86-119 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY � OF SA I NT PAU L Council �j.. l CANARV - DEPARTMENT �/ �// D BI.UE - MAVOR File NO. �� � 7 Council Resolution Presented By Ref ed To Committee: Date Ou f Committee By Date WHEREAS, home care agencies provide services to persons living at home, such as : nursing; personal care; physical , speech and respiratory therapy; nutritional services ; meal preparation and housekeeping; and, WHEREAS, there are hundreds of home care agencies providing services for a fee to vulnerable adults and children; and, WHEREAS, there are no state regulations which license home care agencies, and there are no regulations rec{uiring provision of auality care; and, WHEREAS , home care agencies provide services which delay or prevent costly institutionalization; and, WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has established effective child care licensing regulations, and has experienced staff which could write citywide regulations regarding home health care licensure ; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul supports home care licensure , and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul supports legislation which establishes training requirements for employees providing direct services , reauires home health care agencies and workers to report instances of abuse or neglect of home health care clients , and allows local units of government to establish more stringent regulations. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas p�� Nays '�""` ���`'� �_ In Favor Nicosia Scheibel d Sonnen A g81 n s t BY �edeses Wilson Adopted by Council: Date JAN 3 0 1986 Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Pas uncil Se ary BY By� ,����' � �- :I98G Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved Mavor: Date By - BY PUBII��#�� �_�`� 8 - 198 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR . Flle NO. Council Resolution Presented By � Referre To L-C—G—J�I—l�TI `o l�/ Committee: Date � �� �'� Out of ommittee By Date WHEREAS, home care agencies provide services to persons living at home, such as: nursing; personal care; physical, speech and respiratory therapy; nutritional services; meal preparation and housekeeping; and, WHEREAS, there are hundreds of home care agencies providing services for a fee to vulnerable adults and children; and, WHEREAS, there are no state regulations which license home care agencies, and there are no regulations requiring provision of quality care; and, WHEREAS, home care agencies provide services which delay or prevent costly institutionalization; THEREFORE, BE IT �FESOLVED, that th� Cit.y of Saint Paul supports home care licensure; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City'�of Saint Paul supports legislation which establishes training requirements for e�nployees providing direct services, and requires home care agencies and workers to report instances of abuse or neglect of home care clients. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department.of: Yeas Nays Drew d� Re t tman [n Favor Nicosia Scheibel � Sonnen _ A g8ipst BY �, Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified P s ed Council S e ar BY By Approved by Navor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY � ' CITY OF SAINT PgUL (�� 7�� :..:�.:- OFFIC� OF TSE CITY COIINCZL � - ,�.......... :.'}"�'" �'� D a t e : January 21, 1985 COMMtTTEE RE PORT . TO = Sa�n�t PQUI Cit�r Councit FR011� = Gornmitree on. �EGIS�aT1oN . C�Q i R : JOHN DREW • Resolution proposing 1986 State Legislation requiring Public Utilities (supplier of steam, hot water or chilled water) to be regulated by MPUC - COMMITTEE SUBMITS Ta THE CTTY COUNCIL WITHOUT RECOMMENDATION. . Resolutions relating to the City's proposals for State Legislatinn in the 1986 � Session: � Residual Fuel Oil - No.action taken. Charitable Gambling - Approved with amendments. (New Resolution to be ra e provi ing that the City of Saint Paul be exempt from State gambling regulations, and if that is not acceptable, that the State - return 50.��f the revenues generated in Saint Paul to Saint Paul .) Child Care Slidinq Fee Program - A.pproved. � Special Service Districts - Approved with amendments. (Legislation will - e ra e w� wou require 35% of the property owners of the land valuation and land area to initiate a petition, and would require 25� of . the property owners of the land valuation and land area to veto a tax levy or special fee. A7so, the downtown Saint Paul area will be excluded) - State Development Fund - Housing - Apprvved. Fingerprinting of Fire Fighters - Approved. . Home Care Licensure - Approved with amendment. (The amendment will add a prov�sion so t at local ordinances could be more stringent than .the State �law.) Fiscal Disparities - Approved. Cn'y HpI.L, SSVENTH FLdOR . SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55IO2 .a.gr u