon recommendation of the Mayor and advice ot the Long Range Capital improvement Budget Committee, that the 1998 Operating and Capital Improvement Budgets, as heretofore adopted and amended by this Council, are hereby further amended in the following particulars: FINANCING PLAN Cafesjian Carousel Relocate to Como Park CPL-C98-3J040 Ramsey County (3501) Transfer from General Fund (7299) SPEIVDING PLAN Cafesjian Carousei Relocate to Como Park CPL-C98-3J040 Design/Construction (0894) FINANGNG PLAN Use of G.F. Fund Balance GL-OOi-D0000-9830 SPENDING FLAN Parks and Recreation Administration GL-001-03100-0565 Current ud et 100,000 100 0�� Total 200,OD0 200 ��0 Total 200,OOD 100,000 Total 10�,��� 10D,000 Totai 100,000 Chanqe 100,000 100,000 100 00� 1 D0,000 100,000 100,000 �D0,000 100,000 Amended ud et 100,000 2��,�0� 300,000 300,000 300,000 Zaa���� 200,000 200,000 200,000 . � � � � � � � � � � � � � 67 � � 70 N 72 73 74 75 �s n �e �s eo B, � � � 85 86 87 � 89 � 97 92 93 ORIGI�IAL � gt. Faui Saa4 -�'� Capital Tmpio`+�qn4 Boage� CO'�ttee ieceived this Yequeat on `��) �_ _ � '� _ artd :eoommeadf ,�,,e°.�, ___. __----- �..-- �'x�. �� �- w .� Adopted by CounciL• Date 1 Adoption Certified by Council S reta : By� � �` � 'a' �—��-=�_-� Approved by Ma��� �� �J � By: by Department of: Divisio� Approval Recommended,�y FSO - Director: ��., A rks and Recreation 07-15-99 Ici eT� NUYBQ2FOR FOUiiNG ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � �� GREEN SHEET LaTV =`�R'ia_'1I�:3 � fJIYAITORIEY qq� �o� �tsbi� No �� In1YaYDale UfYC04KL . _ _ . . . _ _ _ ❑ LIIYCLERK � waxcuLaFJtv�cFSOUt� � RuxcuLaEMViaene �rnmxloR�%vs*u+n aParlrc R Ror (CL1P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SfGNATURE) Approval of a resolution to add $100,000.00 to the 1998 "Cafesjian Carousel Relocation to Como Park" project. PLANNING CAMMISSION qB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMiSSipN CF-98-967 Has this PersoNfirtn evet worked u�der a cont2ct for Nis depaRmeM'! YES NO Has this persoNfimt eVer been a city employee? YES NO Does this perso��m po6sess a sldll fat �w�tmallyPaSSesseU EY enY curteM cifY emPbYee? YES NO Is ihis perso�rtn a tarpMetl vendor? YES NO The City of Saint Paul, Our Fair Carousel, Inc., and G.L. Cafesjian have agreed to relocate Cafesjian's Carousel in the City's Como Park and to share in the cost of the project. The agreement was amended in October 1998 to reflect a$200,000.00 increase in the cost of the project, $100,000.00 to be paid by Mr. Cafesjian and $100,000.00 to be paid by the City. : This resolution amends the capital project 6udget to reflect a$100,��0.�� transfer from The Carousel project budget will reflect the changes approved by the City Council in the revised agreement. Funding will be sufficient to cover the City's share Qf project costs. None There will be insufficient funds to cover all City costs associated with design, oFSaiwsaeTroxs 10(1.0�0.00 souRCe General Fund fund balance (EXPWN) � e 7:�+�vQ:L�Yiit3 i ` W'i JUL 2 � �999 COSTIREYENl7E BUDGETEO (CIRCLE ON� YES AMM7YNUMBER Various (see attached) �- �