86-86 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FI NO. � `a 1'' FINAL ORDER :'°' ' � '� � By File No. ���� Voting In the Matter of tbi o�ritio�► of dr s�or� trt,ni�r� stsat I.i�tia� s�►st� !or Ward !� 3� � !�t tbe �oatiss et �aawr� tbrr �s�es, 1956► tt�s Z fallari� straetss Both sides �� n=� strset - irM Wlt #ts'�ast t� Jscluo4 �ts'Mt ., Both si�es �� fi�c�Y lttt�t - i�ca� 1�11 ttsw�t to Jaelc�s fti'�st � Both sides uy� stl�lt - fs'e1w �'at=t!� St�t to sl�1rl�li BtrNt � Both sides W�ts =t=Mt ' traw ton='tit $Ls�Mt to t�eltr itt�lt a1w East side J�arA �ttrMt - ira� �iftw stst�t te �istil itl�sL i ,� � . � ':� :� :� ,, � � � under Preliminary Order o S —���O� approved /�_�/—��' =� _ � The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the Council: Date �AN 2 8 �986 Yeas �e1t Nays r'l.e0ii� Certified P ed by Council Secreta �eibll `����� � In Favor � �M.. � Against i111�wt � Mayor JAN 3 0 1y�� PUB�lSHED �r° � - 19 8 6 CITY OF I�AINT PAUL ���- �/� � OFFIQE OF THl�GITY COIIN�IL � .• �� �ie iii - D 0 f 2 t January 22, 1986 COMMITTEE RE PORT : T0 + Saint Paui Ctty Council FROM � Committee Oh PvsLic woxxs C H A I R, CHRIS NICOSIA � � . —..___ The Public Norks Committee at its meeting of January 22. 1986 took the following action: Hearin Date ;.;,;.: �' t ,6 e January thru December, 1986. the folloNing streetss Both sides East Fifth Street - fran Wall Street to Jackson Streeti Both sides East S1xth Street - from Nall Street to Jackson Street; Both sldes Sibley Street - from Fourth Street to Seventh Street; Both stdes Wacouta Street - from Fourth Street to Seventh • Street; and East side of Jackson Street - from Fifth Street to Sixth Street. ���� �rlrva�. 2. 1/28/86 FINAL ORDER: To decide on the above standard street lighttng system for the SELBY-WESTERN AREA for the months of January thru Oecember, 1986 the folloNing streets: Selby Avenue - from Arundel Street to Virginia Street; East Side Arundel St. - from Selby Avenue to 172.5 feet south� and Nestern Avenue - from 120 feet south of Selby Avenue to Dayton Avenue. Recomnended approval. 3. 1/28/86 FINAL ORDER: To decide on the above standard street iighting operatton co�ts for the decorative lighting system in the foliowing proJect area for the months of January thru December, 1986: Both sides of Grand Avenue from 260 feet West of Vtctoria to 100 feet east of Dalei Both sides of Victoria Street fran I50 feet north of Grand to 150 feet south of Grandf West slde of St. Albans Street from Grand to I50 feet north of Grand and East side of Dale Street from Grand to 150 feet north of Grand. Referred back to Counctl without recamiendation. 4. 1/28/86 F1NAL ORDER: To dectde on the operating costs of the above standerd street lighting system on the North slde of Ford Parkway from Mlssissippi River Blvd. to 713.02 feet east of Kenneth Street; South slde of Ford Parkway from Mtsstssippt River Blvd. to 587.13 feet east of , Kenneth Street; West side of Cleveland Avenue from 95.65 feet north of Scheffer Avenue to 265 feet south of Ford Parkway and East side of Cleveland Avenue fran 240 feet I ��� � 1�/ r., � north of Eleanor Avenue to 222 feet south of Ford Parkway for the months of January thru December, 1986. Recommended approval. 5. RESOLUTION: authorizing an indemnification agreement between the City and the Chicago and North Mestern Transportation Company for the storage of the Hazel Avenue Pedestrlan Brtdge truss on Transportation Company property. Laid over in Committee to 2/5/86. 6. RESOLUTION: amending the t985 budget by transferring ;10,t01 from Contingent Reserve to Public Norks-Lighting Operattons and Matntenance. Withdrew resolution because 1985 budget cannot be changed in 1986. 7. RESOLUTION: amending Chapter 113 pertaining to snow removal - this change will remove exemption of weekends and holtdays from the tlme the dtvision 1s required to ellow for removal of snow 8 ice from stdewalks. Laid over in Comntttee to 2/5/86. 