D00777CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR � Approved Copies to: - City Clertc (Origina!) - Finance DepYs Accounting Division - Requesting Dept ADMWISTRATIVE ORDER: BUDGET REVISIOIV CURRENT APPROVED AMENDED ADMINISTRATNE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section '10.07A of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of Human RigMs to amend the 1995 budget of the General Fund fund, the �irector of the Finance and Management Services Depar6nent is authonzed to amend said budget in the following manner. DEPARTMENT & DIVISION: LEDGER, FUND, ACTNITY, OBJECT, PROJECT Human Rights GL-001 00152-0218 Fees-Attorney GL-001 00152-0219 Fees - Other Professional Services GL-001 00152-0221 Postage GL-001 00152-0241 Printing-Outside GL-001 00152-0242 Duplicating GL-001 00152-0245 Publications/Advertising GL-001 00152-0856 Data Processing Software GL-001 00152-0857 Data Processing Hardware •ll Other Activity Spending � y � No: � 1 � Date: f Z' � ' � BUDGET CHANGES BU�GET 2,OS0 11,950 3,402 2,614 4,088 1,500 0 U 6U5,998 631,632 (1,500) (9,000) (300) (300) (2,400) (1,40Q) 1,40Q t3,5U0 0 580 2,950 3,102 2,314 1,688 100 1,400 13,500 605,998 631,632 i� -/l - �� Date /.7 i/ ° l.� Date ��- ��-�� 1�(Yl��t�l DEPABTMENT/OPFICE/COUNCIL DATE INRIATED � v � � O xuman Rights q� �. �} 12[11/95 GREEN S� �- 3 0 9 61 "' CONTACTPERSON&PHONE �DEPAFlTMENTDIRECTOR E GT'CAUNCIL INRIALlDATE JOSephiOr BroWn, 266-8964 assiex � crrvnrroeNer � CT'CLERK NUYBEfl FOR UST BE ON COUNpL ACaENDA eV (DA'f� p��� � BUDGET DIRECTOR `�/ � FlN. & MGf. SFAVICES Dlfl. 12 /95 OitDER O�pypR (OR ASSISTAI3� � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� acrroN aEnuESreo: Approval of Year End Budget Expenditures RECOMMENDAT7oNS: npprove (A) ar Fiejoct (R) PfiFi50NAL SERVICE CONTAACTS MUST ANSWEH THE FOLLOWINCa QUESTIONS: _ PLpNNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION �� Has this personffirm ever worked untler a coMract for ihis depaAment? � _ CIBCOMMITTEE _ YES NO . — �� F 2. Has this personffirm ever been a ciry employee? — YES NO _ DISTRIC7 COUpr _ 3. Ooes this parsoNfirm possess a skill not nurmalty ppssessetl by any curte�t city empbyae? SUPPORTS WHICH CAUNCIL O&IECTIVE? YES NO Expfain all yes answers on seperate shaet and attaoh to green sheet INITATING PROBLEM, ISSUE. OPPORTUNITV (Who. What. When, Where. Why)� Repiacement of aging/malfuncdoning Data Processing Equipment and Software Upgrades ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: The Department can condnue to provide efficient and effecrive services and reduce high maintenance costs. DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: None RECEIVE(� DEC 13 1995 �{TY CLER� OISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED. Equipment failure and high maintenancelrepair costs and negative impact on service delivery. TAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ 14'9OO COS7(REVENUE 9UDGETED (CIRCIE ONE) YES NO General Fund 00152 FUNDI(dG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBEFi FINANCIAL INFORMATfON: (EXPIA{N) �i j , . �� �