86-112 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council . CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR Flle NO.-� �- /� Council Resolution Presented y Referred To � � N /`?-� C�� Committee: Date �—� �"��O Out of Committee By Date RESOLV,�D, that the proper :ity oi�'icials are herepy authorized and directed to execute an agreement wiih Model Cities health Center, Inc. whereby the City will provide various laboratory services via its Division of Public Health to said Center subject to the terms and conditions of said Agreement, a copy of which is to be kept on file and of record in the Department of Finance and Management Services. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas p�� Nays mm it Ser ices �'�""'Z In Favor Nicosia Scheibel Sonnen �_ A gainst BY Tvdeaes Wilson Jr��� � Q 1986 Form Ap oved b Cit A t ey Adopted by Council: Date � Certified P � b Council e BY gy. A►ppr by lVlavor: Dat -- � Fiv.� �j — 1986 Approv Mayor for Submis ' n o GYouncil By � PU�l1S��D ; !__-� :5 - i 9 � ��mmuni tT�P,,,.�►_°vi ceG DEPARTMENT �ll�"Ll� NO 326 (;ary Pechm2.�n . 'CONTACT 292-7716 PHONE December 19, 1985 DATE �e�� e� ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER (Clip All Locations for Signature) : � Department Director , Director of Management/Mayor 3 Finance and Management Services Director City Clerk Budget Director � � City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING AC7ION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : City signatures on an agreement between the Gity of Saint Paul through its Division of Public Health and Mode1 Cities Health Center, Inc. , whereby the City of Saint Pau1 wi11 provide laboratory servic to.Mode1 Cities Health Center, Inc. _ • � �" �1� COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: �---��� No stated value of contract. Model Cities Health Center, Inc, will reimburse the City of Saint Pau1 aceordin�; to an agreed upon charge schedule. No personnel impacts are anticipated. FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUNIBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of Transaction: per service quired if under $10,00Q) Funding Source: Activity Number: 33239 ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All Attachments) : 1. Agreement - original and three (3) c�IVED ",�.,'� 2 1986 . MAYOR'S OFFICE DEP TMENT REV CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes N Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes o/Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No�� Yes _� Insurance Attached: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 , �� r��� . � , CITY OF S�.INT PgUL :ii;:°;i;fiil . OFB'ICE OF THE CITY COIIi�TCZL Comm�.ttee Re art ' F Fi�ance, l�a.na�ement�. � Personnel Committ�ee. - JANUARY 23, 1986 l. Approval of minutes from meeting held January 16, 1986. approved -��,� ' s�risa�al�;���meut �, �' , - �1'► '� �3� w��:��,� var#.+c� ,�:'``'��` '��' <�;� � 3. Resolution approving intent of Council that provisions of C.F. 85-I.150 (reimbursement of relocation expenses) shall be retroactive to date this resolution is approved. approved _ 4. Resolution amending Section 19 of the Civil Service Rules concerning Leave of Absence. laid over indefinitely 5. Resolution approving 1986-1987 Memorandum of Understanding for Confidential and/or Superivsory City AtCorneys. approved -- __ _ _ _ 6. Resolution amending the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution to change the compensation for the position of Human Rights Analyst- - Researcher. laid over to 2/6 7. Resolution transferring the Police Department`s data entry personnel to the Citywide Information Services Division of the Finance and Management Services Department. apQroved CITY HALL SEVENTFi FLOOR SAINT PAUL,1�1I�i1NESOTA 55102 °'�`a° . ' ' ' (!/_-_'`�,--//�='-' AGR�TIT F�2 LA�ORATO�ZY SERVICES AN PGREEMEN!', m�de and entered i.nto this /,���� day of l��C E��� , 1985, by and between the City of St. Paul, a nainicipal corporatian of th�e State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the "City", acting throuqh its Division � of Public Health; and Model Cities Health Clinic, Inc. hereinafter referred to as "1�I�". WITI�SSETH: t�RF.AS, the_City has the facilities and the expertise £4r-_�tY�e: grwision of — _ laboratory services; and �EAS, N�HC is permitted to contract far the perforn�ance of labaratory services; and 4�RREAS, it is deeired in the best interest of both parties to contract for said service; �, �E, IT IS MUIUALLY AGREED by and between the City and 1►�Fl� as follows: 1. That the City agrees to �ovide at its Public Health Center all. materials, equip�nent, and personnel necessary for the testing of specimens and samples as contained in this contract. ' . - � . � C�T�� !�-�-� � � . 2. That the City will provide MCHC with a list of the prices that will be charged for its services during the calendar year attached hereto as Exhibit A, and incorporated into this agreement, This list shall be updated annually and presented to NCHC at least forty-five (45) days before January 1st of each year. 3. That the City agrees to submit to I�I� a quarterly report of laboratory services and charges showing the type of laboratory services pr�ided arid the identification of costs. Upon receipt of such report, payment will be made bp 1+�I� within thirty (30) days. 4. The City agrees to defend and hold harmless � for any damages, clai.�, or suits arising out of the performa,nce under this agreement up to tlie limit of its tort liability. 5. That at all times the City agrees that its employt�es, aqents� and volunteers are independent c�tra�tors as to the MCI�C and not employ�s of 1�I3C, 6. Nothing in this agreement shall be construed as limit�g the right of independent oz�eration of eithex the City ar N�I-� or the affiliation or contract with any other institution or agency while this agreement is in effect. 7. That not withstanding any other pr�isions herei.n, this aqreexr�nt may be terminated by either party with or without cause upon thirty (30) days� written notice. Charges which have accrued for services ren�ered shall survive any termination of this agreement. / � . . ' /fJ=- :�G - /�==. ; 8. That any alteration, variation, modification or c�iver of the prwisions of this agreement shall be valid only when they have been reduced to writing, signed by each party and attached to the original of this agreement. 9. That terms of this agreement sha1T be in force and effect as of December 1, 1985, and shall remai.n in force and effect unless terminated by either party hereto pursuant to paragraph seven (7) of this A�greement. � IN WITI�SS V�REOF, tY� parties have set their hanc3s the date first written above: . A'lODEL CIT.I�S HEALTH CEI�TPEEt, Il�IC. CITY OF ST. PAUL � • • + / � ; - BY: �� �''�� � , ���/����1 �� �~ ..�.-.- i��-��:�- ��`���Directar, Department " Y!�,�of Catminit Services I'I'S: �cutive Director � y Disector, Department of Finance of Management Services APPRWED AS TO FC�M: ' / //� '' /� ,�i� � j% ; ,�/� , . . � ` .�`i/�`• ��'/', �,/ . C i y torney � ' 12/11/85 : , . ' ., .: • �.�=�yl.• -1/.:�---�" � EXEiIBIT A 1985 1986 Complete Blood Count w/o Differential $ 4.25 $ 4.25 Complete Blood Caunt w Differential 5.30 5.35 Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HAA) 6.40 6.50 Hegatitis B Core Antibody 7.00 7.10 Ferritin 6.40 6.50 Blood Lead 8.00 8.00 �P 1.40 1.45 Pregnancy Test (Serum or Urine) 5.15 5.25 Rautine Culture 7.00 7,15 Urine Culture 6.95 7.00 Antibiotic Sensitivity 6.50/ 6.60/ organism arganism Throat Culture 2.05 2.15 Sputum Sn�ar and Culture (TB) 13.10 13.50 Distilled/Deionized water will be prcivided free of charge.