8. PETITION of St. Paul Port Authority to consider approval . of a Registered Land Survey located in the Red Rock Industrial Dlstrict between Barge Channel and Red Rock Road. Recommended approval. 9. PETITION of the St. Paui Port Authority for approval of a Registered Land Survey i� Red Rock lndustrial District between Barge Channel and Htghway 61. Recommended approval. 2 ,,,,.,..,,, .�� lT T R,1j���1 •,- �F I��)/� . ��'t' .- 7.J • �o '•. a� SAINT PAUL CITY COUNCIL ��n��iiiii �; ��� �-�� �� nn �un �.. '''�'' "c PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE . ff� �s���o� PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT CONSTRUCTION City Council District # 2 District Planning Council # 17 File No. 18321 Dear Property Owner: � To decide on whether to proceed with the operation of the PURPOSE above standard street lighting system for the LOWERTOWN area for the months of January through December, 1986: AND LOCATION East Fifth Street from Wall Street to Jackson Street East Sixth Street from Wall Street to Jackson Street Szbley Street from Fourth Street to Seventh Street Waucota Street from Fourth Street to Seventh Street and Jackson Street from Fifth Street to Sixth Street HEARING Tuesday, January 28, 1986, at 10:00 A.M. City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall - Court House . _ If the Council approves this project, a portion of the costs FINANCING will be assessed (after construction) against benefitted INFORMATION Properties. The cstimated assessments for this project are � as follows: ESTIMATED EXCESS COSTS OF OPERATING SPECIAL LIGHTING $10,197 ESTIMATED COST PER ASSESSABLE FOOT $1.35 The City Council will hold another hearing in the fall of • 1986 to ratify the assessments. You will receive a notice at that time advising you of the exact amount that you will be required to pay. QUESTIONS Lighting: 292-6293 Assessments: 298-5317 Also, City staff will be available to answer any last minute questions on this project in Room 218 City Hall from 9:30 - 10:00 A.M. the same da as the hearin . MA P N ;'`',4� January 10, 1986, 5'.>',�! �� Noti ce sent ;,-`; ✓� '�'��-\ _ .i;� /;<;.:i'L�� by the Val uati ons and `,;%�'���;;, � %��� � Assessment Division, �1��� ''�'�� ;:;�':.�� Department of Fi nance , �..; �' ��9 `J � ;�::. 1 '� o� C���r // and Mana ement Servi ces, ' S�'k�';'>!;,,' �. • �'� ' �``�' � ' !`�\ � 9 , , � �_ ���,• ;,� �!7 � Saint Paul , Minnesota 55102 � ;+ 'y�� �, � : � / \ - /. �� � . /� 1 !1.{' �' \� // R.`f r��j\� �l�% � � \: i a '� � ��i ;�\��`'^4�,i�� \!Qf.t^t' tiy` � �? ` d i� �>' i r �A �i ��1'Q��`�,�f , iS,;�; �o � �f` ��r'� �-M('a�Y�E r� L'�'�'i ' ` �% , �'� �. ';S A�. ';/�/ ` �1 � ��- �i; , P�A$Y OItDBi' � Coundl File No.85-1T42--By Clu�ts Nicosia— . , �,: _ .._ In the�atter of tbe operation of the above standard��reet.l�h� tor the LOWERTOWN AREA ior the m+onths of January t�ru�ecem��;�fie tollowing streets in Voting Ward 2: :� East�'itth Street lrom Wall St.to Jsckaon 3t. Esst Siath Street from Wall St.to Jackson St. Sibley Street from Fourth St.to Sevezith St. . Wacouta Street from Fourth St.to�"renth St.and � ' Jac��i^6�t irom F'!#�h St.to St. . Tli�Cou�cii o!the City of Saint Paul having r�ived the ' rt o#:�he��ror�..ti upon_the above uriprovement, and havfng considered sai�regort. hereby � resolv+es: _ . �,< , , _ , _ :. : 1. That the said report and the same�s herebq agproved with no alternatives,�� sad that the estimated cost thereof is$1a,197,financed by assessments. , �.'That a public hparing be had on said improvement oa the 8 th � �u�.1986�a�1Q:04�'clock a.m.,in the Council Chambers oi the Ci-� � wuri�c tsuuaiag�n:the Cit��Ssiat Paul. , 3. That notice oi said pubi�c hearing be given to the persons�an� in't�ie : manttezpi�ovided bg th�e Charter,stating the time and piace of hearing,the nature ; oi the improvement aad the total cost thereoi as�timated. �'+ File No. 18321 .� � _ 1. Adopted by the Coundl December 31, 1985. - - A�tproved January 2,1986. _ , 3. ; (�TBn�ar3'11, 1988) _ . ';�,,