86-129 WNITE - CITV GIERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council �f /%j � CANARV -DEPARTMENT File NO. v� r ���/ BLUE -MAYOR , � O� indnce Ordinance N�. Presented By Referre To Committee: Date Out of mmittee By Date WHEREAS, several Minnesota municipalities have been authorized by the State of Minnesota to form Special Service Districts within their communities; and WHEREAS, Special Service Districts are a flexible tool for financing costs associated with �ervices and improvements within a designa- ted portion of the city; and WHEREAS, several neighborhood business associations in the City of Saint Paul have expressed a desire to form and operate special service di�tricts in Saint Paul; W�iEREAS, special service district legislation has been requested by neighborhood business organizations; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the City of Saint Paul supports legislation authorizing the establishment of Special Service Districts in St. Paul, for Grand Avenue and Highland Park, and include a require- ment that 35� of the property owners of the land valuation and land area can initiate a petition, and that 25� of the property owners of the land valuation and land area can veto a special fee or tax levy, and directs city lobbying staff to propose such legislation in 1986. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas ���� Nays �F��i�her p��,,, In Favor ����� � Nicosia B scnetbei Against Y seasszo Wilson Adopted by Council: Date FEB �� — 1985 Form Approved by City Attorney Certified by ounc' cre BY , By Ap by Mayor: Da � " '' ^°�K Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By Pu��&�r��a :_-� 1 51986 WHITE - CITV CLERK � PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA IT L Council ///^^^���lll CANARV - DEPARTMENT � /� � BLUE - MAVOR Flle NO. � � ' Council Resolution Presented y ° ' ��'`� Refe r�d To LC�I S�-./°I-T I �N Committee: Date ��� �"'�� Ou cYF Committee By Date � � `':� WHEREAS, Se`tr�eral Minnesota municipalities have been authorized by the State of �nnesota to form Special Service Districts within their communi- t�ies; '�nd, WHEREA5, Special ��5,ervice Districts are a flexible tool for financing costs associate� with services and inprovements within a designated portion of a city; �,nd, � � WHEREAS, Several neighb�rhood business associations in the City of Saint Paul have expressed ��desire to form and operate special service districts in Saint Paul; � ., THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, TAat the City of Saint Paul supports legislation ' authorizing the establishment�f Special Service Districts throughout the state, and directs city lobbyiri staff to propose such legislation in 1986. , ,\ .� ''� \ \ , COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Drew ��maac Rettman In Favor Nicosia Scheibel Sonnen A gainst BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by �Navor: Uate Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By �.., CITY OF S�.INT PAUL � � . � � � -1��9 � � :..:,.: OFFZCE OF THE CITF CQIINCZL 11��s��NS�� . '":.',-�=�'= �'� Ddte : January 21, 1986 COM (�ii (TT � E REPORT TO = Sa�nt Pau t Cit`y CounciE FR011r� = COt"tI171i�'tGe Oh� LEGISLATION C H A i R : JOHN DREW • Resolution proposing 1986 State Legislation requiring Public Utilities (supplier of steam, hot water or chilled water) to be regulated by MPUC - COM�IITTEE SUBMITS T0 . THE CITY COUNCIL WITHOUT RECOMMENDATION. . Resolutions relating to the City's propasals for State Legislation in the 1986 � Session: Residual Fuel Oil - No action taken. � Charitable Gambiing - Approved with amendments. (New Resolution to be ra te provi ing that the City of Saint Paul be exempt from State gambling regulations, and if that is not acceptable, that the State � return 5Q°�.�.f the revenues generated in Saint Paul to Saint Paul .) _ _. -- - ---__ __ . --___ _ - - Child Care Sliding Fee Program - Approved. �����-,,;�,�������,�+�`- Approved wi th amendments. (Legi sl ati on wi 1 l - e ra te wit wou require 35% of the property owners of the land valuation and land area to initiate a petition, and would require 25� of the property owners of the land valuation and land area to veto a tax ler�y or special fee. Also, the downtown Saint Paul area will be excluded) � State Development Fund - Housing - Approved. Fingerprinting of Fire Fighters - Approved. . Home Care Licensure - Approved with amendment. (The amendment will add a provision so that local ordinances could be more stringent than .the State ]aw.) Fiscal Disparities - Approved. � CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAU4 MINNESOTA SSI02 � �g.�. � _.___. _._ __ .__._______ .... _.,,.._.._�.,.._._��,�_._..r..._.,_...