86-114 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUIICll J � CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL 1 /� BLUE - MAVOR Flle NO. �� " , Co ncil Resolution - Presente By Refer e o �V LES � �O� �-`r Committee: Date � ' �3'�b Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves the appointment, by the Mayor, of Eugene Schiller as Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services, said appointment to be effective immediately. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nays �°'°"t'����'� �_ [n Favor Nicosia Scheibel l Sonnen `� Against BY Tedacc+o Wilson Adopted by Council: Date JAN 3 0 1986 Form A proved y C ty tt ey Certified ss b C un ' Se ta BY � By C - � �, �: Appr Mavor: Date ` -`°'" " �� ����� Approve Mayor for Su s on to Council By BY PU�tiS��D ;:;_=� � - �986 � � . ����--/�� EUGENE SCHtLLER 141 Wopowog Road East Hampton� CT Ob424 (203) 267-8536 STATE MANAGEMENT EXPERIENCE Director Budqet and Manaqement Services (1/82 - Present) Department of Admfnistrative Senrices, Office of Commissioner Hartfo�d, CT Direct staff responsibie to Commissioner of the Depa�finent of Administrative Services (DAS) for coordinating Divtsian (State Perso�nel and Labor Relations, Pubiic Works, Information Sys- tems and Data Processing, Purchases� Collection Services and Office of Commissioner) and Department-wide program pianning and budgeting, monitoring, reporting and developing oper- ational manaQement imcrovement proj�ctss Di�ect ImplAmen#a!ion of micro-com�utsr sp�l�ca- tions for budgetary processes and analysis. Chief staff 'K�ouble shooter" for resol�ring daiiy operational management issues. Department liaison to the State Office of Policy and Manage- menf (OPM)� ihe Legislatu�e's Office of Fiscal Analysis (OFA) and Legis{ature's Appropriation Commitfee. Coordinate financiai and management improvement policies for the department's 1500 emptoyees, $60 million General Fund� $40 million Bureau of Purchases Enterprise Fund� $18 miilion Bureau of informatfon Systems and Data Processing Enterprise Fund as well as the $250 miflion in Statewide Public Works Capital Bonded Projects. Direct departmental long-range strategic planning efforts and asslst Commissioner in evaluating and developing State-wide pol- icy initiatives for recommendations to the Govemor and the Legislature. MUNtC(PAL MANAGEMENT EXPERIENCE Chief Administrative Officer (1978-1982) East Hampton, CT Chartered Town Manager responsible to five member Board of Selectmen and nine member Board of Finance elected at-large. Supervised work of a11 traditional departments and empfoy- ees in this rapidly developing suburban Hartford community. As Chief Fiscal Officer prepared and monito�ed multi-million dollar General Fund Budget. Coordinated daily personnet activites and directly negotiated multi-year labor contracts. Special projects included but not limited to: - !.n;;�ted joini �ive year Capifai improvement Plan and 8udget process for both general gov- emment and board of education. - Coordinated consultant study to plan the orderly introduction of data Frocessing systems. - Updated Tawn Personnel Policy Manual and orciinances. - Established Town Economic Development Commission. - Coordinated financiai administration wtth banks and state and federal agencies to insure timely construction of new Secondary Sewage Treatment Plant and sewer lines. First sewer plant in Connecticut to contract out operations to private firm. - Secured HUD Block Grants and multi-year HUD Comprehensive Grants necessary to revita!- ize an aging central downtown, bring subsiandard housing and mixed use dwellings up to Basic Code, secured a new site for elde�{y housing and purchased a site for a combination library, senior citizen center and day care center for children. ,- . . . _ � � � � (� ��-ii`� EUGENF SCHILLER Page 2 Citv Manager (1974-1976) St Albans, Vermont Chartered Cfty Manage� responsible to six member Board of Aldertnen elected by wards and Mayar elected at-large. Supervised work of all traditional departments. Handled daily labor retations and contract negotiatfons with unions. Served as Chief Financial Officer for multi-miliion doliar full service budget. Obtalned HUD funds for a comprehensive housing rehabilitation and urban renewal effort in this densely populated old railroad commun(ty. Resolved long standing financial and budgetary control problems by revamping accounting practices, centraHzi�g purchasing procedures and installing first computer system. Completed mandated Sanitary/Storm Sewer Separation project a�d plans required to upgrade secondary sewage t�eatment plant. Revamped Police Department