86-121 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANGE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council ��-///���/// � CANqRY - DEPARTMEN7 ��/h/ BLUE - MAVOR File �O. ��� Council Resolution Presented y Referr To �E�����T 1 o Commi ttee: Date '�� �'—� Out of mmittee $y Date WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Tax Base Sharing Act (Fiscal Disparities law) was enacted in 1971 to allow for orderly planning and development of the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area, and WHEREAS, Tax base sharing has allowed communities in the Metropolitan Area to share a percentage of the growth in commercial and industrial assessed valuation with all other participating Metropolitan communities , and WHEREAS, recent studies by the House Research Department of the Minnesota Legislature indicate that the Tax Base Sharing Act has provided an orderly method for the redistribution of growth in commercial and industrial valuation throughout the Metropolitan Area, and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has participated in the tax base sharing program for ten years and has made a contribution and received a distribution from the tax base sharing pool in each of those years, now therefore, be it RESOLVED, THAT THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL CITY COUNCIL WILL REVIEW PROPOSED CHANGES IN THE METROPOLITAN TAX BASE SHARING LAW, BUT OPPOSES DRASTIC CHANGES TO THE PROGRAM IN THE 1986 LEGISLATIVE SESSION. THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL SUPPORTS THE CONTINUED OPERATION OF A METROPOLITAN TAX BASE SHARING COUNCILMEN • Requested by Department of: Yeas p�� Nays � �'"°"� ���'a'� In Favor Nicosia Scheibel g sonnen _ A gainst BY �edesco W i Ison JAN 3 0 1986 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified e nc' , r ta BY By A►pprove 1Vlavor: Uate � F�� ;; � 9� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY Pl� �i�h�D �-��t3 8 - 1986 �_",..;, . � �� - ��1 '�`� �" CI'�Y �� ►�AIN� �.E1UI. ,;-._ <r,' s...:. �� 1,�, �:`� -°' � OFF`ICF OF THF. GZTY COUNCIL 4]•)�iiiil>�! �.'�" �:.:_ �•,.����,; •.� D a t e Y a E� -' � Januar 21 1986 ��. �� ��� con� � t�T � � � � Po � T TO = Sain� Pc�ui Gi�� Caua��it �� � �� ' C�������'� �h LEGISLATION C H A!R ; JOHN DREW � ' � Resolution proposing 1986 State Legislation requiring Public Utilities (supplier of steam, hot water or chilled water} be regulated by MPUC. COMMITTEE SUBMITS TO THE CITY COUNCIL WITHOUT RECOMMENDATION. . Resolutions relating to the City's proposals for State Legislation in the 1986 Session: - . __ _, _ ,.�,__ __ _ .. . . �,��:�p'"`��'�t. — Charitable Gambling - Approved with amendments. (New Resolution to be drafted providing that the City of Saint Paul be exempt from State gambling regulations, and if that is not acceptable, that the State return 50% Qf the rev�nues generated in Saint Paul to Saint Paul .) Child Care Sliding Fee Program - Approved. Special Service Districts - Approved with amendments. (Legislation will be drafted which would require 35% of the property owners of the land valuation and land area to initiate a petition, and would require 25% of the property owners of the land valuation and land area to veto a tax levy or special fee. This legislation will provide far establishment of the districts specifically for the Highland Park and Grand Avenue Areas and will exclude �he downtown St. Paul area.) State Development Fund - Housing - Approved. Fingerprinting of Fire Fighters - Approved. Home Care Licensure - Approved. �p��l. �i �=�r���:��� CIT1� HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAIN'T PAUL.. htlNt�IF,��TA SSIO_ �+