__�T . :�:a- � � G'�- �� -��� �/�/��. A bill for an act relating to the city of St. Paul ; permitting the establishment of special service districts in the city and providing taxing and other authority. BE I'' ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: SECTION 1 . DEFINITIONS. Subdivision 1 . For the purpose of this act the terms defined in this section have the following meanings. Subd. 2. "City" means the city of 5t. Paul . Subd. 3. "Special services" means all services rendered or contracted for by the city, including, but not limited to: (a) the repair, maintenance, operation and construction of any improvements authorized by Minnesota Statutes, section 429. 021 and section 459. 14. (b) parking services rendered or contracted for by the city; and (c) any other service provided to the public by the city that is authorized by law or charter provision; and (d) the promotion and management of the district as a trade or shopping area. Special services do not include services that are ordinarily provided throughout the city from ordinary revenues of the city unless an increased level of service is provided in the special service district. Subd. 4. "Special service district" means a defined area within the city where special services are rendered and their costs are paid from revenues collected from taxes and service charges imposed within the area. 1 �',� �G-/� �' Subd. 5. "Assessed value" means the assessed value as most recently certified by the commissioner of revenue on the effective date of the ordinance or resolution adopted pursuant to section 2 or 3. Subd. 6. "Land area" means the land area located within the district that is subject to property taxation. Sec. 2. ESTABLISHMENT OF SPECIAL SERVICE DISTRICT. Subdivision 1 . ORDINANCE. The governing body of the city may adopt ordinances establishing special service districts in the area of Grand Avenue between Oakland and Cretin Avenues and in the area of Cteveland Avenue between Bayard and Bohland Avenues and Ford Parkway between Howell Street and East Mississippi River Boulevard. The ordinance shall describe with particularity the areas to be included in the district and the special service to be furnished. The ordinance may not be adopted until after a public hearing on the question. Notice of the hearing shall include: (a) the time and place of the hearing. (b) a map showing the boundaries of the proposed district; and (c) a statement that all persons owning property in the proposed district will be given an opportunity to be heard at the hearing. 2 ��- �� - ��� Subd. 2. NOTICE. Notice of the hearing shall be given by publication in two issues of a newspaper of generai circulation in the city. The two publications shall be a week apart and the hearing shall be heid at least three days after tt�z last publication. Not less than ten days before the hearing, notice shall also be mailed to the owner of each parcel of real estate proposed to be included in the district. For the purpose of giving mailed notice, owners shall be those shown on the records of the county auditor. Other records may be used to supply necessary information. For properties which are subject to taxation on a gross earning basis in lieu of property tax and are not listed on the records of the county auditor, the owners shall be ascertained by any practicable means and mailed notice given them. At the public hearing, any person included in a proposed district may be heard orally in respect to .any issues embodied in the notice. The hearing may be adjourned from time to time and the ordinance establishing a district may be adopted at any time within six months after the date of the conclusion of. the hearing by a vote of the majority of the governing body of the city. Sec. 3. TAXING AUTHORITY; NOTICE AND HEARING REQUIREMENTS. Subdivision t . TAXES; HEARING. Upon a finding of public purpose, a special service tax based upon property value, square footage, or front footage or allocated by another fair method determined by the governing body, maybe levied on all classes of taxable property, exciuding homestead property found within the special district at a rate or amount sufficient to produce revenues required to provide the special services within the district. If the ad vatorum or property value method is used, . 