operation. Village Manager (1973-1974) Saranac Lake� New York Statutory VI{age Manager responsible to five member Board of Trustees elected at-targe. Di�- ected all personnei activities and contract negotlatlons wlth state affiUated union. Prepared budget far a!t operating departments. Wrote and received outdoor recreation and highway im- provement grants for this resort community. As Pubiic Works Director, supervised snow removal, road repairs and d�ainage instailation, new secondary sewage treatment plant, reservafr, water department, dam, municipal garbage col- lection and development of new landfill, plus �ecreation facilities including a ski stope, skating �inks and beaches. HEALTH CARE MANAGEMENT EXPERIENCE Nursinq Home Administrator (1976-1978) First Heaithcare Corp. (Division of Hilihaven� Inc.) Headquarters: Lexington, Massachusetts. Managed 160-bed skiifed nursing facility in Norwicn� Connecticut and 100-bed skiiled and in- tetmediate care facflity in Dover, New Hampshire. Maintained certificati�� with Me�icare� Med!- caid and J.C.H.A. as well as contracts wlth Veterans Administration. Responsibie fo� daily oper- ations, budgeting, purchasing� personnel administration; as weil as marketing of beds, collec- tion of bills, public relations, and nume�ous licenses and inspections related to state and fed- eral �egulations. Licensed originaily in Connecticut, and by �ecip�ocity throughout the U.S. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND REGIONAL PLANNING EXPERIENCE Consuitant Resource Recovery (1972-1973) Capitol Region Council of Govemments Hartford, CT With grani from the New England Regional Commission, conducted an extensive industry and Hartford market area feasibility study regarding solid waste resource recovery options. Emphasis was piaced on corrugated and newsprint recovery in addition to municipal collection and man- datory separation procedures and ordinances. r q ' • ■ . . . �� �� ��y EUGENE SCHI�LER Page 3 Communitv Development Action Plan Director (1970-1972) Windsor Locks, CT Mandated two year state/federal funded comprehensive planning program. Directed cltizen participation process resulting in over 100 cittzens writing a Town Master Plan. With aid of con- sultants, conducted economic analysis of tax base and trencls of devetopment in this hlghly industrialized suburb of Hartford. Unique feature of project was computerized, townwide pubpc opinion questionnai�e (2596 retum). EDUCATION 1977 Post Master's Deqree. Graduate levei licensing program in Geriatric Health Care Admin- istration at the University of Connecticut Schooi of Business Administration, Hartford, CT. 1975 M.P.A. Austin Dunham Bamey Schooi of Business and Pubiic Administration, Universtty of Hattford, West Hartford� CT. 1970 B.A. Bates College, Lewiston, ME. Conducted o�iginal research thesis regarding econ- omic/cultural impact of growing Puerto Rican community in one Connecticut city and participated in Ford Foundation Municipal Govemment Honors Seminar. ASSOCIATIONS AN� PRESENTATIONS Member of: American Association for Budget and Program Analysis American Society of Pubiic Administration Connecticut City and Town Management Association Connecticut Society of State Govemmental Accountants (President 9/84-9/B5, �ce President 9/83-9/84) Govemment Finance Officers Association Hartford Rotary Club Intemationaf City Management Association Recent Presentations to: - Annual University of Connecticut Institute of Public Service Workshops for Elected Officiats (Febn�ary 1984) on "Capital Improvement BudgetinQ." - Graduate/Undergraduate course titled "Housing Issues In The 1980's" (FaU 1983) at St. Joseph's College� Hattford, CT. - Annuat New Engtand Regionai Municipai Managers Conference (May 1983) on "Practicat Approaches to Program Budgeting as an Effective Planning Tool." REFERENCES ANO SAMPLES OF WORK AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST. CITY `OF S9.INT PAUL � � -��L/ OH'P'ICE OB' THE CITY COL7NCIL �r�.�� .,.,,......... 0 a t e ; y , �-�+�•�.�' Januar 23 1986 � C4MM (TTEE REPORT -ro = sa��r Pau i c�ty coun��� � FROM = Commii�tee OC1 RULES AND POLICY January 23, 1986 C N A l R JAN I CE RETTMAN COMMITTEE-OF-THE-WHOLE 1 . Approval of minutes from meetings held December 27, 1985 and January 16, 1986. . p� UP c/ 2. Resolution approving the appointment of Steven J. Prosechel to the position of Assistant to the Mayor I. __ . _._ ..__ . --- -- - _ _. {�(J� �, • p '-�- 3. Resolution approving the appointment of Eugene Schiller to the position of Director, Department of Finance and Management � Ser�:ces. �V C�y gpi,�, ' SEVENTH FLOOR 5AIIdZ'PAUL,MINNESOTA SS10Z � , .,�y.,.