3 /(�_ �'�-i�9 taxable property or vaiue shall be determined without regard to captured or original assessed value under Minnesota Statutes, section 273.76, or to the distribution or contribution value under Minnesota Statutes, section 473F.08. Special service taxes may be imposed to finance a special service that is ordinarily provided by the city only if the service is provided in the district at an increased level and, then, only in an amount sufficient to pay for the increase. A special service tax may not be imposed on the receipts from the sale of intoxicating liquor, food or lodging. Before the levy of special service �xes 1 n a d f s�r��et, for each �a�er�ar yy+eaT, r�t�c�e �pa` f hac given and hearing shall be held pursuant to section 2. For purposes of this section the notice shall include: (a) A statement that all persons included in the proposed district will be given an opportunity to be heard at the hearing regarding the proposed special service tax levy. (b? The estimated cost of improvements to be paid in whole or in part by special service tax imposed by this section, the estimated cost of operating and maintaining the improvements and providing other special services during the first year after compietion of the improvements, the proposed method and source of financing the improvements, and the annual cost of operating and maintaining the improvements and providing other special services. (c) The proposed rate or amount of special service taxes to be levied in the district during the calendar year and the nature and character of special services to be rendered in the district , C`'� �'� -i�� during the calendar year. (d) A statement that the petition requirements of section 5 have either been met or do not appiy to the proposed special service taxes� Within the six months of the public hearing, the city may adopt a resolution levying a special service tax within the district that does not exceed the amount or rate stated in the notice issued pursuant to this section. Any amendment increasing the amount of special service taxes from those estimated in the notice shall only be considered after the giving of further notice in accordance with the requirements of this subdivision. Subd. 2. EXEMPTION OF CERTAIN PROPERTIES FROM TAXES. Property exempt from taxation by Minnesota Statutes, section 272.02, is exempt from any special service taxes imposed pursuant to sections 1 to 11 . Subd. 3. LEVY LIMIT EXEMPTIONS. Special service taxes imposed pursuant to this act shall not be included in the calculation of levies or limits on levies provided by other law or home rule charter. Subd. 4. EXCLUSION FROM HOMESTEAD CREDIT. Speciat service taxes levied under this section shall not be reduced pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, section 273. 13 , subdivisions 7, 7d, or 14a. Sec. 4. ENLARGEMENT OF SPECIAL SERVICE DISTRICTS. The boundary of a special service district may be entarged only after hearing and notice as provided in section 2. Notice shall be served in the original district and in the area proposed to be added to the district. Property added to the district shall be subject to all speciat service taxes levied within the district 5 �' ��- i��' after the property becomes a part of the district. The petition requirement in section 5 and the veto power in section 6 shall only apply to property owners in the area proposed to be added to the special service districts. Sec. 5. PETITION REQUIRED. No public hearing may be held pursuant to section 2 unless owners of� 35 percent or more of the land area of the proposed special service district and owners of 35 percent or more of the assessed value of the proposed special service district file a petition with the city clerk requesting the hearing. No public hearing may be held pursuant to section 3 to impose a special service tax unless owners of 35 percent or more of the land area subject to the proposed tax and owners of 35 percent or more of the assessed vatue subject to the proposed tax file a petition with the city clerk requesting the hearing. If the boundaries of a proposed district are changed or the land area of assessed value subject to a tax are changed after the public hearing, a petition meeting the requirements of this section must be filed with the city clerk before the ordinance establishing the district or resolution imposing the tax may become effective. Sec. 6. VE70 POWER OF OWNERS. Subdivision 1 . NOTICE OF RIGHT TO FILE OBJECTIONS. Except as provided in section 7, the effective date of any ordinance or resolution adopted pursuant to sections 2 and 3 shall be at least 45 days after it is adopted. Within ten days after adoption of the ordinance or resolution, a copy of the ordinance or resolution shall be mailed to the owner of each parcel of real 6 �� �����g estate included in the special service district, in the same manner that notice is mailed pursuant to section 2. The mailing shall include a notice that owners sub,�ect to a special service tax have a right to veto the ordinance or resolution by fiting the required number of objections with the city clerk before the effective date of the ordinance or resolution. Subd. 2. REQUIREMENT FOR VETO. If owners of 25 percent of the land area in the district and owners of 25 percent of the assessed valule in the district file a written objection to the ordinance adopted by the city pursuant to section 2 with the city clerk before the effective date of the ordinance, the ordinance shall not become effective. If owners of 25 percent of the land area subject to a tax and owners of 25 percent of the assessed value subject to a tax file an objection to the resolution adopted pursuant to section 3 with the city clerk before the effective date of the resolution, the resolution shall not become effective. Sec. 7. EXCLU5ION FROM PETITION REQUIREMENTS AND VETO POWER. The petition requirement of section 5 and the right of owners to veto a resolution in section 6, do not apply to the second or a subsequent year's appiication of a special service tax which is authorized to be in effect for more than one year pursuant to a resolution which has met the petition requirements of section 5 and which has not been vetoed under section 6 for the first year's application. A resolution levying a special service tax for more than one year shall not be adopted unless the notice of public hearing required by section 3 and the notice 7 �i` �'�._i�� mailed with the adopted resolution pursuant to section 6 include the following information: (a) In the case of improvements, the maximum rate or amount of special service taxes to be imposed in any year and the maximum number of years the taxes witi be levied to pay for the improvement. (b) In the case of all other special services the maximum rate or amount of special service taxes to be levied in any year and the maximum number of years the taxes will be levied or a statement that they will be levied for an indefinite number of years. The resolution may provide that maximum amount of special services taxes to be levied in any year will increase or decrease from the maximum amount authorized in the preceding year based on an indicator or increased cost or a percentage amount established by the resolution. Sec. 8. COLLECTION OF TAXES. Special service taxes levied within a special service district shall be collected like other real estate taxes but only from property described in the ordinance. Taxes collected pursuant to this act shall not be inciuded in computations under Minnesota Statutes, section 273 .76, chapter 473F, or any other law that applies to general property taxes. Sec. 9. CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS. The city council may issue certificates of indebtedness within existing debt limits but without election for purposes of • any work or service authorized pursuant to this act. The 8 s' . G�= ��--i�y' certificates shall be payable in not more than five years and be issued on the terms and in the manner determined by the council . A tax tevy shall be made on the taxable property within the special service district to pay the principal and interest on the certificates in the same way as for bonds. Certificates may be paid by a special service tax. Sec. ) 0. BONDS. After a contract providing for part or all of the special services authorized pursuant to this act has been entered into or the work has been ordered done by day labor, the council may, by resolution adopted before the sale of obligations, pledge the full faith, credit and taxing power of the city to assure payment of the principal and interest 9f the proceeds of the tax levy in the district are not sufficient to pay the principal and interest. Obligations shall be issued in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, chapter 475, except that an election shall not be required, and the amount of the obligations shall be disregarded in calculating the net debt of the city under the provisions of any law or charter limiting debt. Sec. ll . ADVISORY BOARD. The governing body of the city may create and appoint an advisory board for each special service district in the city to advise the governing body in connection with the construction, maintenance, and operation of improvements, and the furnishing of all other special services in a district. The advisory board shall make recommendations to the governing body on the requests and complaints of owners, occupants, and users of property within the district and members of the public. Before the adoption of 9 a • C'� ��- ��9 any proposat by the governing body to provide service or impose special service taxes within the district, the advisory board of the district must have an opportunity to review and comment upon the proposal . Sec. 12. EFFECTIVE DATE. Sections 1 to 11 are effective the day after compliance with Minnesota Statutes, section 645.021 , subdivision 3, by the governing body of the city of St. Paul . 10